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We are living in an AGE OF FAIRNESS, in an age of creativity, social fairness, racial fairness, inclusiveness, diversity, etc. etc.  It is a RENAISSANCE.

We have left the Stone Age.  We have left the DARK AGES.  We have left the ENLIGHTENMENT and the renaissance which followed the Age of Enlightenment and we have left the Age of Secularization which followed the Age of Enlightenment.

We have entered an age of rational compassionate fairness and religious ferocity.

Some people now realize (1) Black people are just people; (2) they are not an inferior race or a violent race of people; (3) they have suffered many grave injustices, including slavery, systematic anti-Blackness, and inequality of opportunity (a) for an education, (b) for employment, (c) for housing, and for health care.

Some people now realize (1) doing the right thing is just, is justice in action; (2) everybody wants justice; (3) justice is eternal; (4) evil is only temporary, evil doesn’t last; its not the light at the end of the tunnel that counts, it is the light within that counts.


Nearly 95% of the counties that have had protests in the past few weeks are majority white, 75% are more than 75% white.  The age group with the largest share of protestors was people under 35 and the income group with the largest share of protestors were those earning more than $150,000.00


  • In Minneapolis the City Council pledged to dismantle its police department.
  • In New York, lawmakers repealed a law that kept police disciplinary records secret.
  • Cities and states across the country have passed laws banning choke holds.
  • Mississippi law makers voted to retire their state flag, which prominently includes a Confederate Battle emblem.

According to a poll from the Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation, one in five Americans said they had participated in a protest since the beginning of the Trump administration.


In recent weeks, 15 million to 26 million people in the United States have participated in demonstrations over the death of GEORGE FLOYD and others.

The Women’s March in March 2017 had a turn out of about 3 million to 5 million on a single day.

The civil rights marches in the 1960s all together had hundreds of thousands of participants, not millions

Across the United States there have been more than 4,700 demonstrations, or an average of 140 per day, since the first protest began in Minneapolis on May 26, 2020. Turn out has ranged from dozens to tens of thousands in about 2,500 small towns and large cities.

On June 6, 2020, half a million people turned out in 550 places across the United States to protest against police brutality and for racial justice.


According to a poll from the Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation, one in five Americans said they have participated in a protest since the start of the Trump Administration, and 19% said they were new to protesting.

[This post has been revised four times.  I began typing this post in May, 2020.  The above sections of this post were typed and added to this post on July 13, 2020.]


This post is still a work in progress.

I have rewritten this post three times and I am now revising it for the fourth time.

This is the fourth revision of this post.

This post is still a work in progress.

I am still writing, editing, and revising this post because I believe it is vital to be pushing the conversation on the important social issues of (a) racial injustice,(b) racism, (c) protests against racial injustice, (d) law enforcement reform, (e) the shut down of the economy in the Unites States and other countries to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, and (e) Russia’s and China’s efforts to dominate the world and to destabilize and to destroy American society and the American economy.

People are feeling the pain of the coronavirus pandemic.

The pandemic effects (a) people’s health, (b) the health of the economy, and (c) how safe things are. and how safe it is to do things.

The pandemic exposed big problems of our time that connect [(a) health care, (b) race, (c) inequality, (d) racial injustice] and foundational personality traits [(a) empathy, (b) dignity, and (c) human decency] each of which have now become political issues

People are working tirelessly to advance civilization.

The Black protestor in the photograph above is carrying a sign which reads:

“Telling me that I’m obsessed with talking about racism in America is like telling me I’m obsessed with swimming when I am drowning.”

On July 4, 2020, at protests and counter-protests, in Richmond, Virginia, White Supremacists, Black Lives Matter people, and armed Black Men sang “God Bless America” together at the same time, at the same place.

TODAY: The citizens of the United States are intensely engaged in a propaganda thought control war – an ideology war about racism.

Getting history right is of great importance in present thought control wars.


In the last two months, people living in the United States have lived through a series of convulsive events.

Before GEORGE FLOYD was murdered on May 25, 2020 the world, including the United States, was being battered by the Coronavirus pandemic.

One part of the world economy after another was shut down: people were literally locked down; people were ordered to shelter-in-place; businesses were ordered to close; businesses closed; schools were ordered to close; schools closed.

People’s lives and the business world was turned upside down in an attempt to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus.

This caused people to become extremely stressed out.

Forty million Americans had lost their jobs as a result of the lock-down before GEORGE FLOYD was murdered.

Then GEORGE FLOYD was murdered.

Then a video of the murder of GEORGE FLOYD was broadcast on social media.

Then the same video was broadcast on conventional media and news outlets.

The murder of GEORGE FLOYD, the callousness of the police officers responsible for his murder – their belief that they would suffer no consequences from the authorities – the man crushing GEORGE FLOYD’S neck for almost nine minutes staring straight into the cameras of bystanders who were taking videos and taking pictures of what he was doing – and the lack of an immediate response to GEORGE FLOYD’S murder by the Minneapolis police department was more than the world could take.

Then the local district attorney for the City of Minneapolis decided no crime was committed – that was more than the world could take.

People went into the streets to protest police brutality, social injustice and systemic social injustice.  They went into the streets to protest for racial justice.

After watching videos of GEORGE FLOYD being murdered, and hearing about and seeing additional videos of other black men being murdered while in police custody, it was universally believed – and universally agreed – that police treated black people as if black persons’ lives did not matter.

Intense protests and discussion of policing, racial injustice, racism, and white supremacy followed.

NBA superstar Michael Jordan treated:

“We must never turn our backs on senseless brutality. We need to continue peaceful expressions against injustice and demand accountability.”

People became sensitized to the words “racism” and “protest.”

Currently, the most searched words on Google are “racism” and “protest.”

Currently, the best selling book is Ibram X. Kendi’s book HOW TO BE AN ANTIRACIST.

People received videos that showed black and brown men and women being killed by a one white policeman or by a group of white policemen, people received videos showing the use of excessive force by police, and people received videos of events that took place at protests that followed.


The United States has a history of protests – remember the Boston Tea Party.

Before the 13 British Colonies declared their independence from Britain, White Americans dressed as Indians stormed a British ship in Boston and threw its cargo of tea into Boston Harbor as way of protesting “taxation without representation” – taxes imposed on the American Colonials by the British government.

There were massive citizen protests against the Vietnam War during the Vietnam War.


Americans know their government lies to them.

That is what the Pentagon Papers [published by the New York Times and the Washington Post] lawsuit was about.

The American government lied to the American people about the Vietnam War.

The Pentagon papers exposed the governments’ lies.

The Nixon administration tried to stop publication of the Pentagon Papers.

The Nixon administration was unable to stop publication of the Pentagon Papers.


While the Vietnam War was raging, people of all ages protested against the war at protest rallies.

Song writers wrote songs protesting the war.

Popular singers like Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Simon and Garfunkel, Crosby Stills Nash and Young (CSNY), and many other leading song-writers-singers wrote and sang songs protesting the Viet Nam War.

In “Teach Your Children” CSNY warned we’re bound to repeat mistakes of the past if we don’t do our best to “teach our children well.”

“Teach YOUR children/ To believe and

“Make a world that/ We can live in.”

That song asks parents to teach their children to be kind … and to understand the why’s of our values.

“Four Dead in Ohio”, a CSNY song penned by Neil Young, is heralded as the the ‘ultimate protest song’ of the turbulent 1970s.

The lyrics evoke the utter shock and moral outrage felt by the Nation following the shootings of college students protesting against the Vietnam War on the Kent State College campus.

The chorus chant “Four Dead in Ohio,” coupled with the lyric line “Tin Soldiers and Nixon coming” refer to the Ohio National Guardsmen who shot and killed four students during the campus protest.

“Four Dead in Ohio” was banned from some AM radio stations because of the challenge to the Nixon Administration in the lyrics but received airplay on underground FM stations in larger cities and college towns.


In 1833 free black people were banned by the State of Alabama by law from living in Alabama.

Jim Crow laws have been common in the South – separate bathrooms for white people and black people, etc. – even after Sputnik was launched by the Soviet Union.

Lynching of Black People was common at the time Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated.

From 1915 to 1970, almost six million black people fled the Jim Crow South for northern and western states

People in power – such as President Donald Trump – are trying to deny Black People and Brown People and Native American Indians the opportunity to vote by impeding the use of mail-in ballots.


LeBron James, NBA team owners, and stadiums are stepping in to make sure that BLACK people will get to vote in the upcoming elections.

Stadiums in which NBA games are usually played will be turned into polling places before elections take place later this year.

Lyft has committed to offering free rides or discounted rides to people who need transportation to get to voting places.

White People, Black People. and Latino People are demanding that police departments be defunded; that police conduct be changed; and even that police departments be disbanded.

People are demanding that police procedures be changed – that when police are deployed what they are allowed to do be tightly regulated.

Law enforcement reform has become a hotly discussed topic.

The City of Los Angeles’ city budget has been changed – the amount in the City budget previously proposed be allocated to the police department was reduced in the current city budget – as a result of these demands.

The County of Los Angeles’ budget has been put on hold while the County Supervisors study what is to be done with respect to the amount of money in the County’s budget that is to be allocated to the Sheriff’s Department.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has cut $1 Billion from New York City’s $6 Billion budget for the police department.

The Democrats in the House of Representatives have passed a reform bill which (a) restricts the use of choke holds, (b) bans no-knock police raids, (c) will create a police officer misconduct registry, (d) lowers the threshold to prosecute a police officer to “if they show ‘reckless disregard for someone’s life.'”

ASIDE: Police Officer Derek Chavin – the police officer who killed GEORGE FLOYD – already had 18 complaints lodged against him before he killed GEORGE FLOYD by kneeling on GEORGE FLOYD’S neck for almost nine minutes.


A majority of Americans have come to believe that what happened to GEORGE FLOYD is part of a broader pattern of excessive police brutality towards African-Americans.

Information supporting that thesis keeps coming in.

White people have heard from multiple black sources that black mothers tell their children what to do when they see a police officer in order to stay alive.

White people have seen unarmed black men being killed by while police officers – either shot or strangled.

On June 29, 2020, the New York Times reported finding at least 70 people who had died while in police custody over the last decade, after saying [like GEORGE FLOYD said before he died] “I can’t breathe.”


Many people are fed up wit the concept of White Supremacy, the existence of White Supremacy, and the existence of monuments that celebrate White Supremacy.

People have started tearing down and defacing monuments which they feel glorify white supremacy.

People have successfully demanded that many statues honoring white supremacists be removed from public places.


The most famous statue to be removed is a statue of President Theodore Roosevelt.

Theodore Roosevelt was a eugenicist – a person who believed in the superiority of the white race.

People demanded that the statue honoring Theodore Roosevelt (statue pictured above) of Theodore Roosevelt on a horse and a Black Man and an American Indian beneath him  at the entrance of the American Museum of Natural History in Manhattan be removed.

The American Museum of Natural History announced that it is going to remove the statute.


An intense discussion of the impact of what statues and names represent is on-going – which is a discussion of what constitutes promotion of white supremacy – what promotes the idea that the white race is superior to the black race, and/or what promotes the idea that people who belong to white race are superior to Native American Indians.

People have demanded that statues that celebrate Confederate Generals who fought to maintain slavery be torn down or removed because they glorify and honor the idea that black people are inferior to white people.

Native American People and other people have demanded that the name of the Washington Redskins NFL football team and the name of the Atlanta Braves MLB team be changed.


Above is a photo of the June 26, 1970 magazine cover of A Midwest Newspaper of Women’s Liberation.

The  quote (1851) in the photo above (copy below) was written by Sojourner Truth:

“The man over there says women need to be helped into carriages and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages or over puddles, or gives me the best place — and ain’t I a woman?

“Look at my arm!  I have plowed and planted and gathered into barns, and no man could head me — and ain’t I a woman.  I could work as much and eat as much as a man – when I could get it – and bear the lash as well? and ain’t I a woman?

“I have born thirteen children and seen most of them sold into slavery and when I cried out with my mother’s grief none but Jesus heard me – and ain’t I a woman?

On January 26, 2020 the New York Times published a op ed piece written by Caroline Randall Williams’ arguing that that statues of Confederate Generals ought to be torn down.

Her op ed piece begins:

” I have a rape color skin,

“My immediate white male ancestors were all rapists.

“I am the descendant of black women who were domestic servants and white men who raped their help.

“I am more than half white and none of it was consensual.

“White Southern men – my ancestors – took what they wanted from the women they did not love, over whom they had extraordinary power and then failed to claim their children.”

Ms Williams’ op ed piece was widely read.


The discipline of art history, with its deeply European roots, framework and model, is the most powerful and enduring apparatus of imperialism and colonization.
Its a brilliant fabrication, it is ethnocentric.
It has an ethnocentric theme, with a perverse hierarchy of objects drawn along a regimental axis which has astonishing implications.
Such objects and their styles are manifest the tastes of the elite and ruling classes.
It is a totalizing scheme in which all human made objects must find their appropriate place and the view of the elite classes becomes what one art historian has called the “brain of the earth’s body: the most thoroughgoing and effective imperialistic gesture imaginable.”
What is configured is an articulation of colonization and imperialism that allows colonization to subsist despite the end of direct colonization.
Hierarchies of race, gender and class are imposed, and the message is that so called natives, indigenous, inferior, subordinate, subaltern, and nonwhite people are to be conquered, catechized, dominated, variously exterminated, variously dislodged.
The question to ask yourself is: “How can we provide, discover and assess histories that are more plural, inclusive, multiple, diverse?


While the present on-going intense discussion of police brutality, use of extremely excess force in policing, reform law enforcement, and removal of statues of racists has been in progress, a relaxation of steps taken to prevent the spread of coronavirus has recently taken place in many states..
As result of recent relaxation of orders designed to prevent the spread of coronavirus — relaxation of stay in place orders, relaxation of wear mask orders, relaxation of limitations on business operation there has been an unprecedented climb in the number of coronavirus infections in the United States.
The number of coronavirus infections in the United States in the past two weeks surged 65 % – 41,000 cases nationwide, including one day records in Nevada, South Carolina, and Florida.
On Monday, June 29, 2020, Dr. Anne Schuchat, M.D. Principal Deputy Director of the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention said, “The coronavirus is spreading too broadly and too rapidly for the United States to get it under control.”
As a result of the coronavirus millions of American who work for state and local governments will be layed off.
State governments, county governments, and city governments will be forced to further cut their payrolls in an attempt to balance government budgets in a time of decreased revenues and increased spending.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans who work for colleges and universities have already been layed off due to the absence of students on campus.
Those who depend on the spending of college students in college towns who have not already lost their jobs will lose their jobs if students due not return.
In rural college towns, such as Ithaca, New York, one out of two people’s jobs is dependent upon college student attendance at Cornell University and Ithaca College.
Recently, Cornell University announced in a 97 page reopening report that it plans to reopen.
When college campuses shut down, college student spending stops,
When college campuses shut down, it is a major economic disaster in cities that depend on college student spending.
When college campuses shut down it is a catastrophe for colleges and universities which depend on college enrollment fees and depend on revenue from collage dormitories.
Colleges and Universities which depend on revenue from college football, and other college sports will take a big hit..
The number of Americans who lost their jobs due to steps taken to prevent spread of coronavirus prevention climbed from 40 million at the time of GEORGE FLOYD’S murder (May 25, 2020) to 48 million today (June 29, 2020).


We are no longer in charge of the economy, the coronavirus is.
The coronavirus and the murder of GEORGE FLOYD now govern how we look at things and how may of us act.
On June 30, 2020 the Wall Street Journal reported:
In Los Angeles officials estimate one in 140 residents is infected with COVID 19; a week ago the estimate was one in 400. Christian Ghaly, Director for Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, said the county could begin running out of hospital beds in the next few weeks.
Los Angeles officials have banned all July 4 fireworks displays and ordered beaches closed over the coming holiday weekend.
As Covid 19 rises the economy sinks.
Governors have no choice but to close more businesses as the infections spread.
Florida, Texas and California have reversed reopening measures in recent days, as Covid 19 infection rates and hospitalizations rise.
The State of New York has now imposed a 14 day quarantine on all passengers arriving from California.


Out of concern for the spread of coronavirus, Saudi officials effectively cancelled this year’s hajj.
Only about 1,000 people will be permitted to make the pilgrimage to Mecca, compared with 2.5 million who did so last year.


Everyone agrees that they should have respect for the people who protect them.

Last week the Tucson Police Department released a video showing Carlos Ingram Lopez, a 27 year-old Latino man, being restrained face down for for 12 minutes by police officers in April.  He died shortly after.

Many Latinos across the United States are calling out police brutality against their communities, echoing similar calls by African-Americans.

Everyone in the United States is now asking:

  1. Who protects them?
  2. Do the police protect them?
  3. How must police act in performing their duties?
  4. What should be done to rid police departments of the scourge of racism?
  5. What should be done to rid policemen, policewomen, and police departments from using excessive force?
  6. How must we, the people and our government, act to protect the police and to protect citizens from the police
  7. How must we and our government act to protect us from the spread of Covid 19>
  8. How must government act to protect people and businesses from loss of income and other impacts of mass unemployment caused by business shut downs ordered by the government?
  9. What restrictions should be imposed on businesses, social and religious gatherings, and protest rallies to prevent the spread of Covid 19?
  10. What steps, in any, should be taken to promote (a) equality, and to promote (b) racial equality?

Currently, the Federal Aviation Agency does not require airline passengers to wear masks to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Currently, the United States federal government does not require anyone to wear a mask to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

United States President Trump refuses to wear a mask to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

People question the leadership, intellectual integrity, vanity and immaturity of the top infectious disease expert in the United States, Dr. Anthony Fauci.

It is widely understood worldwide that the U.S. federal government failed and continues to fail in controlling the spread of the coronavirus.

Forty of the fifty eight states are currently seeing an increase in the rate of coronavirus infections.

The rate of new coronavirus infections in the United States is currently out of control.


The people tearing down statues, attempting to tear down statues, and demanding removal of statues are forcing us to ask ourselves:

  1. Who are our idols?
  2. Who should be our idols?
  3. What does a statue represent?

The majority of American voters support demonstrators against police brutality.

Many Americans see President Trump as being out of touch with the concept of racial justice.

Many Americans see President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as not understanding the difference between rewriting history and adding a new perspective to history by adding the experience of nonwhite people in the historical narrative.

The people in favor or tearing down or removing statues see statues as a standing memory which supports and honors white supremacy ideas and ideals.

They say the monuments must be torn down to strip the people honored of their laurels.

They say the statues are an emotional investment white people have in a legacy of hate.

The people who tear down and/or ask for monuments to be removed, mantra is:

“Do you mean to honor the oppressors at the expense of the oppressed ?

“If so, you have an emotional investment in a legacy of hate.”

People have been awakened through protests, and efforts to tear down or remove statues, to complaints about police brutality, racial injustice and systemic racism.

Protests in the United States have had a significant impact on our psyche.

On July 1, 2020, the Fort Lauderdale Police Department released nine minutes of body cam footage showing police officers laughing and celebrating after shooting protestors with rubber bullets during a May 31, 2020 protest against police brutality after the killing of GEORGE FLOYD in Minneapolis.

Fort Lauderdale Police Chief Rick Maglione said, “our officers were dealing with the chaos of a developing situation.”

The cover of the June 22/June 29, 2020 TIME Magazine bears the headline: “THE OVERDUE AWAKENING.”

The cover of the July 6/July 13, 2020 TIME Magazine bears the headline: “AMERICA MUST CHANGE.”


Before the events described above took place one out of three Americans were suffering from being in an extreme state of stress and anxiety.

They still are.

At least one out of three Americans are suffering from the trauma of fear of the unknown.

At least one in three Americans are in a state of  clinical depression.

Almost all Americans today cannot tolerate differences of opinion.

Their “nerves have been frayed.”

They are in a highly emotional state.

They are maxed out mentally.

The meaning of their life has been turned upside down by recent events.

Many forces are at play.

The amount and type of trauma being suffered by each individual depends upon such factors as:

  • the color of their skin;
  • their political beliefs;
  • their social beliefs;
  • where they are physically located – whether their local businesses have been burned down or looted and/or whether their local businesses are boarded up;
  • whether they have personally been victimized by prejudice or bias;
  • whether or not they are an immigrant, and if so their status as an immigrant;
  • whether or not their parent is an immigrant
  • their level of education,
  • their social status,
  • their income and their wealth;
  • their age and whether they are retired or working; and
  • whether they are employed or not.


The energy, momentum and motives of the people responsible for the current uproar about social justice differs from person to person.

The reactions to the uproar about social justice also differ from person to person.

If you are a Japanese American it might rub you the wrong way and it might be extremely irritating to you that Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s (FDR’s) picture is on all dimes in the United States.

FDR was the President who guided the United States through the Great Depression and World War II.

While FDR was president the U.S. government forced the relocation and internment of thousands of Japanese-Americans to detention camps during World War II.

The interment of Japanese-Americans was the culmination of the federal government’s long history of racist and discriminatory treatment of Asian immigrants and their descendants which had begun with restrictive immigration policies in the late 1800s.

At the time of internment, only three percent of Japanese-Americans were considered direct threats to U.S. security.

Two-thirds of the prisoners in the camps were native-born American citizens.


On March 18, 1942, the federal War Relocation Authority was established to “take all people of Japanese descent into custody, surround them with troops, prevent them from buying land, and return them to their former homes at the close of war.”

John J. McCloy, Assistant Secretary of War, remarked if it came to a choice between national security and the guarantee of civil liberties expressed in the Constitution, he considered the Constitution just a scrap of paper.


In the immediate aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack, more than 1,200 Japanese community leaders were arrested, and the assets of all accounts in the U.S. branches of Japanese banks were frozen.

On March 31, 1942 Japanese Americans along the West Coast were ordered to report to control stations and to register the names of all family members.

They were told when and where they should report for removal to an internment camp.

Japanese Americans were given from four days to about two weeks to settle their affairs and gather as many belongings as they could carry.

In may cases, individuals and families were forced to sell some or all of their property, including businesses within that period of time.

Nearly 2,00 Japanese Americans were told that their cars would be safely stored until they returned.

However. the U.S. Army soon offered to buy the vehicles at cut-rate prices and Japanese who refused were told that the vehicles were being requisitioned for the war.

Between 1942 and 1945 a total of ten internment camps were opened, holding approximately  120,000 Japanese Americans for varying periods of time, in California, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Arkansas.


On  December 18, 1944, the government announced that all relocations centers (internment camps) would be closed by the end of 1945.

The last of the camps was closed in March 1946.

With the end of internment, Japanese Americans began reclaiming or rebuilding their lives.


A presidential commission in 1982 identified race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership as the underlying causes of the government’s interment program.

Above information about internment camps obtained/taken from Encyclopedia Britannica.

ACA – 5

Many Japanese-Americans fear that allowing affirmative action (to achieve racial justice) will adversely effect their children.

An amendment to the Constitution of the State of California (ACA – 5) is set to go on the ballot in November, 2020.

The purpose of the amendment is to void a law that makes it illegal to use race as a grounds for admission to state universities.

Japanese American parents have signed a petition against enactment because they fear if admission to UCLA and UC Berkeley is not based on the academic excellence of the applicant, their highly academically successful children will be discriminated against – they fear their children will have a lower chance of gaining admission to a public university in the University of California system.


While Black Lives Matter leaders and followers are working tirelessly to advance civil society, let’s protect ourselves from doing stupid things because of mindless anger.

Let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water.

Although it is important to put an end to use of excessive force by police it is at least as important to to be protected from violent crimes committed by thugs and for firemen and police to be able to respond to emergencies and to not live in fear..

My research assistant has reported to me:

Before the murder of GEORGE FLOYD, a black police officer Mohamed Noor in the Minnesota police department MURDERED a white woman, Gustine Damond.

Her family was awarded $20 million in damages for her wrongful death in 2018.

Mr. Noor was sentenced in 2019.

A grave danger of being beat up and robbed by black thugs in Minneapolis was well known before Frye (the mayor of Minneapolis before GEORGE FLOYD was murdered by four Minneapolis) was elected mayor of Minneapolis.

While I was writing this post, my research assistant sent me videos of black thugs beating up and robbing white people on a street corner in Minneapolis before GEORGE FLOYD.


It has been reported to me that up to 20% of many cities’ annual city budgets come from revenue generated by fines related to traffic violations written by policemen.

Someone other than an official policeman can write up a ticket for being parked in a parking space after expiration of time paid for at a parking meter.

There is no need for policemen to write up parking meter expiration of time violations.

Running traffic lights — going through a red light — can be monitored and “caught” with cameras located at intersections instead of by a policeman stationed near a stop sign or traffic signal.

Traffic stops routinely made by policemen and policewoman riding in patrol cars need to be regulated.

Traffic stops by a police officer should not be allowed to escalate into a police officer killing an occupant in the vehicle stopped.

But they do so often that black parents instruct their children what to do if they are stopped by a policeman while they are driving a car in order to avoid being killed by that police officer.

People should not be afraid when they see a policeman in a police vehicle.

Do you know anyone who is not frightened when they see a police car near their own car while they are driving their automobile?

All police officers should be required to attend a six hour course, at least once a year, in which “racism” is defined, in which it is explained in no uncertain terms that racism is bad, in which it is made abundantly clear that racial profiling is not permitted, and in which it is made clear that police are supposed to treat people in as friendly manner as they would like to be treated by their neighbors..


The amount of the traffic fine assessed for a traffic citation should fit the crime.

Poor people should not be required to pay a fine beyond their means.

Fines should be related to means.


The burden of proof to obtain a conviction in a criminal trial is “it must be beyond a reasonable doubt. that the accused committed the crime charged.”

The burden of proof required for a plaintiff to prevail – to obtain a judgment – in a civil trial is “that it is more likely than not the defendant caused damage suffered by plaintiff.”

The burden of proof to obtain a finding of police misconduct against a police officer involved in traffic-stop shooting ought to be “it was unreasonable for the police officer who shot the victim to believe his LIFE was in jeopardy.”


According to FBI Crime Statistics, Black People are responsible for 50% of all murders and 50% of all strong armed robberies.

The vast majority of violent crimes (murder and armed robbery) are black on black crimes.

Black victims are most often the victims of violent crimes committed by black people.

Black people need to be protected by policemen and policewomen from violent crimes perpetrated by black criminals on them in their neighborhoods.

Police departments shouldn’t be de-funded unless necessary to implement a viable alternative system.


There are 500,000 violent crimes between people of different races per year.

In approximately 450,000 of those 500,000 violent crimes the victim is white and the perpetrator is black.

In approximately 50,000 of those violent crimes the victim is black and the perpetrator is white.

Although the black population is only 13% of the population, the black population is responsible for 50% of all murders, and 60% of all strong arm robberies.  The vast majority of these are black on black crimes.

Although 13% percent of the population of the United States is black, black people are responsible for between 24-26% of all hate crimes according to FBI statistics.

Information from FBI Statistics.

Information provided by my research assistant.


The number of young black men being arrested is going down.

Compared to 20 years ago, there are now half as many black men under the age 25 in prison.

Prison numbers come from Department of Justice.

Information from my research assistant.


Although almost everyone takes it for granted that there is systemic bigotry in America.

That is not true.

The fact that two and a half times as many black men are killed by police while in police custody than the number of white men killed while in police custody does not mean there is systemic bigotry in America.

It is inflammatory and self-destructive to claim that the majority of people in America are bigoted.

The majority of people in America are not bigots.

America is a county where capitalism flourishes.

That is one of the reasons immigrants immigrate to America.

America is a nation of immigrants.

Most people in the United States are highly ambitious.

All the people I know personally are highly ambitious individuals.

People can go from rags to riches in America.

For example consider Steve Jobs.

He was an orphan.

He had to drop out of college because he did not have the means to pay tuition.

Today the stock of the company he founded, Apple, is worth more than the entire net worth of the entire oil and gas industry,

Minorities are highly successful in America.

I personally know a number of spectacularly successful minorities.

I personally know that a high numbers and a high percentages of the graduates from the most elite universities in America are minority students.

Myself and my daughters attended elite universities in America.

When I was an undergraduate at UC Berkeley in 1964 – 1967, over 75% of the students in my chemical engineering classes were students who were – immigrants or foreign nationals – not born in the United States.

When I attended the graduation ceremony of my daughter at Cornell University, an Ivy League University in Ithaca, New York, about 25 years ago, it seemed to me that over 80% of the students receiving MS and PhD graduate degrees in scientific disciplines and in engineering fields had Asian names.

When I worked on a graduate degree (MS degree in biochemical engineering) in the Olin Hall School of Chemical Engineering at Cornell University in 1967 and 1968 the Dean of the School was a White man.  Today, the Dean of that School is a Black man.

A high percentage of the people earning the the most money working for tech companies in Silicon Valley are minorities; a high number and a high percentage of the most successful start-up companies in Silicon Valley and their founders are minorities-immigrants.

A high percentage of the managers of high tech companies in Silicon Valley, and elsewhere, are minorities.

Recently, the United States has had a Black President and a Black Attorney General.

Mayors and Chiefs of Police throughout the United States are Black.

In a big city like Los Angeles, more than 50% of the residents are either an immigrant or the child of an immigrant.

More that 200 languages are spoken in the City of Los Angeles.


Recent events shown on social media show unnecessary brutality and excessive use of force by policemen.

Policing needs to be humanized.


In John Grisham’s latest novel “Camino Winds”, as three characters are approaching a bridge to get back on an island that has been pounded by a hurricane, the following discussion takes place:

BRUCE You are not going to believe this. The cops have the road blocked this side of the bridge and they’re searching each car with dogs.  Can you please tell me why?

BOB: “Because they can.”

BRUCE: I mean, these people just had their homes and businesses blown away, so why would they want to sneak explosives onto the island? These cops are out of control.”

BOB:  “For the same reason they send SWAT teams to arrest people for bad checks. Because they can and it’s far more dramatic. These guys think they are as tough as Navy Seals and they have to prove it.  Look at all the military gear they wear. Why does every Podunk police department have a tank these days?  Because the Pentagon has too much stuff and sells it cheap.  Why do they send canine dogs units to sniff around the country fair? Because they have the damn dogs and need to use them. Don’t get me started.

BOB: “Why does every fender bender need three cop cars and four fire trucks?  Because these guys are bored, sitting around the station and they get their jollies racing up and down the streets with sirens screaming.  Tough boys in action.  They like to block traffic in all directions, makes ’em feel powerful.  They control the situation. Sniffing dogs.  Unbelievable. It’ll be midnight before we get there.”


There are many ways to weave together facts to tell a story.

News media compete with other news media for eyeballs.

Media sell a product (advertising) to advertisers based on the number of viewers that view what they broadcast, who those viewers are, and how much and what type of attention their viewers give them.

In July, 2020 over 100 brands that used to advertise on FACEBOOK will not be advertising on FACEBOOK as their protest against FACEBOOK for FACEBOOK disseminating misinformation and hate on its platform.

On Friday, June 26, 2020, Honda of America announced it will not advertising on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM because it has “chosen to stand with people united against hate and racism.”

Levi Straus & Co., said it will suspend advertising on FACEBOOK through the end of July because of FACEBOOK’S failure to stop the spread of misinformation and hate speech on its platform.

The North Face said, We’re in. We’re out.” — will stop posting content and advertisements on FACEBOOK through July.

Coca-Cola, Starbucks and others have temporarily stopped advertising o FACEBOOK in protest of FACEBOOK spreading misinformation and hate speech.


News is reported in a way that supports the views and desires of specific audiences.

That is why news/information is reported differently by different news media.

Each news outlet broadcasts information that supports the particular set of political/religious views/values of its audience and its advertisers.


People in social organizations, business organizations, religious organizations, political organizations, political parties, politicians, and highly specialized special interest groups, as well as governments, use social media such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to provide propaganda – information and disinformation.

So called “educational institutions” [Kindergarten through high school, colleges, universities, and specialized schools] provide information [which they call education] which fits the agenda of the people in charge.

Like the picture below of two wolves fighting to the death, social media and the so called news media and educational institutions tell stories (report information) differently.


Mary Beard reports in her book ‘HOW DO WE LOOK” that people have been engaged in wars and fights to the death about how to think, in which each side claims it is on the side of God and claims the other side is the devil.


People write history (and the news of current events reported by the media is) slanted to favor the values of a particular audience.

We have reached a place in human social evolution where you may now purchase your choice of color of Band-Aid from Johnson & Johnson.


Today, the most searched words on Google are “protest” and “racism.”



Saturday morning, June 13, 2929), I was sent a video titled ALL BOARDED UP.

The video consisted of a man talking as he is taking a video as he is driving on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.

The video showed one boarded up high end retail store after another.

In the video the narrator says, “The media doesn’t show us this.”

The narrator went on to say that the media does not want us to know that all the high end stores on Fifth Avenue were looted during the “protest rally” in Manhattan; the media does not want to wee all those broken windows, or that all the expensive merchandise in those high end stores was stolen.

That doesn’t fit with the narrative the media is selling.

The media is selling the narrative that the protests were all about injustice, the protests were all about the tragic violation of a black man’s (George Floyd’s) civil liberties.


For the past two weeks,  whether we like it or not, we have been living in GEORGE FLOYD’S AMERICA.


Will there be a statue of GEORGE FLOYD erected in Lafayette Park across the street from the White House?

Will there be a statute of George Floyd erected in parks in every city in the United States?

Will the will of the people expressed in who they vote for as next president of the United States be based on what has been happening with respect to COVID 19 pandemic and what has been happening as a result of the murder of George Floyd?



Who do we want to venerate?

Do we want to venerate George Floyd?

Will the protestors force us to venerate George Floyd?

Nobody’s back ground is perfect.

I’ve been told George Floyd spent years in prison for armed robbery.

I’ve been told George Floyd was sent to prison for having pointed a loaded gun at a pregnant woman’s stomach, then robbing her.

I’ve also been told that George Floyd served his time and went to Minneapolis got a job as a night security guard and wanted to turn his life around and to redeem himself.


People are tearing down statues, removing statues and defacing statues which they consider to be emblems of white supremacy – which they consider to be powerful and hurtful symbols of systemic racism.

Police have been using tear gas on protestors protesting police brutality and systemic racial injustice.  Police have shot rubber bullets at protestors and have senselessly roughed up protestors.

People not associated with the cause of racial justice have joined protest marches. Those people have set fires which burned buildings, and burned police cars; they have been looting and destroying stores, generally causing mayhem.

Let’s hope we don’t go to the next thing.



When I grew up Band-Aids came in only flesh color.  See photos below.


Now Band-Aids come in many flesh colors.

Band-Aids now come in many tones of color so that once a person puts one on it is the same color as that person’s skin.

Many years ago, 30 years back, the Crayola Company in an act of racial sensitivity, pulled the flesh colored crayon out.

Many years ago the Frito Lay Company did away with the Frito Bandito.

These acts of racially sensitivity came about without the enactment of any laws or the filing of any lawsuits.

About that band-aid, why not just make it clear so everyone’s true color shows through…because isn’t that what it is all about.

We are all unique.

Embrace the beauty of that.


I know a Hispanic woman who had an identity crisis when she transferred from a community college to UCLA.

When she arrive at UCLA, as a minority student, she was told she “had to join” a Chicano Club.

She attended one meeting.  At that meeting she was told her skin tone wasn’t dark enough; that she could pass as being “white” and therefore she wasn’t wanted, she wouldn’t be welcome as a member in the club.

When she told people she wanted to be a corporate lawyer, she was told not to do that.

Instead, she was told to get a PhD in Chicano studies, and learn in her PhD studies how oppressed an victimized Mexicans and other Latin people are in the United States of America.

They told her she would be selling out her “people/her race” if she went to law school and became a corporate lawyer.

She had an identity crisis. She had never thought she would be selling out her “people” if she went to law school to be a corporate lawyer.

She couldn’t relate.

Her parents are immigrants from Central America.

She had never in her entire life felt underprivileged or oppressed or victimized.

She had always felt privileged and still feels privileged to be living in America.

She had always thought, and still thinks, it is wonderful that in America she could/can borrow money to go to UCLA, then borrow more money to go to law school.


Consider the fact that Jesus Christ was not a White Man.

The divine body of Jesus was not white.

There were no white men in the Middle East when Jesus was born, or when Jesus was alive.

Jesus did not have blond hair, or blue eyes, or white skin.

Jesus was either black or an Arab with dark hair and darker skin.

Photo below is a mummy portrait from Roman Egypt.

Mummy portraits were painted in late first – early second century CE.

Photo above is taken from the coffin of a young man called Artemidoros, who died in the early second century CE, excavated at Hawara in Central Egypt.

His mummy is a wonderful combination of the traditions of Egypt, Greece and Rome, and a brilliant example of the cultural mix of the ancient Mediterranean.

His name is Greek and is written in Greek across his front.  “Artemidoros, farewell’ it reads. His face is a Roman portrait.

What will happen if and when White Supremacists realize that Jesus was black, that Jesus was not a while man?

What would happen to the psyche of all Americans if all the Jesus’ in all the churches in America were black or a shade of black?

What would happen to the the collective psyche of Americans if all the crucifixes in the United States of America had a black Jesus?

Would things be calmer or more peaceful in America?

Black is celebrated as being being beautiful in the Torah.

The Torah tells us Moses’ wife was black.

The Queen of Sheba, also, was black.


Jesus was a Jew and would have looked like the Jews of 1st century Judea at that time.

How Jews looked is not abundantly clear as Jews tended not to paint pictures of themselves and there was no photography.

At or about the 1st century — there were two main locations where Jews were located: Judea/Galilee and Babylonia.

There were also thriving diaspora communities in Byzantium (Istanbul), Alexandria (Egypt) and, of course, Rome.

Following the two failed Judean revolts against the Roman Empire of 65 and 135 most of the Judean Jews were dispersed in the diaspora.

The conventional wisdom is that the majority of Judean Jews stayed within the confines of the Roman Empire and ultimately were the forebears of the Ashkenazi diaspora.

Therefore it is most likely (an another point of view is) that Ashkenazi Jews with the more traditional Semitic features – such as Adam Sandler, Jeff Goldblum, or Jerry Stiller – are probably closer in appearance to Jesus than is a blond haired, blue eyed white man.


The only people who drew a lot of pictures were the Egyptians.

When drawing themselves they usually colored themselves in medium reddish-brown tones.

When drawing Semitic people — they would typically draw them as bearded with black and often curly hair, almond eyes, and either tanned or olive skin.

They also depicted black skinned Nubians as blond haired slaves.

The Egyptians artists were sensitive to skin tone when drawing subjects.

The Songs of Songs

A description of a Jew is found in the “Song of Songs” as follows:

“10. My lover is radiant and ruddy.

“11.  His head is gold, pure gold, his hair like palm fronds, as black as a raven.

“14. His arms are rods of gold adorned with gems; His loins, a work of ivory covered with sapphires.

“15. His legs, pillars of alabaster resting on golden pedestals.”

Alabaster and ivory are typically white.

Gold and ruddy could describe tanned or olive skin.

Black as a raven is black as a raven

Hair like palm fronds — in an imaginative person’s imagination could be a colorful simile for a Jewfro.

While this is not conclusive it is not consistent with a person that looked African or Southern Arabian.


The Bible doesn’t pay much attention to skin color, but there are inferences here and there.

So we have “Simeon who was called Niger,” (Acts 13:1) who may have been black, or else just a nickname, paired with “Lucius of Cyrene,” who may or may not have been black, being from Cyrene.


The Bible is much more interested in cultural differences, which to some is more fundamental and pertinent than race or skin color.

We’re all one human race, after all, but many cultures that overlap across races and skin colors.

All of us are the “skin colored people,” whichever color that might be.


One person (BEN) I spoke to told me:

“I think he was probably the exact same shade as Barack Obama. Apparently, there is something about that shad that can convince Jews to follow any idiocy.”

Another person (JOE)) I spoke to told me:

“If it’s sunny and bright in heaven – perhaps one’s spirit would get sunburned and be darker?  If it’s dark and no natural light in hell, one should be as white as snow.

“But no matter what color you are or skin tone if you figure out you are either in heaven or hell.”



Who cares? Race is an invention of the industrial era to divide and conquer people.  It is being used as such now to distract the populace and keep our minds enslaved.  Let’s not play their game.  I’d rather talk about Jesus’ philosophy of how to treat others than the color of his skin. If they want to paint him black, let them. If they want to make him into a cartoon, sure! Let’s just keep the conversation about what matters and let go of division.  Let’s elevate!


The image of God is a concept and theological doctrine in Judaism, Christianity, and Sufism of Islam, which asserts that human beings are created in the image and likeness of God.  If you believe in the Word of God, then you believe that we all can find something of ourselves in Jesus; so Veronica is correct.  There are no true images of Jesus because it is irrelevant because the artist would have only have chosen to place emphasis on the things important to the artist.  The Word of God therefore forbids us to make those images; yet we persist because like Sinatra, we all want to do it “my way.” As Veronica said we should be emphasizing the Words of Jesus, which I personally consider to be of great importance, rather than His appearance. God bless all of you. You might even consider reading the Bible to learn  what it says about this subject and many other things that affect our lives, I do each day!


Veronica you are absolutely right.  The importance is the philosophical and moral teachings not his complexion.

In many ways this is an angels on the head of a pin type argument.

But, its one relevance is that for centuries the image of Jesus was Europeanized in order to disconnect him from his Judaic roots.

I think this was psychologically necessary in order to justify the persecution of his religious and ethnic kin, along with so many other non-Europeans.

The Europeanizing of Jesus was not merely a means of better identifying with him and his teachings, but to claim him for yourself in much the same way that so many people claim God to be on their side hence, any opposition to our way of thinking is not merely a difference of opinion but also an affront to God and God’s will — thereby justifying my resorting to violence against those who would blaspheme.

To Africanize or Arabize Jesus would be doing the same thing.

Keeping him a Jew puts EVERYONE on exactly the same footing – he is no more European than African, Arab, Indian or East Indian.

You can partake of his philosophy and teachings but not on YOUR terms, but on his.

My gut instinct is that the rejection of Jesus’ Judaic roots is one of the reasons why Christians around the world for so many centuries have such an inglorious record of acting in every way but Christian.

Some people think the only thing that matters about a person – or the most important thing about a person – is the color of a person’s skin.

The more important thing is Jesus’ philosophy of how to treat others, which has nothing to do with the color of their skin.

In this time of civil unrest in the United States let’s be much better than wolves.


Wolves are intelligent, adaptable, fierce, and playful.


When strangers meet it usually results in a fight to the death.

Although a model of animal cooperation a wolf pack is not wholly harmonious.

Members are constantly being tested by more lowly wolves trying to rise up the ranks and such subordination must be dealt with quickly.

A wolf pack must defend its territory.

Without it, the pack cannot find food, cannot produce young, and will be forced to disband.

The pack patrols its borders regularly; if it encounters outsiders then its members have no choice but to attack.

Up to one fifth of all wolf deaths occur during these inter-pack bottles.

In this time of civil unrest, and new political realities, many persons are mustering the moral courage necessary to confront and solve problems with effective, honest and emphatic dialogue that seeks solutions rather than sowing seeds of division and disunity.


In connection with President Donald Trump giving the graduation address to the cadets at West Point, General Williams wrote a letter staking out the U.S. Army’s position on sowing seeds of division and disunity, a copy of which is set forth below.

The cadets who had been quarantined at home were ordered to come back for a graduation ceremony once President Trump informed the Army he would be giving the graduation address.

They sat six feet apart during the graduation ceremony.



President Trump caused an uproar of concern in the media and on social media about his health when he was photographed having difficulty walking down the ramp from the podium after having just given his graduation address to the graduating cadets.






An Assembly Constitutional Amendment relating to governmental preferences is pending in the California Legislature.

It states that Equal Opportunity is deeply rooted in the American ideals of fairness, justice, and equality.  It states that as a result of the passage of Proposition 209,  women and people of color continue to  face discrimination and disparity in opportunities to participate in numerous forms of association and work that are crucial to the development of talents and capabilities that enable people to contribute meaningfully to, an benefit from the collective possibilities of national life.

It states that disparity still exists, particularly for Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, Black Americans, Latino Americans, Native Americans, and women, which should be rectified.

You should read the full text of ACA 5.

Here are some of the statistics cited in ACA 5:

  • Women, particularly women of color, continue to face unequal pay for equal work.  White women are paid 80 cents to every dollar paid to white men doing the same work.
  • Black women are paid 60 cents for every dollar paid to white men doing the same work and would theoretically have to work an extra seven months every year to overcome that differential.
  • Since the passage of Proposition 209 underrepresented groups at the Berkeley and Los Angeles campuses of the University of California immediately fell by 60 percent and system wide enrollment fell by at least 12 percent.

In this bill state, is stated, “Underrepresented group high school graduates faced substantial long-term declines in educational and employment outcomes as a result of those changes.

The California Legislature has forcibly stated that the color of a person’s skin matters in the real world.




In a letter, dated June 16, 2020, to the LMU Community, President Snyder stated up front, “The killings of Black people – Rayshard Brooks, Tony McDade, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice and many others – resulted from anti-Black racism.”

He dedicated himself and LMU “…to eradicating systemic racism at LMU and addressing the histories and systems of injustice perpetrated against people of color, while also taking responsibility for LMU’s institutional complicity in the perpetuation of white supremacy.”

In his letter, President Snyder, listed ongoing and imminent actions at LMU including a review and change of the art and images in the University Hall:

We will change the art and images in University Hall as part of a broader effort to ensure that LMU reflects more inclusive and diverse representations of our shared history and community, under the guidance of the Committee of Public Art and Images.”

In the last paragraph of President Snyder’s letter, President Snyder states:

  “As is so with all of America society and culture, our pathway to justice, and its clear goals, will require renewed and reformed reflection conversation, commitment and action.  We must be sure that each of us holds each entity of our community – person, organization, program – accountable.  We need to be open to calling out what needs to be called out and accepting what others witness in our behaviors and actions as loci for revision.  As actors within our larger society, we must do the same.  Let us champion dignity.  Let us champion justice. Let’s get to work.”

In his letter he mentioned participating in a “Black Lives Matter” demonstration organized by LMU students.

“On June 6, while participating in a Black Lives Matters demonstration organized by LMU students, I was reminded that the police violence and systemic racism that infects our society by killing Black people is a system in which I, as a white person of privilege, am complicit.”

He went on to say:

“I am grateful and humbled by our Black community’s leadership and willingness to impart its experiences, pain and anger; I am not in a position to understand fully how exhausting and burdensome it must be, especially given the persistent nature of experience in a racist society. Amidst this understanding, LMU’s duty to our Black students, faculty, and staff is, and will remain, steadfast.  We are committed to a process of institutional transformation that addresses systemic racism and oppression.


Eugenics is a science that deals with improvement (as by control of human mating) of hereditary qualities of a race or breed.

Famous people in recent history were eugenicist – advocates of eugenics.


Winston Churchill – the Prime Minister of Great Britain in World War II – and Adolf Hitler – Fuhrer and Reich Chancellor of Germany, Leader of the Nazi Party – the leader of Germany in World War II – were eugenicists – advocates of eugenics.

Winston Churchill had great energy and pugnacity.

Not everyone appreciated Churchill’s energy or brilliance.

Lord Halifax – the man the King of England wanted to be Prime Minister, but who refused the position – was skeptical of the wild energy Churchill seemed likely to bring to office of Prime Minister.

The office of the Prime Minister was at 10 Downing, which was both the Prime Minister’s residence and official office.

Halifax grumbled that  Churchill’s new cabinet appointees lacked intellectual heft. Halifax likened them to “gangsters,” the chief gangster in his view, being Churchill.

On Saturday, May 11, 1940, the day after Churchill was appointed Prime Minister by King George V, Lord Halifax wrote in his diary, “I have seldom met anyone with stranger gaps of knowledge, or whose mind worked in greater jerks.”

One staff member at 10 Downing said Churchill was a lackluster student at Harrow (AN ELITE HIGH SCHOOL FOR BRITAIN’S UPPER CRUST) who exhibited “phenomenal slovenliness.”

Many in Whitehall considered Churchill to be capricious and meddlesome, inclined toward dynamic action in every direction at once.

Churchill’s appointment enraged the wife of one member of Parliament, who likened him to Herman Goring, the obese, brutal chief of the German Air Fore, the Luftwaffe, and the second most powerful man in the Third Reich. “W.C. is really the counterpart of Goring in England,”  she wrote “full of the desire for blood, Blitzkrieg,’ and bloated with ego and over-feeding, the same treachery running through his veins, punctuated by heroics and hot air.” – information excerpts from pages 22 and 23 of “The Splendid and the Vile” by Erik Larson.

But ordinary people loved Churchill.  One diarist wrote, “If I had to spend my whole life with a man, I’d chose Chamberlain, but I think I would sooner have Mr. Churchill if there were a storm and I was shipwrecked.” – quote from page 23, of “The Splendid and the Vile” by Erik Larson.

“My wish is realized,” wrote Violet Bonham Carter, daughter of H.H. Asquith, the former Prime Minister, who died in 1928. “I can now face all that is to come with faith & Confidence. I know as you do that the wind has been sown, & that, we must all reap the whirlwind. But you will ride it — instead of being driven before it — Thank Heaven that you are there & at the helm of our destiny — & may the nation’s spirit be kindled by your own.” – quote from page 23 of “The Vile and the Splendid” by Erik Larson.

May 1940 Onward

“Everywhere I went in London people admired [Churchill’s] energy, his courage, his singleness of purpose. People said they didn’t know what Britain would do without him. He was obviously respected.  But no one felt he would be Prime Minister after the war.  He was simply the right man in the right job at the the right time.  The time being the time of a desperate war with Britain’s enemies.” – Ralph McAllister Ingersoll.

“The responsibilities which are his now must be greater than those carried by any other human being on earth. One would think such a weight would have a crushing effect upon him.  Not at all.  The last time I saw him, while the Battle of Britain was still raging, he looked years younger than before the war began… His uplifted spirit is transmitted to the people.” – Hubert Knickerbocker

The people of Great Britain loved Winston Churchill during World War II because they thought he sincerely loved them.

He demonstrated in word and deed that he sincerely cared about them.

He was flamboyant and electric and had an indomitable spirit.

When he gave his first speech before the House of Commons, on May 13, he said “I have nothing to offer, but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.” and vowed to achieve victory.

On Tuesday, June 18, he addressed the House of Commons to address the French debacle, France had just been overrun by the Nazis.

“The “Battle of France” was over” he said, adding, “I expect the Battle of Britain is about to begin.” At stake was not only the British Empire but all of Christian civilization. “The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us.  Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this island or lose the war.”  He then said:

“If we can stand up to him, all of Europe may be free, and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands; but if we fail the the whole world, including the United States, and all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new dark age made more sinister, and perhaps more prolonged, by the lights of a perverted science.

“Therefore let us brace ourselves that if the British Commonwealth and Empire lasts for a thousand years, men will still say, ‘This was their finest hour.'”


As a young politician, Churchill was staunchly against votes for women.

While Home Secretary, there was an incident where politically motivated burglars holed up in a house that subsequently caught fire – Churchill ordered the Fire Department NOT to put out the blaze preferring that they die than water be needlessly wasted on them.

However, very much unlike Trump, Churchill knew how to be tactful. Indeed, Churchill defined tact as “the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way, that they look forward to the trip.”

Despite being lauded during WW II as the right many for the job and the right time, he was promptly voted out of office in 1945.


The Nazis persecuted those they considered to be racially inferior. Nazi racial ideology primarily vilified Jews, but also propagated hatred for Gypsies and blacks. The Nazis viewed Poles and other Slavs as inferior, and stated them for subjugation, forced labor, and sometimes death.

The Nazis viewed Jews as racial enemies and subjected them to arbitrary arrest, internment, and murder. Jewish prisoners received the most brutal treatment in Nazi concentration camps.

Among the first victims of persecution in Nazi Germany were political opponents – primarily Communists, Social Democrats, and trade unionists.  Jehovah’s Witnesses refused to serve in the German army or to take an oath of obedience to Adolf Hitler and were also persecuted.

Prisoners in concentration camps were identified by a colored inverted triangle sown onto their prison uniform. Political prisoners wore a badge consisting of an inverted red triangle.


On Thursday, June 18, 2020, Facebook removed 88 ads that had using an Nazi symbol – an upside down red triangle – posted by Trump, the Trump campaign and Vice President Mike Pence that Facebook said were “violating our policy against organized hate.”

The red triangle is a symbol that Nazis used to identify Communists and other political prisoners in concentration camps.

The removed ads warned “dangerous MOBS of far-left groups are running through our streets and causing absolute mayhem.”

The ads began running on Wednesday.

Before their removal they gained more than one million impressions on the Facebook pages of President Donal Trump  and Vice President Mike Pence.

QUESTION RAISED: Is it difficult to criticize a political opponent without using Nazi era imagery?

The red triangle was “the most common category of prisoners registered at the German Nazi Auschwitz camp.

Mr. Bark Bray, a historian at Rutgers and the author of “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook,” said: “This is a symbol that represented the extermination of leftists.  It is a death threat against leftists.


On Thursday, Twitter added a “manipulated media” warning to one of Mr. Trump’s tweets that featured  a video about a supposed “racist baby” that had been altered to appear as if CNN had broadcast it.




Winston Churchill’s attempt to practice eugenics was a failure.

Winston Churchill’s son, was a failed effort at breeding a super race person.

Winston Churchill’s son Randolph Churchill was a complete failure and screw up.

He was a gambler. His ineptitude at gambling was legendary.  He was always awash in debt.

He was loud, lacked tack, drank too much, spent beyond his income and gambled with particular ineptitude.

He was a drunkard. Once drunk he had a propensity for making horrible embarrassing scenes.

His father once wrote to him, “Your idle and lazy life is [very[ offensive to me. You appear to be leading a completely perfectly useless existence.”

There was no way his marriage was going to work.

To Randolph, fidelity was a fungible  condition.  He loved sexual conquest, whether his target was married or not. He once bragged that he would enter the rooms of women without invitation, just in case his presence might be welcomed.  He told this to a female friend, who quipped sardonically “You must get a lot of rebuffs.”  He said, laughingly, “I do, but I get a lot of fucking too.”


Hitlers attempt to practice eugenics – to create a master-race, was a failure as well.

When Germany lost World War II, Hitler committed suicide.

Hitler’s effort to kill all the “impure people” in the world, and to have the Aryan Race, with himself as its leader, rule the world ended up being a failed effort as well.


Statues of famous people are being taken down, torn down and defaced all over the United States.

On June 22, 2020, The American Museum of Natural History decided the bronze statue of Theodore Roosevelt on a horse flanked by a Native American Indian and a Black Man on foot (photo above), that had presided over entrance to the museum since 1940, was coming down.  Currently it is being protected by police in two police cars.

Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the Unites States, was a racist and eugenicist who thought African Americans to be inferior to white citizens.

His election in 1904 marked one of the first Presidential  administrations opened opposed to civil rights and suffrage for blacks.

He believed in racial hierarchy, and endorsed sterilization of the poor and intellectually disabled.

That was the common thinking of the elites in the United States at that time.

in the early 20th century American eugenicists used forced sterilization to “breed out” traits considered undesirable.

They believed in “survival of the fittest” and thought they could help nature along by planning who reproduced and who didn’t.

They were frightened that unintelligent people were taking over, reproducing more quickly than intelligent people.


Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. was raised to believe that he and his “well-born” wealthy neighbors in Boston were the best people in the country, or the world.

He believed in eugenics, and wrote about eugenics, which he supported.

He wrote the majority opinion in a case [Bell v. Buck, 274 U.S. 208 (1927] in which the majority upheld a state’s right to forcibly sterilize a person considered to be unfit to reproduce – unfit because they were mentally deficient.

In his opinion, Justice Holmes, urged America to do more eugenic sterilizations.

He wrote that it is better for the world if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crimes or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit for continuing their kind.


It was very hard to prove at a feeble minded hearing that you were not feeble minded.

Feeble minded was a broad term used to define large categories of people that were disliked by someone in charge of the decision making position.


Only Nordic types were considered good.

Jews from East Europe and Italians and Asians were considered to be mentally deficient and were discriminated against.

This was the belief of those who enacted the IMMIGRATION LAW OF 1924.

The Immigration Act of 1924 created quotas for the number of different groups that could immigrate and required that immigrants pass a mental feebleness test.


Buck v. Bell upheld eugenic sterilization.

It is still good law,.

It has never been overturned.

The decision in Buck v. Bell led to 70,000 forced sterilizations.

The woman in Buck v. Bell was not feeble minded.

She was set up to protect her foster parents son who had raped her and to get a court ruling that forced sterilizations are legal.

Her appointed lawyer believed that forced sterilizations should be legal.

He wrote arguments in his briefs that supported forced sterilizations.


The Nazis adopted American eugenic theory.

The Nazis took American eugenic theory – that there exists a racial hierarchy that requires breeding a super race – and ran with it.


The guiding objective of the 3,500 year old Babylonian Code of Hammurabi is to protect the weak from the strong to create a rule of RIGHTEOUS JUSTICE.


While writing this post I couldn’t help comparing U.S. President Donald Trump’s thinking to Nazi ideology.

POST ON INSTAGRAM @garyspassion

Earlier today (Tuesday, June 23, 2020) I post on Instagram @garyspassion the picture above “DOES NOT PLAY WELL WITH OTHERS.”

In my post I compare President Trump to the little boy (the major star) in the movie JoJo Rabbit.

JoJo Rabbit is a farce about Nazi thinking, Nazi ideology, Nazi conduct, and worship of Adolph Hitler.



The wild popularity, even today, of the 1862 French novel ‘LES MISERABLES’, shows us something.

LES MISERABLES is the story of Jean Valjean, a handsome young woodcutter, who is cruelly sentenced to nine years in jail for stealing a loaf of bread he took to feed his starving family.

Javert, an ice-cold Inspector of Prisons, relentlessly persecutes Valjean, determined to keep him in prison for life.

It is tear-jerking feel good story, that has been made into a movie several times.

I strongly recommend seeing the movie.

That movie should help even the most rabid law and order person understand the outrage after watching the video of a police officer murdering George Floyd by putting his knee on George Floyd’s neck for almost nine minutes while George Floyd was handcuffed and pinned down by two other police officers while a fourth police officer directed members of the public away.

George Floyd was suspected of having used a counterfeit $20 bill. Nobody knows if the $20 bill was counterfeit or how George Floyd came to have it.

George Floyd lost his life because four police officers thought nobody would mind if they took his life.

Nothing happened to any of the police officers until AFTER world wide street protests erupted.

ONLY after protests against the police brutally murdering George Floyd erupted in 150 cities in the USA did the police officers involved get charged and arrested for breaking the law.

THEODORE ROOSEVELT IV’S, age 77, great grandson of 26th President of the United States Theodore Roosevelt, PLACE IN THE MOVEMENT FOR RACIAL JUSTICE

The grandson of President Roosevelt felt it necessary to remove the statue of his great grandfather from the entrance to the American Museum of Natural History.

He recognized that statue was a powerful and hurtful emblem of “patriarchy, white supremacy, and settler-colonialism.”

That statue was a symbol of systemic racism; that statue was a narrative of white racial superiority and domination.

Theodore Roosevelt IV said, “The world doesn’t need statues, relics of another age, that reflect neither the values of the person they intend to honor nor the values of equality and justice.”

The image of that statue is too offensive to stand as a monument to American History.

That statue is clearly a narrative of white racial superiority and domination.

That statue implicitly depicts Black and Indigenous people as subjugated and racially inferior.


At a meeting on Monday, June 21, 2020, Joe Biden said,

“Hate just hides. It doesn’t go away, and when you have someone in power who breathes oxygen into the hate under the rocks it comes outs from under the rocks

“I really do believe that the binders have been taken off.  I think the tidal wave is moving.  I realize we’ve got to do something big, we can do it, and everyone will benefit from it.

Information taken/obtained from AOL news.


On the same Monday evening (June 21, 2020), President Donald Trump declared himself, “the president of law and order” from the White House as military police and law enforcement fired tear gas and cleared protestors from nearby La Fayette Park.  La Fayette Park is located directly across the street from the White House.

After President Trump’s speech, one mayor complained, “President Trump has offered us military support to address violent protestors while denying mayors federal support to address the coronavirus fall-out.

During the protest on Monday (June 22, 2020) protestors attempted to topple a statue of President Andrew Jackson in La Fayette Park.

President Jackson has a record of owning slaves and oppressing Native Americans.

The next morning, President Trump tweeted that he had ordered the arrest of anyone tearing down a statue on federal land.and threatened such protestors with a long prison term and a large fine – imprisonment of up to ten years and a fine of up to $250,000.00.

Information taken/obtained from AOL news.




Art symbolizes and instructs what it means to be a civilized human being.

Art challenges our senses and provokes our senses.

Just imagine the effect having a black or brown Jesus in every church and on every crucifix in America would have today.

Above photos taken by me while I was viewing the art in one church after another and viewing the interior design and exterior design of one church after another while spending a summer vacation in Sicily.

All the paintings, all the statues, and all the decorations in the churches were of and about white people.

In “HOW DO WE LOOK” Mary Beard shows how making the divine visible in the human world has never been easy.

In her book HOW DO WE LOOK” she points out all religions have destroyed art as well as creating it.

“Iconoclasm” comes from the Greek word meaning “image breaking.”

Below is my recap of Mary Beard’s many poignant stories of destruction of religious art in the name of religion.


Throughout the history of Christianity there have been violent and sustained clashes between ‘image-lovers’ and ‘image-breakers” – the destruction of religious art has gone almost hand and hand with the appreciating and adoration of it.

In the past lurid stories were spread about the evil of the iconoclasts, which went so far as to suggest that the wickedness of those who destroyed images of Jesus was second only to those who crucified Jesus in the first place.

One of the first examples occurred in 726 in the capital of the Byzantine empire (modern Istanbul) when – so it is said – the emperor ordered the image of Jesus be removed from the facade of his imperial palace.

Whatever the reasons, the removal of that one painting has come to represent the beginning of an official ban on all kinds of images of the divine – painting, sculpture, mosaic – that lasted on and off for more than a hundred years.

Almost a thousand years later, thousands of miles away, during the fight between Protestant Christians and Catholic Christians fought out in England in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries ‘idolatrous icons’ and other ‘excesses’ associated with Catholicism were destroyed or removed by ascendant Protestants.

During the religious schism, the splendor of Ely Cathedral – a jewel of Gothic architecture of the Middle Ages – fell victim to one of England’s most determined Protestant reformers.

On January 9 1644, Oliver Cromwell, who was then governor of Ely, marched into the Ely Cathedral in what is one of the most mythologized and probably highly embellished incidents of those English religious wars.

The story goes that Cromwell went up to the priest who was conducting evening services, told him to put away his (Catholic) version of the prayer book and to stop the choir singing ( a ‘turn off the music’ moment).  On the following days, it is said, he actively encouraged – or at least did nothing to stop – his troops turning on the fabric of the building, on the images and on the glass.  As they made their way through the vestry and the cloisters, they smashed the place.

Above photo is a photo of Ely Cathedral, looking up into the great ‘lantern’ and down the nave (whose colored ceiling is part of the nineteenth-century restoration).

Decades before Cromwell, in the Lady Chapel (the chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary), remains evidence of widespread destruction wreaked on another occasion decades before Cromwell.

The iconoclasts also attacked the sculpted figures of saints, kings, and prophets, and scenes from the life of the Virgin. Sometimes the whole sculpture was removed, but often only the head and hands, leaving the body in place. Above is a photo of one of the sculptures.

This was not just a series of random acts of vandalism but destruction that was targeted, even thoughtful, and set against a background of debates about the power and potential dangers of religious images.


In the late 1100s Muslim armies from Afghanistan invaded northern India. By all accounts, they were horrified by what they found. This was home to the Hindu religion, whose people worshiped not one god but, on some counts, millions.

Muslim writers as far back as the tenth century CE often presented India as a place of image worship gone mad.

The Muslim invaders smashed the idols and destroyed the Hindu temples.

The first mosque to be erected in Delhi, the Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque, constructed in the 1190s, was once known as the most imposing mosque in the world.

But in this mosque various elements of earlier Hindu structures and images have been reused and incorporated into the fabric of the mosque the human figures often defaced. It is striking that, even when they have been defaced some aspect of the humanity of those figures have been preserved.

The simple fact that the builders of the new mosque have chosen fairly consistently to place the reused figures the right way up suggests a respect for the human form and itrs image.

It betrays a certain appreciation for the very images that Islam condemned.


Does God dwell in hand-made temples? The correct answer is that he does not, but men have always been inclined to believe whereas He is present everywhere, He is nevertheless more fully present in some places than in others.

I have been to the Hagia Sophia.

It is magnificent.

God is obviously more fully present in the Hagia Sophia than in other places.

It has such grandeur.


The historian Procopius said about the Hagia Sophia:

“Whenever anyone enters to pray, he understands at once that it is not by human power and skill but by God’s will that his work has been so finely finished.  His mind is lifted up to God and floats on the air, feeling that God cannot be far away, but must especially love to dwell in this place, which He has chosen.”

The present Hagia Sophia is the third church built on the same site.

The present church was built by Justinian between 532 and 537.

Justinian was a military expansionist and ambitious civil reformer (his law code still lies at the foundation of many modern legal systems).

The second church was built by Theodosius and consecrated in 415.

But who built the first and why? Constantine according to legend and Constantius II (337-361) according to historical evidence.

Constantine was the first Roman emperor to have become a Christian.

With the exception of of the short-lived Julian (361-363), all Roman emperors after Constantine were Christians.

Like wise, Constantinople continued to be an imperial city for the next eleven centuries, before becoming the seat of another, Muslim, empire.

To describe all the events that took place within the Hagia Sophia would almost be tantamount to writing a history of the Byzantine Empire.

The name Hagia Sophia means Holy Wisdom or God’s Wisdom, a designation which by the fourth century was applied to the second person of the Trinity, i.e. Christ.

Early Christians believed – and perhaps Christians today believe – that Wisdom was a separate entity created or engendered by God before the beginning of time, an entity that guided or informed the act of creation.

The Ottoman Turks converted the Hagia Sophia into a mosque in 1453.

The Muslim, Ottoman Turks, retained that name.

They did not considerate the Hagia Sophia as an alien entity, the temple of a hostile if conquered religion.

They took steps to incorporate it mythically into the Islamic tradition.

The very word Ayasofya was interpreted to mean ‘house of worship’ (ibadetgah).

As strange as it might seem, in light of Muslim usage, the figural mosaics representing Christian personages and Byzantine emperors were not systematically covered up as soon as Hagia Sophia was converted to into a mosque.


The Ottoman conquest ensured not only the Hagia Sophia’s preservation but also its continuing maintenance and repair because it became the chief imperial mosque, amply endowed and often visited by the sultan.


What is going on – the Pandemic, the new George Floyd World, marginalized groups and women getting the short end of the stick in money earned for the same work etc. etc. etc., police brutality, stay-in-place orders, mass unemployment, the economy in shambles, extreme income inequality, extreme wealth inequality, climate change, mass protests, unequal opportunity, rioting in the streets, wide scale looting,- is scary.

You can’t solve a problem if you don’t know what the problem is.


People love art.

Art conquers all.

What we see depends on how we look.

Gary Smolker, Social Commentator, Values Critic




Copyright © 2020 by Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved


Visual Identity #6 – PLACES – by Gary Smolker, Social Commentator, Values Critic, Coffee Lover, Chocolate Lover


Everything has has a visual identity.

Even places have a visual identity.

A visual identity represents who you are, what you are, and where you are.

How you, or your business, represent yourself visually is important.

Visual identity is what you think of when you think about a place. a product, and/or a person.


Bubble-baths are divine.

After seeing those bubbles i had to find out how to get such a bubbly bath.

I am running a scientific experiment.

Do you have any suggestions on how I can get such a bubbly bath in my own home?

A beautiful mind can appreciate a beautiful world.



COFFEE originated from and was invented in Ethiopia.

Coffee did not become a global enterprise until traded in port of Moka in Yemen. (Moka is where the word “mocha” comes from.)

Zanzibar was one of the most important trade links between Africa, Yemen and eventually Europe for the trade of  “mocha java” or coffee.


Gary Smolker, Social Commentator, Values Critic, Coffee Lover, Chocolate Lover


Copyright © 2019 Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved

Not Virgin! – by Gary Smolker



Whoever designed the container shown above has a lot of brain power.

Whoever designed the labels on that container has a lot of brain power.

Whoever designed the paper bag shown above has a lot of brain power.

What you see above is not just a container.

What you see above is not just a paper bag.

What you see above is an example of the creative communication of a sales pitch presented as a message.


You are looking at a container with a story and a message.

You are looking at a bag with a story and a message.

The stories on that container and on that bag trigger action.


Q: Is that a container of ice cream, or a container of hand and body lotion?

A: No.  It is a creative advertising masterpiece.

Q: Is that a paper bag?

A: No.  It is a creative advertising masterpiece.


The “Charity Pot” container looks like a container of ice cream.

I like ice cream.

The label on the top of the container states, “BY BUYING CHARITY POT YOU SUPPORT GOOD CAUSES…”

I am in favor of supporting good causes.

Another label on the container states, “NOT VIRGIN! Pot made from 100% recycled plastic.  Recycle it or bring it back.”

I am in favor of recycling.

The bag states the following:


Those are all appealing stands on social issues.

All of the above influences influenced me to buy that “hand and body lotion.”


Wealth at its deepest root is the product not of physical labor but of intelligence, of creative vision.

Action is required to actualize the vision, but physical labor not guided by human intelligence is virtually worthless.


All business is fundamentally about brain power.

Without the guidance of an idea, action is just mindless motion, without direction, purpose or value.


There is no maximum to potential.


Some people live life fully.

They know:

  • You have to know what you need in order to find what you want. 
  • You can’t figure out what you really want unless you try everything.


People who don’t believe in magic, don’t find it.

Life isn’t magical on its own.

We make it magical


In the evolution of advertising, and in the evolution of business, Lush Cosmetics is not a virgin

Lush Cosmetics is a magician who speaks and does business in the language of popular culture.

Lush Cosmetics realized that people have a social conscious and that people are health conscious.

With that realization, Lush Cosmetics became a game changer, a rebel who never stopped redefining the business of cosmetics and never stopped redefining the business of creative communications.

The photographs above show part of the picture of how Lush Cosmetics got from there to here and now…. in the health conscious cause conscious popular culture and…. in the cosmetics industry.


Story tellings is fundamental to our lives.

We all love stories.


It is a testament to the extraordinary world we now live in that Lush Cosmetics is a huge business success.



  • The future is hyper-connected.
  • People want to participate in causes.
  • Lush Cosmetics lets them do so.

“Participate in an important social cause” is the central message of Lush Cosmetics advertising: that message is on the labels on “Charity Pot”, and in the statements made on its paper bags, etc.


People connect with others not just with similar passions and interests, but around the causes that most resonate with them.

More and more, brands are identifying with a cause, and making that identification a central part of their ethos.


I believe in magic.

I am not virgin.

I am 100% in favor of powerfully “living the engaged life.”

Gary Smolker

Copyright © 2017 Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved

This is the third in a series of articles I intend to post on the Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog at on “LIVING THE ENGAGED LIFE.”

I have continuously made posts on my Instagram account @garyspassion on “LIVING THE ENGAGED LIFE,” and intend to continue to do so.

Follow me on Instagram @garyspassion



The Impact of Emotion on Judgment and Behavior – by Gary Smolker

Food for Thought: Teach In A Room Full of Good Vibes.  People Think Better When They Are Happy.

Below are photographs I took at a coffee and dessert reception I attended Wednesday night, December 7, 2016 at the Intercontinental Hotel in Century City, California.

I attended that event with Christy Rusk, a twenty-six year old chef.

Christy explained to me the artful skill in cooking and baking and the creative power of the chef that was physically and gastronomically displayed in the desserts on the dessert table at the reception.

The photograph below is of Christy holding a macaroon, which Christy ate and which is in Christy’s hand.

Christy took a multitude of deserts from the desert table in the reception area, put them on a plate, and then took the plate of deserts she had chosen from the desert table into a room adjoining the desert table room, before the presentation began.

According to Christy the macaroon displayed in Christy’s fingers in the photograph below is a masterpiece.

Christy pushed down on the top crust of the macaroon.

The crust gave in, then rebounded back.

Christy advised me that is a remarkable crust.

Only a crust made by a highly skilled chef would do that, have that physical property.

Before finishing the macaroon, Christy took that macaroon apart.

Christy explained to me how difficult it was to achieve the bubbly surface of the inner platform positioned in the multiple levels of the macaroon.

Christy explained each component piece and layer of the macaroon to me.

She explained the feel and taste effects that created the overall experience of eating that macaroon.

The pastry chef was like a world-class architect in terms of the effect the structure and taste of this  macaroon had on me.

In my opinion, that macaroon is a piece of fine art.

Serve Unforgettably Stylish Deserts and Good Coffee At Events

I will remember attending that reception as a night of eating delightful and stylish deserts.

Eating those deserts relieved stress.

Eating those deserts made me very happy, created a good mood.

Note: desert is stress spelled backward.

Eating those deserts made me ready to learn, made me ready to enjoy the lectures to be presented that evening at that event.

Below is a photograph of Christy holding the partially eaten macaroon described above.


Below is a photograph of a mini-lemon-meringue pie, after Christy had taken a bite of it.

Christy is holding that mini-lemon-meringue pie in her fingers.

I can testify from personal knowledge about the experience of eating that mini-lemon-meringue pie.  It is as delicious as it looks.


There were an infinitude of candies and pastries and fruits for the guests to enjoy.

The coffee was wonderfully delicious coffee.

The coffee and deserts were in a separate room the guests entered from a hallway before advancing to an adjoining room.

The lectures at this event were presented in the adjoining room.


After looking at the photographs of what was on the serving tables in the reception area, don’t you agree that STYLE IS EVERYTHING?

The picture on the far right is of mini-cheese cakes with chocolate medallion top.

Event Planners, Take Notice: Interesting Speakers Will Attract Interesting Audiences

The speakers at this event emoted/radiated great style.

It was clear to everyone in the audience that these speakers are people who live a life of action; the speakers are people who are fully engaged in a life of action, doing very practical relevant and interesting academic research work.

Their enthusiasm was contagious.

Everyone in the room was infected.

Life Is A Fashion Show for Stylish People

Stylish people are interesting.

Stylish people connect to themselves and to others.

Having style is a sign of having an organized mind.

Having style is a sign of being a creative brainy person.

Life is a fashion show, where the best style wins.

It was impossible to look at the stylish deserts on the desert table and not take one.

That is the way the world works.


Style is important.

Style is everything.

Shoes are the beginning touch of complete style.

You should have seen the shoes the women in the audience were wearing.

The women in this audience were women who express themselves – their identity to themselves and their identity to others – by wearing very elegant put-together ensembles of outerwear.

The clothing worn by the women in the audience made it very clear that this was a brainy audience.


The two speakers at this event are full-time university professors at Ben-Gurion University in the Negev.

They are presently living in America, while working as visiting scholars at prestigious American Universities.

One of the speakers was Dr. Hila Riemer.

Hilda is a Visiting Scholar at Stanford University in addition to being a Professor at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.

Hilda spoke about “The Effects of Emotions on People’s Judgments and Behavior.”

It is obvious to me that the results of Hilda’s academic research and the opinions that Hilda holds on the effect of emotions on judgments and behavior can be used, ought to be used, and is probably being are by advertising firms.

The other speaker at this event was Hilda’s husband Dr. Raziel Reamer.

Hilda’s husband, Dr. Raziel Riemer is a Visiting Scholar at the University of California Berkeley campus, and also a Professor at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

Raziel spoke about social roboticsin particular “How Understanding Human Motion Can Improve People’s Lives.”

Raziel told us:  “Eventually robots that will be social companions to elderly people, much like dogs are now companions to people.

In my imagination, the results of Raziel’s academic research combined with Raziel’s opinions on body motion and bio-mechanics when combined with Hilda’s opinions and research results on the effect of emotions on people’s judgments and behavior should be coveted by engineers and social scientists who design robots.

The purpose of the reception was to introduce the audience to these two academics who are visiting scholars temporarily working at Stanford University and the University of California Berkeley.

RANGE OF TOPICS DISCUSSED  Both speakers spoke about our emotions, motions, and what is in between.


  1. The intellectual level of their presentations was high. They knew they were speaking to people who have long attention spans, to people who do not have to be looking at their smart phones all the time.
  2. The point made by both lecturers is that there is an inter-relationship between people’s minds, what people wear, their emotions, their posture and their motions; there is also an emotional and physical relationship between how express themselves with their posture related to their body motions and to the clothing a person is wearing.
  3. Every aspect of a person’s outward appearance is related to their emotional state.  A person’s emotion state is related in the way they move their body.
  4. What the people in the audience were wearing reaffirmed to me that style makes the world go round, that style is everything.
  5. What the people in the audience wore was extremely understated.
  6. If you want to make an impression, Hilda emphasized being understated is very important.
  7. If you want to persuade people, if you want to get results, it is necessary to be impactful.
  8. In that regard, Hila insisted that advertisements with low arousal are remembered longer than advertising with high arousal.
  9. To be impactful, pictures and illustrations used in advertisements must be relevant to the product or service being advertised.
  10. In other words: What you communicate must be internally and externally “relevant.” –
  11. What women in the audience at this educational event wore at this event was testimony to that principle.
  12. I still remember the shoes women were wearing at this event.
  13. The handbags and jewelry I saw at this reception and lecture program were also very memorable.
  14. In response to my questioning (from the audience to Raziel about the bi0-mechanics-ergonomics of high priced Stuart Weitzman shoes and high priced Jimmy Choo shoes and high priced Christian Louboutin shoes), Raziel insisted that because of bio-mechanics high heel shoes should never be worn.
  15. Being the charmer that he is, Raziel mentioned that it took Raziel 20 years to convince his wife Hilda to stop wearing high heel shoes.
  16. A woman in the audience stated that when she was in her 20s she wore high heels, and later in life had to have three foot surgeries as a consequence of wearing high heels when she was in her twenties.
  17. Raziel talked about the action implications of the interrelated facts that the Japanese are world-leaders in robotics and the population of Japan is dropping dropping dramatically by the tens of millions because the Japanese people living in Japan are not reproducing.
  18. Japan is becoming a country of old people who need care.  But, there are not enough young people living in Japan to care for the physical and emotion needs of their elderly and aging population.
  19. This has led to a ton of money being spent by Japanese firms and being spent by the Japanese government on human motion research and on human emotion research that to be used in designing robots to do the job of taking care of the physical and emotional needs of the elderly.
  20. Raziel spent considerable time talking about the design parameters for robots that will be designed to replace human and animal caregivers.
  21. Raziel predicted that humans and pets who presently care for the emotional and physical needs of the elderly will be replaced by robotics.

The sign below was projected on a screen in the room where the speakers spoke.

This sign summarizes the topics and academic credentials of the speakers.

Each of the speakers presented information with emotion.


ASIDE:  Information without emotion isn’t retained.

Audience Profile

Due to the wonderful snacks available on the serving table in the adjoining room, a giant pot of delicious coffee and an array of cold drinks for attendees to choose and take to the adjoining room before the talk was given –  some of us (myself included) ate and drank both during the presentation and before the presentation.

As a result we were on a sugar and caffeine high while we were listening to the speakers’ presentations.

Many of the people attending this event needed an energy boost at this time of night.

The lecture began at around 8:00 p.m. Most of the people in the audience were over 60 years old.

This was going to be a late night.  I didn’t get back to my home after the presentation until almost 11:30 p.m.

Every women attending this educational program was elegantly and fashionably attired.

Women wore stunningly beautiful high fashion shoes and elegant jewelry.

They came with stylish handbags.

The ladies in the audience were obviously accustomed to being around money and spending it.

Below is a picture of the unique and highly fashionable shoes one woman at this event wore at this event.

None of the women in the audience at this event wore tennis shoes, sneakers or sandals.

All the women attending this event carried their “stuff” in elegant handbags.

The handbag on the floor at the feet of one of the youngest ladies in attendance at this event is a Prada handbag.

Prada products are high fashion products.


The jewelry on display was fine arts museum quality jewelry.

Look at the ring on the right hand of the woman in the photograph below.

I took two pictures of the fruit and candy that lady put on her plate, to snack on before and during the presentation.


The handbags the women had at this event were elegant works of art.

Below is a photograph of the handbag of the woman sitting in front of me at the table I sat at during the presentation.


Shoes are the beginning touch of complete style.

Look at two photographs below …. which I took of shoes being worn by two of the younger women who attended this event were wearing.




  1. Like attracts like.
  2. Birds of the same feather do flock together.
  3. People with good taste and refinement attract other people with good taste and refinement.
  4. Brainy people attract other brainy people.
  5. High performance money people attract other high performance money people.

The world is a classroom in which we can all soak up lessons and stories to fuel our path forward.

Everyone attending that program is amazing. I’ve done my best to showcase that in this report.

Copyright © 2016 by Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved

Is A Picture Worth A Thousand Words? – The Answer to that Question Impacts The Future for Books Printed on Paper in Schools, The Future of Books Printed on Paper in Libraries, The Future of Education, The Future of Book Stores, and the Fact that Technology, Knowledge and Beauty Are Perishable








Historical and Personal Note

In 1913, Thomas Edison said in an article in the Dramatic Mirror, “Books will soon be obsolete in the schools.  Scholars will soon be instructed through the eye.  It is possible to touch every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture.”

Thomas Edison did not understand that the future happens slowly, the future comes slowl.

It takes a long time for change to happen.

Transformation is slow.

It is wonderful that you can take pictures with your cell phone today (such as the photographs above) and send those pictures instantaneously over the Internet to anyone who has a smart phone anywhere in the world.

I am thrilled that I was able to take the above pictures with my cell phone and to then send them to my three daughters over the Internet.

At the time: I was on the West Coast of California, one of my daughters was in the Middle East, another one of my daughters was on the East Coast and the other daughter was about 100 miles away from me in California.

However, I have not been 100% happy with my iPhone.

Yesterday (July 29, 2015), I found out that the reason I have not been able to talk on my hands-free phone system in my automobile as I am driving my car for the past week is that the blue tooth system in my car (a 2013 Nissan GT R) is not compatible with the latest update (8.3) on my iPhone and my mobile phone carrier’s (AT&T Mobility’s) software.

I find it hard to believe that Nissan would build a car that would not blue-tooth with one of the most popular smartphones sold.
I went to Nissan’s website ( and it shows that iPhone software version 8.2 works, but version 8.3 does not work
My iPhone was working perfectly in my GT R for the past two years until it stopped working in my GT R last week.
I am going to go to the Apple Store – to the Genius Bar and ask them (Apple employees in the store) set my phone back to 8.2, or suggest a solution to the problem.
It makes me sick that the 8.2 version works but the 8.3 version does not work.

Were Any of the Above Images Instructive?

I moved into a new home in a new neighborhood on June 1, 2015.

I sent the above photos to my daughters because I wanted to tell them (visually) about my new abode.

When I sent the photos shown above to my three daughters:

  1. I wanted each of my daughters to “see” that I have moved into and a nice neighborhood.  That was my reason for sending my daughters the above photo of the tree with the heart and the photo of the pinwheels in front of that tree.
  2. I also wanted each of my daughters to see that there is plenty or room in my new place for my hundreds of books.  That is the reason I sent them the above photo of my reading chair in front of a bookcase full of books.
  3. I also wanted my daughters to see I have easy access to where I park my car and that when I am home my car is parked in a protected place.  That is the reason I sent my daughters the photo of my car parked in the subterranean parking lot where I live.

I image that each of my three daughters had a different reaction (emotion and intellectual reaction) to each of the above photos because each one of them is a different person.

They think differently.

They have had different life experiences.

Therefore, I image they each saw something different than what their sister saw when they looked at each picture.

Similarly, I image that each person who looks at each of the above pictures will have a different reaction to each picture.

It has been said that there are two types of people: people who see shapes when they look at cloud formations and people who see only clouds.

Life Is Full of Adventure You Don’t Seek

I find the above story about the many links (technology systems that are linked to each other) that have to work together in order for me to be able to talk hands free in my car very instructive.

It is how each of the links works and interacts with the other links that counts.

How You Understand What You Are Seeing (How Your Brain Works)

Here is what I believe happened when each of my three daughters looked at each of the above pictures/images:

  • Their eyes did not just take in information/data when their eyes looked at the above images.
  • Their eyes instantly sent all the information it picked up to their brain.
  • Their brains compared the package of information/data sent by their eyes to their  brains to a database of files containing information already in their brains.
  • Their eyes and brains worked instantaneously and simultaneous together to interpret what they “saw” when they “looked” at each of the above photographs by comparing the information sent to their brains to what their brains already knew.

Put another way:

  • We all have libraries in our minds.
  • Each person’s mental library is different.
  • Seeing is a subjective and creative act consisting of relating what you are seeing to something you already “know.”

In Conclusion:

  1. How each of my daughters “felt” about me or any of those pictures as they looked at those pictures was the result of a silent unseen dialogue between the present stimulus (i.e. what they were presently “seeing”) and all they had read or seen or heard before.
  2. Everyone looking at the above pictures will “see”something else. 
  3. I influenced what my daughters “saw” when I told them (via email)  what I saw when I took those pictures and why I took those pictures.

People Are Biologically Primed to Experience What They See

Visual images can make things happen by creating an emotional connection between you and what your are seeing, which in turn provokes you to take action.

Recent history proves that photographs can provoke an emotional response.

In the 1950s and the 1960s the still image – photographs – served as the lens through which people experienced the news.

For the civil rights movement, photos helped change the course of history.

When Americans outside the Deep South (the “Jim Crow” South) saw photographs  of protesters being clubbed by the authorities and being attacked by vicious attack dogs at the direction of the authorities, the resulting outrage pushed presidents into action and spurred Congress into action.

That is the reason the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act came into being.

People reacted with ACTION because all people are all primed to experience unconsciously what they see.

All people have a visual action system as well as a visual recognition system.

Compelling visual images make us act, even more than rousting speeches.

Consider the public reaction to the following somber speech given by President Obama about the prevalence  of the Zimmerman Mind-Set in America – a mind-set that views black boys and men as a problem:- after the not guilty verdict decision in the Trayvon Martin case.  By the way, the decision in that case caused widespread rioting in the Black community in America.

“There are very few African American men in this country who haven’t had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store.  That includes me.   and there are very few African American men who haven’t had the experience of getting on an elevator and a woman clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a change to get off.  That happens often.”

In contrast, consider the famous Rodney King video showing four Los Angeles police officers using a Taser on a man (Rodney King) they had pulled over for drunk driving.

In the video, you see Rodney King being swatted by a police officer with a baton.

After Rodney King falls to the ground is set upon by other officers, who club him as he lies stationary on the ground.

When all the officers were acquitted of assault in a trial three years later, portions of the City of Los Angeles erupted in violence – the Watts Riots.

Further consider the different impact of making complaints vs. the impact of making a video:

  • The black population complained for years about police brutality in Baltimore.
  • After seeing a video showing a fellow black man put in a police van who arrived at a Baltimore police station dead on arrival, portions of the black population went on a rampage of violence.
  • Private and public property were destroyed, stores were looted stores, people and property were physically attacked, prescription drugs were stolen from pharmacies.
  • The ensuing violence, destruction of property and looting were so bad that a curfew was imposed in the City of Baltimore and than “a state of emergency” and “martial law” were declared.
  • Thereafter the City of Baltimore’s Police Commissioner was fired.
  • The flying of the Confederate Flag on the grounds of the State Capitol in South Carolina has been considered a thumb in the eye by the Black Community.
  • To the black community the Confederate Flag represents a statement and endorsement of the idea that that blacks are inferior to whites.  Consider the feelings generated by  [images of the] Confederate Flag being taken down recently from the grounds of the capitol in South Carolina at the direction of the Legislature.

Mirror Neurons, Neurobiology, Pornography, The Emotional Responses &  Emotional Connections and Effectiveness of  Donald Trump’s Thumb in the Eye Psycho-Dynamic Public Relations Campaign to Become the Next Republican Candidate for President of the United States

Neurons are the basic building blocks of the brain.

Mirror neurons cause us to “experience” what we are seeing.

For example, if someone who agrees with what Donald Trump is saying or salutes Donald Trump for speaking out in plain English in a “manly fashion” watches Donald Trump say something that person will be able to imagine themselves saying it, similarly to the experience you will experience if you look at a person eating an apple – you will be able to taste a little bit of that apple in your own mouth.

The same thing happens when people watch other people having sexual intercourse – mirror neurons cause the people watching to experience the same pleasure.

That is why Donald Trump is currently leading the polls of Republican candidates for President.

That is why pornography – as a business – is the responsible for about thirty percent of the content on the Internet.

In the United States, pornography is about a $15 billion a year business.

Anger in the United States

White people in the United States, especially Republicans, are angry about many things.

They feel helpless. Donald Trump is the spokesman for many of them.

Donald Trump makes many people feel they are speaking out when he addresses things that piss them off.

The more other people criticize Donald Trump for being “a bad boy,” the more they like him and the more “free publicity” he gets.

Donald Trump’s Well Deserved Notoriety and the Early Rolling Stones’ Publicity Campaigns

Many people think Donald Trump is a moron.  He is not a moron.

Donald Trump’s current “thumb in your eye bad boy campaign” to be the Republican candidate for president of the United States mirrors the early (1963) public relations campaigns and crusade to obtain publicity followed by the Rolling Stones before they were well known.

Arousing People

Neuroscientists have determined that it is not merely the suggestion of sex that arouses it people.

It is that a section of their brain that provides the intense pleasure associated with having sex is “tricked” into believing they are having sex in that moment.

Our mirror neurons fire [are activated] just as easily when we an action on a screen as when we see it in real life.

We most positively react [via the firing of our mirror neurons] to people we think are just like us and to people doing what we would like to be doing and to people who are acting the way we think people should act; we relate most positively to people we sense would understand and relate to us.

The person who appears to our brain (mirror neurons) to be most emphatic “wins” and the person we relate to the most will have/win our good will.


  • You are primed to experience “unconsciously” – in a sense to imitate – what you watch.
  • A portion of your brain responds to the expressions and actions of other human beings.
  • Mirror neurons helplessly fire in empathy to the politician they most relate to do.
  • Donald Trump has literally entered people’s minds.
  • Donald Trump has made people feel the way he wants them to feel.
  • Donald Trump has made a lot of peoples’ motor neurons fire.  He has actually taken over their brains.
  • Donald Trump is saying what a lot of people are thinking.
  • That is why Donald Trump – in his role as presidential candidate – is so popular with so many people.
  • That is why Donald Trump is showing so strongly in polls.
  • When people watch a candidate say what they personally think, they are truly living in the political race taking place through their mirror neurons.

Above Photographs

I recently moved from a nice house in Tarzana, California to a condominium in Van Nuys, California.

Van Nuys has the reputation of being “the armpit” of the San Fernando Valley.

I took the above photographs with my a smart phone, my iPhone, to show my three children that where I am now living is not a dismal place. It is actually a fun place.

After I took those photos I sent those photos to my children via email over the Internet..

All of the above photographs were taken by me on July 3 and July 4, 2015 .

The top photo is a photograph of a tree in my neighborhood taken by me with my iPhone on July 3, 2015.

The next photograph is a photograph of a street scene in my neighborhood taken by me with my iPhone on July 3, 2015.

The next photograph is a photograph of my reading chair in my living room in my new home, taken by me with my iPhone on July 4, 2015.

Next to that reading chair is a bookcase, one of the eight bookcases I have in my home.

I love to read.

There are a wide variety of books in that bookcase including collections of  poems written by Lord Byron, Robert Browning, John Keats, W. B. Yeats, Walt Whitman, Heinrich Heine, Alexander Pope, William Wordsworth, Arthur Rimbaud, Octavio Paz and Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore and also a variety of books about love, one o which contains a copy letters of Abelard and Heloise.  There are also books about power, seduction.

The next photograph is a photograph of my 2013 Nissan GT R the subterranean garage where I live.

I sent that photograph to my children because my eldest daughter was concerned that my “snazzy” car would be safe.

I took that picture to show her that my car is parked in a safe place.

The next photograph is a photograph of a note attached to a multicolored pair of socks which I placed in a bookcase in my study.

That note and the multicolored sock attached were given to me by a woman who was concerned that my life is not colorful enough because I only wear black and white socks.

I took that picture because I wanted to share with my children the warm pleasant and witty way that woman is/was trying to get me out of a black and white sock mold.

The books shown immediately under that note are  books on how the food you eat affects your health and the following books about ethics: “A Maimonides Reader”, “Maimonides, The Guide to the Perplexed”. “Interpreting Maimonides”, “Peter Abelard Ethical Writings – Ethics and Dialogue between a Philosopher, a Jew, and a Christian.”

The hundreds of books in my home library are a microcosm of my interests and values.

I do not live an exclusively “black and white sock” existence.

One of my desires is to improve myself, to be a better men today then I was tomorrow.

Another one of my desires is “to make a difference.”

I love books so much that if someone told me, “I need to spend time reading more books, more time learning and creating myself.”  I would suspect that person is and/or or will become a great success. Whether or not that person is a “success” I would feel an immediate bond with that person.

However, it might turn out that we are not compatible.

I strongly dislike being around embittered sullen people.

I try to stay away from people who never smile.

Being a sullen bitter complaining person is a “rule-out” — even if another person loves to read books, if that person is a bitter complaining sullen person I will not be happy being around that person and I try to stay away from that person.

I am selfish in that I try to stay away from bitter sullen people because they are drain my energy and their depression pulls me down.

I sometimes like people who don’t read books:  It has been my experience that people with a “happy” outlook have well formed minds whether they read books or not.

I like being around people who exude positive energy.

Reading “reconfigures” people’s thinking but doesn’t make inherently unhappy people become happy or change “negative” people into “positive” people.

Reading a book merely indicates an openness to experience and intellectual curiosity.

Sometimes, but not all the time, people who read books are very thoughtful.

Once I see a person is reading a book printed on paper I feel an immediate kinship with that person.  However,  I do not know what kind of person that person is and will know I will like that person until I interact with that person over a period of time.

My experience has taught me that people get along best with people who share the same sense of life and the same desires that I do.

The next of the photographs above (the last photograph) is a photograph of a cookbook (JERUSALEM) containing recipes people from the four corners of the world brought with them when they came to live in Jerusalem.

I went to Costco to buy artichokes, stopped by the book section in my local Costco warehouse, saw that recipe book there and couldn’t resist purchasing it.

I think it would be great fun to prepare one of the dishes in that cookbook with some I just met.

By the way, my children know I don’t cook and also know I can’t resist buying more books.

Reading the Above Text in Conjunction with Looking At The Above Images

Have you you changed what think/thought about when you first looked at the above pictures?

Are any of these pictures effective at telling you something about me, my character, my sensibilities, my interests, my tastes and/or my values?

Are any of those pictures worth a thousand words?

Sometimes An Image Is More Important Than Facts

Sometimes facts matter less than images.

Consider the televised Kennedy – Nixon debates: Kennedy oozed charisma.  Nixon looked awkward.

Many/most people believe Nixon lost the election to be the next present of the United States to Kennedy because of the way Nixon looked in those debates.

The Implications of the Sheer Speed At Which Ideas and Images Can Be Circulated Today

Historically, there have always been systemic changes in the structure of society following advances in communication technology.

  1. In 1440 Gutenberg invented the printing press.
  2. Shortly after Gutenberg’s books started rolling off the press the Archbishop of Mainz  demanded that permission be obtained before any new book could be printed.
  3. Shortly thereafter the Pope ordered that all books that questioned his authority be burned.
  4. The man who first translated the Bible into English, William Tyndale, was himself burned at the stake.
  5. The first newspaper published in the United States, on September 25, 1690, so offended the governor of Massachusetts that it was ordered closed down after only one issue, with a stern warning from the authorities that nobody could “set forth anything in Print” without permission.
  6. In 1740, the colony of South Carolina made it a crime for anyone to teach a slave to read and write.
  7. In the context of slave owners and slaves, literary was about access to education, information, and power.
  8. When they enacted the above legislation, South Carolina slave owners believed if slaves could communicate over with one another over long distances they might become aware of their numerical strength and rise up against their masters.
  9. In 1897 a man projected the first known commercial, a pitch for Dewar’s Scotch, on a large canvas strung across an intersection at Herald Square.  He was arrested for creating a public nuisance.
  10. Today more than forty-eight hours of fresh video is uploaded to YouTube every minute.
  11. There is more new video added to YouTube each month than the collective output of the three major US television stations since their founding after World War II.
  12. There are more than eight hundred million unique visitors watching videos each month on YouTube.
  13. A successful video posted on YouTube can get three million hits within a twenty-fur hour period.
  14. You can see 40 story office buildings that double as TV screens at night if you go to downtown Shanghai.
  15. Video advertising is sold on these giant screens.
  16. The Grand Indonesia tower, a fifty-seven story building in Jakarta, is wrapped in sixty thousand square feet of screens.
  17. If you belong to the Los Angeles Public Library you can download the library’s entire collection of books on your smart phone or lap top or tablet or Kindle or desktop computer and read the book(s) you downloaded for 21 days.
  18. You can also download the Los Angeles Public Library’s collection of audio books.
  19. Fifty-one percent of the time people connect to the Internet they do it through a smart phone or another mobile device.
  20. In the last quarter of 2011, the birth rate of iPhones (at the rate of 4.37 per second) exceed the birth of human babies on this planet (which came in at a rate of 4.2 births per second).
  21. Consider the impact of images on the six o’clock news of people lined up at banks in Greece and of people lined up at Automatic Teller Machines in Greece who couldn’t get their money (the money they had deposited in Greek banks)”out of their bank account.
  22. Think about the images you recently saw of people standing outside of closed banks crying.
  23. Think about the impact it had on you when you learned people standing in line were only allowed to withdraw 60 euros at a time from their bank accounts and/or ATM machines in Greece.
  24. Pharmaceutical companies spend more money on advertising in the United States (one of the few countries in the world where it is not against the law to advertise drugs on television) than on research and development.  What does that tell you?
  25. Many of the hundreds of millions of people who tune into the Super Bowl each January or February are there to see the advertisements, not the football game.  What does that tell you?
  26. During the first Super Bowl in 1967 it cost $42,000 for an advertisement.
  27. In 2012 corporations paid $3.5 million for a thirty-second spot.
  28. An e-mail sent to one or a few friends can create an instant response that may turn into a world-wide conversation creating a cumulative effect of creativity and advancing knowledge as people who know each other and other people who don’t know each other share information over the Internet.
  29. I personally experienced that after I had a heart attack in Toronto, Canada on September 13, 2013.
  30. I sent an email to a few friends informing them that I had had a heart attack.
  31. In response one of my friends (who lives in Hawaii) sent me an e-mail informing me that having a stent installed in a 100% blocked artery did not solve my underlying problem.
  32. This friend informed me that I needed to change my life if I wanted to live.
  33. He told me I need to read “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease” by Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., M.D. and to follow Dr. Esselstyn’s advice.
  34. As a result of receiving his advice I became involved in a world-wide conversation about how to prevent and reverse heart disease, how to prevent stroke, how to prevent diabetes, how to prevent dementia and how to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
  35. This conversation has shaped what I read and believe,
  36. Which in turn, has shaped how I now live my life.
  37. In the big picture, in addition to everything else going on in my life, I am now a receiver and provider to an evolving cloud of ideas and information about (a) the relationship between what we eat and our health, (b) whether taking statins is more beneficial or more harmful to health, and (c) what is the real significance of blood cholesterol level.
  38. I have been advised (a) that cholesterol serves many useful purposes, (b) that cholesterol is an anti-inflammatory, and (c) that blaming high cholesterol for heart attacks is akin to blaming firemen for fires.

Unique Benefit of Reading A Book Printed on Paper

According to New York Times columnist David Brooks: Researchers at the University of Oslo an elsewhere suggest that people read a printed page differently that they read off a screen.  

See David Brooks’ op ed page column in the July 10, 2014 edition of the New York Times titled “Building Attention Span” for further details.

I refuse to read books off a screen.

I am enamored of the physicality of a book printed on paper, of reading a book printed on paper in solitude, of getting lost in the world created by the author of that book as I read it, and of interacting with the words and ideas and concepts and information provided in books printed on paper.

A book printed on paper is a PHYSICAL THING to me.

Books printed on paper, and newspapers and magazines printed on paper, are something I can physically hold in my hands.

That is very important to me.

Books stored on a smart phone or any other mobile device or on a computer are not a physical thing or a physical entity to me.

To me, they are just a collection of images.

I can’t imagine giving a book read on a screen steady focused sustained concentration.

For that reason I will not read a book stored on my iPhone or stored on my desktop computer or stored on my lap top computer.

But instead, for that reason, I will continue to purchase and read books printed on paper.

Some people my age use a Kindle or smart phone or lap top or iPad when they go on a long trip by airplane because of the weight of books printed on paper.

Some of the books printed on paper which I own and have in my home library weigh several pounds.

One of the books I own weighs more than 20 pounds.

One of my friends has pointed out that he prefers to read screen books because:

  1. He can change the typeface if he wants.
  2. He can change the size of the type, if he wants.
  3. Digital books are much lighter to carry than physical books.

Young People

I understand  “young” people read, tweet, text, email and do research on their smart phones and iPads.

Although screens displaying digital information (i.e. books, texts, tweets, emails, etc.) are a novelty and curiosity to me, they are appendages to my children and grandchildren.

Most younger people (i.e., my children and grandchildren) grow up playing video games, watching videos and movies and reading books on screens.

The decision faced by most modern parents is: when to place their young child in front of a screen and start feeding them media.

Take Time to Think

Books printed on paper give the reader an unique and superior ability to crystallize ideas and to deeply consider and understand the nuance and substance of what is being read.

For further discussion of the unique importance of books printed on paper to me, read my post “An Ode to Books”, posted on my blog, The Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog at, on June 27, 2015.

Everything in Life Is Just for A While

Life can be compared to an echo echoing in mountains and into empty sky.

Things change. so we must adapt to the times.

Everything in life is just for a while.

We must adapt to the times and prepare for changes or be crushed by changes.

Reading the page of a book will help you prepare for change and make you more aware of current realities.

Images combined with an appropriate text send a very powerful message.

Take for example the combination of images of the teeth in children in photos of the tradition faces of the first born of an Australian Aboriginal family, a typical Melanesian boy, a typical Indian of the Peruvian Andes with the modern faces of a second-born son to an Australian Aboriginal family, a coastal Peruvian Indian boy whose parents had straight teeth, and the photographs of an Amazon Indian born after its family adopted a modern diet and a Samoan boy born after introduction of processed foods to his parents’ diet found on pages 31 and 32 of the paperback version of “Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox – How A Little Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life” by Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue, B.Sc., N.D.

Those pictures of children’s teeth and accompanying text powerfully make the point that what you eat (the modern diet vs the tradition diet) matters a lot.

Your concept of self is not constant.

Your level of awareness is not constant.

You should strive to be a better person today then you were yesterday.

Read a serious book, and study and think about what it says.

Share what you have “learned” with other people.

Discuss what it says with other people.

Book Recommendations

Two books I recommend you read if you are interested in looking further into the ideas discussed above ideas are:

  1. “The Age of Image” by Stephen Apkon.  In this book, Mr. Apkon “makes sense” of the world awash in image that we are now living in.
  2. “Essays in Idleness – The Tsurezuregusa of Kenko.”  This book consists of vignettes that reflect the importance of little, fleeting futile things and a distinctly Japanese aesthetic principle: beauty is bound to perishability.

Be A Full Participant in the World

It is everyone’s duty to share important information with other people.

Sharing what you know will create a cumulative effect.

Become part of the massive evolving cloud of ideas that constitutes our world culture; a cloud always in dialogue, changing shape as it pushes and pulls against itself.

It is a cloud in which every voice that contributes to it is like a small little breath of its own.

Be a full participant in the world.

Awareness, Imagination, Powers of Observation, Knowledge and Creativity

A friend of mine told me the first photograph shown above is not a picture of a tree.  According to my friend: it is a picture of a message.

What do you see when you look at the first photograph above?

Do you see a tree, a heart or a heart inside a heart or a heart inside a heart inside another heart, a message or something else?

Do you see one, two or three hearts?

Do you see a rainbow of colors in or around the heart(s)?

What do you sense when you look at that picture?

What does a heart symbolize to you?

What does a rainbow symbolize to you?

Who do you think painted the heart on the tree with the rainbow of colors and erected the twirling pin wheels in front of the tree?

What kind of person do you think owns that piece of property?

I see a heart within a heart and a picture painted in a rainbow of colors.

A heart symbolizes love to me.

When I see a heart, I think of Rumi’s poem:

Stop the flow of your words,

open the window of your heart and

let the spirit speak.


In ancient Egypt the hieroglyphic heart-shaped as a vase, was the storehouse of memory and truth, the center of the personality, of understanding, will and thought as well as creative imagination.

Egyptian physicians were the first to recognize the importance of the pulse, which they called the “voice of the heart.”

After the storm a rainbow appears; it has always been an emblem of promise.

A rainbow is both an act of nature signifying a storm has passed, a new beginning after a storm is over.

A rainbow also is a spiritual and inspirational symbol symbolizing hope for a wonderful future.

A rainbow is a sign of renewal, of the transmuting changes of the heart and the eros [deep love] of covenant between heaven and earth.

Poets have called rainbows “the dyes of heaven”, “a glittering robe of joy”, and a “celestial kaleidoscope.”

The “Book of Revelation” describes a rainbow, “like an emerald” surrounding the throne of God.

When I see a rainbow, I think of the words to the song “Over the Rainbow”: Somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly, troubles melt away like lemon drops….”

It is “obvious” to me that a very creative and peace-loving romantic kid, probably an eight or nine-year old girl, painted the heart on the tree and put the pinwheels in front of that tree.

In my imagination the girl who painted the tree and placed the pinwheels in front of it and her parents who own that property are affectionate lovely charming people.

I assume the person who owns that property is an extremely loving and happy person because it is hard to be unhappy in an inspiring and beautiful place.

Skills Necessary to Maximize You Opportunities for Success

To maximize your opportunities for success today you must have (a) good listening and writing skills, (b) good reading and writing skills, and (c) good visual communication skills.

The inescapable fact is that man is fundamentally a social animal, yet in some ways isolated.

Language is in response to this.

We all yearn to be seen and understood by those around us.

We make decisions based on what we see and what we understand.

To maximize your opportunities for success today, you need to be able to critically review information, ideas, concepts, thoughts and communications.

See: “The Social Animal – A Story of How Success Happens” by David Brooks and “The Mating Mind – How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature” by Geoffrey F. Miller.

Communications are at the heart of most social and business enterprises.

Romantic Take Away

Time is a vessel that you fill with what you want.

People are programmed differently by their past experiences.

This leads people to have different points of view.

I agree with the Dalai Lama: “People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness.  Just because they are not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.”  – The Dalai Lama

I also agree with Henry Miller’s statement: The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.” – Henry Miller

I agree with the statement: “The more you stare up at the sky, the more stars you begin to see.” – GSS

I also agree with the statement: The most creative act you will ever undertake is the act of creating yourself.” – Deepak Chopra


Copyright © by Gary S. Smolker

You Are What You See – A Commentary on High Fashion, Style, Sophistication, Glamour and the Business Genius of Louis XIV In “A Little Chaos” – A Movie Review by Gary S. Smolker

Updated October 19, 2014


The Eye Picks Up Clues As It Travels

Clothes do more than keep us warm.

Clothes are an extension of our personal style.

They are a key part of our taste and its expression.

Watching “A Little Chaos”, during its world premier at the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival, reminded me that people do judge you by the clothes you wear.

Each piece of our clothing in its own way makes a statement about who you are, about what your style and what your tastes are.

Visually Spectacular

“A Little Chaos” is a visually spectacular movie about a style obsessed monarch who was also a business genius (King Louis XIV).

Louis XIV took great pleasure in the conspicuous display of gorgeousness, style, beauty, the newest fashion, opulence, conspicuous consumption of luxury goods, and the creation of must see places, such as the grand gardens at Versailles.

Watching this movie is an artistic experience.

Visually, everything in this movie is spectacular.

Each scene superbly showcases objects of the greatest quality, rarity and beauty.

The clothing many characters in this move wear rises to the level of art.

The clothing wore by the nobles in this movie are dazzlingly beautiful objects to look at.

The detailing and impeccable tailoring of the garments King Louis XIV (played by Alan Rickman) wears in this movie are unforgettable.

Although the garments worn by King Louis XIV in this movie were created and worn in the 1600s, today, over 300 years later, they are still beautiful and unbelievably magnificent.  They make you think, WOW, where can I get that now.

The trees, fruit growing on trees, flowers, terraced hills, engineered waterways, gardens and the clothes worn by the characters in this movie all play a significant part in the story being told.

King Louis XIV wanted his grand gardens at Versailles to be a “must see” tourist attraction — and they are.

They were created under Louis XIV’s direction to display his power and style at a time when he was the world’s most influential, creative and imaginative promoter of style and artistic expression.

Upon their “completion” they were simultaneously opened to the public and became a “must see” tourist attraction.

From that point forward, elaborate parties and affairs of state have been conducted there; they have been called the Eighth Wonder of the World.

In this movie the audience is shown these visually glamorous grand gardens being built and planted.

The movie ends when one section of the gardens (that section designed in this movie by Madame Sabine De Barra) is completed.

It Helps to Have Resources

At the time King Louis XIV created these gardens, Louis XIV did not have to fill out loan applications or prepare investment prospectuses for potential investors in his projects.  He had enough money and power to command and to employ whomever he wanted in his kingdom to do what he wanted.

He had the power to decide and the “power to be right” – he had the power to make his own decisions without being overruled by anyone.

He had enough money and power to make sure things were done the way he wanted.

Also, and most importantly, he also had the ability to listen to people who were “able.” He used that power to great effect.

He listened to people who “knew their ‘stuff’, to people who knew what they were talking about.

He listened to people who knew how to do things.

King Louis XIV desire to own things of breath taking beauty knew no bounds.

His imagination and creative ideas and desire to possess “one of a kind” things of great beauty gave him no rest.

In keeping with all of the above, King Louis XIV hired the most talented landscape architect of all time, Andre Le Nostre (aka Andre Le Notre), to design and build the gardens at the Palace of Versailles.

King Louis XIV convinced Le Nostre to set his sights on more ambitious horizons – to create gardens that would be the most spectacularly gorgeous gardens in the world until the end of time.

The Gardens at Versailles

The grand gardens at Versailles were designed for beauty, elegance, usefulness, and to be timeless by Le Nostre.

They were designed to be the most stunning spectacular gardens in the world and to be maintained for  King Louis XIV’s own personal narcissistic gratifications of being the one owning them.

When they were completed, Louis XIV knew he had done something eternal in creating those garden.  He knew those gardens would turn him into an icon.

They immediately became the setting for every occasion Louis XIV wished to turn into a demonstration of the power of his monarchy and the wonders worked by French technology.

[ASIDE: When Louis XIV moved into his new dream home at Versailles, with his family, his ministers and the entire court in tow, 36,000 men and 6,000 horses were still deployed on the construction site.]

Establishing Social Status By Making A Breathtaking Fashion Statement

These gardens are not a bunch of plants planted in someone’s backyard.

Hills and valleys were cut and filled and terraced; swamps were filled; rivers were diverted; and a great number of pipes were custom made by hand and lovingly laid to create these gardens.

They are the end product of the highest most advanced level of the civil engineer’s and landscape architect’s arts.

They have character and panache – a dash of flamboyance and style – that are sublime.

During this movie, Director Alan Rickman shows the audience mountains at  Versailles were cut and terraced, pipes were fashioned and laid with loving hand crafted precision, and flowers, bushes and trees were chosen and planted with great passion and expertise.

In his (this) film, Director Alan Rickman shows us the detail with which these gardens are/were put together, the purposefulness with which they were created, the passion to make something that would give pleasure that went into making them, in every detail – the whole spirit of them.

The flowers and trees and bushes in these gardens are beautiful in all seasons due to the choice of plants planted.

Aura and Presence

Watching “A Little Chaos” will remind you, if you need to be reminded, that people will judge you and your aura by more than the quality of the clothes you wear.

  • Each piece of clothing displayed/worn by the nobles in “A Little Chaos” is showcased as fine art.
  • Every piece of the nobles’ clothing is in a certain way an art object.
  • Every detail in their clothing is like fine art.
  • Their clothing is refined, it’s elegant, and it is very beautiful.
  • Those garments look as good today as they did at the time they were made.
  • They are ageless.
  • The gardens themselves are each an absolutely impressive truly original creation.

Beyond that, this movie makes it clear that these gardens are one of a kind in terms of their presence and magnificence, with all that implies in terms of social status.

Louis XIV achieved immortality by creating monumental must see works during his reign, such as these gardens.

A Work of Art about A Work of Art

As a result of Alan Rickman’s superb direction, “A Little Chaos” is nothing less than a work of art about a work of art.

It is a movie which proves that a picture is worth a thousand words and that good design is timeless.

Unrelenting & Frenetic Opulence

In his movie (“A Little Chaos”), director Alan Rickman captures the sophistication, style, spirit of pleasure, competitiveness, values (each person in court strove to outshine the other by wearing more stylish clothes than everyone else) and desire for luxury, luxury goods, luxurious living and glamour in King Louis XIV’s court.

  • The garments worn at King Louis XIV’s court in “A Little Chaos” are extravagantly elaborate, of high style and bespeak wealth.
  • They have a distinctive look which is a reflection of a the wearer’s privileged life.
  • It is obvious that Louis XIV encouraged the nobles in his court to try to outdo each other in efforts to wear the most stylish sumptuous clothing.

Director Alan Rickman also captures the essence of what King Louis XIV aspired to be and the thinking that drove King Louis XIV to create the grand gardens at Versailles.

  • Louis XIV wanted Paris and France and Versailles to have the image as being of the epicenter of high style, sophistication, glamour, luxury living, and of graceful elegance and tasteful opulence.
  • Louis XIV believed his immortality would be assured by the body of creative work produced during his reign as King of France.
  • King Louis XIV personally made sure that all the buildings and gardens that he built were so obviously monumental that they were certain to remain conspicuous for posterity and simply had to be seen.
  • Not only did great things happen under Louis XIV’s reign, he made them happen.
  • In this movie, King Louis XIV is shown unrelentingly living a life full of glittering glamour, luxury, fashion, and extravagant spending on beautiful things.

Dazzlingly Luxurious Living

Virtually under Louis XIV’s royal decree, France embarked upon the most extraordinary age of creativity and luxurious living in it history.

Louis XIV is the person who made the diamond what it is today.

He loved diamonds.

He turned his clothes into a pretext for wearing diamonds.

On one over garment he showed off at least 1,500 carats of diamonds.

One of his day wear outfits featured 125 buttons, each fashioned from a single diamond.  Louis XIV also wore diamonds on his show buckles and garters.

He was the original male peacock.

His diamond mania succeeded in making the display of glittering gems an integral part of attractiveness.

It is said that at the candlelit dinners at Versailles woman’s hairdos seemed to be virtually on fire with diamonds.

Diamonds were the part of Louis XIV’s personal fortune closest to his heart: In the early 1690s he decreed that the magnificent silver furniture (all twenty-seven tons of it) and solid gold plate settings that had dazzled visitors to Versailles be melted down to get money to pay his troops, but refused to part with any of his diamonds.

Due to Louis XIV’s influence (love for diamonds), in the late seventeenth century shopping for fine jewelry became an integral part of the Parisian experience.

By the end of the seventeenth century, fashions in jewelry, like fashions in dress, were decided by designers in Paris.

At the beginning of the seventeenth century, the English crown jewels were the richest collection in Europe, but the by beginning of the next century, the French owned nearly all the greatest stones in Europe, and the English collection was so impoverished that for the coronation of George II, in 1727, many of the diamonds adorning the crowns had to be rented.

Louis XIV created the modern jewelry business.

Business Genius

Some people (myself included) believe that Louis XIV’s understanding that life is art and emphasis on style and fashion were a masterstroke of economic genius and that Louis XIV was the most farsighted creative businessman of all time, more farsighted and better able to see the future than Walt Disney and Steve Jobs.

It can be argued that without the fabulous things that Louis XIV’s passion for style inspired his subjects to create and his extraordinary spending on the luxurious and glamorous goods manufactured and/or designed in France (1) the luxurious experiences for which France is known today would not have come into existence, (2) and without them, tourism and luxury goods would not be France’s top industries today, (3) France would not be the dominant force in the luxury goods and fashion industries which it is today and (4) Paris would not be the destination place to go it is today.

Watching “A Little Chaos”  will bring you head to head and face to face in intimate contact with King Louis XIV’s astoundingly intense focused attention to detail; his creative vision and his extraordinary marketing and image making brilliance.

In “A Little Chaos”, Director/Screenwriter/Actor Alan Rickman showcased Louis XIV’s buoyant grace, exceptionally high level of ambition and deliberate and elaborate image making.

“A Little Chaos” is a 116 minute fashion-art-and-culture show of the highest level of originality in which flowers in full bloom, fruit trees bearing fruit, hills and valleys being cut and filled, swamps being filled and a great swatch of raw land being terraced and then turned into magnificent gardens as well as rich elaborate garments worn by the members of King Louis XIV’s court at royal festivities and while touring his gardens are as much a part of the story being told as the dialog of the principal characters.

As the movie progresses, the exquisite impeccably tailored magnificent garments Mr. Rickman wears throughout this film, as he plays King Louis XIV of France, create the unforgettable impression that Louis XIV was an extremely powerful ruler who loved luxury, style, fashion, glamour who happily and brilliantly exercised his absolute power with gusto and the purpose to create a country that would make people all over Europe declare “The French have style.  Their style and sense of fashion make them glamorous and beautiful.”

When the reign of King Louis XIV began France had no particular association with elegance, by its end, the French had become accepted all over the world as the arbiters in matters of taste and style.

Nightlife which is now seen as the essence of glamour and fun did not exist before the reign of King Louis XIV.

Before Louis XIV’s reign there were no street lights in any cities in the world.  All cities became pitch black at nightfall.

Before the reign of Louis XIV, no cities glittered after sunset.  Instead they were plunged into darkness.

In 1667 that changed.  By Louis XIV’s royal decree 2,736 lanterns were installed in Paris – positioned on and throughout each of the 912 streets of Paris.

Paris quickly became the original ville lumiere, the first city in the world where public life did not stop at sunset; for the first time life both outside and after dark did not stop.

Paris became the first city that never seemed to sleep.

The minute these lanterns were lit, Paris at night came into existence, and a completely new and glamorous way of experiencing cities came into existence.

After the streetlights in Paris were installed, people went shopping at night, people went to cafes and shows at night, etc. etc. etc.

The installation of street lights in Paris changed the world of shopping and world of nightlife for all time for people who live in or visit cities.

Installing street lights in Paris made Paris the destination place to go shopping.

Nightlife and nighttime business flourished.

Street lighting and business go hand in hand: shops, restaurants, cafes and theaters in Paris flourished under the newly possible extended business hours.

As soon as Paris began to sparkle at night, the beautiful people began to indulge in high-end shopping after dark and foreign visitors naturally followed suit by shopping at night as trendy Parisians were doing.

Recognizing the Need to Create Dazzling Experiences

To make Paris more outstandingly beautiful, and to add a touch of elegance to the Seine, Louis XIV imported hundreds of expensive white swans and had them placed in the Seine so that Parisians and visitors would see them as they strolled along the most popular street in Paris (the Cours-la-Reine) displaying their beautiful fashionable clothes and also see them as they traveled by coach from Paris to Versailles.

Louis XIV made Paris unsurpassed by creating landmarks that had to be seen, landmarks so fantastic that someone from a foreign city would believe they had to come to Paris to take them in.

Guidebooks prepared visitors for a “dazzling new experience”: arriving in Paris was like “suddenly coming out of the shadows into bright daylight.”

One of the guidebooks, published in 1692, rates street lighting as one of the wonders of the modern world: “This invention alone is worth the trip, no matter how far away you live.”

For the first time ever it had become possible to shop until one dropped, travel now included a new way of spending nocturnal hours.

Foreign visitors descended on fashionable Paris and wrote letters home comparing Paris to their native cities.

Recognizing the Need to Create Aesthetically Pleasurable Experiences

Under Louis XIV’s patronage, formerly everyday experiences were transformed into performance art.

Many of the finer things in life became just that, no longer “mere things” but finer aesthetically pleasurable experiences.

Louis XIV understood that being “good” or “exquisite” wasn’t good enough.

Louis XIV understood, atmosphere (glamour) is important, i.e., the way in which the plate and food are displayed is as important as what is placed on the plate.

[ASIDE:  During the reign of Louis XIV, cooking and eating began more and more to be thought of no longer as simple necessity but as a domain in which sophistication was possible and desirable.]

Louis XIV’s elaborate banquets began a process which resulted in France becoming a culinary world apart; eating became one of the finer things, no longer a “mere thing” but a finer aesthetically pleasurable experience.

Thanks to Louis XIV’s extravagantly luxurious lifestyle, France acquired the reputation as the country that had written the book on elegant living.


King Louis XIV’s program (as portrayed in Alan Rickman’s film “A Little Chaos”) to redefine France as the land of luxury, glamour and creativity – by changing the cultural world we live in – has been a fabulous success.

In a nutshell, in “A Little Chaos” the eye and imagination travel in historical time and space to the time when France became the epicenter of culture, fashion, sophistication, glamour and the art of luxury living.

Modern businessmen, since the reign of Louis XIV began, have to offer their customers something more than a good product; in order to stand out businessmen of all kinds have to make their customers feel special by providing a heavy dose of emotion along with their merchandise and/or service.

After the connection between street lighting and commerce became obvious other rulers took notice.

In 1620, Amsterdam became the second capital city to introduce street lighting.  Street lights were first installed in Berlin in 1630, in Vienna in 1687, in London in 1694 and in Geneva in 1793.


Dialogue in “A Little Chaos” takes place between the characters in words that bristle with visual possibilities, words that lend themselves to visual excitement.

In one, of many memorable scenes, a female gardener – while wearing the modest clothing of a gardener – asks a magnificently dressed courtier while he is escorting her down the grand staircase in the main ballroom at the Palace of Versailles at a party hosted by King Louis XIV at his Palace at Versailles:

“Why is everybody looking at me?  I am nobody.”  

The courtier replies:

That is why everyone is looking at you.”

Use of Sex to Move this Movie Along

At that moment, in this film this female gardner (whose name is Madame Sabine de Barra) is a fictional character added to this film to provide sexual tension to this otherwise sexless story.

Madam de Barra is portrayed as Andre Le Nostre’s brilliant, provocative assistant and as a woman who challenged sexual barriers and class barriers in 17th century France by being a woman with passion and intensity who woke up in the morning with desire to reject the status quo and come up with something better.  She was obviously a gardener extraordinaire and landscape architect.

Shortly before that moment, Andre Le Nostre had been hired by King Louis XIV to design and construct the grand gardens at Versailles.

Of historical note:

  • Before Versailles was a palace with grand gardens, it was a swatch of untilled countryside dotted with ponds and swamps.
  • The earth-moving required to make the slopping ramps and raised terraces at the grand gardens of Versailles, designed by Le Nostre, would be daunting with modern earthmoving equipment.  In Le Nostre’s time, earth moving work had to be done with pick, shovel and wheelbarrow and the labor of thousands of men.
  • Excavation of a Grand Canal in the grand gardens designed by Andre Le Nostre, was begun in 1668.
  • Once constructed, fifteen gondolas sent by the Venetian Republic that were used in possessions and festivities in the Grand Canal by Louis XIV.
  • The Grand Canal was also used by Louis XIV to put on naval demonstrations and mock battles
  • Most of the festivities marking the status of King Louis XIV’s reign took place in the grand gardens of the Palace of Versailles.
    • Moliere’s plays were enacted and Lully’s music was performed there.
    • Upon completion, the elaborate fetes at Versailles, with their theatrical extravaganzas on both land and water, fireworks, and great feasts, were all enacted in the gardens.
  • Versailles has played a wide variety of roles, occupying the center of French history and the world stage many times (including site of the official ending of World War I), since it began its evolution to the magnificent palace of palaces in 1661, at the command of King Louis XI.
  • Looking at these seminal gardens today, their iconic design and magnificence remain as alluring and pure as ever.
  • They beckon you to come in to have picnic on one of their lawns, and to get a sense of what the good life was all about more than 400 years ago during the reign of King Louis XIV.
  • They feel aesthetically right.

This movie begins shortly after Le Nostre is awarded the commission to design the King Louis XIV’s grand gardens at Versailles.

As the movie progresses, we watch four applicants being interviewed by Le Nostre to serve as Le Nostre’s assistant on that project.

One of the applicants we watch Le Nostre (masterly played by Matthias Schoenaerts) interview is Madame Sabine de Barra (charmingly played by Kate Winslet).

At this interview, Madame de Barra is attired in the modest attire of a gardener.

The other three applicants are (each male) landscape architects attired in exquisite clothes.

Each of the four applicant’s clothing powerfully communicates the ideas, opinions and beliefs of each applicant – captures the real truth of who that applicant is – i.e., what you could reasonably expect from each applicant if you hired him or her to help you design and/or to landscape a garden.

The three male applicants are attired conventionally and are conventional.

There is nothing conventional about Madame de Barra.

On her way to her interview, she passes through a court yard full of potted plants.

She does not like the way the potted plants are arranged.  She moves the potted plants in the courtyard around as she walks through the courtyard.

Le Nostre observes her doing this.

Her sense of purpose was an overwhelming differentiator.

At her interview she provides Le Nostre with a portfolio of detailed plans of gardens she had designed and built which prove to Le Nostre that she has done imaginative and aesthetically perfect work – work which when looked at from any angle is an impeccably flawless sophisticated work of landscaping.

It is obvious to Le Nostre that Madame de Barra is a master of balance and form and has courage audacity and good taste.

Le Nostre knows, from his own experience, that she possesses the capabilities and capacities to face the challenges his assistant will face.

Le Nostre knows:

  1. that that the courage to create great work, and fight to protect it, at all costs, is not generated in the head … it comes from the heart and soul;
  2. that timidity leads to mediocrity;
  3. that there is no such thing as a cautious creative;
  4. that in Madame de Barra, he has met a another landscape architect brimming with talent, brimming over with taste, and endowed with invincible personal conviction;
  5. and that Madame de Barra is his soulmate.

In this movie, Andre Le Nostre and Madame de Barra are each a truly original person who defies convention.

Le Nostre describes Madame de Barra as “a tiara among the weeds.”

Great Communication Holds Audiences Spellbound

Alan Rickman is a great communicator.

There is no empty ostentation in this movie.

Each character in this movie wears superbly conceived clothes.

The magnificent garments King Louis XIV wears in this movie adds to the sense that this is a real king.

Every detail of King Louis XIV’s impeccably crafted exquisite garments adds to that sense.

In your mind’s eye they become instantaneously connected to your brain and heart.

You will never be able to get them out of your memory.

Whomever did the costuming in “A Little Chaos” should win the Academy Award for costuming.

I “promise”, if you watch “A Little Chaos” you will never forget the exquisite garments Alan Rickman wore (as he was being dressed) and Stanley Tucci (wore in court as court dandy) or the pearl studded gloves Le Nostre’s wife (played by Helen McCrory) wore.

“A Little Chaos” displays film maker Alan Rickman’a taste for decorous elegance and inimitable sense of style.

The dialog, screenplay, acting and costuming in “A Little Chaos” are superb – a riveting and moving melange of colorful, fascinating characters, and ideas captured in an irresistible mix.

Kudos and congratulations for a job done exceeding well to Director/Film Maker Alan Rickman; Screenplay writers Alison Deegan, Alan Rickman, Jeremy Brock; Cinematographer Ellen Kuras; Editor Nicolas Gaster; Production Designer James Merifield; and principal cast Kate Winslet, Matthias Schoenaerts, Alan Rickman and Stanley Tucci.

Watching “A Little Chaos” is an enveloping and spectacular visual, emotional and intellectual experience.

History provides a lexicon of subjects, stories and ideas to be mined.

In “A Little Chaos” Alan Rickman shows how to artistically mine that lexicon.

Intoxicating Release

If you are one of those people who have “style”, who believe we are put here for the joy of it, if you believe totally in romance, love, pleasure and beauty, the “elegance” of the grand gardens of Versailles will hold you.

They have been bedazzling people for more than 400 years who found being in the grand gardens of Versailles is an intoxicating release from the banality of the world.

Testament to Imagination

Just as the grand gardens of Versailles are a powerful representation of who Louis XIV was, similarly, “A Little Chaos” is a powerful representation of who Alan Rickman is.

“A Little Chaos” is a testament to the imagination, audacity, good taste, brain power, creativity, directorial skill, screenwriting skill and acting skill of Director/Screenwriter/Actor Alan Rickman.

“A Little Chaos” has staying power – it will stand the test of time – because it has a beauty all its own, and no age.

This is a movie that will make people talk and think about creativity, good taste and the importance of elegance and style.

Copyright © 2014 Gary S. Smolker