Category Archives: The Cost of Achieving Success

Live Life Fully with Eyes Wide Open – by Gary Smolker

I’ve been living in a rut.

I got out of that rut on the weekend of January 13, 2017.

My Creative Weekend

During the weekend of January 13 through January 15, 2017, I discovered many treasures, including a double-Decker-merry-go-round-carousel in the Westfield Topanga Mall in front of the Target store.

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My goal/project for Saturday (January 14, 2017) was to hang a plate on a wall in my kitchen.

However, I didn’t have any nails.

I decided to go get some nails at Home Depot.

In the process of going to get some nails at Home Depot, along the way, I ended up at the Westfield Topanga Mall in Canoga Park …. where I discovered the double-Decker-merry-go-round-carousel pictured above.


My housekeeper had given me a plate the day before, on Friday (January 13, 2017) early in the morning before I went to my office in Encino.

Below is a picture of the plate she gave me sitting on a granite counter-top in my kitchen.

On Saturday (January 14, 2017), I decided I would hang that plate on a wall in my kitchen.

However, I didn’t/don’t know how to hammer a nail in a wall and (at the time) I didn’t have any nails.

Luckily I know a woman (Christy Rusk) who knows how to hang a plate on a wall and how to hammer nails into a wall.


My Nine Hour Hanging A Picture on A Wall Project

It took me nine hours from the time I left my home to buy nails to when I got home, hammered nails in a kitchen wall and hung the plate.

To get my project done, I picked up Christy (a young lady who knows how to hammer nails in walls) to help me with the task at hand.

I picked up Christy at Christy’s home near the Grove in West Hollywood, at 11:15 a.m.

After picking Christy up, Christy and I meandered over to the Home Depot store in Woodland Hills, located at 7345 Variel Avenue, Woodland Hills, CA. 91367.

The Lost City of Los Angeles

Los Angeles is a lost city.

I say that because Los Angles is spread over so much territory that hardly anyone living in Los Angeles has seen (or been to) every part of it.

On our way to Home Depot, Christy and I stopped at the Westfield Topanga Mall to look for a store that would replace a dead battery in Christy’s watch or would sell Christy a new battery to replace the dead battery in Christy’s watch.

None of the jewelry stores or watch repair stores we visited in the mall would do so for a reasonable price.

That is how we ended up in the Target store at the Westfield Topanga Mall, where I discovered a most amazing book.

The Most Amazing Book

See photograph below.


I didn’t know that book existed.

I found it by “chance” in a Target Store while looking for a new watch battery with Christy.

Fashion As Fine Art

Before Christy and I got to the Target Store, Christy and I meandered through the Nordstrom in the Westfield Topanga Shopping Mall.

While meandering, we walked into the “Chanel Store” and the “Gucci Store” located in the Nordstrom Department Store.

What an eye opening experience that was.


Below is a picture I took of a “Clutch” I saw in the Chanel Store.


That clutch is a recycled used cigar box.

It sells for $14,000.00.


I also saw amazing purses and clutches at the Gucci store.

See photograph below of a $2,800.00 clutch.


Look at the attention to detail.

Isn’t the attention to detail amazing?

I think so.

Next, I looked at and took a photograph in the Gucci store of a $3,800 Gucci Purse.

See photograph below.


I think the attention to detail in that Gucci purse and the design of that Gucci purse are amazing.

But wait, next I saw and took a picture of, another astounding and even more expensiive Gucci purse.

See picture below.

Don’t you agree that Gucci purse has priceless style, intricate stitching and fabulous design?



The sales price of that Gucci purse is $5,800.00.

Lush Cosmetics

While we were in the shopping mall, Christy wanted to purchase some soap.

She loves Lush Cosmetics Soap.

We meandered over to the Lush Cosmetics Store.

It was an amazingly creative fun experience to be in that store.

Below are three photos of  signs I saw above three of the different types of soap.

TAKE AWAY:  Signage counts.

Lush Cosmetics knows how to merchandise their products.

See photos below.




In my imagination, prompted by being in that store, I could see myself bathing by candlelight in my bath with a girl friend …. to add a sense of calm, magic and seduction to taking a bath.

I have enchanting candle holders on the side of my oversized bathtub.

The Ultimate Decadent Bathing Experience

I have a wine glass holder on the side of my bath tub.

I was missing the right kind of bubble bath.

Now, thanks to my trip on Saturday (January 14, 2017) to Lush Cosmetics store in the Westfield Topanga Shopping Mall,  I have everything I need for the ultimate decadent bathing experience except a woman to take a bath with me.

How sublime.

I am taking one tiny step at a time.

Heat Is the New Black

According to an article I recently read,

  • “Hyperthermic conditioning (calculated heat exposure) can help you increase growth hormone (GH) levels and substantially improve endurance.”
  • Hot baths can significantly increase GH over baseline, and have been shown to cause a massive release in prolactin, which plays a role in wound healing.
  • If nothing else, they seem to dramatically decrease DOMS (delayed on-set muscle soreness).

Supporting Good Causes

While at Lush Cosmetics I purchased:

  • A Twilight Bath Bomb, price $$6.95
  • A Yoga Bomb Bath Bomb, price $7.95
  • A Tisty Tosty Bath Bomb, price $6.75
  • A Frozen Bath Bomb, price $8.95
  • A Avobath Bath Bomb, price $6.75 and
  • A container of Charity Pot hand and body lotion, price $7.95.

The purchase of these products supports good causes and good groups like ….  the “International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council” which provides education and resources on wildlife rehabilitation to promote conservation and welfare worldwide.

According to their literature, Lush Cosmetics funds grassroots groups working on environmental, human rights and animal protection issues.

By the Way

There are beautiful things to be seen all around us.

On Saturday (January 21, 2017) I went to Glendale with Christy Rusk to eat Dim Sum at Din Tai Fung.

While waiting to be seated we walked outside and saw a little girl who had one hand holding her mother’s hand and her other hand holding a string connected to an elephant balloon.


I also saw many young women wearing sweat shirts broadcasting the printed message: “The Future is Female.”



Copyright © 2017 by Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved

By the way,

  • I am a fashion blogger for Dude’s Guide to Women’s Shoes.
  • Check out my posts on Dude’s Guide to Women’s Shoes at
  • I am also on Instagram.
  • Check out my posts on Instagram @garyspassion





How to Portray Emotional Torments & Success – A Movie Review of Paolo Sorrentino’s “YOUTH” by Gary S. Smolker

Paolo Sorrentino is the internationally renowned writer and director of Italy’s Oscar-winning foreign language film “The Great Beauty” which was about the meaninglessness of success.

I loved Paolo Sorrentino’s “The Great Beauty”, but for my purposes I think “YOUTH” is better.

You will love the visuals when you see “YOUTH” —

  • Most of the film takes place in the Swiss Alps.
  • The costuming is fabulous.
  • Principally this is a story about a composer who “was” misunderstood by his daughter.

You will also love the subtly simple way Paolo Sorrentino illustrates what it takes to be a great success and what is involved in being successful.

The great architect Le Corbusier said: Simplicity is a choice, a discrimination, a crystallization.  Its object is purity.

“YOUTH” is purity incarnate.  It is a pure and true and honest and sincere movie about success.

The Cost of Being the Best

Paolo Sorrentino’s latest movie YOUTH is about the cost of getting to the apex of your profession, the cost you pay to become the best at what you do, the “human cost” of making it.

The Cost of Being Consumed

Paolo Sorrentino’s movie YOUTH is about being consumed.

Everyone in this movie is consumed by their own desires.

Musical composer and conductor Fred (played by Michael Caine) is consumed by his love for his mentally dead institutionalized wife.

Fred’s “loving” daughter Lena (played by Rachel Weisz) is consumed by feeling she is not loved and has not been loved by her father Fred.

Screen writer director Mick (played by Harvey Keitel) is consumed by desire to write/direct the greatest movie of his career.

Being Misunderstood

YOUTH makes it clear that the person who has made it to the top of a creative profession will be misunderstood by his children.

The new 2015 movie “Steve Jobs” and the 2014 movie “The Imitation Game” also make it clear that a “driven” productive genius, passionate about his work, will be misunderstood.


The takeaway message of this movie is, You either live in the future or you live in the past.

Most Memorable Scene

The photography in this movie is beyond fabulous.

The costuming and make up in this film is beyond the highest order.

Most of this movie takes place in Switzerland, where a well dressed and fabulously made up Harvey Keitel — who looks elegantly casual although he looks like he is in his eighties — is trying to write a screenplay with a team of young screenwriters who look like they are in their twenties.

In the most memorable scene in this movie, Harvey Keitel asks a young woman screen writer on his “screen writing team” to look through a telescope at a huge mountain, which is far away.

After she looks through the telescope he then asks her what she sees.

She says, “It looks so close.”

Keitel then turns the telescope around and asks her to now look at the same mountain.

She looks at the same mountain again.

Keitel then asks her, “What do you see now.”

She replies, “It looks so far away.”

Keitel then tells her,

  1. “That is the difference between youth and old age.”
  2. “When you are young, things far away look close and large.”
  3. “When you are old, everything looks far away and small.”

Second Most Memorable Scene

It is worth watching this movie just to see the clothes Rachel Weisz and Michael Caine wear in each scene.

In the second most memorable scene, a tearful well dressed Rachel Weisz (the character Lena in this movie) berates her elegantly dressed father Michael Caine (music composer Fred in this movie)

  • (i) for not loving her,
  • (ii) for not loving her mother,
  • (iii) for never paying attention to either her (Rachel Weisz) or to her mother (Fred’s devoted wife),
  • (iv) for never showing any affection to either one of them,
  • (v) for knowing nothing about her (Rachel Weisz), and
  • (vi) for always being consumed by his (Fred’s musical) profession of composing music and conducting orchestras.

According to Rachel/Lena, her mother was always telling her (Rachel/Lena) to be quiet because her father Fred (Michael Caine) was composing music or preparing to conduct an orchestra or preparing for a meeting with an important composer or other personage in the highest level of the music world.

Third Most Memorable Scene

The Queen of England has sent an emissary to ask Fred to conduct an orchestra which will be playing one of his most famous compositions and a most famous singer who will be singing the words as the orchestra plays his music as a birthday present to her husband, and to ask Fred to accept a knighthood.

Fred replies: No.

The emissary asks: Why?

Fred replies: For personal reasons.

The emissary from the Queen keeps coming back.

After the outburst from his daughter accusing him of not carrying for his wife- on the next time the emissary asks Fred to conduct an orchestra playing that music, Fred replies:

  • I do not accept and will not accept the Queen’s invitation and I don’t want to be knighted because I composed that song and music for that song for my wife. 
  • I have only conducted an orchestra while that song was being played when my wife sang that song. 
  • My wife can’t sing anymore. 
  • I am never going to conduct an orchestra playing that song without my wife there to sing that song.

Fourth Most Memorable Scene

During her tearful tirade against her father, Lena also criticizes her father Fred for having not brought flowers to his wife’s grave site in Venice, for the past ten years.

In the fourth most memorable scene, Fred goes to a graveyard in Venice and walks to a particular grave with a bouquet of flowers.

Then walks away with a disappointed look on his face without putting down the bouquet of flowers.

We next see Fred in a hotel like private room in an institution with a nurse looking after a mentally dead woman.

Fred tells the mentally dead woman

  • That the Queen of England wants to give him (Fred) a knighthood for writing the song he wrote for her (his wife who is now demented).
  • That he remembers that when no-0ne had any faith in him, except her.
  • He remembers all the times he was turned down when he applied for a job.
  • He remembers that she (his wife) sold her mother’s jewellery to support the two of them.
  • Their daughter knows nothing of this.
  • It is best that they keep the set-backs and other disappointments and poverty they faced together their secret — a secret between himself and her (his wife).

Sorrentino Shines His Light on Us

In YOUTH, Sorrentino shows us that the path taken by an honest noble self-made man to the top is not an easy path and that true wealth (success) is to love and respect someone else and to have your true self be loved and respected by another person and to return that love and respect in return.

Fred was always his authentic self — a man passionately in love with music, composing music, making music and conducting.

He was very good at what he did and got better and better at it.

Fred’s wife married Fred when Fred was at the beginning of Fred’s musical career, struggling musically and economically.

Fred’s wife truly loved and respected Fred and made sacrifices when needed.

Fred has always truly loved and respected his wife and always truly loved and respected his daughter, and made appropriate sacrifices when needed.

Fred’s wife and Fred savored the good times and conquered the challenges together throughout their lives, without ever lapsing into negativity.

Sorrentino shows us life is beautiful, that judging others shows negativity, that we are all special in our own way and that there is always a lot going on in our lives.

Lena, the “youth” in this movie, because of her “youth” and inexperience, has only the slightest idea of who her authentic loving dedicated father is.

As the movie progresses, Lena learns more and more about how loving, compassionate and respectful an individual her father Fred is and always has been and what a serious committed relationship Fred has with her mother.

What It Takes to be Successful

When asked what it takes to be mega successful clothing designer Donna Karen reportedly answered: Do something you believe in.  Do something that speaks to your needs, your life style and your passion.” 

In “YOUTH” the story shows what happened in Sorrentino’s character Fred’s life.

Each of the characters in Sorrentino’s screenplay/movie “YOUTH” shows a different aspect of how being successful plays out, i.e. the price your family might pay for your effort to be successful.

During the movie Michael Caine and Harvey Keitel are shown in the dinning room of the hotel they are staying at, watching a married couple eat dinner.  The married couple never talk to each other.  Caine and Keitel bet each night whether that couple will talk to each other during dinner.  Caine bets they won’t, Keitel bets they will.  Caine wins the bet every night.

I remember being in the dinning room at a romantic resort one morning.  I spotted a high profile successful man I know eating breakfast with his high profile successful wife.  They were both reading a newspaper.

I told my wife:  Look!  You can always tell who the married couples are at this resort: They are the ones in the dinning room reading newspapers instead of talking to each other at breakfast.

I spoke to a very successful man recently, who told me:

  • There is nothing more I want to accomplish in life, except to enjoy the fruits of my labors.
  • I was recently in a line with my wife, and noticed we had nothing to say to each other.
  • All the “young” couples in line were busily chatting with each other.
  • When we were first married everything was an exciting adventure we shared together. 
  • Now our marriage has entered a new phase: We go our own way; we are living separate lives together.

Basketball great Roger Barry, reportedly answered the “What does it take to be successful? question in greater detail, this way:

If  you don’t have great personable pride, you don’t have a chance, because you’re willing to accept less than your best effort.  And if you’re willing to accept less than your best effort, you’ll never maximize your full potential.

Study all the fundamental principles and concepts of whatever it is you are trying to do so you have a foundation to build on.

Find something you love to do and give your best effort in trying to master whatever it is required of you.

The movie released  Pawn Sacrifice (about master chess play Bobby Fischer), and the movie Steve Jobs (about the co-founder of Apple Computer)t released this year (2015) and the movies released last year (2014) Whiplash (about a fictional jazz ensemble drummer and a fictional jazz ensemble leader/conductor) and The Imitation Game (about Alan Turing the father of computer science) show how being super successful – at the top of a field of endeavor – plays out.

I would add to that mix:

  1. Having a brilliant teacher/coach to teach you, to monitor your performance, to give you feed-back, and to push you is essential UNLESS you are a complete GENIUS like Steve Jobs, Alan Turing and Bobby Fischer.
  2. Having brilliant advisers is one of the secrets of success for merely talented people like Frank Sinatra.

Each of the characters in “YOUTH” represents one aspect of the cost of great success.


Restlessness is the hallmark of fabulously successful people and the hallmark of the principal characters in Sorrentino’s “YOUTH.”


No life ever grows great until it is focused. – Henry Emerson Fosdick, theologian

“YOUTH” is about what it is like to live a focused life.

At the end of the movie, Harvey Keitel’s character tells his team of young screenwriters: In life we are all extras.


Thoughts for the day:

  • Use what talents you possess; the woods would be silent if no birds sang there but those who sing best. – Henry Van Dyke, poet
  • Creativity takes courage. – Henri Matisse, artist
  • To not dare is to have already lost. – Andree Putman, designer
  • Forget about style, worry about results.” – Bobby Orr, hockey great
  • It doesn’t make much difference how the paint is put on as long as something has been said.  Technique is just a means of arriving at a statement. – Jackson Pollack, painter
  • Success is the old ABC – ability, breaks and courage. – Charles Luckman, architect


A designer knows when he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing more left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. – Antoine De Saint-Exupery, aviator and author

“YOUTH” is a masterpiece.

Not only does the writer/director of YOUTH, Paolo Sorrentino, have great ideas, he has the ability to express them.

Copyright © 2015 by Gary S. Smolker, All Rights Reserved