Blog Archives

Nature vs. Nurture by Gary Smolker

I take my coffee seriously.

So do Sicilians.



At dinner last night (February 23, 2017), my youngest daughter Leah (age 29) and I decided that we would go to Sicily together instead of going to Italy, Croatia, Montenegro, or Russia.

We discussed possible things and places to see and experiences to have in Sicily.


Leah is presently attending law school full time.

Lean and I  “plan” to take our trip to Sicily either during Leah’s Spring Break or during Leah’s Summer Break.

Leah has traveled to 30 different countries.

Leah publishes a travel blog at

Leah loves traveling.

I love Leah.

I love taking trips with Leah.

The Big Question

After she got home from dinner, Leah sent me the following note, via email:

Do you still want to see nature over city? 

“Do you want me to make an itinerary that favors nature in Sicily over urban scapes.

“Sicily has a balance of both beautiful nature and Baroque cities.”

My Answer

That sushi place you love in Santa Monica started following me on Instagram @garyspassion.

“I think I prefer nature over man built but I am open minded … whatever is the best example (if there is such a thing) of what it is is what I want to see.

“I want to see the “best” of everything so I will be better able to compare things.

“Most people can tell the difference between something that is bad and something that is good, ut only a rare individual can tell the between the best and the very best.

I want to be among those rare few who can tell the difference between the best and very best.

“You are already among the very few who can do that.

“Amazingly, you and your sisters Judi and Terra can do that in more than one field of expertise.

“I am so happy you share your good taste and discernment.”

Personal Information

I love good food, long meals and lazily drinking good coffee.

Below are photographs of two pages in one of the travel books that Leah and I looked at during our dinner last night.


Thoughts for the Day

You will not be able to figure out what you really want unless you try everything. – GSS

“Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or happier.  Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth.  Its the complete eradication of everything we imaged to be true.” – Adyashanti

There Is Always A Trade-Off


Copyright © Gary S. Smolker, All Rights Reserved

This is the sixth of a series of articles I intend to post on the Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog at on “LIVING THE ENGAGED LIFE.”

I have constantly made posts on Instant @garyspassion on “LIVING THE ENGAGED LIFE” and intend to continue to do so.

Follow me on Instagram @garyspassion

I intend to publish a series of articles on “HIGH ENERGY COMMUNICATIONS” on the Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog at  I began writing the first article in that series this morning (Friday, February 24, 2017).