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January 9, 2014 (ANOTHER DAY ON THE ROAD IN THE LIFE OF GARY S. SMOLKER): The Expression “Too Much of A Good Thing” is an oxymoron. In the entertainment world, there is no such thing as too much of a good thing. See “Tim’s Vermeer”, “American Dreams in China” and “Can A Song Save Your Life.”

E-Mail Sent Friday morning, January 10, 2014

Name Deleted,

The question and answers sessions after a movie is shown are the best part of the Toronto International Film Festival.

It is 3 a.m.

I assume it is too early to call you.

I spent yesterday in meetings, beginning with an 8:30 a.m. meeting with my dentist.

My dentist determined that I had broken a tooth (I probably broke my tooth while eating popcorn) and needed a crown.

One of the people on the dentist’s staff tracked down the person (“A”) I had an appointment to meet and have breakfast with at 9:00 a.m. to let “A” know I would be late because I would be in a dental chair (having my broken tooth ‘worked on’) until 9:30 a.m.

Of course, I was late for my breakfast appointment, but my (eat nothing, mouth numb) breakfast meeting with “A” was fascinating for many reasons.

At that meeting, among other things, we talked about a woman (“B”) – a very very good friend of “A” – who has a business “providing staff” to the VERY wealthy.

“Butlers” are in big demand now.

But “B’s” business goes way beyond supplying “butlers.”

Although I had never heard of “B” or “B’s business”, I became even more interested in “B” when “A” told me “B” was recently interviewed by “Fox News” and that “B” is now out of town, on a business trip, visiting B’s offices in Manhattan and that “B” also has an office in San Francisco.

My thinking when I woke up this morning was:

  • I ought to ask “A” to set up a meeting between “B” and me.

  • I ought to write about “B” on my blog, The Gary Smolker Idea Exchange Blog,

  • I ought to ask a “friend” of mine [who among other things – developed a medieval (spelling ?) German village in Japan for the President of Japan and is now opening another office from which to run his business operations  in Qatar and gearing up to develop and manage new hotels he has been hired to manage in Qatar for various investors] whether he or anyone he knows or does with would be interested in engaging B’s services.

  • I ought to ask a woman I know if she is interested in “giving private swimming lessons.” This woman previously won four Gold Medals in swimming at the Olympics.

The concept of providing “staff” to the VERY wealthy tickles my fancy.

The son of a very good friend of mine, was recently in the news, as a result of giving private golf lessons to President Obama.

By the way, my favorite movies at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival were Penn and Teller’s “Tim’s Vermeer” [it shows creativity and persistence pay off], Peter Ho-Sun Chan’s “American Dreams in China” [it shows how business success can trample interpersonal relationships] and John Carney’s “Can A Song Save Your Life?” [a from “I am no stranger to misery” to a ballad writing ballad singing star is born movie].

I predict “Can A Song Save Your Life?” will be a “must see” movie when in general release.

It is a romantic “feel good” American record industry business success story.

Most people will totally relate to the two romantic main characters [Keira Knightly and Mark Ruffalo] and find it impossible to not feel happy when they leave the theater after seeing “Can A Song Save Your Life.”

Pawel Pawlikowski’s “Ida” is a different kind of movie.

In Poland, few subjects are as controversial and as emotional as what passed between Polish Catholics and Jews during the second world war.

Pawel Pawlikowski’s “Ida” is about Poles killing Jews and Poles saving Jews in Poland during the Nazi occupation of Poland in World War II.

The main character in “Ida” is a Polish Jewish Nun [a woman of God] who didn’t know she was Jewish

This movie is the story of how she found out she was Jewish after being forced by her Mother Superior to “experience life” before being allowed to take her vows.

If you are inviting me to stay with you in La Quinta so that I may go with you to view various movies being shown at the Palm Springs International Film Festival so that we can talk about those movies with each other until we drop, I [will] accept your invitation.

I’ll call you later this morning.


—–Original Message—–

From: Name Deleted Email Address Deleted

To: Gary Smolker <>

Sent: Thu, Jan 9, 2014 10:26 am

Subject: Re: Palm Springs International Film Festival – Staying in La Quinta –

After the Burning Bush movie there were question and answers.  A high school student from the Czech Republic informed us that the new President of Czech Republic is a Communist, same for Poland as well.

It was moving to see that Jan Palach’s drastic statement led to a free republic 20 years after his death.  And now 20+ years later they are back in the shadows of communism.

Blind faith and unfounded hope sometimes deny human nature and the reality that is before us.

On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 6:46 AM, Gary Smolker <> wrote:

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Name Deleted

Thank you thank you thank you for your great hospitality.

I posted two posts which discuss “food” issues on my blog ( yesterday.

This morning I have a dental appointment, this evening I am taking a class on regulation of lawyer advertising.

I loved the movie “Burning Bush” and I also loved the movie “Ida” – I saw both “Burning Bush” and “Ida” in Sept. at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival.

They are both about identity conscience survival – how and what people do to survive – and the human spirit.

I found each one of them much more moving than “12 Years A Slave” and/or “Mandela Long Walk to Freedom.”


—–Original Message—–
From: Name Deleted Email Address Deleted
To: Gary Smolker <>
Sent: Wed, Jan 8, 2014 9:22 am
Subject: Re: A $71.13 bowl of corn chowder soup and a coffee mocha at LYFE Kitchen in Culver City, Your Phone Call about the Palm Springs International Film Festival – Staying in La Quinta – vegan versions of Oysters Rockefeller, Paella, etc.

Hi Gary,
     I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the movies at the Toronto Film Festival are playing at the Palm Springs Film Festival.  Here’s the link to the movies that are playing.  It goes until Jan. 12th.
Remember, you have a place to stay across from the La Quinta Hotel.
On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 9:19 AM, Name Deleted <email address deleted> wrote:

Get more sleep.  A good sleep is important for good health.
Saw the movie “Burning Bush” which was about the Czech republic’s birth of resisting the Communists.

Take care,
Name Deleted
Phone Number Deleted

Take care,
Name Deleted

Phone Number Deleted

2014 © Copyright Gary S. Smolker