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DARE MIGHTY THINGS – a movie review of JUST MERCY by Gary Smolker, Movie Reviewer, Values Critic and Trial Attorney


Some people believe all it takes to change the world is to have a good idea, to have a good plan, to have a skill, to be smart, and to work hard.

Those people are wrong.

It takes all of the above plus conviction and hope.

The film JUST MERCY teaches us that lesson.


JUST MERCY is a film based on a true story.

JUST MERCY is about an unjust legal system.

The film tells the story of a black man wrongfully convicted of murdering a white woman in Monroe County, Alabama.

An all white jury, the prosecutor, the chief of police, the entire white police force, white townspeople, and a trial judge did not care about truth or justice when that black man was on trial for murder.

A corrupt white judge did not care about truth or justice or that an innocent man had been wrongfully convicted of murder and was on death row waiting for his execution date to be set when he ruled on a motion to reopen the case, when he denied a motion to give the wrongfully convicted black man a new trial.


In the opening scene we see, Bryan Stevenson’s mother telling Bryan:

“If you don’t recognize the danger in what you are doing, you wasted your time going to Harvard Law School and you should ask for your money back.”

“Out there in Alabama they are going to chew you up and spit you out.”

Bryan replies:

“It isn’t my job to make people happy.  It is my job to see that justice is done.”

“I know what it is like to live in the shadows.”

“I want to fight for people who need help the most.”

“That is why I am doing this.”


Attorney Stevenson arrives in Monroe County Alabama at an office building where he is greeted by his assistant Eva Ansley and the landlord who are having a heated discussion.

The Landlord tells Bryan:

“I am sorry I can’t rent this space to you.”

“I didn’t know you were going to set up a law firm/legal clinic to represent convicted murders on death row.”

“I can’t have that kind of law firm in my building.”


Attorney Stevenson walks into the W.C. Holman Correctional Facility to have a meeting with Walter McMillian, his first prospective client.

The guard at the door entering into the hallway to the meeting room tells Attorney Stevenson:

“You can’t go in until I complete a complete body search.”

Stevenson replies:

“You can’t do that; I am his lawyer.”


Attorney Stevenson is taking off all his clothes in front of the guard.

After he has removed all his clothes, the guard tells him:

“I have to do a complete body search.”

“Spread them.”


There was no direct evidence that McMillian killed the white woman.

The prosecution was based on the testimony of one witness.

That witness testified that shorty after the murder of the white woman, he saw McMillian and the dead white woman in the Dry Cleaning establishment where the white woman had just been murdered.


Attorney Stevenson tirelessly conducted a through investigation.


While Stevenson was looking at records of the case in police department record archives, a black clerk asked Stevenson black secretary:

“Is he married?”

His secretary replied:


“But, he is married to his work.”


While looking through police records, Attorney Stevenson finds a taped interview.

In the interview the Chief of Police asked the key witness to testify that he saw McMillian at the scene of the murder.

The Key Witness replies: “I would never say that! I did not see him there!”


With much difficulty and after exerting much charm, Attorney Stevenson asks the key witness:

“Why did you change your mind?”

“Why did you tell the police chief that you would not testify that you saw McMillian at the dry cleaners and then testify at the trial that you saw McMillian there?

Leading up to those key questions, Stevenson asked the key witness:

“Do you have any children?

The key witness replied:

“Yes I do.”

“I have three children.”

“I thought having a child would be like having a dog.”

I was wrong.”

“I wish someone would have told me having a child is not like having a dog.”

Attorney Stevenson then told the key witness that:

McMillian has children and a wife.”

“He loves his children and his wife and his wife and his children love him.”


The key witness was an orphan.

He had been raised by abusive foster care parents.

On time he was in bed and his pajamas caught on fire.

His skin burned.

He has never forgot the smell of his burning flesh.

Every since then he has been deadly afraid of fire.

He was in jail for robbery at the time the police chief asked him to lie about seeing McMillian at the scene of the crime.

After he refused to lie, the Police Chief had him transferred to a cell on death row.

Shortly after he got to his cell one of the inmates was electrocuted – the smell of burning flesh attacked him in his cell.

The Police Chief then talked to him again.

He then agreed to give false testimony at the upcoming murder trial.


Attorney Stevenson prepared and submitted a motion for new trial.

The key witness testified at the hearing on the motion.

During his testimony he recanted his prior testimony.  He testified that he had lied.

He testified that he had not scene McMillian at the scene of the crime.

Another witness testified that the key witness could not have seen McMillian at the scene of the crime because he was working with him in a garage fixing a transmission.

The judge denied the motion for new trial.


Ask yourself: Why did the police arrest McMillian in the first place?

You should see the movie if you want to know why and/or to find out what happened next.



Gary Smolker, Movie Reviewer, Values Critic, and Trial Lawyer

Copyright © 2019 by Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved




Music is about our values.

Music is about our values as a country.

Music is about our values as an individual.

Our music is about who we are.

Friday Night June 15, 2018 Performances of

Chicago and REO SPEED WAGON at the Forum in

Inglewood, California

Friday night, June 15, 2018, I went to a Rock & Roll concert at the Forum in Inglewood, California.


REO Speed Wagon and Chicago each put on outstanding shows/performances.

Spiritual Power of Music

Throughout the concert the psychological and spiritual power of music was palatable.

Each song REO Speed Wagon and Chicago performed was performed with the emotional oratorical power of an outstanding preacher determined to resist oppression preaching a sermon re-reinforcing the strength of the human spirit reflected in the slave spirituals:

“Go down, Moses

Go down to Egyptland

Go tell ol’ Pharaoh,

Let my people go!”

Psychic and Spiritual Sustenance

  • Music gives people psychic and spiritual sustenance.
  • Music always fuels a rising tide of conscience and consciousness – social consciousness and racial consciousness.
  • Music is a mighty force for social reform.
  • The Music Performed at this concert promoted a personal sense of dignity, self-respect and pride.

Grace and Speed

REO Speed Wagon played meat and potatoes Rock & Roll with a message: “Don’t give up. Press on!” with “Blue Lights” and a blue light show going on in the background.

While performing, the REO Speed Wagon bandleader commented, “Listening to Rock & Roll keeps you young.”

Colors convey feelings, values, relationships, contrasts, dramas and tensions.


Color is a means of expression.

Color effects us.

Goethe wrote that “… a blue surface seems to recede from us … it draws us after it.”

Blue is linked with eternity, the beyond, supernatural beauty, religious transcendence, the spiritual and mental as contrasted with the emotional and physical and with detachment from the earthly.

Blue draws us into a meditative mood.

Blue cools and calms. It is the color of moonlight.

The Mind and Mood Altering Show Put on by Chicago


After the psychedelic images above were put on the screen other images which told a story in pictures which reflected what was going on and the mood of a strong active majority of young people and the public at large that prevailed in the United States during the 1960s.

Everyone over the age of 70 ought to go to a modern day rock concert, like the one I went to on Friday June 15, 2018, and reflect how things have changed and haven’t changed in the United States since the 1960s.

Everyone under the age of 70 ought to ask people over the age of 70 who lived in the United States in the 1960s what life was like in the United States in the 1960s, what the mood of the people was with respect to (1) the Vietnam War, (2) the Civil Rights Movement, (3) with respect to segregation, race relations, and Freedom Riders, (4) with respect to Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., (4) with respect to President John F. Kennedy, (5) with respect to the Space Program, the Moon Program, (6) with respect to the assassination of President Kennedy, (7) with respect to the assassination of Dr. King, (8) with respect to the Civil Rights Act, (9) with respect to the Voting Rights Act, (10) with respect to social reform and (11) with respect to America’s dissenting tradition.

I am a visual person.

My personal reaction to seeing the light show put on by Chicago while the Chicago band members were playing their musical instruments was that I felt like was in a time machine that had transported me me back to the United States in the 1960s when the Beatles invaded America, when I watched the Beatles perform, when I listened to newly released Beatles’ songs, what was going on in my mind while I was watching the Beatles’ movie “The Yellow Submarine”, how I felt and where I was and what I was doing when I heard that JFK had been assassinated, vivid memories of watching Vietnam Protestors protest, the light show reminded me of what it felt like to be fully personally aware of racial segregation, my feeling as I was witnessing non-violent civil rights protests, how I felt upon hearing that Martin Luther King had been assassinated, what I felt while I watched President Nixon resign, etc. etc.

The 1960s in America was a time of civil unrest but also a time of feeling we (Americans) could fix anything.

For many Americans (myself included) the 1960s was a time of hope, a time of optimism, a time of being idealistic and a time of idealism, social activism was rampant, massive public protests were ongoing and there was rising prosperity.

The light show put on while the band Chicago played its musical tunes, brought back all those memories to me.

Below are some of the scenes flashed on the screen behind Chicago as Chicago performed at the concert.



Dr. King delivered the historic keynote address we know as his “I Have A Dream” speech before the nationalized televised March on Washington on August 28, 1963. He received the 1964 Nobel Prize for Peace. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee.

The alternative to violence is nonviolent resistance, made famous by Mohandas K. Gandhi, who used it to free India from the domination of the British empire in 1948 and made more famous in the 1960s by Martin Luther King’s leadership in a concentrated drive against injustice.

Laura Bush Speaks Out: Separating Children from their

parents at the border ‘breaks my heart.’

Laura Bush is a former first lady of the United States.

The following is my quotes of something written by Laura Bush on Father’s Day, June 17, 2018, which I read today in the “Washington Post.”

I live in a border state.  I appreciate the need to enforce and protect our international boundaries, but this zero-tolerance policy is cruel.  It is immoral. And it breaks my heart.

“Our government should not be in the business of warehousing children in converted box stores or making plans to place them in tent cities in the desert outside of El Paso.  These images are eerily reminiscent of the Japanese American internment camps of World War II, now considered to have been one of the most shameful episodes in U.S. history…

“We Americans pride ourselves on being a moral nation, on being the nation that sends humanitarian relief to places devastated by natural disasters or famine or war.  We pride ourselves on believing that people should be seen for the content of their character, not the color of their skin.  We pride ourselves on acceptance.  If we are truly that country, then it is our obligation to reunite those detained children with their parents – and to stop separating parents and children in the first place.

“People on all sides agree that our immigration system isn’t working, but the injustice of zero tolerance is not the answer.  I moved away from Washington almost a decade ago, but I know there are good people at all levels of government who can do better to fix this….”

“In 2018, can we not as a nation find a kinder, more compassionate and more moral answer to this current crisis? I, for one, believe we can.”

Laura Bush, the performers and audience at the Friday, June 15, 2018 concert at the Forum, in Inglewood California, which I attended believe AMERICA CAN NOT ONLY BE GREAT BUT ALSO GOOD.


COPYRIGHT © 2018 by Gary Smolker


An Opinion On Why Some Power Couple Marriages Succeed, Some Marriages Fail – by Gary S. Smolker


Updated March 8, 2015



You need a team to make your dream come true.

My Definition of A Good Relationship

Each person should receive something entirely good and loving from the other in a relationship.

Each person should learn from the other as well as contributing in many ways to their sense of well being.

The Impact of Social Environment

In order to achieve excellence in any domain requires a lot of hard work – think of pushing an elephant uphill.

Marriage is no different.

Consider the “temper of the times” we are living in.

We are living amidst a world-wide evolution of “woman’s rights” and in the midst of an ongoing “woman’s rights” revolution.

Marriage is a particularly complicated topic for educated ambitious women to deal with – so much so that the December 2014 issue of the “Harvard Business Review” has an article entitled “Rethink What You ‘Know’ About High Achieving Women.”

That article attempts to explain how “high achieving” women feel about marriage and the impact marriage has had on their lives and careers, and describes what the authors call the plight of high achieving women.

Below is a copy of an email in which I am asked why marriages between high-powered people fail, which I recently received from a friend (Friend #1).

I would love to read anything you would like to tell me about your opinions and ideas and answers to that question.

When I forwarded Friend #1’s email (copy below) to another friend (Friend #2), Friend # 2 responded: “The secret to a successful marriage is to give more than you take.”

I invite your comments on these topics and on the discussion which follows.



Gary S. Smolker, Publisher
The Gary Smolker Idea Exchange Blog


See Answer Which Follows Question Below

—–Original Message—–
To: Gary Smolker <>
Sent: Fri, Feb 6, 2015 7:53 am
Subject: RE: Life Is Full of Interesting Questions

What about the related question of life-partner decisions, what is the recipe for success?   Is there too much put societal pressure to “save” a marriage relationships, for the sake of the kids?  I know couples with kids that can’t afford to get divorced;


Are many of us too selfish in their “needs”?  I know many 45-55 woman who simply can’t understand why a 55-65 man would be with a 30-year-old woman.  They are essentially saying that they were not relatively evolved at age 30 and now are interesting and fun.  Should life-partners have the same hobbies, like the same music and art, have the same friends?  Joint checking accounts probably aren’t a good idea because men cannot appreciate what it costs to be woman; what can a stay at home mom do after the kids leave the nest?


Being now age 50 (almost 51), I know now so many seemingly perfect couples that have split in the past five years, leaving children ages 8 to 17 in the relationship debris.  These couples met in college.  They were all physically attractive then and now.  All were smart with both spouses have advanced degrees, from top  universities.  The couples each seemed like well-matched power couple couples when I met them in their early thirties.  Now 15 or so years later, the relationships ended, leaving hurt spouses and complicated relationships for their children to navigate.


What about couples that can’t afford to get divorced?




There is no such a thing as a “formula” or “recipe” for success in a relationship, in marriage or in any other relationship.

There is no single “linear process” that leads to “success.”

Successful relationships require you to consider not only your own interests and needs but also those of other party or parties, your counterparts.

People’s needs and interests are a moving target, they change over time.

Your chance of having success in your relationship(s) will increase to the extent you understand your counterpart’s thoughts, feelings and motives, intentions and interests and focus on the big picture, i.e. to the extent that each person in a relationship focuses on what each person is trying to accomplish.

Ask yourself the and ask your friends to ask themselves the following questions:

  • Do you understand your counterpart’s point of view?
  • Do you understand your counterpart’s motivation?
  • Do you understand your counterpart’s goals?
  • Do you understand your counterpart’s priorities?
  • Do you understand your counterpart’s needs?
  • Do you know what is on your counterpart’s mind?
  • Do you understand what is on your counterpart’s mind?
  • Do you understand what is important to your counterpart.
  • Do you understand how your counterpart thinks?
  • Do you understand your counterpart’s situational constraints – your counterpart’s level of power, skill, savy, time, energy and responsibilities?
  • Do you understand how your counterpart feels, and perceives the current situation?
  • Do you understand how your counterpart understands the choices ahead?
  • Do the your friends trust each other?


If you want to find an explanation, at why your friend’s marriages failed look at “root causes.”

Answer the following questions about your friends’ “failed marriages.”

  • Did the couple have the same goals?
  • Do they presently have the same goals?
  • Did they want the same outcomes?
  • Do they want the same outcomes now?
  • Did they respect each other?
  • Do they respect each other now?
  • Did they understand each other’s thoughts, feelings and motives?
  • Do they understand each other’s thoughts, feelings, motives and intentions now?
  • Did one of them make the other feel bad about something the other person enjoys?
  • Did one of them believe that their time was more important than the other person’s time?
  • Does one of them now believe that their time is more important than the other person’s time?
  • Did one of them not agree with the other person’s life style?
  • Did they understand each other’s level of power, skill, savvy, responsibilities, time availability, level of energy and other situational constraints?
  • Does either one of them feel inadequate?
  • Do they understand how the other person in their relationship feels, perceives and understands the choices ahead?
  • Have they talked to each other about any of the topics listed above?

Was there a common thread that linked them together?

Is there a common thread that links them together now?

Did they support each other emotionally?

Do they support each other emotionally now?

  • On the one hand, I’ve read that the emotional support of your partner is the best predictor of success in terms of your subjective well-being.  The reasons being:
  1. In personal relationships it helps if your partner values your projects and vice versa.
  2. The best predictor of relational success is the extent to which you share your personal projects and give emotional support to each other.  On another hand, I’ve read a second article which states that a dutiful spouse can boost your career.
  • In the second article the authors unequivocally state that the only spousal trait that is important to your work outcomes is conscientiousness.

According to the second article the conscientiousness of your spouse is/will be a solid predictor of your income, job promotions, and job satisfaction, regardless of gender (and regardless of your own degree of conscientiousness).  The reasons given being:

  1. Conscientious spouses handle a lot of the household chores and planning, freeing their partners to concentrate on their jobs or simply to recharge.
  2. People who have conscientious spouses typically feel more satisfied in their marriages and therefore have more mental energy to devote to their work.

The authors of the second article qualify the above statements by saying, this doesn’t mean that your success depends on your being in a relationship. “Plenty of single people shine at work, of course, and plenty of effective business leaders are unattached.”

In terms of going forward with life, I believe you can’t change the past.

I also think you have to depend on yourself.  You are responsible for you.

I believe in taking risks.

In that regards, I like the following quote from J. K. Rowling:

It is impossible to live without failing, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case you have failed by default.  — J. K. Rowling, author

Keep in mind the environment in which we, they, and you live.

We are living in the midst of a civil rights movement in which many women are vigorously striving for “equality” with men.

Women feel they have been subjugated and they resent it.

Women want to be with men who “respect” women.

Women do not want to be with a man who they believe does not “respect” women.

Many women say they want to be treated as “equals,” i.e., they want equal job opportunities, equal career opportunities, to get “equal pay” for “equal work” and an equal division of labor and responsibilities in their relationship with a man.

Women are aghast at how few women have top leadership positions in the business world and in society.

They are aghast at how widespread domestic violence is, they are also aghast that society does not and/or cannot protect them from abuse, sexual harassment and/or domestic violence.

Many single women have told me they think the intimidate men.

Many men and women have told me they feel that the deck is stacked against men in the legal system and consequently men do not want to get married.

Many people have told me young men do not want to marry because they see what happened to men/husbands in divorce proceedings.

Many single men and many married men have told me they feel they are being treated by a woman like an ATM (a cash dispensing machine) and resent being treated that way.

Both the marriage rate and the fertility rate are down in developed countries.

Social change is in the air.

Consider the “temper of the times.”

Social foment is everywhere.

We are surrounded by social foment and social protest “everywhere.”


I use the following index to measure the state of a relationship: (a) add up the number of compliments, (b) add up the number of complaints and (c) divide by the number of complements by the number of complaints.

If there are more complaints than compliments there is a problem.

If there are more compliments than complaints you are in a good relationship.

The above formula can be refined as follows:

  • Some complaints deserve a higher ranking than other complaints.  Give them a higher weight (a higher number than “one”) depending on how significant those complaints are to you.
  • Some compliments deserve a higher ranking than other compliments. Give them a higher weight ( a higher number higher than “one”) depending on how significant and sincere those compliments are/appear to be to you.
  • Give more or less weight to each compliment and each complaint at your discretion.

I use the above formula as a rough approximation of the state of any relationship.

Have firm principles, expound them clearly, act upon them decisively; set goals, make a detailed plan of action to reach them and keep in mind the following thoughts:

  1. “You must have long-range goals to keep you from being frustrated by short-term failures.” – Charles Noble, military leader
  2. “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” – Winston Churchill, British prime minister
  3. “When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this – you haven’t.” – Thomas Edison, inventor
  4. “Don’t find fault, find a remedy.” – Henry Ford, industrialist
  5. “A man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.” – Muhammad Ali, World Champion Boxer

The value of relationships are unlocked incrementally over time, through on the job learning.

Learning as a couple from your errors will turn your errors into stepping-stones to success.


To achieve understanding, it is necessary not to see many things, but to look hard at what you do see.

Going Forward

You need a team to make your dreams come true.

Good luck and best wishes,


The Gary Smolker Thoughtful Person Club

I’ve started a “Thoughtful Person Club.”

To join “The Gary Smolker Thoughtful Person Club” send your name and e-mail address to me at my e-mail Internet address

According to WordPress, in 2014, people in 108 different countries viewed the “Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog” at


Copyright © 2015 by Gary S. Smolker




I DON’T AGREE WITH THE STATEMENT “DON’T GET MAD.” – My Thoughts About The Upside of Feeling Down & Currently Playing Movies About Spectacular Achievements That Resulted from Hard Work Motivated by Getting Mad – by Gary S. Smolker


On Valentine’s day (February 14, 2015) a friend sent me (via e-mail) the following quote:

“Don’t get mad.  Don’t get even.  Get stronger and faster and more powerful.  Fill yourself with knowledge and empathy and an indomitable spirit.  Because no one else can do that for you.  In the end, its your life, your choice and your world.  Give 110% always.”  – Apolo Ohno, American Speed skater

I replied:

Thanks for sending me the quote.

That quote (copy above) is quite stimulating.

I disagree with the statement, “Don’t get mad.”

I am currently writing an article currently called something like THOUGHT ABOUT THE UPSIDE OF NEGATIVE EMOTIONS.

In that article I will mention that Martin Luther King, Jr. was so mad at the way black people were treated that he changed the world as a result of his actions as a civil rights leader.

Getting mad at injustice is a very natural thing that can have tremendous beneficial results for you personally, the rest of your country, and the rest of the world – – especially when getting mad motivates you (or someone else) to take action that results in bringing about positive change.

Why do you think President Harry Truman signed the order integrating the U.S. military forces in 1948?

President Truman integrated the military forces of the United States because President Truman was appalled at the way black soldiers who had fought for their country in World War II were being treated when they returned home to the United States.

He was mad.


Anger Motivates A Person to Take Action

Anger fuels social progress.

When you are mad you get a boost of energy – you are like a volcano ready to erupt.

Negative Emotions Are Critical to Success

To make their own lives more satisfying and to make this a better and more just world and to endure its challenges leaders have found it necessary to wisely engage their full range of negative emotions.

For example, anger stimulated and has sustained leaders of the civil rights and gender equality movements.

President Harry Truman’s Moral Clarity

When Harry Truman became president in April 1945, African-Americans might have had reason to fear setbacks because President Truman had grown up knowing few black people in Missouri, where all of his grandparents had owned slaves.

But, having been an officer in World War I, President Truman had respect for anyone who served his country in uniform.

During the demobilization of the military after World War II, President Truman was appalled to hear that African-American veterans were being brutally treated when they returned.

That made him angry.

That made President Truman so angry that in 1947, President Truman gave the first address by a president to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People since its founding in 1909.

In his speech, President Truman proposed anti-lynching legislation, the abolition of poll taxes that discouraged voting and an end to job discrimination.

At that time the lynching of black Americans in the South was widespread and very few, if any, black Americans were allowed to vote in the South.

In his speech President Truman linked the battle to advance those rights at home to the Cold War.

In his speech President Truman said, “Our case for democracy should be as strong as we can make it.  It should rest on practical evidence that we have been able to put our own house in order.”

President Truman then turned to the president of the NAACP and told him, “I mean every word of it [the speech he had just given], and I’m going to prove it.”

Thereafter, President Truman sent a series of measures to Congress to combat this, and when they didn’t pass, he, in his capacity as commander-in-chief, in 1948 issued orders which desegregated the armed forces and the civil service and another order in 1951 that banned discrimination in defense contracting.

Truman’s legislative initiatives to improve civil rights did not get through Congress, but he ignited a national debate that brought minority protection closer to reality.

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Audacity of Hope, Dr. King’s Dream, the Spectacle of Bloody Sunday and the Birth of the Voting Rights Act of 1965

Selma, Alabama, is the county seat of Dallas County.

The region was one of the capitals of American slavery, and long after the Civil War the area retained a black majority.

However, in 1964 only a handful of the county’s black residents could vote.  Whites controlled all 10 county commissions, 11 boards of education and 34 town governments.  Every judge was white, there were few black lawyers, and black residents were generally not allowed into the courthouse except to pay taxes.

White terrorists operated with the implicit sanction of both private and public authority.

In 1964 a locally grounded voting rights campaign began.

Dr. King decided to participate.  Soon after he arrived in Selma, he was arrested along with several thousand other protestors for parading without a permit and unlawful assembly.

While in jail in February 1965, King wrote a letter to the New York Times stating, “This is Selma, Alabama.  There are more Negroes in jail with me than there are on the voting rolls.”

After a 27-year-old black pulpwood cutter, was shot by troopers when he tried to protect his mother from the clubs of troopers breaking up a night vigil, young activists threatened to carry his dead body to Montgomery and present it to Governor George Wallace.

Local leaders converted the angry sentiments into a plan to walk to Montgomery from Selma to petition Wallace for the right to vote.

On a Sunday, in full view of TV cameras, those marchers (600 demonstrators demanding equal access to the voting booth) assembled on the outskirts of Selma.

As they approached the Edmund Pettus Bridge, which had been blocked by Alabama state troopers and white civilian volunteers deputized by Sheriff Clark, they were clubbed and whipped and tear gassed and chased off the bridge by State troopers and local police using electric cattle prods and bull whips.

Widespread public outrage erupted after video clips were shown on national TV.

What happened next?

President Johnson told a joint session of Congress:

“What happened in Selma is part of a far larger movement which reaches into every section and state of America.

“It is the effort of American Negroes to secure for themselves the full blessings of American life.  Their cause must be our cause too, because it is not just Negroes but really all of us who must overcome the crippling legacy of bigotry and injustice.  And we shall overcome.”

President Johnson immediately proceeded to introduce voting legislation that King had pleaded for privately, and announced his plan of action in a joint session of Congress.

President Johnson placed Selma alongside Lexington and Concord and Appomattox as turning points where “history and fate meet at a single time in a single place” to shape our “unending search for freedom.”

Speaking “as a man whose roots go deeply into Southern soil,” Johnson told Congress: “There is no Negro problem.  There is no Southern problem.  There is no Northern problem.  There is only an American problem.”

Johnson told Congress that “the real hero of this struggle is the American Negro.”  “There cause must be our cause too.  Because it is not just Negroes, but really all of us who must overcome the crippling legacy of bigotry and injustice.  And we shall overcome.”

On August 6, Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965, providing for the registration by federal examiners in any state or county where fewer than half the adults were registered to vote.

All of the above is dramatized in the recently released movie “Selma.”

“Selma” is a reminder and wake-up call about what hatred, intolerance and oppression lead to and that the United States has gone through more than one “War of Morals.”

The movie “Selma” reminds us there is a future beyond lynchings, shootings, blood and bombs – a future that is far closer to reality now than appeared even remotely possible when 600 demonstrators demanding equal access to the voting booth assembled on the outskirts of Selma, Alabama and were clubbed and tear gassed by State troopers and local police when they tried to march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge.

For all of the above reasons, “Selma” is a must see movie.

Looking Back

If you are wondering if recent events might be a signal of the dawn of a new baptism of liberty, equality and freedom and of the end of human bondage, consider the following historical events.

  1. On June 11, 1963, after Alabama Governor George Wallace attempt to keep two black students from enrolling at the University of Alabama was televised, that night President John F. Kennedy went immediately on the air with an improvised speech to rally support for a civil rights bill that had yet to be written. “Those who do nothing,” the president told his audience, “are inviting shame, as well as violence.  Those who act boldly are recognizing right, as well as reality.”
  2. Around 9:30 p.m. on April 3, 1968 (shortly before he was murdered), Martin Luther King, Jr., in a speech he gave at Mason Temple, a Pentecostal church where at least 1000 people had gathered to hear him speak, said:
  • “If I were standing at the beginning of time – and [I] could choose my  lifetime – I would consider the glories of ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome.
  • But I wouldn’t stop there.  If you would allow me to live just a few years in the second half of the 20th century, I will be happy.”

King chose above all to see, and did see, the stirrings of a human-rights revolution for freedom worldwide.

Alan Turing’s Frustration

Winston Churchill said Alan Turing made the single biggest contribution to Allied victory in World War II against Nazi Germany.

Turing devised a number of techniques for breaking secret encoded German Navy messages to German U-boats.

It is estimated that Turning’s work shortened the word in Europe by as many as two to four years and saved ten million lives.

Turing was able to do this because he got mad at his boss and took the unprecedented step of going above his boss’ head to get support for his work.

Turning’s boss at the Britain’s codebreaking center thought Turing was nuts and Turing’s work was worthless, took steps to destroy a computer Turing had built (Turning is considered the father of computer science) and proceeded to try to “fire” Turing.

Breaking all rules, on October 28, 1941 Turing and his crew of codebreakers wrote directly to Churchill spelling out their difficulties.

The effect was electric.  Churchill wrote a memo to General Ismael – the military man in charge of the codebreaking center – which read: “ACTION TODAY.  Make sure they have all they want on extreme priority and report to me this has been done.”  

On November 18, 1941, the chief of the British Secret Service reported to Churchill every possible measure was being taken.

All of the above is dramatically portrayed in Norwegian Director Morten Tyldum’s film “The Imitation Game.”

“The Imitation Game” is nominated for eight Academy Awards, including best picture.

“The Imitation Game” is a must see movie.

Boris Spassky’s and Bobby Fischer’s Need for Silence

Absolute concentration, mania for maintaining focus and fanatical devotion to craft are necessary if you want to achieve extraordinary success.

American Director Ed Zwick picture “Pawn Sacrifice” shows how that comes into play.

“Pawn Sacrifice” takes the audience into the minds of the USSR’s world chess champion Boris Spassky and the American challenger Bobby Fischer as it follows their actions at the 1972 World Chess Championship in Reykjavik, Iceland.

After one game, played before an audience in an auditorium, Bobby Fischer refused to play any more games against Boris Spassky in the contest for World Chess Champion unless the rest of games were played in a basement ping-pong room without a live audience and without live coverage before a multitude of motion picture and TV cameras present in the auditorium during the prior game.

Fischer explained that the noise made by the live audience coughing, etc. and cameras and cameramen filming the contest was too distracting.  He was distracted by the noise of the cameras taking motion pictures.

The noise broke his concentration, destroyed his ability to focus on and think about his next move.

Rather than win the World Championship title by accepting Bobby Fischer’s forfeit as a result of Fischer’s refusal to play chess against him, Boris Spassky agreed to have the remaining games played in a basement.

After a next game was played in the basement, and won by Fischer, Spassky accused Fischer or someone else as having sabotaged the chair in which Spassky sat – made the chair “noisy” to break Spassky’s concentration while Spassky was playing.

Spassky’s chair was x-rayed.

Nothing was wrong with Spassky’s chair.

Later, after Fischer won the match and the World Championship, two dead flies were discovered in a light fixture above the chess set.

Spassky had been distracted by the sound of flies flying in that light fixture that only he could hear.

This movie is all about their lives, it is all about focus, concentration, mental preparation, planning.

Both men thought deeply, and planned and prepared mightily before they acted.

This movie is a peak into the minds of Grand Master Chess Players.

Stephen Hawking’s Disappointment

Dr. Stephen Hawking is and always has been an extrovert.

When Dr. Hawking was a young graduate student at Cambridge he was diagnosed as having motor neuron disease.

When he leaned he had motor neuron disease he was told he only had two years to live.

He told his girl-friend Jane Wilde to “go away.”

Stephen explained to Jane that he had only two more years to live and that he would lose his physical abilities over that time.

Jane replied: “Then lets enjoy all of those remaining moments of your life together.  I can’t go away because I love you.”

After that, Stephen Hawking didn’t let the facts that he had been told he only had two years to live and that he would lose all motor function get him down.

  1. He (Stephen Hawking) married her (Jane Wilde) while he was still a young graduate student at Cambridge.
  2. He (Stephen Hawking) went on to earn and received a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics and became a member of the world renown faculty at Cambridge University.
  3. While earning his Ph.D. degree and afterwards, Dr. Hawking formulated/created breath-taking theories about the universe.
  4. When he lost control of his vocal cords he learned how, through a teacher arranged for him by his wife Jane, to communicate by raising his eye brow when he was shown a letter of a word he wanted to speak on a board.
  5. Later, a machine was invented (designed and built by third persons though the efforts of his wife) which converted Dr. Hawking’s “spelling” into speech.
  6. Although Professor Hawking couldn’t speak (because he eventually couldn’t control his vocal cords) he dictated a book (“A Brief History of Time”), which sold over 10 million copies.
  7. Dr. Hawking and his wife Jane Wilde had three children together.
  8. When this movie was recently made, Professor Stephen Hawking was over 70 years old.
  9. Professor Stephen Hawking is still alive.

Norwegian Director Morten Tyldum’s film “The Theory of Everything” accurately and dramatically portrays all of the above.

“The Theory of Everything” is nominated for five Academy Awards, including best picture.

“The Theory of Everything” is a must see movie.

Cheryl Strayed’s Self-Loathing

Cheryl Strayed hated herself for having destroyed her marriage by having random sex with strangers and being a heroine addict.

She decided to “clean” herself up by taking a solo 1,100-mile-hike along the Pacific Crest Trail.

It worked: She stopped being an addict, fell in love with a new man who became her husband and had children with him.

Chris Strayed’s life story is dramatically portrayed in Jean-Marc Vallee’s film “Wild” and is nominated for several Academy Awards.

“Wild” is a must see movie.

Chris Kyle’s Anger

Chris Kyle saw the Twin Towers in New York fall down on September 11 after terrorists fly hi-jacked airplanes into them.

That made Chris Kyle so mad that he joined the United States Navy.

Although he was 30 years old, he tried out for the Navy Seals.

The rest is history: Chris Kyle became the deadliest sniper in American history.

In that role Mr. Kyle saved the lives of countless  American serviceman in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Mr. Kyle’s real life story is accurately and dramatically portrayed in Clint Eastwood’s film “American Sniper.”

“American Sniper” is a must see movie.

It has been nominated for six Academy Awards, including best picture.

Currently Playing Movies That Teach Good Behavior


Winning Takes Adaptability, Advance Work, A High Energy Level, A Sense of Purpose, Authenticity, Being Alert At All Times, Courage, Curiosity, Creativity, Determination, Discipline, Drive, Endurance, Fortitude, Flexibility, Grit, Particular Personality Traits, Preparation, Seriousness, Being Teachable, Hard Work and Training to go the distance as portrayed by NORWEGIAN DIRECTOR MORTEN TYLDUM in “The Imitation Game”, portrayed by ENGLISH DIRECTOR JAMES MARSH in “The Theory of Everything”, portrayed by AMERICAN DIRECTOR and COMEDIAN CHRIS ROCK in “Top Five”, portrayed by AMERICAN DIRECTOR DAMIEN CHAZELLE in “Whiplash”, by AMERICAN DIRECTOR ED ZWICK in “Pawn Sacrifice”, portrayed by AMERICAN DIRECTOR AVA DUVERNAY in “Selma”, portrayed by AMERICAN DIRECTOR CLINT EASTWOOD in “American Sniper”, by CANADIAN DIRECTOR PHILLIPPE FALARDEAU in “The Good Lie”, and by CANADIAN DIRECTOR JEAN-MARC VALLEE in “Wild.”

A Quick Read

Over the past 50 years I’ve read books and articles on “the science and psychology of becoming a success.”

For a quick read on those topics, I recommend that you read all the articles in the Winter 2015 issue of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN and the article on “emotions” in the January/February 2015 issue of PSYCHOLOGY TODAY which confirm what I’ve read elsewhere about what it takes to be an outstanding success.

These articles confirm, as indicated in the movies listed above, that there is no shortcut to success.

You have to put in time, effort and sweat equity.

Successful people have a long attention span, the ability to concentrate, the ability to be attentive, a passion for what they are doing, fanatical devotion to their craft, their motivation is internalized.  They care about what they are doing for its own sake.

They look at disappointments and setbacks as opportunities to learn and as challenges.

Being born a creative genius or with an enormous talent is not enough to produce an outstanding result – it takes a village to produce an outstanding result.

All students need a combination of the right teacher or coach, the right guidance, challenge, the right instruction and feed-back and never-ending practice or study.

In addition to other traits, highly successful people have a positive attitude, a fierce drive, passion and grit; they are persistent, they have the ability to focus, and they have mental toughness, optimism and emotional control.

Excellence is about grappling with tasks beyond current limitations and falling short again and again.

Excellence is about stepping outside the comfort zone, training with a spirit of endeavor, and accepting the inevitability of trials and tribulations.

Highly successful people are motivated individuals who don’t give up when something goes wrong.

Their progress and success is built, in effect, upon the foundation of taking risks and the necessary failures that follow.  That is the paradox of their outstanding successful performance.

A Personal Note

I try to have strong personal relationships with people who give me emotional support and who are obsessed about the same things I am obsessed about.

On Valentine’s Day (February 14, 2015) a friend sent me the following note:

“Nothing worse than boredom!! Even torture is more interesting.”

The Gary Smolker Thoughtful Person Club

I’ve started a “Thoughtful Person Club.”

To join “The Gary Smolker Thoughtful Person Club” send your name and e-mail address to me via the Internet at

According to WordPress, in 2014, people in 108 countries viewed the “Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog” at


Negative emotions can do a critical job for you.

You only have so much time and energy and you can’t give 110% to everything.

You need priorities and that means that most activities will get 0% or slightly more of your time and energy.

Negative emotions can help you decide what to spend your time and energy on.

Every negative emotion orchestrates a complex suite of changes in motivation, physiology, attention, perceptions, beliefs and behaviors that can make you a “winner” by giving you the motivation, energy, resolve, drive, emotional strength, mental toughness, will power and fortitude necessary to complete whatever you set out to do.

Perhaps the recent actions of ISIS will prompt a worldwide reaction that will shock people out of their “do nothingism.”

Look at what ISIS burning a Jordanian pilot alive prompted the King of Jordan to do.

Look at what ISIS beheading Egyptian Coptic Christians prompted the President of Egypt to do.

When people are made to become extremely mad (outraged) it prompts them into taking action.


Copyright © 2015 by Gary S. Smolker