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What Would Life Be Without Hope? – by Gary Smolker


What are we without hope?

American Supermodel Marissa Fashionista  (age 15) is visiting the greater Los Angeles area today (February 18, 2017) where we (everyone who lives in Los Angeles and Santa Monica) are experiencing heavy rains.

Marissa is wearing a skirt in hope it will bring skirt weather to Santa Monica and Los Angeles today.

TAKEAWAY: Attitude is everything.

  • Marissa is living the engaged life.
  • Americans (before and after President Donald Trump) are great because of their drive, their ruggedness, their unquenchable optimism and zeal and elan.
  • It is easy to understand America and Americans: The drive of Americans, their ruggedness, their unquenchable optimism and zeal and elan go back to the challenges of the untrammeled wilderness.

Living the Engaged Life

Supermodel Marissa Fashionista lives on the East Coast.

Marissa is visiting the West Coast for one week.

Marissa refuses to wear long pants or tights when the temperature is above fifty degrees centigrade.

Go for it Marissa.

Go for it.

Demand the Impossible

Your potency, your total emotional immersion in what you are doing, you being into it, your heartfelt intensity, your total attention to detail, your individualism represents what is best about being human.


“Action is the foundational key to all success.” – Pablo Picasso

Anything of real quality and substance will be enduring, will stand the test of time because people will realize it represents the very best in its field of particular expertise. – GSS

You will never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart. – GSS

Photographs of Supermodel Marissa Fashionista

Below is a photograph of Supermodel Marissa Fashionista, her 13 year old brother, and me taken on Saturday, February 18, 2017, in Van Nuys, California.


Below is a picture of Supermodel Marissa Fashionista sipping a Banana Soda drink in a Honduran Restaurant (El Katracho Restaurant) on Saturday, February 18, 2017, located at 14836 BurbankBlvd., Sherman Oaks, California.


By the Way

I strongly recommend the Banana Soda and the Tamarin Soft Drink at that restaurant, the El Katracho Restaurant.


This is the fourth in a series of articles I intend to post on the Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog at on “LIVING THE ENGAGED LIFE.”

I have continuously made posts on my Instagram account @garyspassion on “LIVING THE ENGAGED LIFE” and intend to continue to do so.

Follow me on Instagram @garyspassion


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