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Boost Your Creative Energy Level by Going To Venice, California! Venice Is “Cool on Steroids” If You Know Where to Go – by Gary S. Smolker

This afternoon (Saturday, February 6, 2016), I had brunch at The Rose Cafe & Market in Venice, California, by myself.

The Rose Cafe & Market is located at 2230 Rose Ave., Venice, CA. (“Rose”)

I know that the environment I am in will have a strong influence on my state of mind and on my creative energy level.

I went to the Rose to have brunch this afternoon because I knew/know the Rose was/is funky, emotes high energy and that eating brunch at the Rose would get my creative juices flowing.

Just as I thought it would happen: drinking black coffee and eating brunch at the Rose this afternoon substantially boosted my creative energy level.

Each of the pictures below were taken by me, except the second picture below of me walking in through the front door of the Rose.

Below is a picture of the front door to the “Rose” taken by me while I was inside the “Rose.”


Below is a picture of me walking through the front door, into the Rose.  The picture below was taken by someone else.


Below is a picture of the front door to the Rose as the front door looks from outside when you see people walking through the front door out into the street in front of the Rose.


Below is a picture of a person walking through the front door of the Rose into the Rose from the street in front of the Rose.


I have a sweet tooth.

Below are a few pictures taken by me of pastries/sweets which were on display at the Rose while I was having brunch at the Rose this afternoon.




A variety of coffee drinks are available.  Below is a picture I took of the “chalk board” menu of coffee drinks being served at the Rose this afternoon.


There is a full bar at the Rose, that was open and busy while I was eating brunch, full of people who appeared to be in good spirits while at the bar where a variety of  alcoholic beverages were being served.


Everyone seemed to be having a good time at the bar, including the bar tender.


Below is a picture I took of the receptionist who seated me.


I sat at a counter in front of the kitchen.  Below is a picture of the counter where I was seated.


Below is a picture of the wall separating the reception area from the room behind the receptionist.


The Rose is a totally cool place.

The Rose is “cool on steroids.”

Below is a picture of people seated in the room behind that wall.


Below is a picture of someone at the cash register.

The cash register is located near the pastries/sweets.


Below is a picture of a drawing in the Men’s room, located just above the urinals.




Ready, set, go!

Below is a photograph of a framed picture hanging on a wall in the hallway leading to the restrooms.



Copyright © 2016 Gary S Smolker, All Rights Reserved