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Succcess – Footnote No. 7 in Gary Smolker’s Mentor Notebook



Copyright © 2014 Gary S. Smolker


Updated May 18, 2014


On the one hand, we are experiencing a fast pace of creativity, innovation, and a non-stop introduction of life changing new products.  While, on the other hand, at the same time, people are experiencing heightened levels of stress, mental depression and burnout.


People want what they think will enrich their lives.  They want the creative fire in their lives to never go out and they want everything they touch to turn into eternal beauty.  On May 11, 2014 I posted an article entitled “An Antidote for A Nagging or Stressful Wife” on my blog, The Gary Smolker Idea Exchange Blog at


I am always interested – and I am sure you are too – in better understanding how people think, the ways people interact with each other, how to build social bonds and fellowship, where ideas and innovation come from, how to create nurture and sustain high performance relationships and organizations, and how to be more creative and balanced, personally and professionally.

Below are redacted copies of a small number/portion of the richly nourishing provocative e-mails (without addresses of other people) I recently received from ultra-high performing people, and my responses to their  e-mail.


I hope reading the copies of the e-mails below – which are on the topic of nagging, which is another word for feedback – and my responses thereto will feed the fire in your heart’s center and the full flowering of your spirit.

 A Fellowship of Adventurers

When people work together they need togetherness.

They need to feel that they belong to a fellowship of adventurers.

They need to work with “A” level people who are extremely good at what they are doing.

They need to be continuously learning, helping, being helped, and receiving constructive feedback in a caring nurturing healthy interactive environment.

Brain Power

Genes account for no more than 48 percent of your intelligence and level of productivity.  Fifty-two percent is a function of the care you give others and receive, the environment you are in and your education.

The average brain will improve with age if you use it properly.

Our neurons are capable of making increasingly complex new connections throughout our lives.

Your brain is capable of making a virtually unlimited number of synaptic connections or potential patterns of thought.

The minimum number of potential thought patterns the average brain can make is the number 1 followed by 10.5 million kilometers of typewritten zeros.

Creating Masterpieces Is Hard Work

As Michelangelo put it: “If people knew how hard I had to work to gain my mastery, it would not seem so wonderful at all.”

If you don’t know what you are doing wrong, you can never know what you are doing right.

We need to know where we are going wrong if we are going to improve.

Feedback is, in effect, the rocket fuel that propels the acquisition of knowledge, and without it no amount of practice is going to get you there.

High performers need sufficient feedback to challenge, to refine and to improve their judgment.

They deepen and expand their knowledge over time, getting better and better at what they do.

Embrace the idea that high level expert performance is ultimately about the quality and quantity of education, feedback and practice.

Snap into reality:

  • Learning is not laborious.  It is liberating.
  • A key factor driving success and failure is motivation.
  • Only those who care deeply about where they want to go are ever going to get there.
  • Although people may differ in every which way – in their initial talents, and aptitudes, interests or temperaments – everyone can change and grow through application, constructive expert feedback, education and experience.
  • Attitude (mind-set) counts.  Top performers embrace “failure.”  Remember the Nike commercial where Michael Jordan says: “I’ve missed more than nine thousand shots.  I’ve lost almost three hundred games.  Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to make the fame-winning shot and missed.”
  • In order to become the greatest basketball player of all time, you have to embrace failure.  “Mental toughness and heart are a lot stronger than some of the physical advantages you might have,” he said.  “I’ve always said that, and I’ve always believed that.”
  • The path to excellence is difficult.  It forces voyagers to stumble and fall on every single stretch of the journey.
  • To make the journey you need to be equipped with the right mind-set, an appetite for hard work that is ravenous, an enthusiasm that is palpable, and a relentless quest for personal transformation.

The Experience of “Nagging”


—–Original Message—–
From: Carl
To: ‘Gary Smolker’ <>;
Sent: Thu, May 15, 2014 11:32 am
Subject: RE: In Re: Nagging – Your man isn’t exaggerating when he says your nagging is killing him


A “funny” topic that isn’t “funny.”

So when I read the following, ‘My Webster Dictionary defines nag and nagging as, to “find fault unnecessarily.”’ My first question is, “According to who?”

If I’m being nagged then of course there is no fault and by definition it is unnecessary.

If I am doing the nagging then of course there is fault and by obligation it is necessary. Why else would I be nagging?

I’m right about this of course.

Answer me that! I’m waiting…

Still waiting…

You always ignore me but I’m not going away until you insist that I’m right. (Which means that you’re wrong, which everybody knows and is always talking about.)



From: Gary Smolker []
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2014 11:26 AM
To: Carl
Subject: In Re: Nagging – Your man isn’t exaggerating when he says your nagging is killing him



We live in an age of gross attention seeking.

People are increasingly confronted by messy, multifaceted challenges that require collaboration to resolve.

We’ve come to define ourselves by sharing our thoughts and feelings even as we’re having them.

It is not unusual for executives to receive 200 emails per day  – more than 30,000 a year.

It is not unusual for top executives to receive 1,000 or more emails per day.

Meeting time has skyrocketed.

On average, senior executives devote more than two days every week to meetings involving three or more coworkers.

One of the legal defenses offered by Steve Cohen, CEO of SAC Capital, the hedge fund that was indited in 2013 for insider trading and agreed to pay a record $1.2 billion fine, was that he missed a warning about insider trading because of the one thousand emails he got every day.

According to a Harvard Medical School study, 96 percent of leaders said they feel burned out.

Our workplace culture is fueled by stress, sleep deprivation and burnout.

We are overworked.

Time is a scarce resource.

We need to disconnect from all our omnipresent devices – our screens and social media – cut back on the number of meetings we attend and reconnect with ourselves.

Feel free to post a comment on my blog at on “nagging.”

“Nagging” is a very big topic.

Everyone’s work is improved by the dynamic process of seeking and giving feedback, ideas, and assistance.

Rewarding relationships are by far the most common element of personal success.

Helping is satisfying.

There is joy in collaborative helping.

The experience of successful help/helping boosts morale and job satisfaction.

However, when people feel an assessment made of them or their work, or that advice given to them seems off base, unhelpful, or simply untrue, they feel indignant, wronged, and exasperated.

People need to feel important and appreciated.

Whether feedback a person receives is right or wrong, wise or witless, it can be devastating if it causes your sense of who you are to come undone.

In such a case, you’ll struggle with feeling overwhelmed, defensive or off-balance.

Feeling judged sets off emotionally charged identity triggers.  You need to find “the coaching” in criticism, if the criticism/feedback is well intentioned.

Does the person giving you feedback/criticism want you to succeed?

Where is the feedback coming from?

What prompted it?

Where is it going?

I received a lot of personal e-mail about “nagging” after I posted an article entitled “An Antidote for A Nagging Stressful Wife” on my blog.

Below is a copy of several thoughtful perspectives people expressed to me in those e-mails and my responses.

With deepest respect,



—–Original Message—–
From: Friend

To: gsmolker <>
Sent: Wed, May 14, 2014 10:57 pm
Subject: Nagging


My Webster Dictionary defines nag and nagging as, to “find fault unnecessarily.”

I believe that an essential element in nagging is that it is repetitive or grossly excessively repetitive.

·        Nagging – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – Similarto Nagging – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nagging, in interpersonal communication, is repetitious behaviour in the form of pestering, hectoring or otherwise continuous urging an individual to complete …

Social nagging – Parental and child nagging – The interpersonal interaction

·        Urban Dictionary: nagging – Similarto Urban Dictionary: nagging

What women do when they are pissed off and don’t have anyone to blame. Usually done to the men that love them and try to treat them right.

·        nagging – definition of nagging by the Free Online Dictionary … – Similarto nagging – definition of nagging by the Free Online Dictionary …

To annoy by constant scolding, complaining, or urging. 2. To torment persistently, as with anxiety or pain. v.intr. 1. To scold, complain, or find fault constantly: …

·        News for nagging

Telegraph…. Are You Nagging Your Man to Death? 4 days agoYour man isn’t exaggerating when he says your nagging is killing him, according to a new report.


Leonardo Da Vinci had a motto: saper verdere, “to know how to see.”

Thank you for your e-mail.  Relationships are the bandwidth by which information transfers.

People have different opinions and different perspectives.

The purpose of my blog is to share a diversity of perspectives.

Many people who read my blog are passionate about what they do and feel and believe it is their life mission to be doing what they are doing.

They are fulfillment-oriented, in an intrinsically motivated context.

They throw themselves into their work.

They are fully immersed in what they are doing.

They are consumed.  They are fully absorbed in their work.

They aren’t addicted to work – they crave the validation that comes with success.

At a neurophysiological level, they are achievement oriented.  They seek input from many sources.  They intentionally diversify their lives.

They know, most of creativity is combinational; that is one reason ultra-performers interact with a diverse variety of other people, are curious, open minded, flexible and closely attend to living a varied life.

Ultra performers are highly observant.  They don’t just look.  They see.  They are the type of people who believe:

  • Breath of experience is a form of identity.
  • Highly differentiated, highly innovative outputs comes from having a range of inputs.
  • Having a wide breath of experiences helps you to better understand yourself.
  • The experiences that you invite become the work you produce.
  •  When the right people are gathered in the right way, the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts.

Ultra performers are intense listeners, readers and observers on a mission.

They have observational virtuosity and are passionately curious.

Their curiosity drives them to have a thirst for new experiences, to make partnerships and alliances and to have relationships with talented individuals.

They find and welcome other people with wide-ranging minds.

They seek to bring as wide a range of experiences and people – and thus ideas – into their lives as possible.

They view experiences as fuel for creativity, the substrate on which ideas grow.

Domestically, they seek to carefully combine work and home so as to have energy both at home and at work and not to lose themselves, their loved ones or their foothold on success.

Those who do this most effectively vigilantly manage their own human capital, their relationships, endeavoring to give both work and home and their impact on the rest of the world their due.

Deciding when where and how to be accessible for work is an ongoing challenge.

If all of your socializing centers around your work life, you tend to experience an ever-decreasing circle of influence and ideas.

The most successful business executives engage meaningfully with work, family and community and they have down time in which they rest, relax, actively notice things both inside and outside their overly orchestrated lives and rejuvenate their minds, their bodies and their souls.

Life sometimes takes over, but ultra-achievers have built support systems both at work and at home by collaborating with partners and zeroing in on what really matters.

Rewarding relationships – having relationships that give them emotional support, and practical help, including personal, career and business advice – are by far the most common element of their personal success.

Complementary relationships with a shared vision of success for everyone at home and common goals hold those that are couples and/or have families together.

As the ad says: The only thing more powerful than a big idea is the team that can see it through.

Effective collaborative help lends perspective, experience, and expertise that improves the quality and execution of ideas.

The right mix of fully formed adults with the right minds attitude and experiences make bright work.

The value created by a product mirrors the skills invested in it.

Great teams accomplish great work.

When value is created, it resonates within everyone involved.

A quality product enriches the lives of the people who made it and the people who use it.

The more useful a product – the work and/or the work-product – the happier people will be.

Successful collaboration doesn’t just happen.  It takes effort.

Warmest regards,


“Nagging” Is A Woman’s Call for Attention



NAGGING is a muti-dimensional topic.

Ray Woodcock posted a great comment on my posted article on “antidote for nagging wife.”  I recommend that you look at his post.

If Lynne hadn’t intervened by having the movie theater call the paramedics when Lynne noticed I was sweating profusely, I would probably be dead.

Check out Ray’s posted comment and my article at

The Lynne intervention when Lynne noticed GSS sweating-in-movie-theater episode points out that “nagging” can be a good thing, it can be an act of love, an act of human kindness or just a plain concern for other human beings.

I love your comment (copy below) about “nagging” being a lot of work.  Please post further comments on that topic on my blog right after the article on “nagging wife.”

BY THE WAY: We are talking about “how” to build social-bonds.

Let me give you one quick story on how to do that.

On the morning I was to fly back to L.A. from Toronto, Interventional Cardiologist Christopher Buller called me on my cell phone – while I was still at the hotel I was staying at in Toronto – and said to me: “If Air Canada gives you any trouble boarding the plane, have Air Canada call me at this number and I’ll take care of it.”

By that act of kindness and concern Chris formed a partnership with me the potency of which has no measurable limits.

We need to attend to the people around us.  We need to pay attention to the person we are with.  By doing so, we are creating micro moments of positivity resonance with the other person which unlocks the collective capacity of you and the other person to enjoy life more and become healthier in the process.

The research of Uri Hasson, a Princeton psychologist, reveals the multilevel mirroring that happens between people when they are getting along: their bodies mirror each other, and their brain activity does as well.  These are micro moments of positivity resonance.
When you share a positive emotion with someone, you’ll each invest in each other’s well being.

TAKE AWAY:  Seek out and be responsive to potential instances for making micro-moment connections.  You can have an instance of positivity resonance with anyone, whether it’s a stranger on the subway, a family member, or a co-worker.  It’s a matter of showing kindness and receiving connection.

After experiencing these micro moments, we have a desire to invest in one another’s welfare.

This builds social bonds.

Authentic connection is the foundation of partnership, a partnership that builds commitment.


—–Original Message—–
From: Becky

To: gsmolker <>
Sent: Wed, May 14, 2014 10:42 pm
Subject: Re: Senior Newswire


I’m glad to know you are a pro-women person.  I know that you are always polite, a gentleman
kind, and generous.

I’m not sure I read your article about “nagging wife”?
Here’s my take on a nagging wife:

 … she’s clamoring for attention; for love. 

Nagging is a lot of work.  I’ll just give my husband (if I’m married)
the silent treatment instead. That will surely drive him crazy!

Stay healthy.

Best regards.


—–Original Message—–
From: Gary Smolker <>
To: Becky
Sent: Wed, May 14, 2014 2:19 pm
Subject: Re: Senior Newswire


Thank you.

I’ve posted an article on my blog (at about “nagging”, entitled “Antidote for A Nagging Wife.”

Feel free to post your thoughts and comments to that article on my blog.

By the way, SWEATING is also a symptom that you are having a heart attack.

Lynne noticed I was sweating profusely, got me to a hospital because of that.

On the way to the hospital the paramedics told me I was having a heart attack.

If Lynne had not taken control of the situation, it is very likely I would be dead.

Alert, awake, aware people make all the difference in the world.

I know many alert, awake and aware women.

And, I am extremely PRO-WOMEN.


Nagging Is An Act of Love


You are wonderful at generating positivity resonance in my life
You always bring a smile to my face

As soon as I can catch my breath I’ll invite you out to breakfast, brunch, or lunch or coffee or tea.
—–Original Message—–
From: Elisabeth
To: Gary Smolker <> and Becky
Sent: Thu, May 15, 2014 12:47 pm
Subject: RE: POSITIVITY RESONANCE and the Sublime Difference between Nagging and LOVE & Call to Action To Create An Emotionally Nourished Sense of Progress

Yes nagging is multi dimensional…
I also agree it’s partly love for another person. When u don’t love you don’t give a flying F…. for what the other person is doing and as it asks a lot of energy you rather keep the energy for something else!

How Do You Define Nagging?


Great points.

An informed discussion always begins with a definition of terms.

Have fun and feel free to post your “comments” on what constitutes a “nagging wife” in my blog, in the comment section which is located immediately at the end of the article on “Antidotes for A Nagging Wife” at

I agree with you: It is always a good idea to define terms.

Feel free to define the term “nagging” in your to be posted comment.

My Webster Dictionary defines nag and nagging as, to “find fault unnecessarily.”

Of course, either a man or a woman can nag and can be a nag.

In “The Devils Dictionary” Ambrose Bierce defines “politeness” as follows.

Politeness.  The most acceptable hypocrisy.

Let yourself go: 
You can be cautious or you can be creative (but there is no such thing as being a cautious creative).
A creative thinker must be fearless.If you are more tentative than decisive, if you’re more cautious than creative, you’ll never be an innovative business leader.
A Cautious Creative is an oxymoron.In the act of creativity, being careful guarantees sameness  and mediocrity, which means your work will be invisible.
Better to be reckless than careful.Better to be bold than safe.Better to have your work remembered, or you’ve struck out.There is no middle ground.I know you are fearless.I look forward to reading your posted comment regarding “nagging” and “nags” on my blog.
– I know you are expert in the personality type needed to occupy the C-Suite.
– Leave your politeness and inhibition behind; feel to discuss the “picked on woman’s side of the nagging issue” for me and the readers of my blog.
I look forward to reading your future comments.
—–Original Message—–
From: Annemarie
To: Gary Smolker
Sent: Tue, May 13, 2014 5:08 pm
Subject: ” Nagging by your wife”

Hi Gary:

I would love to comment on what constitutes ” nagging wife”  in your blog.

You asked for it –  

1.My biggest question is how do you define ” nagging” ?
Is it when a conversation doesn’t have an ending and it gets circled around 
over and over again with no real end insight ?

2.Is it when the person who is  per say  ” nagging you demands that you say sorry for 
getting you so frustrated that you say the rudest of things in hopes that the conversation ends?

3.Do we have a percentage of female or male ” naggers” ?

4.If you fall victim to this type of communication is it healthy for any relationship ?
And what solution would you suggest a person to do that is at the receiving end of a nagger ?

How long of a conversation do you need to have with a person before it becomes obvious that nagging is the end in sight?

Lastly, Would you say nagging a person over their own upset should carry on for 1 hour and repeated again over a second face
to face contact? When should this wife nagging stop ? 


Are There Limited Conditions Under Which People Are Motivated to Create Micro-Moments of Positivity Resonance?


What you say does and does not make sense.

I just received a note from Georgia Tagliere – a stranger I spoke to for the first time, in a restaurant, yesterday.

She told me she writes stories for children and science fiction for adults.

Her note is in my inbox.

I have not read it yet.

I will send a copy to you.

By the way, without any foundation, Chris Buller – who met me while I was laying on an operating table having a heart attack in St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto – was kind to me.

Jason Fane, without any foundation – who I met in an elevator in Ithaca – gave me the keys to his Mercedes and told me I could borrow it.

A multitude of other complete strangers have come to my aide – without any prior relationship with me – in my many times of need.

Each of those people – the ones who helped a complete stranger in his time of need – have great self-awareness and extraordinary mental health.

It has been my experience, that really “healthy” people do things for other people -as good Samaritans, even for complete strangers.

By the way, I know a man who “donates” Torahs to “poor” synagogues (the membership of poor synagogues) so they will not have to disband when their Torahs become Un-Kosher.

To be continued.


—–Original Message—–
From: Rabbi
To: Gary Smolker <>
Sent: Thu, May 15, 2014 6:08 pm
Subject: Re: POSITIVITY RESONANCE and the Sublime Difference between Nagging and LOVE & Call to Action To Create An Emotionally Nourished Sense of Progress

I suggest that it requires a little more warmth and friendship to generate positivity resonance than what is available to strangers. This doesn’t preclude kindness to strangers and even going out of our way to do so. On the contrary I’ma big fan of that. One of my favorite stories is of a man who felt a strong feeling of love for his son who was in a different city so he decided to pour it into the first homeless man he met. He found this fellow bought him a pizza and a pair of socks. He presented these with a smile and walked off. Kindness to a pure stranger.

Yet the positivity resonance that you speak of requires some foundation.

On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 11:05 AM, Gary Smolker <> wrote:
NAGGING is a muti-dimensional topic.Ray Woodcock posted a great comment on my posted article on “antidote for nagging wife.”If Lynne hadn’t intervened by having the movie theater call the paramedics when Lynne noticed I was sweating profusely, I would probably be dead.Check out Ray’s posted comment and my article at Lynne intervention when Lynne noticed GSS sweating-in-movie-theater episode points out that “nagging” can be a good thing, it can be an act of love, an act of human kindness or just a plain concern for other human beings.I love your comment (copy below) about “nagging” being a lot of work.  Please post it on my blog right after the article on “nagging wife.”BY THE WAY: We are talking about “how” to build social-bonds.Let me give you one quick story on how to do that.On the morning I was to fly back to L.A. from Toronto, Interventional Cardiologist Christopher Buller called me on my cell phone – while I was still at the hotel I was staying at in Toronto – and said to me: “If Air Canada gives you any trouble boarding the plane, have Air Canada call me at this number and I’ll take care of it.”By that act of kindness and concern Chris formed a partnership with me the potency of which has no measurable limits.We need to attend to the people around us.  We need to pay attention to the person we are with.  By doing so, we are creating micro moments of positivity resonance with the other person which unlocks the collective capacity of your and the other person to enjoy life more and become healthier in the process.The research of Uri Hasson, a Princeton psychologist, reveals the multilevel mirroring that happens between people when they are getting along: their bodies mirror each other, and their brain activity does as well.  These are micro moments of positivity resonance.

When you share a positive emotion with someone, you’ll each invest in each other’s well being.TAKE AWAY:  Seek out and be responsive to potential instances for making micro-moment connections.  You can have an instance of positivity resonance with anyone, whether it’s a stranger on the subway, a family member, or a co-worker.  It’s a matter of showing kindness and receiving connection.  After experiencing these micro moments, we have a desire to invest in one another’s welfare.This builds social bonds: Authentic connection is the foundation of partnership, a partnership that builds commitment.
—–Original Message—–
From: Becky
To: gsmolker <>
Sent: Wed, May 14, 2014 10:42 pm
Subject: Re: Senior Newswire

Gary:I’m glad to know you are a pro-women person.  I know that you are always polite, a gentleman
kind, and generous.I’m not sure I read your article about “nagging wife”?
Here’s my take on a nagging wife: … she’s clamoring for attention; for love.  Nagging is a lot of work.  I’ll just give my husband (if I’m married)
the silent treatment instead. That will surely drive him crazy!Stay healthy.Best regards.


—–Original Message—–
From: Gary Smolker
To: Becky
Sent: Wed, May 14, 2014 2:19 pm
Subject: Re: Senior Newswire


Thank you.

I’ve posted an article on my blog (at about “nagging”, entitled “Antidote for A Nagging Wife.”
Feel free to post your thoughts and comments to that article on my blog.
By the way, SWEATING is also a symptom that you are having a heart attack.
Lynne noticed I was sweating profusely, got me to a hospital because of that.
On the way to the hospital the paramedics told me I was having a heart attack.
If Lynne had not taken control of the situation, it is very likely I would be dead.
Alert, awake, aware people make all the difference in the world.
I know many alert, awake and aware women.
And, I am extremely PRO-WOMEN.


Complete Strangers Can Spontaneously Share Productive Moments of Positivity Resonance


Friday, May 16, 2014
I hope you don’t mind:I am going to send a copy of this/your correspondence with me – without your email address – to a friend with whom I’m having a conversation about creating micro-moments of positivity resonance with complete strangers.
Three quick mind-opening books are –

  • “The Measure of Reality – Quantification and Western Society 1250 – 1600” by Alfred W. Crosby
  • “Products of the Perfected Civilization – Selected Writings of Chamfort” translated and with an introduction by W.S. Merwin
  • “The Mind of Napoleon – A Selection of His Written and Spoken Words” edited and translated by J. Christopher Herold.

I believe the way we interact with one another can predict creativity, productivity, efficiency and effectiveness.

I recognize it takes a long time to do anything worthwhile and agree with the old Chinese saying: When you’ve made it 90% of the way down the path you are halfway to your destination.

To be continued.


—–Original Message—–
From: Georgina
To: gsmolker <>
Sent: Thu, May 15, 2014 8:56 pm
Subject: I met you this Afternoon at lunch
HI Gary,
I’m Georgina and I  met you this afternoon during lunch.  I somehow felt that you were there to open my mind .  You were quite observant . Anyway, after our brief conversation I thought I would give you the names of the books I had in mind for you to enjoy.
The name of the book is “How to think like Leonardo Da Vinci” by Michael J. Gelb.  I love this book because no matter where you are in your life intellectually, one can strive and attempt at new things that will improve their creativity and analytical skills.  We all have a certain degree of potential and the only way to tap into it is to continually try and learn new things that will enable you to inspire and touch the hearts of others.  I hope you like this simple book.
There are other books that are more intense and controversial that I think you might  like .  Check out Laurence Gardner’s books.  He’s a linguist and a historian of ancient  history. “The Arc of the Covenant”   I love his stuff.
 Let me know what you think.

A Psycho-logistical Conception of the World


Let's not forget:

(1) - Psycho-logists/analysts say that nagging wifes-to-be and naggable 
husbands-to-be will, with innate propensity, find and attract each other to 
marry in and from amongst any crowd.

(2) - For a-few-centuries-old advice on an antidote for dealing with a nagging 
wife, please refer to Mr. Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew."

The subject matter reminds me of the humorous adage: "Behind every successful 
man is a nagging woman."

Understandably, most people conceptualize the world as a static background upon 
which is played a symphony or cacophony of cause and effect interrelations. 
Also, nearly all of these "cause-and-effect" believers feel that (1) below makes 
more sense than (2) below -- two seemingly opposite, equally cogent ways of 
interpreting the adage above:

(1) - The nagging causes the success;
(2) - The success causes the nagging.



I am very interested in people and why they are the way they are – especially ultra performers.

Last night, Lynne and I saw two great movies about the power of purpose in people’s lives: “The Million Dollar Arm” and “Belle.”  Each story is about “success” “winning” and “human dignity.”  Each main character is a gutsy, good-hearted, risk-taking man or woman of conviction infused with noble purpose.

Except for taking a break to see those two movies, all last night I was thinking about the tag line “To Nag or Not to Nag” in an e-mail I received yesterday.

In that e-mail a friend said:

“Gary, I once lived with a woman who went silent instead of yelling and nagging.  It didn’t drive me crazy!  I remember that as one of her best features and one that I didn’t adequately appreciate at the time.”

I also couldn’t get out of my mind, what Andre Agassi says in his autobiography OPEN about his early years in tennis:

“My father says, if I hit 2,500 balls each day, I’ll hit 17,300 balls each week, and at the end of one year I’ll have hit nearly one million balls.  He believes in math.  Numbers he says, don’t lie.  A child who hits one million balls each year will be unbeatable.”

What does that tell us?  It tells us if you want to be great at what you do, you have to work like crazy, regardless of your genes, background, creed or color.  And, you might need a “nag” like Agassi’s father to tell you that you need to work hard in order to succeed.

What ever fight you have in you you have to pull out.

If you watch my ten year old grandson play hockey and soccer you will see what I am talking about.

He is a show stopper.

He is always the smallest kid on the field and also the most ferocious and effective.

Why is that?  It is because he takes playing hockey and soccer more seriously than any other player or either team on the filed.

It is also because his mom gets up at 5:00 a.m. to take him to 6:00 a.m. soccer and hockey team practice.

Success Is Like Luck

Another friend wrote to me (via e-mail):

“Success is like luck, everyone has the same number of “opportunities” more or less in life but some move quickly and firmly in the right direction while others sabotage their own success unconditionally or not.

“I was trained by John Bradshaw some 30 years ago and learned among other things about Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP) which is self talk…  We are more hypnotized by our own self talk than when hypnotized by an expert.  What we tell ourselves about what we can or cannot do absolutely will change the direction to succeed or fail or stagnate.

“Once I learned the secrets of NLP I grew our company about 10 fold… before then I had purposely set up blockades to keep our company small… Now I keep my company extremely lean so that I can make other investments to make real success.

“One of the first books John had us read was “Frogs to Princes.  You may want to read it too.  If you have not studied NLP you should  It is a ‘key’ to success!”


I am all in favor of reading books.

Yesterday morning I went to Barnes & Noble in Calabasas, California to purchase “How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci” and two other books.  Only “How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci” was in stock.  I bought it and took it home.  I also bought and took home:

  • “Clouds of Glory – The Life and Legend of Robert E. Lee” by Michael Korda
  • “My Promised Land – The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel” by Avi Shavirt
  • “Mansfield’s Book of Many Ways” by Stephen Mansfield
  • “Supreme City – How Jazz Age Manhattan Gave Birth to Modern America” by Donald L. Miller
  • “The Mob and the City – The Hidden History of How the Mafia Captured New York” by C. Alexander Hortis
  • “WHOLE” – Rethinking the Science of Nutrition” by T. Colin Campbell, PhD

I recommend all of those books.

I also recommend “Why A Man Should Be Well-Dressed – Appearances Can Be Revealing” by Adolf Roof.

People have a wide variety of tastes and perspectives.

There are messages embedded in everything people wear, and in everything they like and dislike.

In that regard, from the Middle Ages to 1870 (when it was abolished) there were two jury systems in English Courts.

The English doctrine of the “mixed jury” allowed resident foreigners to have law suits against English natives tried before juries composed half of natives and half of aliens like themselves.  This doctrine began in the Middle Ages and was abolished in 1870.

Accelerating change and increasing complexity multiply the value of intellectual capital.  The individual’s ability to learn, adapt, and think independently and creatively, is at a premium.

The desire to learn, to know, and to grow is the powerhouse of knowledge, wisdom and discovery.

If you are interested in thinking for yourself and freeing your mind from limiting habits and preconceptions, and wish to be more at home with the “unknown”, I recommend that you question conventional wisdom and “learn” how other people think through reading and practical experience.

Below is a list of five books that I am familiar with (and which I have in my home library) which address different aspects of how and why different “types” of people see the same things differently.

  • “Fashion, Culture and Identity” by Fred Davis
  • “Distinction – A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste” by Pierre Bourdieu translated by Richard Nice
  • “The Faces of Injustice” by Judith N. Shklar
  • “The Law of the Other” by Marianne Constable
  • “Questions of Evidence – Proof, Practice, and Persuasion across the Disciplines” edited by James Chandler, Arnold I. Davidson, and Harry Harootunian.


Currently I am increasing my mental literacy by exploring new ideas, new innovations, the history of ideas, the nature of genius and expert performance, as well as what the best minds think about specific issues and things of interest to me by reading seven books, none of which are listed above, and interacting constantly with a wide variety of deeply thoughtful highly educated vibrant globally aware people.

The modern uomo universale is comfortable with different cultures and views racism, sexism, religious persecution, and homophobia as vestiges of a primitive age of evolution.

Today one of my uomo universale friends sent me an e-mail on the topic of “Positivity Resonance (Self-Awareness Health)” in which she expresses her disagreement with statements made in the Rabbi’s email (a copy of the Rabbi’s email is set forth above).  Her email to me reads as follows:

I totally agree with you on this. 

I have made life long friends with random people I met by happenstance.

I’ve also gone out of my way to help strangers if I know they are in need.  Like running to a 7-Eleven Store to try to find band aids for an old man who fell down and was bleeding.

I also visited Cabo San Lucas by myself one year and on an atv tour made friends with four couples who invited me back to dinner with them.

Two of these couples, right after I got home, invited me again to join them for Superbowl in Miami.

I guess I don’t like the term “Strangers” and anyone who uses it, isn’t curious about truly getting to know and understand people.

Okay that is a generalization.  I just happen to be passionately curious about people.


“Masculinity is not something given to you, but something you gain.  And you gain it by winning small battles with honor.”  – Norman Mailer, Cannibals and Christians (1966)


By the way:  I know the title of this post is SUCCCESS.  I also know “success” is spelled success.


Warm regards,


Gary S. Smolker, Publisher
Gary Smolker Idea Exchange Blog


Smolker Letter No. 14 “Ten Criteria for Selection of Best Movie Derived by Me While Pondering Whether Quentin Tarantino Should Be Damned for Making His Newest Movie “Django Unchained” and Steven Spielberg Should Be Praised for Making His Newest Movie “Lincoln.” (Updated January 29, 2013)

Smolker Letter No. 14

“Ten Criteria for Selection of Best Movie Derived by Me While Pondering Whether Quentin Tarantino Should Be Damned for Making His Newest Movie Django Unchained and Steven Spielberg Should Be Praised for Making His Newest Movie Lincoln”

Am I knowledgeable and intelligent or only opinionated?

by Gary S. Smolker

(Updated January 29, 2013)


While trying to figure out whether Quentin Tarantino Should Be Damned for Making His Newest Movie Django Unchained and Steven Spielberg Should Be Praised for Making His Newest Move Lincoln”, I developed the following ten criteria for me to use to tell the difference between a good movie, a great movie, and a greater movie, and the greatest movie.

The Ten Criteria I Use for Selection of Best Movie

1. Does the movie hold hundreds of the most varied audiences spellbound?  The best movie should keep the movie goers’ curiosity alive without faltering.  The viewer should feel there is no time to go to the bathroom or to buy popcorn while that movie is being shown.  The best movies move forward unfailingly at all times, the underlying rhythm of the whole is masterly. Thematic unity is preserved throughout the film.

2. Does the movie cause viewers to relate to characters in the movie, to understand the characters, to like or dislike the characters, to care about what happens next to the characters and what the characters do next?  In the best movies, all the characters are “real”; all the characters are believable; viewers know where the characters are coming from, know the characters’ motivations and intentions, who the characters are is not a mystery.

3. The best movie will provoke self-aware contemplation — will make a viewer think about who the viewer is, what the viewer’s values are, and where the viewer stands on important issues.  The best movies spark a daily and efficient public discussion of an important issue.

4. The best movie will teach unforgettably.  The best movies have take home value.  The best movies teach the viewer something useful.  The best movies cause excitement.

5. The best movies show a conflict about a real issue with complete clarity through words and images which illuminate the core issues presented in the story told in the movie.  The best movies show you how an event, issue, or impulse or vision took shape. The viewer is shown and finds the deep source of a conflict.

6. The best movies convey a moral lesson with complete clarity.

7. At the end of the best movies, the audience has learned something new.  The best movies are full of facts and density of thought which transport the viewer into another reality.

8. The best movies prompt the viewer’s curiosity, make the viewer want to learn more about something or someone.

9. The main character in the best movies has a philosophy of life and aesthetic sensibilities.  Wit, eloquence and density of thought is portrayed by the main character as the main character acutely, passionately and intensely lives his or her life.

10. In the best movie the story is presented through images and dialog in a coherent way with such an abundance of feeling, thought, imagination, and unbounded spirit that the thickest mind and slowest eye is aroused to think and see what the film maker perceives.

Knowing the Cultural Bearings of Society and the Temper of the Times

It is important to understand the public’s mind set.

People today live in turmoil and anxiety.

That being said, it is my opinion that it is critical to know the cultural bearings of society and the temper of the times if you want to win a political election or if you want to be a successful movie maker or to be successful in any other endeavor.

It is essential to understand public opinion, the power of public opinion and the mindset of the public.  You must know where the public mind is, what the public’s values are and how the public sees things.

In short, you must understand the world you live in.

In my opinion Mitt Romney never had a chance to win his bid to become President of the United States because of the cultural bearings of American society, the voting public’s mindset and the temper of the times.

In my opinion Quentin Tarantino understands the cultural bearings of society, how people think, how people see things, what people’s values are, where the public mind is and the temper of the times.

That is why Quentin Tarantino and his movie Django Unchained are successful.

We live in a brutal violent world where people do disgusting things.

People do more disgusting things in the real world than they do in the make believe world of Django Unchained.

The brutality portrayed in Django Unchained teaches a lesson in morality, a lesson in history and a lesson in government.

Because the moral and historical lessons are so powerfully portrayed in Django Unchained is the reason why Django Unchained is a box office runaway money making success that has been well received by both by the public at large who bought tickets to watch it and by professional movie critics who have reviewed it.

The powerful message (and moral lessons to be derived from that message) portrayed by the images and scenes in Django Unchained is why famous successful movie stars who played different parts in Django Unchained were thrilled to act in that movie and is the reason they were able to deliver such powerful performances.

The actors in Django Unchained want to deliver the message that Django Unchained delivers.  They are happy that Django Unchained has raised public consciousness and discussion about the brutal nation-state portrayed in that Django Unchained.

Should Quentin Tarantino Be Damned for Making His Newest Movie Django Unchained?

Some people say that Quentin Tarantino has a disgusting manner of story telling, that he has a sick mind; that Quentin Tarantino is a person who considers violence and depravity the norm.

Some people claim that hard studies directly associate screen violence – such as the screen violence portrayed in Django Unchained – with overall violence in society.

Some people claim that violence in media gives fuel to potential young killers, who don’t know what they are doing or why they are doing it when they commit acts of violence.

Some people protest that Django Unchained is exploitative.

Some people claim that Django Unchained is a revenge fantasy.

Some people claim that watching Django Unchained will encourage and fuel more violence than being familiar with the biblical injunction of “an eye for an eye” and/or will fuel more violence than being familiar with the legal concept of “self-defense” and/or than from being familiar with current events or from being familiar with modern history and/or than from watching broadcast news reports and/or from reading general print media.

Some people claim that Quentin Tarantino is responsible for the current state of violence in society along with all other film makers making films of the same genre.

I don’t agree with that assessment that Quentin Tarantino is responsible for the current state of violence in society or with the prediction that the film Django Unchained will be responsible for noticeably more “unsanctioned” violence in society.

On Screen Violence in the World at Large

Nobody blames Tarantino for the recent violence in Libya, the killing of the American Ambassador in Libya, the recent violence in Egypt, riots going on in Egypt, Egyptian police killing protestors in the street, or for the on-going violence in Syria, in Afghanistan, in Pakistan, in India, in Algeria, in Mali or in Yemen.

We live in a brutal violent world where people do disgusting things.  Quentin Tarantino did not invent that world, cause that world to come into existence, or cause violence and disgusting conduct to flourish.

The world was violent and brutal before Tarantino started making movies and before Tarantino was born

The media and YouTube regularly broadcast violent pictures which depict violence and daily killing going on in many countries in the world.

The print media and broadcast media constantly report on armed rebellions that are taking place in various parts of the world, bombings of government facilities, bombings of public facilities, people bullying each other, rapes, wrongful sexual conduct, and every other kind of disgusting human conduct.

The public is provided by the media with a daily diet of detailed graphic reports on all kinds of disgusting acts (including acts of violence) in many countries.

Nobody in America claims that the print and broadcast media and YouTube should not be doing so, or that local people who are witness to such horrible events should not take videos of what they see, upload their videos and then send them out over the Internet.

Being in Touch with Reality, in Touch with the New Normal

Do the many people who are upset by Quentin Tarantino’s depiction of violence in Django Unchained believe the news media should not report the following RECENT OR CURRENT ONGOING EVENTS:

  1. a young woman going to college is raped at a bus stop on her way to school in India,
  2. a child is shot while she was riding on a bus by members of the Taliban because that child is known for leading a campaign to educate women in her country,
  3. a suicide bomber blows himself or herself up while riding a bus, or walking or driving on a public street in Israel, Iraq, India, Afghanistan, or in any other country or nation,
  4. missiles being shot into Israel,
  5. the kidnapping and forceful taking of civilian hostages,
  6. people not able to escape a raging fire in a nightclub because security guards block there way out of the only door through which they could exist,
  7. torture of prisoners,
  8. U.S. military turning over captured enemy combatants to Afghanistan detention facilities where the prisoners are tortured and abused,
  9. beheading of hostages,
  10. monks setting themselves on fire and burning themselves to death in protest,
  11. U.S. drones killing innocent citizens in foreign countries,
  12. Afghan soldiers and policemen killing their American soldier allies and compatriots,
  13. the latest actions of Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and/or the Kadashians,
  14. sexual molestation of boys by Catholic priests and the cover up by leaders of the Catholic Church,
  15. sexual molestation of boys by a football coach at a prominent university and the subsequent cover up of child molestation by the head coach and by the President of the University
  16. sexual molestation of boys by their adult leaders in the Boy Scouts,
  17. women being stoned to death after they have been gang raped,
  18. the Enron scandal or
  19. the fraudulent actions of Bernie Madoff ?

We are regularly (perhaps daily) bombarded with stories by news media of violence, disgusting conduct, depravity and irresponsible conduct.

The Character of the Society In Which We Live and Temper of the The Times We Are Living In:

People Are Fed Up with Being Powerless, with Being Exploited, and On Top of That People Are Disgusted by the Conduct of the Rich and Powerful

In my opinion it is very important to understand the character of the society in which you live.

It is also important to understand people’s rational and irrational impulses.

It is a cherished American value to allow free debate, the free flow of information and the free flow of ideas.

In my opinion, one of the several reasons Mitt Romney did not win his bid for the Presidency of the United States is that a good portion of the people who voted for president are of the opinion and sincerely thought and believe that Mitt Romney is a disgusting person because Mitt Romney has no remorse about his involvement in and profit from the firing of American workers whose jobs were exported to China and those jobs in America were replaced by workers in China, instead Mitt Romney is proud of the fact that he (Mitt Romney) was responsible for firing of American workers and then exporting those fired Americans’ jobs to China.

People who were disgusted at Mitt Romney’s behavior in connection with the exporting of American jobs to China had the opinion and believed that as President, citizen Mitt Romney would do what is “legal” but what would be immoral in their opinion for his (Mitt Romney’s) own financial gain and for the financial gain of his friends and his supporters.

Those voters believed that Mitt Romney as President would be a threat to working men and women in America, a threat to the financial and emotional health and security of the common people in America.  In my opinion, that is why they did not vote for Mitt Romney for President.

Additionally, those voters believed it would be morally irresponsible to give him (Mitt Romney) Presidential Power to do to do “legal” but what in their opinion are “immoral” acts.

Put another way, although it was and still is legal to fire American workers in order to transfer their jobs from America to China, many Americans did not want their President to be a person who relentlessly did so without any remorse, did so solely for his own personal financial gain and personal financial profit and is proud of doing so.

People who don’t understand why Mitt Romney lost his bid to become President of the United States do not understand that the majority of the voting public in the United States are fed up with what they consider in their personal opinion to be disgusting immoral conduct by rich and powerful people in society.

Quentin Tarantino understands that a majority of the people in the United States, and a  majority of people worldwide, are fed up with being powerless, are fed up with what they consider to be immoral conduct by the powerful in their society and will cheer on a person who stands up to that and will not back off.

Before making Django Unchained Quentin Tarantino understood, in his heart, that a majority of people in the world would cheer on a black bounty hunter like the character Django in Quentin Tarantino’s newest movie Django Unchained.

Tarantino’s movie  Django Unchained reflects Quentin Tarantino’s genius at assessment of the intellectual and emotional mindset of our times: that people are fed up with misuse of power by the powerful and therefore he would be able to create a box-office hit of a movie by making a movie where the “little” guy wins against a powerful guy in a classic battle against all odds.

Tarantino knew that people would react strongly to the sadistic, brutal and exploitative conduct of the plantation owner Calvin Candi in the film Django Unchained — that is the reason Quentin Tarantino created the sadistic, brutal arrogant character Calvin Candi.

One of the many intellectual, emotional and moral points made by Quentin Tarantino in Django Unchained is that although whipping and beating slaves and ordering one slave bash in the head of another slave was legal in the South before the Civil War, because doing so was “legal” did not make Calvin Candi any less repulsive or immoral.

That just because something is “legal” does not make doing it “moral” is an idea to reflect upon and the degree to which Mitt Romney’s failure to win the recent Presidential election can be attributed to such a mindset is something to be reflected upon.

We know that things do not happen “over night.”  Change does not come about “over night.” Society changes slowly, even when inspired to change by an effective transformative leader.

In that regard, on November 18, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln traveled to the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to make some remarks at the dedication of a national cemetery.  The next day, on November 19, 1863, in President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, President Abraham Lincoln defined the great task lying before the American people by proclaiming that we are “…dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

In the Gettysburg Address, President Abraham Lincoln set out a vision of government that continues to play a great role in the American consciousness — that the purpose of the founders of the United States in breaking away from Great Britain, that their purpose in declaring independence, in obtaining “freedom” from the tyrannical rule of the British King and their purpose in dissolving all political connections with the State of Great Britain and any allegiance to the British Crown, in the minds of the founders of the United States, was to break away from British rule in order to create an independent nation that would be ruled by a government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Masterful Story Telling

Django Unchained demonstrates that Quentin Tarantino has a genius for imagery, for the use of imagery to tell a story, for the use of imagery to make a point, for the use of imagery to make an argument, for the use of imagery to rile us up.

The images of white men whipping black slaves, of white men setting a pack of attack dogs loose to tear apart a runaway black slave who has been caught after running away, of an owner ordering his slave to bash in the head of another slave all  strike an emotional and intellectual cord in a great number of viewers.

Those images repulse a large segment of modern day audiences.

The images of slaves being whipped, etc. in Django Unchained, because they portray violent and disgusting conduct, are supposed to repulse viewers.  The fact that such conduct was “legal” is supposed to make such conduct doubly disgusting.

The actions of characters portrayed in the images created by Quentin Tarantino express Tarantino’s idea and make Tarantino’s argument that slavery is horrible, that no man (a slave owner or any other man) should have that kind of sanctioned and legal power over another man.  Tarantino wants to make the point, and successfully makes the point, that people should treat each other with care for each others dignity as human beings.

Quentin Tarantino fans will rightfully and self-righteously tell you Django Unchained is an attempt by Quentin Tarantino, through the art of movie making, to re humanize mankind by showing the horrors of inhumane conduct.

One can’t help but note the improvement of the state of civilization in the United States  today compared to the state of civilization in the United States portrayed in Django Unchained.

That being said, one can argue that Tarantino is teaching us in Django Unchained that civilization and members of society might become more humane.

Roadrunner Cartoons and Tweetie Bird Cartoons

I was born before in 1945.

I grew up, went to college and lived through the Viet Nam war before Quentin Tarantino made Django Unchained or made any other [popular] movie.

During the war in Viet Nam innocent people in Viet Nam were massacred, innocent people were burned to death by napalm bombs dropped on them by Americans; bombs containing Agent Orange were dropped on Viet Nam and Cambodia to kill forests and other vegetation and American soldiers got horribly sick by handling Agent Orange.  All of this was reported in the news media without any protesting or claiming that the dissemination of such information that the violence and/or disgusting conduct broadcast and publicized gives fuel to potential young killers, who don’t know what they are doing or why they are doing it when they commit acts of violence.

As I was growing up, I was constantly exposed to violence in Roadrunner cartoons and in Tweetie Bird Cartoons.

In those Roadrunner cartoons a bird (a roadrunner) was always running away from a coyote (Wiley coyote).  The coyote wanted to catch the roadrunner in order to eat the roadrunner.  Inevitably, while chasing the roadrunner a misfortune would befall the coyote (such as a rock or anvil falling on his head, or falling off a cliff) as the coyote was chasing the roadrunner.  During each cartoon the coyote would suffer grievous injuries. In Tweetie Bird cartoons Tweetie Bird was always in mortal danger of being eaten alive by Sylvester the cat.  I also watched Tom and Jerry cartoons.  It Tom and Jerry cartoons a cat always tried to catch and eat a cute little mouse.

The point of the above recital is Quentin Tarantino is not the first person to portray violence and disgusting conduct for public consumption.

Should Steven Spielberg Be Praised for Making His Newest Film Lincoln?

Steven Spielberg’s newest movie Lincoln takes place while the Civil War is raging and the Congress of the United States is debating whether to adopt the 13th Amendment of the Constitution.  The 13th Amendment is the amendment which abolished slavery in the United States.

Prior to release of Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln, people who thought of Abraham Lincoln thought of Abraham Lincoln as having been a self-taught boy who learned by reading by candlelight, as a young man who earned money by being a rail splitter, and as a man who later became a shrewd country lawyer, and later yet became the President of the United States, and as a president of the United States who during his term in office wrote the Emancipation Proclamation which freed the slaves, wrote the Gettysburg Address and saved the Union during the Civil War.

Before release of Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln the general public thought of President Lincoln as “Honest Abe.”

The President Lincoln portrayed in Steven Spielberg’s newest film Lincoln is in one scene fantastically funny humorous and fun to be and in other scenes is a self-assertive yet detached person with the singular determination to get the 13th Amendment of the United States Constitution adopted by the Congress of the United States.

In those later scenes, Lincoln is portrayed as being ruthless in using others’ help and influence to get the 13th Amendment adopted.

In many scenes it is brought out that President Lincoln had Congressmen bribed in order to secure their vote for passage of the 13th Amendment.

President Lincoln was not portrayed in Spielberg’s film as ever being a clumsy lawyer.

The images shown in scene after scene in the movie Lincoln show that President Lincoln was not a modest man, that he subconsciously assumed power, that he had a disconcerting power to see into questions, events and persons and that he projected superior intellectual power.

Throughout the movie Lincoln it is made clear that as President, Abraham Lincoln towered in mind and will over everyone.

Throughout this movie, President Lincoln is portrayed as being a supremely conscious genius who with a clear mind and great common sense was always scheming to secure passage of the 13th Amendment.

This is not the President Lincoln the general public knew before release of this movie.


Both Tarantino’s movie Django Unchained and Spielberg’s movie Lincoln are about efforts taken to secure the freedom of slaves.

In both movies the main character’s goal was to free slaves.

In both movies the main character accomplished his goal.

President Lincoln in Lincoln, Django and Django’s helper Dr. Schultz in Django Unchained were engaged in a battle for freedom.

Django was in a more desperate situation than President Lincoln because Django’s goal was to secure the freedom of the women he loved, his wife.

At the beginning of the movie Django Unchained, Django was a poor black man who couldn’t read or write or ride a horse or shoot a gun.

In order to find out where his wife was, Django needed Dr. Schultz to read the slave sale ledger at a slave market for him, in order to determine who had bought his wife.

These men relentlessly creatively and intelligently pursued their goal with great energy stamina and exertion.

On the issue of killing and violence:

  1. More people were killed and maimed and more property was destroyed as a result of President Lincoln pursuing his goal in Spielberg’s Lincoln than as a result of Django and Dr. Schultz pursuing their goal in Django Unchained.
  2. There is a much higher dead body count — more people are killed — in Lincoln than in Django Unchained.
  3. Lincoln is contains a more morbid scene than Django Unchained.
  4. The movie Lincoln contains a morbid scene in which body parts are being carried in a wheel barrel leaking blood from a hospital and then dumped in a pit.
  5. The movie Lincoln contains scenes of President Lincoln riding through fields strewn with dead bodies.

These are both great movies because the viewer’s attention is at all times riveted to the story unfolding on the screen, the movie maker portrays each main character is each movie living a clearly defined life style, the movies portray their main characters’ aesthetic sensibilities, all of the characters in both movies are very real (very believable) and the story in each movie teaches the audience important real life useful lessons.

Copyright (c) 2013 by Gary S. Smolker