Blog Archives

Red, White and Green Dinner Plate – by Gary Smolker

Red White and Green are the colors of the Italian flag.

Below are photographs of the Red White and Green Dinner Plate.

In the foreground of one photo you are looking at a dab of red Marsala Sauce and a dab of Green Pesto placed on a slice of White Mozzarella Cheese, in the background you are looking at Farro covered with green pesto and miscellaneous slices of mozzarella cheese and various sliced/cut tiny slices of tomato.

Also, I photographed the bag the Farro came in.

Farro is an ancient grain of the Mediterranean.

Farro was a mainstay in ancient Rome.



Two responsive descriptions I received after sharing the above photographs:

  1. This dish is light digestible and super delicious.
  2. So delicious love the ingredients.  I did not know about Farro before.  I’m going to going to forward this onto my daughters Laure and Morgan who love good food like this and enjoy cooking and preparing the this type of nutritious yummy food like you’ve thoughtfully shared. Thanks. Sounds so yummy.

Copyright © Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved

Gary Smolker, Publisher
Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog

Gary Smolker, Fashion Blogger
Dude's Guide to Women's Shoes

Follow me on Instagram @garyspassion

Sunday Morning Bachelor Breakfast – by Gary Smolker

Sunday Morning, October 29, 2017


Breakfast Pie

The pie pictured below is not a quiche.

It is not an omelette.

It is a savory cake made with eggs spinach and yummy top secret ingredients.

I found it on my kitchen counter when I woke up this morning.

It can be eaten as a breakfast or as an appetizer.

It can be cut up in various shapes and eaten straight up or on bread.


Pesto with Two Slices of Bread


Chef AninA

My yummy breakfast (pictured) above was prepared by my Italian chef Chef AninA.

Chef AninA, life many serious chefs, has secret recipes which she doesn’t disclose.

Last Night

Chocolate Cold Brew Coffee Candy Bar

I had a delightful fun date last night.

The high point of my date last night was discovering the Candy Bar at Trader’s Joe’s pictured below.

My date and I went out to dinner, then we went to Target to return something, then went to buy foodstuff at Trader’s Joe’s.

I discovered the candy bar show above while in the checkout line at Trader Joe’s last night.

While in Target and while in Trader Joe’s I saw many beautiful bouquets of fresh cut flowers.

Below are photographs of some of them.


I love looking at fresh cut flowers on sale at grocery stores.

After we had dinner, my date and I went to to Target and to Trader Joe’s to do some chores.  While she was doing those chores I looked at bouquets of fresh cut flowers on sale at Target and at Trader Joe’s.

Fresh Cut Flowers for Sale at Trader Joe’s


Fresh Cut Flowers for Sale at Target


Last night I discovered Target and Trader Joe’s sell fresh cut flowers.

The photos directly above are photograph of three bouquets of  beautiful fresh cut flowers which I saw were for sale at Target last night.

The three photographs above those three are photographs of beautiful bouquets of fresh cut flowers I saw on sale at Trader Joe’s.


What was going on in your kitchen while you napped on Sunday afternoon?

While I was napping Sunday afternoon, Chef AninA made two different kinds of gluten free walnut cookies from scratch in my kitchen.

Below are photographs of Chef AninA’s fresh baked cookies she put in a cookie jar on a counter top in my kitchen while I was napping.

Here is a yummy question: Is the cookie jar on the left half empty or half full?




Copyright © 2017 by Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved

Gary Smolker, Publisher
Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog,

Gary Smolker, Fashion Blogger
Dude's Guide to Women's Shoes

Follow me on Instagram @garyspassion