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Visual Identity #6 – PLACES – by Gary Smolker, Social Commentator, Values Critic, Coffee Lover, Chocolate Lover


Everything has has a visual identity.

Even places have a visual identity.

A visual identity represents who you are, what you are, and where you are.

How you, or your business, represent yourself visually is important.

Visual identity is what you think of when you think about a place. a product, and/or a person.


Bubble-baths are divine.

After seeing those bubbles i had to find out how to get such a bubbly bath.

I am running a scientific experiment.

Do you have any suggestions on how I can get such a bubbly bath in my own home?

A beautiful mind can appreciate a beautiful world.



COFFEE originated from and was invented in Ethiopia.

Coffee did not become a global enterprise until traded in port of Moka in Yemen. (Moka is where the word “mocha” comes from.)

Zanzibar was one of the most important trade links between Africa, Yemen and eventually Europe for the trade of  “mocha java” or coffee.


Gary Smolker, Social Commentator, Values Critic, Coffee Lover, Chocolate Lover


Copyright © 2019 Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved

VISUAL IDENTITY #5 -GLOW – by Gary Smolker, Social Commentator, Values Critic, Story Teller


Each of the woman shown in the photographs below is a determined woman.

Each one of them is living a balanced life of purpose.

Each one of them is living a productive life with family first loyalty, courage, passion, reverence, and self-created self-sufficiency.

You can see the light of kindliness and fellowship in their eyes in their photo below.

They have sharp eyes.

Their eyes express fire and efficiency eloquently.

They have quick deduction skills.

They are unstoppable.

They are like a bullet, implacable and relentless, singular in purpose.

They have well developed social antenna.

They are a force of nature.

When one of them was a preteen, she attended a “Science Magnet” middle school – a school for gifted and highly talented seventh and eighth graders interested in science.

At the time she was living on the West Coast, in Los Angeles, California.

While attending that “Magnet School”, the Los Angeles Unified School District paid this woman an hourly fee to tutor highly gifted middle school students, her classmates, attending that school with her.

Can you guess which one is she?

Now, many years later, she travels all over the world once every other month.

She is the manager of the worldwide sales force of a best of its kind high tech company headquartered on the East Coast.

The weekend before Thanksgiving, she conducted a sales manager meeting in Krakow, Poland attended by seven different local country sales managers – each of those seven country sales managers spoke a different language, each of them was a different nationality, each of them is the sales manager in one of seven different countries in the region.

Then flew she flew back home to prepare Thanksgiving dinner.

She prepared Thanksgiving dinner with the help and assistance of her husband and the help and assistance of her two teenage children.

At that time, her husband was negotiating the $2.7 BILLION all cash sale of twenty percent of his “start-up” biotech pharma company.

That all cash sale was successfully completed.




Each one of those women in the photographs above is a lovely woman.

The individual, I am describing to you in this story, as you can tell from her photograph above, like all the other women shown in the photographs above, is life and color and beauty wrought together.

The visual image of her in her photo tells a thousand word story.


For Channukah her father gave her a box of chocolates.

She thanked him.

“Dad, thank you so much for the Channukah gift of decadent chocolate.

“The chocolates are so beautiful.

“We will taste them tonight for the first night of Channukah.

“Love, T.”

His responded:

“Sweet for the sweet.

“Decadence is in the eyes of the beholder.

“The pleasure you give others is sweeter than those chocolates.




Each of these women GLOW!

They are fast track.

They have restless energy.

They will not let anyone disrespect them.

Its a matter of pride.

Its how they live.

They are not obsessive compulsive. They don’t alphabetize their underwear.

They are enthusiastic.

They treat tasks like an enemy, to be dispatched fast and efficiently and ruthlessly.

They have the edge.

They are that person you can call in the middle of the night with an emergency.

They weren’t sick the day they taught thinking.

They are strategically astute, noble, and ethical.

That is why the future is female.

Its the paternalist shape of social evolution.

Don’t worry: females bear their burdens with grace and good humor.

Gary Smolker, Social Commentator, Values Critic, Story Teller


Copyright © 2019 by Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved