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WORLD CHANGERS by Gary Smolker, Social Commentator, Values Critic


Productive creative people have mental toughness.

They respect who they are and what they do.

They express their creativity in many forms, in may ways and in many forums.


It takes a great amount of effort and energy to change the status quo because there is a great resistance to changing the status quo.

Very few people are motivated to change the status quo.

Even fewer people have the talent, skill, knowledge, energy, creativity, the drive, the resources and the lust required to change the world.

Remarkably, the image of the people who do change the world is their real self.

They are smart from head to toe.

They don’t compromise their real needs.

Changing the world is one of their needs.

They are not out maneuvering.  They are already in position.

It is their destiny to live a unique and fascinating life.

Many of them are humble.

Some of them are ruthless.

They don’t cheapen themselves.

They know nobody gives you anything.  You earn it.

Some of them say things like, “I may have faults, but being wrong ain’t one of them”.



As hard as they try, they can’t do a whole lot more than a thousand important things at the same time.

Their true power is the respect they get from people who matter to them.

Who Are We?

We are each our own fingerprints and the sum of our own life experiences.

If you are respected you are powerful.

Copyright © 2019 by Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved

Life Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect to Be Wonderful – by Gary Smolker


Meet Christy Rusk, my Part-Time Muse and Part-Time Leader to Fun New Experiences.

Christy is a 26 year old working woman.

Among other things, Christy is a foodie and Master Chef.

The night before Valentine’s Day, I wrote Christy a note wishing Christy a fun Valendine.

Christy wrote back:

“My friend and I are going to In-N-Out tomorrow, because fancy dinners that night are a scam, and we are smarter than that.

” Besides I already bought myself orchids 2 weeks ago, and I keep a stash of dark chocolate in my desk at work.  I’m set.”


  • Live life powerfully, always be living the engaged life.
  • Happiness is a way of life.
  • Attitude is everything.

Copyright © 2017 Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved


This is the second in a series of articles I intend to post on the Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog at on “LIVING THE ENGAGED LIFE.”

I have continuously made posts on my Instagram account @garyspassion on “LIVING THE ENGAGED LIFE,” and I intend to continue to do so.

Follow me on Instagram @garyspassion