Blog Archives

Cool on Steroids (Part Three): Keep Calm and Nosh On – by Gary S. Smolker


Los Angeles Is the Modern Day Capital of Intellectually Driven Creativity

Don’t hold back.

Enjoy life.


There is no limit to the amount of fun you/we can have and of the creativity you/we can see on display if you/we know where to go in Los Angeles, California.

One such place to go to is Brent’s Deli in Northridge, California.

Northridge is in the San Fernando Valley, which is a part of Los Angeles.

Brent’s Deli is located at 19565 Parthenia Street, Northridge, California 91324.


When I was in Brent’s yesterday afternoon, eating lunch with my youngest daughter Leah, I got a strong and deli-lightful Valentine’s Day message:


Below are photographs of some of the signage that greeted me as I walked up to the front counter.




Brent’s Deli

Although I have never lived near Brent’s Deli I have been going to Brent’s for more than twenty years, sometimes traveling more than an hour to get there, because the food there is so good, the service there is extraordinary, everyone who works their has a good attitude and is pleasant and fun to interact with and it was a good place to meet friends.

The creativity and good taste on display at Brent’s can’t be beat, the ambiance at Brent’s is laid back Los Angeles-unpretentious-cool.

Life Is Too Short to Be Bored

Creation is a drug I can’t do without out.

There are no passengers on spaceship earth.  We are all crew.

Let’s have fun.

Let’s have fun together.


I believe life is too brief and we are too exciting to ever be bored or boring.

See the Brent’s Deli philosophy on display on my waiter’s t-shirt, photographed yesterday (Saturday, February 13, 2016) ,while I was eating my lunch at Brent’s with my daughter Leah yesterday.


Every Day Should Be A Delightful Day

When you have a lot of fun, you can do amazing things.

Below is a photograph of the display on the front counter at Brent’s, which I took yesterday.


Change is the law of life.  And those who look only to the past or present are sure to miss the future.

There is no limit to the number and variety of good clean fun experiences you can have in Los Angeles, if you know where to go.

I have written on that topic before:


We don’t have the luxury of a closed mind.

Ideas evolve, they don’t come crashing from outer-space onto the drawing board.

Be Bold

Genius is talent set on fire by courage.

You/we can’t build a reputation on what you or I are going to do.

Let’s not hide our talents.  For, what is a sundial in the shade.

The greatest mistake we can make in life is to continually be afraid we will make one.

Actions express priorities.

Little things make big things happen.


Let’s do the following:

  1. Let’s make today a great Valentine’s Day.
  2. Let’s make each subsequent day a masterpiece.

Copyright © 2016 Gary S. Smolker, All Rights Reserved