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“Would Paris Be Better Off If the Eiffel Tower Was Half As Tall?” by Gary S. Smolker

Duty to Enrich Other People’s Lives

The Eiffel Tower was “monstrously huge” when it was built more than 100 years ago in Paris as an exhibit for the 1889 Exposition Universelle, and years ahead of its times.

It is monstrously huge today, and still years ahead of its time.

I believe today, or someday, a boy or girl will look at the Eiffel Tower and be inspired to think/say “I am going to build something bigger and better than that.”

But if the Eiffel Tower was half as tall, that wouldn’t happen.

I want to challenge other people’s imagination, to expand their perceptions, to add to their ideas and knowledge and thereby enrich and stimulate their experience of their lives.

I believe the Eiffel Tower is inspiring and therefore enriches other people’s lives.

I believe it is everyone’s duty to enrich their own life, my life and everyone else’s lives.

I don’t believe in half measures.

Therefore, I wouldn’t want the Eiffel Tower to be half as tall as it is today.

Gift Selecting

Recently, I have been figuring out how to increase the productivity, satisfaction, joy and enjoyment of  my 13 year old granddaughter.

Should I give her a conventional gift, a gift you might expect anyone to give her, or should I give her a gift that will make her and other people go “wow”?

Her father is a top echelon corporate finance lawyer.

I assume her father is preoccupied because corporate America has $1.48 trillion dollars of cash on hand to invest or return to stockholders and the tech sector – in which he specializes – has $515 billion cash on hand to invest or return to stockholders, and biotech and life sciences finance, in which he is extremely active, is red-hot.

Her mother is a senior executive in a publicly held tech company listed on the NYSE and other stock exchanges.

Her mother participates in intense and stimulating worldwide meetings and conferences at least weekly.

They live a “full” conventionally sharp life.

My granddaughter is on a lacrosse team.

Where I grew up we didn’t have lacrosse teams or play lacrosse.

My granddaughter actively participates: In addition to being on a lacrosse team, she individually competes as a free-lance swordswoman in fencing competitions; she plays the guitar and she is a fashionista who publishes a private limited circulation fashion blog.

When I was growing up I didn’t know anyone who was a swordsman or a swordswoman.  Blogs did not exist.  Cell phones did not exist.  The Internet did not exist.  YouTube and Instagram did not exist yet.

My granddaughter is interested in (1) fashion, (2) the fashion industry, (3) understanding money, (4) money, (5) finance, (6) history, (7) leaders, (8) leadership, (9) how the mind works – the science of consciousness, (10) how the mind works – why we make choices, (11) creativity, (12) peak performance, (13) persuasion and (14) art.

I want the gift I give my granddaughter to stimulate my granddaughter’s mind but not to offend her parents by being so unique they will believe I do not show love and respect to the three of them.  I have been warned not to give an unconventional gift because to do so might be considered inappropriately “off-the-wall.”


To encourage my granddaughter’s interests in fashion, art and business I recently informed her of the following facts:

  • New York Fashion Week (NYFW) began as Press Week in 1943.  At that time only 53 designers showed their work.
  • In the mid-2000s designers began pouring in to show their work at NYFW as press coverage, including on-line coverage, exploded.
  • In 2005, 90 online outlets covered the shows.
  • This year, 2014, 381 online outlets will be at the shows.
  • The event organizer, IMG reduced the approved media list by 20% in an attempt to restore some exclusivity.
  • During the latest NYFW more than 33,000 people posted almost 99,000 photos to Instagram.
  • This year, NYFW begins on September 4, 2014.
  • I also informed my granddaughter that Tory Burch started her fashion empire 10 years ago on her kitchen table.  Her fashion empire now, ten years later, has 141 stores in 50 countries, e-commerce in seven languages, and will post more than $1 billion in revenue this year.

I want my granddaughter to have confidence.

I want my granddaughter to follow her passion, to do whatever she feels intensely passionate about doing.

Gift Ideas

I want to give my granddaughter a gift that is seriously amazing.

How can I do that without “offending” anyone?

Here are some of my gift ideas: (1) flower etched bracelets hand fashioned from solid brass, plated in sterling silver; (2) a 536 one-of-a-shape piece puzzle crafted of quarter-inch maple veneer plywood and archival ink and paper which portrays two Koi; (3)  an authentic Japanese yukata  patterned with fluid flowing carp motif – the carp symbolize strength and patience; (4) an Art Nouveau Peacock Trinket Box hand-enameled in brilliant hues and bejeweled with sparkling Austrian crystals; (5) a Saw-Whet Owl sculpture; (7) Lion and Lioness bookends; (8) “A World of Butterflies” – a 432 hardcover book, containing 245 stop-action photographs of butterflies.

Of course, the best gift would be to do things with her; a series of events and experiences that the two of us get to share together will create priceless memories.

For example, if her parents would allow it, and if she is interested in ballet, I would love to take her to NYC for a weekend to see a ballet, visit museums and see the garment district.  I would love even more to take my daughter (her mother) with us.

Best of all would be to go to New York Fashion Week shows or to fashion shows in Milan together.

New York Fashion Week begins on September 4 this year.

I would like to take my granddaughter somewhere that is the “center” of something she is keenly interested in.

If she were interested in movies, that would be the Toronto International Film Festival which runs from September 5 through September 15, this year.

I want me granddaughter to personally see the “very best” of whatever she is interested in.

Self-Directed Study

In the years between 1830 and 1900 adventurous American artists, doctors, architects, politicians, lawyers and others of high aspiration set off for Paris burning to know more about everything, ambitious to excel in their work by “discovering things” while “living”, “working” and/or “studying” in Paris, which, at the time, was the center of things.  Nearly all of these remarkable American men and women spent many of the happiest days and nights of their lives in Paris.

Among those Americans were Elizabeth Blackwell the first female doctor in America; Charles Summer who would become the most powerful unyielding voice for abolition in the U.S. Senate; James Fenimore Cooper (famous author), Samuel F. B. Morse (inventor of Morse Code), medical student Oliver Wendell Holmes, and writers Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mark Twain, Henry James, Harriet Beecher Stowe; sculptor Augustlus Saint-Gaiudens, and painters Mary Cassatt and John Singer Sargent.

These Americans were ambitious to excel in work that mattered greatly to them, and they saw time in Paris, the experience of Paris, as essential to achieving that dream.

They were “ambitious to learn, to live and work in the company of others of like mind and aspiration, inspired by great teachers and in a vibrant atmosphere of culture far beyond anything available at home.”

Those ambitious men and women wanted to live in Paris because Paris was a city that was so great and rich and in which life was lived on a grand scale. By comparison life in the American cities they lived in was too quiet and uniform for them.

Like those famous Americans, my youngest daughter, Leah, wants to intellectually and emotionally flourish.

On her own, Leah has plotted a course of action to satisfy her burning desire to know more about every great civilization and to see (in person) the best of everything man and nature have created.

Leah is presently 26 years old.

During the past three or four years, Leah visited 30 countries, looked at man-made and natural masterpieces of all descriptions, and when there were significant volcanoes in a place which Leah was visiting Leah took it upon herself to climb those volcanoes.

Two yeas ago, I met up with Leah to celebrate her birthday with her in Istanbul.

Leah has just “returned” to her home in California from that great journey of her own design to start going to law school.

I want my granddaughter to have the same amount of passion to explore her interests that Leah does.

That being said, what should I get my granddaughter, who lives on the East Coast, for her thirteenth birthday?


Good Writing

You may read a well written description how ambitious young Americans lived/worked/and/or studied in Paris to satisfy their hunger to better their “real selves” in the years between 1830 and 1900 in David McCullough’s book “The Greater Journey – Americans in Paris.”

David McCullough is a renown author.

Mr. McCullough has twice received the Pulitzer Prize, and twice received the National Book Award.

He is the recipient of numerous other honors and awards, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States’ highest civilian award.

Leah is not famous, but she is doing the same kind of things for the same reasons.

Leah is on her way to be like them.

Leah recently sent me the following (priceless to me) note.

Great art is designed to make people happy.

Artists like Van Gough painted flowers to make people happy, to make them smile.

No one appreciated his art.  He died a tortured and starving artist unable to sell his work.

The audience did not appreciate his work until after he died.  Now his art has snob appeal because the audience believes his work was ahead of his time.  His art now sells in the tens of millions of dollars.

Seeing Van Gogh’s work in Copenhagen and London made me happy.

I would have appreciated the tortured artist’s work whether anyone else saw it in him or not.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Van Gough’s art housed in Copenhagen.  I did not expect to see it there.

I want to thank YOU for making that possible.  

I swinged CPH at the last-minute because of YOU.

Thanks for letting me go.


Effective Communication

Life is a social phenomena; the effectiveness of a communication depends 20% on content and 80% on how you feel about what you are communicating.

Good taste always generates satisfaction, joy and enjoyment of life.

That is why Leah’s “thank you note” is so compelling.

Learning/Studying Good Taste

Goethe was acclaimed as a brilliant writer while still a young man, thought a genius by his contemporaries, and lauded by luminaries around the world.

Here are some of this thoughts.

In “Conversations with Eckermann (1823 – 1832)”  Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe told his young friend Johann Peter Eckermann to seek out the best of everything.

  • “Taste is only to be educated by contemplation, not of the tolerably good, but of the truly excellent.”
  • “When you see the very best, you see what a great talent can do, and when you are grounded in the very best, you will have a standard for the rest, which you will know how to value without overrating them.”


I agree with Goethe’s advice to Eckermann reported in “Conversations with Eckermann”:

“Inferior talents do not enjoy art for its own sake: while at work they have nothing before their eyes but the profit they hope to make when they have done.  With such worldly views and tendencies, nothing great was ever yet produced.

“The style of a writer is a faithful representation of his mind; therefore, if any man wish to write a clear style, let him be first clear in hs thoughts; and if any would write in a noble style, let him first possess a noble soul. 

“It is great folly to hope that other men will harmonize with us.

” For it is in conflict with natures opposed to his own that a man must collect his strength to fight his way through; and thus all our different sides are brought out and developed so that we soon feel ourselves a match for every foe…..

“[Y]ou must at all events plunge into the great world, whether you like it or not.

“Concentrate your powers for something good, and give up everything that can produce no result of consequence and is not suited to you.”


Having A Felt Need for the Best

(Mozart and Goethe Desired Only What Is Really Greatest and Best)

Goethe once said: “If you see a great master, you will always find that he used what was good in his predecessors, and that it was this made him great.

In support of that observation, in “Conversations with Eckermann” Goethe argues:

“All talent must derive its nutriment from knowledge, and thus only is enabled to use its strength.

“I have lately read a letter from Mozart in reply to a baron who had sent him his composition.

‘You dilettanti must be blamed for two faults, since two you generally have: either you have no thoughts of your own, and take those of others; or, if you have thoughts of your own, you do not know what to do with them.’

“Is not this capital? and does not this fine remark, which Mozart makes about music, apply to all other arts?

“Our young painters lack heart and intellect.  Their inventions express nothing and effect nothing: they paint swords that do not cut, and arrows that do not hit.”

Life Is A Social Phenomena

QUESTION: What is tasteful, what is healthy, what is best?

ANSWER: That which brings joy and satisfaction to life and that which is necessary for creativity to flourish is always tasteful, is always healthy, enriches life and is of the highest order of all creations.

The Eiffel Tower

Some 73,000 tons of iron went into constructing the Eiffel Tower over a period of 22 months (1887/1889), with 12,000 metal parts and 2,500,000 rivets.

Its success at the 1889 Exposition Universelle was unparalleled: two million visitors made their way to the top of this “gigantic and original specimen of modern Engineering.” (Thomas Edison).

Not everyone was in favor of construction of this tower in the center of the City of Paris.

Leading intellectuals signed a petition to protest the construction of it:

“We have come together – writers, sculptors, architects and painters, all of us ardent lovers of the hitherto untouched beauty of Paris – to protest with all our might, with all our indignation, in the name of French taste thus so badly misunderstood, in the name of art and French history both in this way threatened, against the erection at the very heart of our capital of the useless and monstrous Eiffel Tower.  For, there can be no doubt about this, the Eiffel Tower (which even commercial America would reject) will be the dishonoring of Paris.” – Extract from the artists’ protest, whose signatories included Charles Garnier, Alexandre Dumas, and D.J. and Guy de Maupassant. Le Temps, 17 February 1887.

In my mind, the Eiffel Tower is a symbol which represents man’s ability to strive to achieve the best he is capable of accomplishing.

In my opinion, man’s desire to do his best is as fundamental a force of nature and as powerful as that force of nature that compels plants to grow towards the sun.

In my opinion if the Eiffel Tower was half as tall, Paris would still be Paris, but mankind would be diminished.

Paris Today

Poets and writers have attested to the fact that Paris and the Eiffel Tower and have stood the test of time:

“. . . the supremacy of Paris is an enigma.  Think about it.  Rome has greater majesty, Trier is older, Venice more beautiful, Naples more graceful, London more wealthy.  What, then, can be said for Paris?  The Revolution.  Paris is the king-pin city on which, one day, history turned.”  Victor Hugo, 1867

“Poetry inhabits and enlivens all this material: thousands of tons of iron, millions of bolts, beams, entangled girders, 300 metres tall, a vertiginous mass, great depth.  My eyes are led to the sun …”  – Blaise Cendrars, IZIS, PARIS DES REVES, 1950.

“If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.” – Ernest Hemingway, PARIS, A MOVEABLE FEAST, 1964

Although Paris is a city full of natural beauty, it is things made by men that one can see today in Paris and the ideas, concepts and work of men who have been inspired by living and working in Paris and it is the ideas discussed and acted upon that originated in Paris that make Paris so much more than just a pretty place.

The Last Supper


Human Intelligence

The topic of human intelligence is receiving a lot of attention today.

Psychologist Howard Gardner and his colleagues have proven that each of us possess at least seven measurable intelligences and have catalogued twenty-five different subintelligences.

Psychologist Pyotr Anokhin has demonstrated the minimal number of thought patterns the average brain can make is the number 1 followed by 10.5 million kilometers of typewritten zeros.

Anokhin has compared the human brain to a “multidimensional musical instrument that could play an infinite number of musical pieces simultaneously.”

According to the latest research of renowned neuroscientist Dr. Candace Pert, “. . . intelligence is not located only in the brain but in cells that are distributed throughout the body. . . . . The traditional separation of mental processes, including emotions from the body is no longer valid.”

Brain scientists believe you can learn seven facts per second, every second for the rest of your life and still have plenty of room to learn more.

I find it interesting that neuroscientists believe we have brain cells in all parts of our body because a psychotherapist friend of mine told me that humans have mirror neurons which “pick-up”/ “mirror” the feelings of other people who are nearby.

This friend warns: if you are near a person who is depressed that will cause you to become depressed.

Therapists and social workers have to watch out that the their tendency to become suicidal when they are near people who are suicidal does not overpower them, that their urge to commit suicide does not become to strong.

The “mirror neuron” phenomena supports folk wisdom.

Surround yourself with people who support you emotionally.

Stay away from negative people.

I am interested in the study of knowledge.

  • How we think.
  • How we think we think.
  • How we “know.”
  • How we “think” we “know.”

I am constantly engaged in learning and study.

I am constantly having direct experiences of the world and interactions with other people from which I derive knowledge.

When people ask me what I do, I tell them:

  1. “I am a thinker.
  2. I call my ability to conceive thinking.
  3. “I call how I make use of my perceptions ‘thinking.
  4. “I am constantly thinking.”

I have collected meaningful insights into human behavior and have many thoughts on how a person may beneficially increase their understanding of the world as well as their understanding of other person’s behaviors based on concepts, rules and principles I have developed during the past 68 years.

I love the study of knowledge.

I love the study of creativity and critical thinking.

See the June 10, 2014 post on the “Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange”, at, entitled How To Increase Your Perceptual Space.

If I Ran the World

I realize most people have few if any independent thoughts; that most people are robots.

Most people’s lives and what they “think” has been programmed for them by their parents, by their community, by their teachers, by their friends, by the news media, and by other intellectual influencers.

They do not know “why” or “if” their advisors believe the advice they give is beneficial or if their advisors have sound reasons for advice being given.

Most people do not seek “best explanations.”

If I ran the world, I would have everyone ask themselves: Why do we know what we do?

I would have everyone spend their entire lives trying to determine the basis of [and if there is any basis for] everything they think they know.

I am interested in meaningful insights into human behavior, in having an intellectual framework for understanding science, health, wellness, creativity and the course of social, political, and economic events.

If I ran the world, everyone would seek “best explanations.”  People would try to “figure out” how things work and why things happen.

George Soros

According to stock market trader Paul Tudor Jones, II: “Four hundred seventy-one million to one.  Those are the odds against George Soros compiling the investment record he did as the manager of the Quantum Fund from 1968 through 1993.”

Soros once made a billion dollars betting the British pound would be devalued.

QUESTION:  How was Soros able to be so successful?

MY ANSWER:  He figured things out.

A Summit of Excellence

Another note from Leah:

George Soros is an inspiration to humanity.  He wrote that he wanted to put his money on hopeless places such as Burma, Sierra Leone and the Congo because he likes to fight uphill battles and win.

The Eiffel Tower was a new concept and apparently ahead of its times.

Great art is ahead of its times.

Van Gogh was light years ahead of his times.

I like thing because they are new and they change and evolve.  They grow because they are alive and teeming with life.

I am now focused on acing law school and landing internships and jobs while doing yoga and keeping myself healthy.

I am also plotting future places to travel and my dreams become more and more ambitious each and every time I travel.

I am now interested in seeing Angel Falls in Venezuela and Devil’s Pool in Zambia.



Copyright © 2014 by Gary S. Smolker

Be Comfortable in Your Own Skin – by Gary S. Smolker

Copyright © Gary S. Smolker 2014
Updated June 28, 2014
The only thing that matters is how one feels in one’s own space.
It is very important to be comfortable in your own skin.
As a result of people striving to be comfortable in their own skin -to enrich their own lives- many significant changes are taking place.



We are living in a time of large scale social change, marked by creativity, innovation, questioning of authority, rugged individualism, concern for self, the emancipation of women, changing demographics, wide scale use of smart phones and many other significant life style transformations.

Today, people are devoting significant amounts of their personal time and energy focused on themselves.  Many people are making strong efforts to take charge of their own individual future.

Today, a developing emphasis on the individual and individual responsibility is growing, the power of authority over the individual is constantly being questioned and reassessed, the traditional authority relationship between men and women – granting authority to the men – is undergoing change and scrutiny, and there are significant changes in the racial educational and economic composition of the population in the United States.

The increased emphasis on the individual cannot be over emphasized.

Concern for individualism has vigorously appeared.

Today, compared to times past, women have attained a great deal more responsibility and freedom.

As a result of having more freedom and responsibility women have themselves come to question their traditional family and social roles and reciprocally, males have raised similar questions about male-female relationships.

As women move out of confinement to the domicile, they experience new outlets and opportunities, demand power/empowerment, respect and “equality”, and are more and more interested in change.

Improvements in methods of contraception and the increase in experiential access to opportunities outside of the home have released women for participation in new roles and functions as never before.

As a consequence of “women’s liberation”, on-going debates on issues of gender and racial equality; the government’s ever growing increase of public debt and social change, including laws regarding contraception and birth control; a cascade of new technologies; and, being bombarded by an avalanche of messages, visual images of massive disintegration of society, a steady stream of information and misinformation and ideas; and, as a result of being constantly exposed to loud acrimonious debates over different points of view, it has become impossible for anyone to live in solitude or in the past.

People Are Tired of Being Talked To, They Want to Be Talked With

The mega-trends that are shaping our times have massively accelerated.

One mega-trend is that there has been a seismic shift from presentation to participation in many areas of daily life.  People are fed up with being talked-down-to.

The shift from presentation to participation means that the days of the Gods, sitting up on Mt. Olympus and telling us how things are and what to do, are long gone or rapidly coming to an end.

People are tired of being talked to they want to be talked with.

Today, people can use technology to search for information and to have a global conversation.

People are hyper-connected: As a result of our use of the Internet and other communications technologies we all engaged in a global conversation.

We are using technology to connect with others – not just with people we already know, but with people who have similar or related interests that resonate with us – and not just to search for information.

In fact, it is estimated that 3 billion more people will join the Internet’s community by 2020.

Everyone’s perceptual space, expectations, life style and peace of mind has been shaken up.

Taking Care of Your Body and Mind

People want to feel cared for.
How does that play out in the practice of medicine?
Consider being told by an MD to put an eye-drop in your child’s eye or in your own eye.
Have you ever been told to do so by an MD?
Have you ever noticed that the eye drop falls onto your eye and/or onto your child’s eye then off your [child’s] eye and wondered how much (if any) of the eye drop actually got in the eye?
Health is “emotionally charged.”
If you are told by your physician to put an eye drop in your child’s eye and you see the drop dribbling down your child’s cheek you are going to be stressed out.
Did your physician tell you that is supposed to happen?
The moisture of an eye drop is too much for an eye to handle; part of the eye drop will ALWAYS dribble down your face or down you child’s face!   That is what is supposed to happen!
MDs, for the most part, have no clue that they should tell you that an eye drop you apply to your child’s eye will always dribble down off the eye.
Is your physician or you partially “brain dead?”
It is not “easy” to know what to communicate, or to know how to communicate or to have empathy or to show empathy.
Being “smart” is not enough.
Always ask questions if you don’t understand something!
You are in charge of your own health.
If you have a young child, you are in charge of  your child’s health.
You are in charge of your own life and your child’s life if you have a young child.

Understand Your MD’s Behavior

One of the large scale social changes being experienced today is that many people are appalled at their personal experience of how medicine is being practiced today on a day to day basis ; they are appalled at the lack of scientific curiosity, the lack of social skills, the lack of humanity, and by the medical profession’s lack of understanding of what is required and expected in a physician patient relationship and the money obsessed focus of the mindset of their MDs.
A galaxy of feelings and impressions is involved in a healthcare encounter.  The medical profession has a name for this: “patient experience.”
There is a human dimension to medical care.
If you are one of those people who are disappointed by the way your current MD practices medicine, understand why your physician acts the way your physician acts and get over your disappointment by moving forward.
If your physician is not adequately addressing your educational, emotional, spiritual needs and feelings, doesn’t make you feel cared for, move on.
You have lots of options.
Move forward because only you can be comfortable in your own skin.
We create ourselves in the everyday choices that move us in life.
It is up to us to create our own lives; it is up to us to create the life we want to live.
If you think you are not deriving “value” from your office visits with your physician: Ask your physician questions. Tell your physician you want answers to questions and/or changes in the way your physician treats you.
Demand your physician’s personal attention.
There are many physicians vying for your attention, bringing medical information to you and exposing you to them and their ways of thinking.
Magazine stands and book stores are full of publications which claim to tell you how to take care of your health.
Newspapers and TV shows and radio shows and the Internet constantly publish information on how to take care of your health.
If you can’t have a forthright conversation with your physician and/or you don’t get any satisfaction or enough satisfaction or enough value from seeing your present physician, look for another physician who is amazingly brilliant, touchingly humane, highly trained, superbly skilled, up to date on the latest research findings and medical thinking and who has a great personality, warmth, empathy, great people skills, is practical and puts you the patient first, puts your concerns, your feelings, your condition (physical and mental conditions) first.
Physicians need to treat the soul and spirit of the patient, not just the body.  In the olden days, when most doctors were solo practitioners ministering to patients, the offered patients communication and empathy as well as technical proficiency and excellence.
There are physicians that still do that: there are physicians who care about how well they communicate with patients and conduct themselves as professionals.
Caring, nurturing, knowledgeable, educated, skilled, brilliant and helpful people exist; some of them are physicians.
Even if you are not trained as a physician, you know whether or not you feel cared for.

Move Forward

Take responsibility for your own life.

Accept your “freedom.”
Don’t behave like a helpless puppet.
You are in charge.



Creative talent is a highly adaptive one and involves specific and complicated processes of thought.
Creativity requires an open mindedness and removal of inhibitions.
Practicing medicine, the stress on conformity in the medical profession and psychodynamic forces inherent in the practice of medicine do not encourage open-mindedness.
Many physicians have mental limitations as a consequence of studying to become a physician which are exasperated by their training and which become severely debilitating as they get further and further experienced in the daily routine of practicing medicine day to day.
A MD friend of mine recently mentioned to me that most physicians lose their dynamic sensory and information processing capabilities.
He explained to me that the memorization demands of the natural science/life sciences courses taken before and while attending medical school destroys their capacity to solve problems by thinking creatively. 
According to this friend: A physician’s creative orientation and ability, if they had any, diminishes and finally goes away as they practice medicine.
While practicing medicine their mental capability due to following standard methods which are recipe book like protocols they follow while they are engaged in their day-to-day professional work.
He explained that very few lectures, in medical school, engage a student’s mind. 
Relatedly, he explained that physicians are not taught to think innovatively so that as they work, they can gain insight into patients’ needs and strive to find new solutions. 
In summary: Young doctors are not educated to be curious researchers and inventors as well as knowledgeable, compassionate, and effective healers. 
They are not trained to be physician-investigators. 

Mind Expanding Experiences

Medical training is not entirely a boring brain deadening experience. 
Throughout basic clinical education small groups of students are presented with a realistic case study (in a hospital or elsewhere) of a patient showing special symptoms. 
The students work together to figure out what is wrong with the patient and what to do about it. 
Tasks are assigned by the instructor that allow the medical students to discover the skills and knowledge any doctor needs in treating a patient that is ill, in traditional areas such as pharmacology, anatomy, and physiology.
“Diagnosis” of medical conditions (i.e. problems) does require a limited amount of analysis, called “differential analysis” [a hit and miss way of determining the cause and/or existence of a medical problem], AFTER the problem already exists.
Because medical training revolves around lecturing and the rote presentation of facts and the practice of standard diagnosis techniques it does not foster the curiosity and inquisitiveness that great innovators commonly display.
As a result, in their every day medical practices very few physicians reach or come to medical conclusions on a particular case after completing many studies and giving a matter much thought; instead, they come to their “medical conclusion” re diagnosis and treatment by following a “one-size-fits-all” a recipe in a recipe book. 
Physicians not been trained to become lifelong learners – strong thinkers who are curious and who work proactively to satisfy their curiosity.
They have been trained (some might say programmed) to follow standard procedures – they are in effect highly trained robots, that is why the standard practice of medicine is in the midst of a huge change, it is being overtaken by innovations. 
A willingness to innovate (which is totally lacking in the standard practice of medicine) will determine the clinical, social and economic futures of medicine in the United States. 
The vast majority of the current set of physicians are not willing to innovate.
Instead, the vast majority of  physicians feel compelled to stay within “standards of medical practice” and do not question, or analyze whether such “standards of practice” make “scientific sense” or not. 
They do not experiment or have a willingness to innovate or to explore challenges to currently accepted “medical truths.” 
They are not curiously engaged humans who want to help patients by pushing medicine further.
They are discouraged from making, recording and acting on their own clinical observations which could or would lead to the establishment of new and better medical care, and new standards of care.
Being curious and then designing and caring out experiments to test ideas is one of the most satisfying uses of a mind. 
Most physicians give up their ability to engage their minds in the pleasurable and satisfying activity of doing research when they begin to practice medicine – because to them the practice of medicine is like playing a broken-slot-machine which always pays – and they “think” they will get great pleasure out of making a lot of money and that is why their focus is on making as much money as possible as quickly as possible.
In that regard, almost all medical doctors practicing medicine in the United States today tried to go into whatever medical specialty would make them the most money in the shortest period of time and are obsessed with making the most money they can make from the practice of medicine.

Another one of my MDs friends further explained to me why there is such a pronounced lack of creativity and innovation in the medical profession as follows:

  • “Most MDs are one trick ponies.” 
  • This friend (a highly acclaimed MD – who does not practice one trick pony medicine) further explained to me – “If you only know how to use a hammer, everything is a nail.”

Energizing the Minds of Physicians

Research projects energize students, engage them in serious science, and generate the kinds of questions that lead to new discoveries. 
A focus on medical research in the training of medical students and in medical practice would give medical students and physicians a richer, fuller appreciation of how their clinical practice fits into the larger world of scientific knowledge and which would enrich and refine their decision-making capabilities.
Adding a research requirement to their education and to maintaining their license to practice medicine would dramatically enhance medical care – help patients by pushing medicine further.
In my opinion, everyone would benefit.

Is It True that Physicians Are “Poor” Businessmen/Have No Business Sense?

Many successful business people have told me that MDs have no “business sense.”
Have you wondered why it is the general feeling among many successful business people that MDs have no business sense ?
Here are some questions I have asked myself in order to gain insight into that issue:
  • QUERY:
  • (1) How many physicians practicing medicine have thought about what practicing medicine has done to the functional capacity of that “muscle” in their head called their brain as a result of lack of mentally stressful mind-strength building exercise in their daily lives?
  • (2) How many care?
  • By the way: “Scientific” experiments demonstrate that use of the brain builds neural networks that enable the brain to process information faster and more efficiently.  In other words, using your brain makes you smarter, increases brain function.
  • The old saying “use it or lose it” applies to brain function.


There are giants in the medical profession who are human wonders.

Also, the conventional make-up of the scientific and educational background, personality, values and world-view of a growing number of people in the medical profession is changing.

I am meeting a physician this afternoon at the check in area of jetBlue at Logan Airport in Boston before I fly back to LAX, Los Angeles International Airport.

This physician has an open mind, but that description seriously understates the reality, which is that he is totally curious and eager to learn and asks question after question.

This morning my daughter and son-in-law took my ten year old grandson to be examined by a retina specialist and a trauma eye surgeon for a follow-up examination.

The first thing the retina specialist and eye surgeon said when he saw my grandson was: “I know how to make toys.  Would you like to see me make toys?”

The surgeon then proceeded to make an origami hopping frog and a flying helicopter.  He precisely folded pieces of paper and precisely tore pieces of paper with his own fingers.

When he was done those pieces of paper had been transformed into a hopping frog and a flying helicopter.

This is a true story – someone with that dexterity and people skill actually practices medicine as an eye surgeon in Boston.

He is an expert in the retina of the eye.

The rest of the members of the clinical medical team have extraordinary expertise and are just as kind and as extremely accomplished and competent physicians as the toy making eye surgeon who made toys for my grandson just before examining his retina early this morning.

Males Being Rebuffed by Stunning Women

One young woman friend of mine [a beautiful and smart woman] rejected her parents desire that she marry a doctor because she thinks the single MDs pursuing her (young Ferrari driving money making obsessed male physicians) are too lacking in substance, she thinks they are shallow self-destructive individuals and if she dated any of them or married anyone of them she would be doomed to living a tasteless meaningless life. 
This young lady doesn’t want to have the emotional burden such physicians put on the women who prostitute themselves to gain that type of physician’s tasteless attention.
She considers their lack of “substance” to be a “sick” situation which will lead those shallow people to “self-destruction” and being in a constant state of extreme unhappiness. 
She is concerned about their mental health.
It is her opinion that those Ferrari driving young MDs did not go into medicine to help people but instead went into medicine because they are insecure and feel worthless as human beings: they will always be striving to compensate for their feelings of worthlessness and insecurity through fantasies of “greatness” which they have striven to realize by becoming a physician.
It is her opinion that her Ferrari driving young MD suitors
  •  Believe they will prove their worth to their parents by being an MD.  They psychologically are not well formed or mature adults.  To the contrary, they will have a never compelling need to obtain their parents’ approval, the approval of the rest of their family and of their community and her approval by being a money making machine.
  • The feeling of lack of worth has been so consuming in their lives that nothing short of overwhelming financial success will make them feel acceptable.


It is her opinion that those young men are unhappy and will always be unhappy.


For all the reasons listed above, she doesn’t want to have anything to do with any of those young suitors.

Other, dynamically accomplished women (who coincidentally are smart and stunningly beautiful) I have talked to are totally turned off by the phoniness they are being subjected to in the business and social world they inhabit. 
They feel they are “prized” by successful men as status symbols and are not adored or appreciated prized or cherished for being the warm caring persons who they are or for the good companionship and loyalty they have to offer —
  • One beautiful smart successful woman explained her mindset:  She is revolted at being cast in the role being a dynamic businessman’s Gucci purse. 
  • She is revolted at being a prestige high status decoration. 
  • Another beautiful smart successful woman explained to me that the pressure of being phony – while accompanying her successful husband at ‘society events:  While at parties and social events the amount of phony interest she must display and being forced to be entertaining she is is too emotionally exhausting. 
  • She would rather stay home and watch TV than go to another party in the star studded world she lives in.  The routine of being a member of high society is maddening.  Doing the same thing day after day, year after year, is maddening to her.  She cannot imagine anything more boring than living her present high society life. 
  • The routines people in her social circle have taken up are tasteless. 
  • She is a rugged individualist, who is physically fit and intellectually cultured, who can’t stand the “over-civilized life” she is forced to live. 
  • The boorishness and meaninglessness of her existence tests the very limits of her endurance. 
  • She is resolved to escape her present life.


  • These women know who they are and who they want to be in a very fundamental way.
  • They have self knowledge.
  • They are dedicated to protecting their dignity in their money-driven every day world where their souls and status as a person are constantly under attack.
  • They realize how precarious the balance is between creation and annihilation and destruction in the life they lead and in the business world they and the men in their lives inhabit.
  • In that world everyone always is seeking investors and to make more money.
  • In such a world everyone feels they must “look” successful.  They must spend a lot of money on clothing and cars and houses and jewelry, etc. etc. etc.
  • However, the “thinking” women described above – who are moving towards becoming the persons they want to be, and have understood who they are and the psychodynamic forces at play in the world work – don’t want to be emotionally and financially dependent on a man or to be his “eye candy.”
  • They are not hostile or bitter or resentful.
  • Nor do they have destructive feelings.
  • They know what they want.
  • They want to be loved and to love; they want to receive bliss and to give bliss.
  • They want to give and receive care and nurturance.
  • They are not fickle.
  • Their sexuality and emotions are inextricably intermingled.
  • Their bodies wear the smile of accomplishment; they emote a subjective sense of freedom.


The practice of medicine [which is viewed by brilliant people as a “game” of association] attracts “smart people” but overall does not attract or hold the attention of people with the most “brilliant” minds.
I recently flew from Los Angeles International Airport to Logan Airport in Boston.  
The person sitting next to me on my flight from LAX to BOS told me that 4 out of his 6 closest friends/classmates – fellow students at Cal Tech – “wanted” to be MDs during their freshman year at Cal Tech.
He also mentioned that after taking pre-med courses for a year or two, half of them decided they didn’t want to be MDs. 
He implied that his fellow Cal Tech undergraduate student closest friends saw the handwriting on the wall:  “Brain Death”  would happen to their brains if they continued to prepare for the practice of medicine and “heaven forbid” if they actually became practicing physicians they would lose their acute highly developed ability to think.
He concluded and his friends concluded that practicing medicine would be an act of self-destruction.
He expressed his understanding to me that he and his friends at Cal Tech have hyperactive dynamic thinking alert minds that are always on the go and which need to be fueled by and are energized by having constant new challenges and experiences.
That Being Said: He concluded that being a MD would be too boring an existence ant that being an MD would cause his hyper-active highly functional brain to atrophy.
He mentioned that the smartest people in the world attend Cal Tech —
  • Cal Tech students have the highest SAT scores —
  • Additionally, it is a small elite school.  There are only 1,000 undergraduates, 1,000 graduate students and a faculty of 1,000.
  • This leads to lots of interaction between students with one another and with faculty which is prized by everyone.
  • The faculty wants to teach the most brilliant students.
  • The most brilliant students want to be taught by the most brilliant faculty and to interact with other brilliant students.
Recently, while visiting my eldest daughter Terra, in Marblehead, Massachusetts, I read the Winter 2014 issue of WHARTON Magazine.
“Wharton” is a prestigious business school in the United States.
One article described a study which compares Wharton graduates who graduated in 1992 (the class of 1992) with the class of 2012 in terms of the number of graduates who plan to have children.
The study found that the number of Wharton graduates planning to have children has dropped nearly by half over the past 20 years.
These averages are equal for men and women.  They are both dropping out of parenthood.
This change in plans is not unique to young business professionals.  It’s part of a larger trend: a nationwide baby bust.
Across the United States, births have dropped precipitously.  In 1992, the average US woman gave birth to 2.05 children over the course of her life.  By 2011, it had dropped to 1.89, well below the replacement rate of 2.10.
Another article in the Winter 2014 issue of WHARTON Magazine reports that:
  • The amount of interest in entrepreneurship at Wharton is just crazy.
  • Historically the school has been associated with careers in finance and consultancy.
  • For the first time, more Wharton students are interested in starting companies than in buying them.
  • A growing number of Wharton graduates are willing to trade wing tips, three-star Manhattan restaurants and Tribeca lofts for sneakers, take-out pizza and sleeping under their desks as they race to get a product out the door.
  • In fact more members of the Wharton graduating class of 2013 started a company than joined a hedge fund.
Our civilization has reached a tripping point.
Many people want to exercise freedom by (a) expressing who they are, (b) by experiencing who they can be, and (c) by living their life to the fullest.
They have concluded that the most important thing in their lives is to be comfortable in their own skins.