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The Future Is Happening Right Now in Los Angeles – Chocolate Soup, Bullfights, World Championship Sumo Wrestling Matches, etc. if You Know Where to Look. The Future Is Happening Right Now in L.A. because (a) L.A. is the world’s biggest creator and exporter of culture; (b) L.A. is the modern day capital of intellectually driven creativity; (c) L.A. is the entrepreneurial capital of the world; (d) L.A. is in a post-growth phase with a diversity of ethnic and cultural populations. — by Gary S. Smolker

I am “dying” to tell the world about the new narrative that is arising here in Los Angeles, about the rich variety of experiences available to everyone who lives here or visits, about the damn interesting people who live here and to emphasize that there are just too many interesting things to do and see in Los Angeles.

I took the four photos below a couple of months ago while attending a weekend “Bullfight” I attended in L.A.





I took one of the two photos below while attending the US Sumo Open (a Sumo Wrestling World Championship Contest) in Los Angeles a couple of months ago.

I am the man standing next to the Sumo wrestler in the second photograph.



I took the photographs of the four posters below.

Those posters are advertisements advertising a drum concert which I attended last weekend.

The drum concert was performed at the  Beckman Auditorium at Cal Tech in Pasadena.




The photographs below are of hand-crafted chocolate bars manufactured by a new start-up company in Los Angeles.

I took those photographs at a chocolate tasting networking brunch I attended last weekend, where the founder and owner and chocolate maker gave a presentation and lecture on “chocolate” – how chocolate goes from bean to chocolate bar.

Later, after attending that chocolate tasting brunch,  I went out to dinner at a French restaurant (Bistro 45) that has “chocolate soup”on its desert menu (YUM), then I went to the drum concert (advertised in the posters pictured above) at Cal Tech.




There are 88 cities in Los Angeles County.

Each has its own unique culture.

Everyone in each of those cities is questioning what we want to be.

Everyone recognizes that our futures are interwoven and that the demographics in Los Angeles are rapidly changing.

The share of the foreign born has been on the decline in Los Angeles for the past three years.

Los Angeles has become a post-growth metropolis.

Los Angeles is no longer a metropolis driven by population growth.

The “future” is happening right now in Los Angeles, because (a) Los Angeles is the world’s biggest creator and exporter of culture, (b) Los Angeles is a modern day capital of intellectually driven creativity, (c) Los Angeles is the entrepreneurial capital of the world, and (d) Los Angeles in a post-growth phase with a diversity of ethnic and cultural populations.

Los Angeles is a dynamic prosperous productive creative post-growth metropolis which the most ambitious creative hard-working and imaginative people in the world find is an attractive place to live and work.

It is a city full of spirited and enthusiastic people who realize life is made up of hard work but it needs to be work you care about.

The people who live here are damn interesting and we all find there are just too many interesting avenues to pursue.

You can find people here who live a life of eating lobster served with Cristal Champagne, others who dunk their churros in hot chocolate.

Some people attended programs at Cal Tech that are open to the public, some are academic and technical; others are for entertainment and enrichment.

The programs at Cal Tech are quite varied.  They include chamber music (e.g. The Coleman Concerts, which feature world-class ensembles), the Watson Lectures delivered by Cal Tech professors, and also at NASA/s Jet Propulsion Lab (operated by Cal Tech) the von Karman lectures.

The Huntington Library also has a rich program of public events, both for fee and for free.

It is expensive to live here, but it is worth it.

Copyright © 2016 Gary S. Smolker, All Rights Reserved