Monthly Archives: May 2020

COVID 19 LAWYER (Issue #1) by Gary Smolker

We are building the future today.

These are unprecedented times.

Elon Musk

Elon Musk has defied a local shut down order that prohibited his Tesla manufacturing factory to continue operating in a small town in Alameda County, California.

Elon Musk has threatened to take his Tesla manufacturing operation – which employees 11,000 workers – out of the State of California if he is not allowed to run his Tesla factory where it is presently located in California.

Elon Musk said he is willing to be arrested for breaking the local shut down rule.

Elon Musk appears to believe: Sometimes you do have to fight. Where that’s true, you should fight and win. There is no middle ground: either don’t throw any punches, or strike hard and end it quickly.

Elon descries his staff this way: “If you’re at Telsa, you’re choosing to be at the equivalent of the Special Forces.  There’s the regular army, and that’s fine, but if you are working at Tesla you’re choosing to step up your game.”

Lessons Learned

“Success is never accidental.” — Jack Dorsey, founder of Twitter and Square

“Real technologists wear T-shirts and jeans. Never invest in a tech CEO that wears a suit.” — Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal and Palantir, made the first outside investment in Facebook, funded companies like SpaceX and LinkedIn

“It’s as easy to do something big as it is to do something small, so reach for a fantasy worthy of your pursuit, with rewards commensurate to your effort.” — Stephen A. Schwartzman, Chairman, CEO. and Co-founder of Blackstone


President Donald J. Trump

President Trump recently sent me a $1,200 Economic Impact Payment after Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act).

In the West Wing of the White House staffers are now required to wear face masks unless they are sitting at their desk.

Vice President Pence’s press secretary Katie Miller, and one of President Trump’s valets tested positive for COVID 19 last week.

Three members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force are self-quarantining after potential exposure. They are Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, Dr. Robert Redfield, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Dr. Stephen Hanh, head of the Food & Drug Administration.

President Trump must be thinking about hunger, hunger signals, food shortages, and the upcoming  elections in the United States, especially voting in the next presidential election.

  • Before the pandemic there were 36 million people getting food stamps.
  • It is estimated that an additional 28 million to 40 million more people need food stamps now.
  • Before the pandemic one in five children in America went hungry – did not have enough to eat. Eighty percent of the children in the Los Angeles Unified School District were given free meals: breakfast and lunch at their school.
  • Food banks are now overwhelmed.  Lines stretch for over a mile around the block.
  • Farmers are slaughtering their cattle, their hogs and their chickens; there is no market for what they produce due to restaurant lock downs, stay in place orders, etc.
  • There have recently been COVID 19 outbreaks in 115 meat, pork, and chicken food processing facilities across 23 states, 5,000 plus workers infected, 20 deaths resulting in food processing plant shut downs and/or slow downs.
  • Who will win the next presidential election?

Why I Will Not Be Eating In A Restaurant Soon

I can eat at a friend’s home.

I remember pleasant days in Sicily

It was a different time, a pre-pandemic time.

I can eat Sushi at my daughter’s home in Massachusetts, with my daughter, her husband, and their two children.

There are places that make me realize how tiny I and my problems are.

It’s impossible for me to forget the grandeur and refinement of the works of art I saw in Sicily.


Hope Is A Way of Life

Nelson Mandela was a member of the Thembu royal house, descended from King Ngubengcuka (c. 1790 -1830) who united the Thembu nation before it was subjected to British colonial rule.

University of South Africa (UNISA) is one of the largest distance education institutions in the world, and the uni8versity through which Nelson Mandela achieved his LL.B degree.  After he was forced to end his studies through the University of London, he continue through UNISA and graduated, in absentia in 1989. He was able to practice as a lawyer before he was imprisoned, as in those days, only a diploma in law was necessary.

In Robben Island prisoners were made to sit in rows in the prison courtyard and smash stones into gravel.

Every great story on planet Earth happened when someone decided not to give up, but kept going no matter what.

When South Africa’s first democratically elected government came to power in 1994, the government reorganized the ten existing Bantustans, or homelands, and the four existing provinces into nine smaller fully integrated provinces.  The four provinces that existed from 1910 – 94 were reorganized into new provinces.


Copyright (c) 2020 by Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved

“Guide to the Perplexed” by Gary Smolker


The world is more amazing than any dream.

Creative people have endless obstinacy.

They continue to be creative through matter what happens.

Their enduring happiness comes from productive work and the transcendental elements of their lifes.





The centrality of productive human endeavor is creating a sense of purpose in life.

What makes work meaningful is not the kind of work it is, but the sense it gives you that you are earning success serving others.

Enjoying your life is the most beautiful thing you can do for yourself.

Love what you do.





Every great story happened when someone decided not to give up, but to keep going no matter what.






Enjoy every moment of your life.





If Plan “A” doesn’t work, there are 25 more letters in the alphabet.





I hope your cognitive faculties are working with a bit more alacrity than your most recent actions exhibited.

Keep smiling.

Keep gathering intellects and forces.

Keep getting people to coalesce around your way of thinking.

Someday, life will tire of upsetting you.



Be in touch with yourself.

Spontaneity is the best kind of adventure.

There is no time to be bored in a world as beautiful as this.

I tried being normal once.  It was the most boring hour of my life.


Copyright (c) 2020 by Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved

Guide to Persuasion – by Gary Smolker


















Enjoyment Compatibility – by Gary Smolker


A person is either turned on by a field of poppies or not.

A person either has the imagination to quarantine themselves in a field of poppies or not.

When extreme Imagination Compatibility exists a man and woman can enjoy listening to a clock tick when they are together.

Copyright (c) 2020 Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved


Animal Spirit, Ambition, Drive, Chutzpah, Passion, Persistence, Smart Thinking and Good Timing and Good Luck – by Gary Smolker


Fundamental success, unless your are born rich and/or are connected, comes from pursuing high ambitions, having hustle, being creative, having chutzpah, persistence, drive, stamina, passion, practicing smart thinking, having good luck, being patient, and good timing.

Animal Spirit

Everyone has Animal Spirit.

Whether people acknowledge their Animal Spirit, let it free, or suppress it will make a difference in the life they lead, the adventures they have, how they face the unknown, and will determine how they treat opportunities.

Whether an opportunity will be passionately seized and turned into a success or be put on the back burner and turn into a failure or will not become part of your life depends on whether you throttle your animal spirit.

It Is Best to Adapt to Reality on the Ground

Everybody is re-engineering their life as a result of the pandemic.

It is best to adapt to reality on the ground.

Animal Spirit matters.

Artistic temperament matters.

Taste matters.

Refinement matters.

Personality matters.

The whole picture has to be right.

Success comes down to being ready to seize rare moments of opportunity.

Lessons Learned

Success comes down to rare moments of opportunity.

Gather the right people and resources then commit.

Be open, alert and ready to seize opportunity.

Make decisions when you are ready.

Information is the most important asset in business.

The Right People

The right people never get complacent.

The right people never stop learning.

The right people are receptive to new ideas provided they are thoughtful.

The right people are bold.

They have the confidence and courage to act when the moment seems right.

The right people accept risk where others are cautious and take action when everyone else is frozen, but they do so smartly.

The right people thoughtfully match their passion with their ambition.

Dudes Guide to Women’s Shoes

I am co-publishing Dudes Guide to Women’s Shoes with a friend who is passionate about shoes.

DGTWS is a feel good publication.

DGTWS is publicizing feel good fun fashion.

DGTWS is a source of uplifting shoe fashion information and photographs.

Check out DGTWS shoe fashion picks of the weeks during the past eight weeks of the pandemic.

Below are screen shots of favorite shoe picks published in Dudes Guide to Women’s Shoes in the past few weeks.

Gary Smolker, Co-publisher and Fashion Blogger
Dudes Guide to Women’s Shoes
Copyright (c) 2020 By Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved

Reality On The Ground – by Gary Smolker



Lost In A World that Doesn’t Exist



Can’t Touch This


Elegant Positive Attitude Is A Little Thing that Makes A Big Difference


There Are Some Days I Think I Am Going to Die from An Overdose of Satisfaction



Copyright © 2020 by Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved