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Visual Identity #6 – PLACES – by Gary Smolker, Social Commentator, Values Critic, Coffee Lover, Chocolate Lover


Everything has has a visual identity.

Even places have a visual identity.

A visual identity represents who you are, what you are, and where you are.

How you, or your business, represent yourself visually is important.

Visual identity is what you think of when you think about a place. a product, and/or a person.


Bubble-baths are divine.

After seeing those bubbles i had to find out how to get such a bubbly bath.

I am running a scientific experiment.

Do you have any suggestions on how I can get such a bubbly bath in my own home?

A beautiful mind can appreciate a beautiful world.



COFFEE originated from and was invented in Ethiopia.

Coffee did not become a global enterprise until traded in port of Moka in Yemen. (Moka is where the word “mocha” comes from.)

Zanzibar was one of the most important trade links between Africa, Yemen and eventually Europe for the trade of  “mocha java” or coffee.


Gary Smolker, Social Commentator, Values Critic, Coffee Lover, Chocolate Lover


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