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An Open Letter to Nick Cannon, “King of the Dancehall” – by Gary Smolker

October 9, 2106

Incredible Entertainment vs Ncredible Entertainment


I saw the World Premier of your movie “King of the Dancehall” at the 2016 Toronto International Film Festival, in September.

The music was very cool, the dancers were good, and the dancing and the dance hall scenes might have looked spectacular to people who are not “in the know” about what is REALLY HIP TODAY, i.e., to people who don’t know how high the bar is for what is cool in the world of dance hall dancing.

Today, the amateur bar for incredible entertainment is higher than the professional entertaining dancing/music entertainment you present in your movie “King of the Dancehall.”

There Is Over the Top Hip Dance Hall Talent Less than 10 Miles Away from Your Office

I went to a TRANCE DANCE LASER LIGHT SHOW last night  (Saturday night, October 8, 2016) held in Warehouse 11 of the Senter Stages located at 8411 Canoga Ave., in Canoga Park, California – located a few miles away from your Ncredible Entertainment office at 15821 Ventura Blvd., Encino, CA 91436.

The TRANCE DANCE was put on, created organized and produced by DASH SENTER, whose phone number is 1-818-668-4771.

Check out the the pictures I took of people on the dance floor in Warehouse 11, while the lasers were blazing, trance dance music pounded and people were dancing.

I took a video, which I can hopefully forward you by email, but for technical reasons which I don’t understand, I couldn’t upload on my blog.

In a photo below a man has light emitting from his fingers as he is dancing.

Lots of guys and gals had light emitting fingers on the dance floor.

Men and women also had light emitting hula hoops that swung around their bodies as they danced and which they jumped through while dancing.


In the photos below are pictures I took of people dancing in a trance with authentic wild abandon to the pulse of the never ending music while laser beams shooting above them.

The music and dancing started at 7:00 p.m. last night (Saturday, October 8, 2016), the lasers went on at 9:00 p.m., and the combination of pulsating music, people dancing with wild abandon under laser beams on a dance floor in  Warehouse 11 at SENTER STAGES didn’t stop until 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning (October 9, 2016).






Ordinary people danced the night away with wild abandon.







I and everyone else was greeted by and passed by the sign shown below upon entering Warehouse 11.



You don’t have to go to Jamaica to film bouncing bodies and grinding hips making the right moves to pulsating music.

You can do that a couple of miles away from Ncredible Entertainment’s office on Ventura Blvd. in Encino.

DASH SENTER is the MASTER of laser light show coordinated with pulsating music that puts everyone in a trance.

Meet DASH, see one of DASH’s Trance Dance Laser Light Shows, before ALL THE OTHER CELEBRITIES do.

Inevitably DASH will become a musical force that will shake dance floors all over the world, if DASH hasn’t already done so.


Nick, I love your shoes.

Check out my latest blog venture “Dudes Guide to Women’s Shoes” at

My partner Lou Coronado and I launched “Dudes Guide to Women’s Shoes” in August, less than 60 days ago.

I would love to take pictures of the shoes in your closet and of you in a couple of pairs of your shoes to post on “Dudes Guide to Women’s Shoes.”

By the way, I know a woman who buys shoes that are so beautiful she never wears them, she just looks at them.


I would be happy to buy you a cup of coffee and to discuss all of the above with you.

My office is located on Ventura Blvd., a few blocks away from Ncredible Entertainment’s offices.

With best wishes,

I remain,

Very truly yours,


Gary S. Smolker, publisher,movie reviewer, social commentaror
Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog

Gary S. Smolker, fashion blogger
Dudes Guide to Women's Shoes


Copyright © 2016 by Gary S. Smolker, All Rights Reserved