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IMPECCABLE FOOD – by Gary Smolker

Create the Catalyst Moment that Brings You the Person You Want to Be – Make and Eat Good Food

Below are photographs I took as my dinner was being prepared at home in my kitchen by my Private Italian Chef this evening.

Photos of shrimp being cooked in White Wine Sauce with Parsley and Garlic.


Photos of salad — cooked shrimp were placed on top of this salad


Photos of shrimp placed on salad.


Photos of Asparagus Side Dish


Asparagus cooked in water, butter sauce and garlic.

Velvet Soup

A variety of vegetables were pureed to create a smooth velvety soup with no lumps.  Afterwards Feta Cheese was added and stirred in.

Report on Instagram @garyspassion

I post on Instagram @garyspassion.

Below is a photocopy of my post reporting on this meal on Instagram @garyspassion, taken within a few seconds of posting.


Food is more than pure art.

Food touches all the senses.

The Italians have a saying that applies to preparing and eating food, “Mettere i puntini sulle i.”

When translated means, “It is important to put all the dots on all the “i”s.


Copyright © 2017 by Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved

Gary Smolker, Publisher
Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog

Gary Smolker, Fashion Blogger
Dude's Guide to Women's Shoes

Follow me on Instagram @garyspassion