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Beautiful People – by Gary Smolker

Beautiful People

I see beautiful people everywhere I go.

A couple of hours ago, I had my Sunday brunch/breakfast (July 16, 2017) at Nat’s Early Bite Cafe in Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks/Los Angeles, California, which is located a few blocks away, from where I live.

When I walked in the door to take my table at Nat’s I saw the man in the photo above wearing the “Freedom Artists” t-shirt.

When I walked out of Nat’s (after eating breakfast) I saw the two men in the photo above wearing the “Pain Killer” t-shirt and the “Top Rocker” t-shirt.

Los Angels Is Amazing

Los Angeles is amazing:

  • There are artistic creative adventuresome open minded people from all over the world in Los Angeles.
  • There is every kind of authentic food you can imagine for sale in restaurants in Los Angeles.
  • In Los Angeles you can purchase freshly made authentic food – the same food/dishes which “native people” eat in their own country- which you will find is made in by native people who live in every other country in the world.

The photograph below is NOT food art.

The above photograph is a photograph of a chocolate chip strawberry pastry I saw yesterday.

I took that photographed in the “Paris Baguette.”

The Paris Baguette is located in the Encino Commons on Ventura Blvd. in Encino/LA California.

I went to the Paris Baguette to buy a cup of Adagio coffee yesterday morning (Saturday, July 15, 2017) because I knew there would be a half hour wait to get a table next door at “More than Waffles.”

Currently, Adagio Coffee is my favorite brand of coffee.

“More than Waffles” has a long wait to be seated on the weekend.

Naturally, I wanted to drink coffee while waiting to get a table at “More than Waffles.”

“More than Waffles” has attitude in addition to having tasty food.

I like people and places who have attitude.

Above photograph taken by me yesterday morning, while eating breakfast at “More than Waffles” in Encino/Los Angeles, California.

Getting Dressed Up

Women love to get dressed up; they love to express their femininity, their individuality, and their freedom uniqueness and feminine mystique in the clothing they wear, in the shoes they wear, in their hand bags, in their jewelry, in their hair style, on their nails, in the perfume they wear, etc. etc.

Some women I know have a “fashion problem”: they have complained to me that there is nowhere to go where they can get “dressed up” because life in America is too casual.

I disagree.

There are many places they can go as vividly dressed as their courage to express themselves allows.

Only fear and lack of imagination is stopping those women from being themselves.

See story below.

I rest my case.

Interestingly Dressed Women

Last night I attended an Art Exhibit Opening at the Maxwell Alexander Gallery located in the Art District in Downtown Los Angeles, at 421 Colyton Street, Los Angeles, California, 90013, USA, phone 310-839-9242.

The women I talked to and met at the exhibit were as interesting and spectacularly exciting as the paintings shown at the art exhibit.

Below are photographs I took of a few of the women I talked to at the art exhibit.


Below are photographs I took of one of the women I met at the art exhibit, “barefooted Sara.”

Poor Sara didn’t/doesn’t have any shoes.

That broke my heart because as a fashion blogger who posts articles irregularly on “Dude’s Guide to Women’s Shoes” (at I realize how important shoes are too women.


When I asked Sara why she wasn’t wearing any shoes, Sara answered, “Women/girls don’t wear shoes in a garden.”

Latter, I saw (and photographed) Sara, sitting on a cloud.


Apparently Sara doesn’t own/have any shoes, or else Susan doesn’t think any of the shoes she owns should be worn in a garden or while sitting on a cloud.

I hope Sara finds a satisfying way to get to shoe paradise.

Sometimes Less is More.


I met artist Natalia Fabia last night, at the art exhibit.

I took the photographs below of Natalia after we met while we were both attending the art exhibit.

Natalia is a very successful artist.

Check out Natalia’s profile on Instagram @nataliafabia.



I met handsome couples at the exhibit.

Below are three photos I took of a handsome couple I met at the art exhibit last night.

Expressing Feminine Individuality


Most, maybe all, of the  women I met at the art exhibit had the courage to express their femininity and individuality and did so in the clothing they wore and how they carried themselves at the art exhibit.

See photos below of a few more of the women I photographed at the art exhibit.


Over the Elbows Black Leather Gloves


Above are photographs taken of me and Amanda getting a breath of fresh air in the street in front of the gallery.

Those two photos were taken on my iPhone by a make-up artist while Amanda and I were taking a break from being in the gallery at the art exhibit last night.


Doesn’t Amanda have a beautiful smile?

I love the long black leather gloves Amanda was wearing last night.

The hat Amanda wore last night is a fashion statement to write home about.

When I saw what Amanda was wearing, the outfit Amanda was wearing immediately reminded me of the gorgeous classic “old time/vintage” clothes, shoes, hats, etc. on display at the Castello di Donnafugata in Ragusa Sicily.

Below are a few photographs I took last month (in June, 2017) while I was in the Castello di Donnafugata.

Sense of Elegance

When I saw Amanda, for the first time last night, it immediately occurred to me that Amanda has the same sense of elegance refinement and has the same appreciation of classic Italian design and refinement which has been expressed in the way people in Sicily have dressed for hundreds of years as I do.


Mere luxury does not excite me.

Fastidious attention to detail excites me.

See photos of hats and shoes I saw in the Castello di Donnafugata that excite me.



Photo Credits

I took all of the above photos (except the photo of Amanda and me) with my Apple smart phone.

The photograph of Amanda and me was taken with my Apple smart phone by a makeup artist.

That photo was taken spontaneously/extemporaneously.

I met the makeup artist (without knowing he was a makeup artist) in the street in front of the Maxwell Alexander Gallery, and asked him to take a photograph of Amanda and me.

I like doing things spontaneously.


Copyright © 2017 by Gary Smolker, All Rights



Gary S. Smolker, Publisher, Adventurer, Traveler, Idea Exchanger,
Social Commentator, Book Reviewer, Movie Reviewer, Food Reviewer
Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog

Gary Smolker, Fashion Blogger
Dude's Guide to Women's Shoes

Follow me on Instagram @garyspassion