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A Modern Day “Canterbury Tales” Told Through Redacted Copies of Recent Uninhibited Email Conversations with Gary S. Smolker

Below are redacted excerpts of a series of email exchanges I have had with several people in the past few days, including an email exchange with a  “friend” of mine  in which this friend told me if I quote what he has written to me in one of my blogs to not identify who he is by name or with contact information.

Why, you might ask, am I sharing a redacted copy of those emails with you.

The redacted copies of email correspondence below is my (Gary S. Smolker’s) modern day version of Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales.

Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales is an uncompleted sequence of tales by Chaucer, written for the most part after 1387.

The tales written/told in the redacted series of e-mails below were written to and from me in the time period January 30, 2016 through and including February 1, 2016.

At the time Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales was written, Canterbury was a a city in East Kent, in South East England, a cathedral, the early ecclesiastical center of England.

Today, Los Angeles (which is where I live) is the world’s biggest creator and exporter of culture – L.A. is the modern day capital of intellectually driven creativity – L.A. is the creativity capital of the world and the entrepreneurial capital of the world.

You will see, in the emails exchange below, how some of the most extraordinarily creative people you will ever meet are thinking.

The exchange of emails below took place in the time period January 30 through February 1, 2016, as part of my process of writing several articles to post on my blog: asking people for permission to use their names when I quote them in several blog posts, I will be publishing on “The Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog.”

I personally know that many of the world’s most creative and beautiful people come to L.A. to make their mark.

Each of the persons whose email you will look at in this article *see below*  is an extraordinary person.

One is a national security counterterrorism leadership consultant; another is a food blogger and author of “Chocolate on the Brain” as well as a Chocolate Chip Cookie baker; two of the others are deeply embedded in the pharmaceutical industry and expert on cancer research and heart health research.

And one of the persons whose email correspondence you will look at below is a high profile public figure.

Out of modesty and good sense, my friend who is a high profile public figure asked me not to include his name or contact information in this article.

In the email below you will see that he exudes an unfettered expression of personality when he corresponds with me.

But, alas has a public persona, an “image to protect” because he is a public figure.

What he says and writes for public consumption shocks and offends half the audience that hears or reads what he says, while raising him up ever higher in the shockabilly esteem of the rest.

But the intimate ‘personal no hold bars discussion’ he had with me —which you get to see if you read the redacted copy  of our recent email conversation below — does not comport with his public image.

How did this all come about, you might ask.

I am currently writing blog posts about my adventures on Saturday, January 30, 2016 — attending a chocolate-tasting-networking breakfast, having dinner at a French Restaurant, and after dinner attending a Drum Concert at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California produced by Caltechlive.

I am also in the process of writing a blog post on disruption of the health care industry caused by technology.

Who doesn’t like chocolate? People are chocolate addicts.

Who doesn’t like drum music?  Who doesn’t want to know a painless fun way to exercise?

Who isn’t interested in their own good health?  People want to know what they could and should do to live a healthy life.

While I was writing about those topics, the emails below came into existence.

Gary’s Modern Day Version of Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales

The emails below are Los Angeles Tales.

They are, in my mind, a modern day version of Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales.


In response to my question: Do you agree with the technology ‘wipe out’ story below, which I read today in an economic/investment news letter?

A “friend” (one of my Deep Throats in the Pharmaceutical Industry) responded:


Would have responded sooner but was busy drinking and eating fatty fried foods <burp>.

I am very confident Americans will find another way to induce problems to their bodies that will fund the industry way beyond my retirement.

  • It’s estimated that nearly 1/3 of cancers are preventable just by living a healthier lifestyle.
  • Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in the US while the CDC estimates up to 80% could be be attributed to lifestyle choices.

The cure, like the robot, is here for many, they just do not want to take it, it does not taste as good!

Request for permission to give out name not yet responded to.

THE above snippet is part of a blog post I am currently writing.

In good humor.

I remain very ebulliently yours,


Gary S. Smolker, Publisher
The Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog


Copyright © 2016 Gary S. Smolker, All Rights Reserved


BELOW is a redacted copy of the stream of email correspondence referred to above.


This conversation is TOO funny to not be published on my blog without your name or email address.
I will identify you as a “Hebrew.”
In good humor,
—–Original Message—–
From: A Hebrew
To: Gary Smolker <>
Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 1:57 pm
Subject: Re: # 3 Re: Including Your Personal Contact Information on A Post on my Blog

And when he realized my prayers were in Hebrew, he’d beat the @#@@ out of me…
So much for glowing magnetism.

On Feb 1, 2016 1:47 PM, “Gary Smolker” <> wrote:

Interactions between you and me create a lot of energy, because we are two “thinkers” who don’t always agree, albeit you have a personal glowing magnetism and I don’t.
You are the kind of person, who if stopped by a police officer for speeding then explained to the policeman why you were speeding, would be pulled a little further off the road by the policeman who would then say to you: “Let us pray together.”
—–Original Message—–
From: A Hebrew
To: Gary Smolker <>
Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 1:33 pm
Subject: Re: # 2 Re: Including Your Personal Contact Information on A Post on my Blog

That’s why I love and admire you-‘my longtime friend…you help protect me from the invaders coming over the wall…  I can’t rely on my friends in the Oval Office.  🙂

On Feb 1, 2016 1:24 PM, “Gary Smolker” <> wrote:

Will do:  I will not include any personal information about you if I refer to something you say or write.
—–Original Message—–
From: A Hebrew
To: Gary Smolker <>
Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 10:37 am
Subject: Re: Including Your Personal Contact Information on A Post on my Blog

Please exclude my personal info.
Thx, A Hebrew

On Feb 1, 2016 10:07 AM, “Gary Smolker” <> wrote:

Is it okay to include your name and email address in the upcoming post on my blog which will include your email to me about the pharmaceutical industry?
—–Original Message—–
From: Gary Smolker <>
To: National Security Counterterrorism Leadership Consultant
Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 9:51 am
Subject: Re: Including Your Personal Contact Information on A Post on my Blog

Monday, morning, February 1, 2016


Thank you.

I will say you gave me a business card which identifies you as an independent consultant on national security counterterrorism leadership and that you are available to discuss ideas and issues with people at scheduled times.

An East Coast friend who is deeply embedded in the pharmaceutical industry sent me a “humorous” reply to a technological question.

I asked him and others how technology would disrupt the healthcare industry.

In my reply to his reply I told him I sat next to you and Amy at the chocolate tasting brunch — and about your business card.

I sent you a blind copy of my reply to his reply.

I intend to post Amy’s recipe for “Death by Chocolate” if that is okay with you.

Is that okay with you and Amy?

Again, thank you.


—–Original Message—–
From: National Security Counterterrorism Leadership Consultant
To: Gary Smolker <>
Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 9:29 am
Subject: Re: Including Your Personal Contact Information on A Post on my Blog

Very nice to meet you at the brunch. No problem using Amy and my names. Please no phone numbers or emails. I am happy to discuss ideas and issues with people but prefer to schedule times and not be cold called. If people ask to make contact, I would be happy to reach out.
Thanks and good luck with your blog,
From: Gary Smolker <>
Date: Monday, February 1, 2016 at 9:21 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Including Your Personal Contact Information on A Post on my Blog


Thank you.

Have fun in London.

I had a “fabulous time” at the chocolate tasting brunch.

Again, thank you for putting on that event.



—–Original Message—–
From: Nancy and Bart <>
To: Gary Smolker <>
Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 7:46 am
Subject: Re: Including Your Personal Contact Information on A Post on my Blog

Hi Gary,
Please do not include my phone number.  You can include my email:  Am heading to London today for 10 days so am in a tizzy.
Glad you enjoyed the Chocolate Tasting.  I thought it was lots of fun!
On Monday, February 1, 2016 12:16 AM, Gary Smolker <> wrote:


That chocolate tasting brunch put on by you Saturday (January 30) was an absolutely fabulous event.

Thank you for putting it together and making it happen.

I am writing a report on what I did on Saturday, January 30, 2016.

In that report I will mention that chocolate tasting net-working brunch you put on.

I want to mention that

  • (1) I sat next to Amy and her husband Steve.
  • (2) That Steve is an independent national security and counterterrorism consultant.
  • (3) That Steve’s favorite desert is the “Death by Chocolate Cake” his wife Amy makes.
  • That you (Nancy) are multi-talented: food blogger (, cook-book-writer (“Chocolate on the Brain”), baker of Chocolate Chip Cookies, etc.
Nancy, Amy and Steve
Is it okay if I use your “names” and provide contact information, i.e. email address?
Should I include your phone number?
I have Steve’s phone number XXXX
I don’t have Amy’s phone number.
Amy do you want me to say anything further about you beyond the “fact” that you make a killer desert, “Death by Chocolate”?
My blog is called “The Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog.”
It can be found on the Internet at
One of my posts (posted on December 31, 2016) is titled “Food, Sex, Chocolate and Mortality.”
In that post I mention that the four great givens of human existence are food, sex, chocolate and mortality — not necessarily in that order.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Gary S. Smolker, Publisher
Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog
Cell phone: (310) 749-9735
Office phone: 818-788-7290
Copyright © 2016 Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved

A Parisian Femme Fatale – by Gary S. Smolker

She Is A Parisian

by Gary S. Smolker

My Femme Fatale is a Parisian.

In my imagination she is so beautiful that making love with her would be like climbing Mount Everest without a Sherpa.

Waking up next to her (Femme Fatale) would be a wonderful way for a man to start his day.

Femme Fatale likes cats.

Femme Fatale likes flowers.

Femme Fatale likes the ocean.

Femme Fatale is a dreamer.

Femme Fatale is a painter, a poet, and a hypnotherapist.

Femme Fatale paints self-portraits.

She exudes sensuality.

She emotes sexuality.

She is hypnotic.

She has a cheerful temperament.

Her voice conveys likability.

She hypnotizes me and will hypnotize you with her voice.

Femme Fatale is sweeter than the most delicious churro dunked in the highest quality hot chocolate drink.

When you meet her, you will know why highest quality hot chocolate drinks are served with a spoon.

When you meet her you will know the meaning of the phrase “Food of the Gods.”

Are you imaging what Femme Fatale looks like?

Are you wondering if there an expiration date on her beauty?

What Does A Femme Fatale Look Like? — Set Your Imagination Free.

“What does Femme Fatale look like?”, you ask me.

There are many different kinds of beauty, many kinds of physical beauty, social beauty, attitudes towards beauty and cultural aspects of beauty.

Paris is a hodge podge of people of many different nationalities and religions and ethnicities which encompass and are embedded in different degrees in people from many different countries.

Paris is very cosmopolitan.

France is not what France is like.

In the French countryside people are different than the people in Paris.

French people in Paris come from many countries.

Beauty is subjective.

Parisian Femme Fatales look like this:







My Parisian Femme Fatale has style.

She is calm, civilized and sweet.

She doesn’t judge herself by whether she looks like a cover girl.

She is secure; she is comfortable in her own skin.

Being with her is like eating dinner by candlelight.

When I am with her I feel my spirits rising in a hopeful way.

If you get to be with her you too will feel your spirits rising in a hopeful way.

You will find being with her is how you imagine it would be to dunk a magnificent churro in hot chocolate and then savor every drip of chocolate that gets on your tongue and every chew of the churro as it enters your mouth.

When you are with her your endorphin level will sky rocket, make you feel better.

I would love to introduce you to Femme Fatale.

Joie de Vie

Recently I told Femme Fatale, “Churros with high quality hot chocolate before breakfast or with breakfast will help your day go better.”

Femme replied,

“I am now about dunking.  My breakfast is toasted dark bread with salted butter dunked into black coffee only,

“Dunking is great and I cannot wait to dunk churros in hot chocolate, that will be an entirely new experience.


Growing Up

Life is complicated.

Growing up is a process.

It takes time.

The burden of growing up is unique to each person.

When you wake up tomorrow you will be able to see clearly that life is beautiful and full of promises.


The question I have answered in my own life is: Why sleep when you can dream?

Copyright © 2016 Gary S. Smolker


“Food, Sex, Chocolate and Mortality” – by Gary S. Smolker

Food, sex, chocolate and mortality are the four great givens of human existence.

Below are pictures of me cooking New Year Eve dinner on December 31, 2015.






Enhancing Pleasurable Activities

Cooking is fun, and eating is a social activity.

Eating chocolate is fun too.

Chocolate was a beverage of the elite known as the “Food of the Gods” during most of the thousands of years humans have been enjoying it.

Chocolate is manufactured from cacao.

An unknown Mexican Indian in the lowlands of Southern Mexico first turned cacao beans into the Food of the Gods.

Today, chocolate is the most famous Mexican food on Planet earth.

During 9/10th of its history, chocolate was drunk not eaten.

The caffeine, theobromine, serotonin, and phenylethylamine that chocolate contains makes it an anti-depressant and anti-stress agent, enhancing pleasurable activities, including making love.

Serotonin is a mood-lifting hormone produced naturally by the brain; phenylethylamine is similar to other mood changing brain chemicals.

Two of the above substances (caffeine and theobromine) comprising one to two percent by weight of the cacao are known to have physiological effects on humans.  These are the alkaloids (or, more technically, methylxanthines).

Alkaloids form salts when treated with acids and have physiological consequences on the animals that ingest them.  Humans pursue some of them with passion.

Theobromine, like all alkaloids, is a stimulant to the central nervous system.  Its specific talent is to dilate the blood vessels; it is also a diuretic, that is, it stimulates the flow of urine.

Caffeine is credited with lessening fatigue, enhancing the intellectual faculties, stimulating gastric secretions, and promoting urination.

Cacao is the source of the world’s first stimulating drink.

Chocolate was the first drink to introduce Europeans to the pleasures of alkaloid consumption.

By the way, chocolate, tea, and coffee only became widely available to the European public in the middle of the 17th century, albeit the first European encounter with cacao took place when Columbus, on his fourth and last voyage, came across a great Maya trading canoe with cacao beans amongst its cargo.

A very expensive modern chocolate product has been named Guanaja, the place where this happened.

Some women claim that as far as they know chocolate is a substitute for sex at Christmas, because of all the chocolate.

The Food of the Gods

During most of its existence chocolate has been a beverage of the elite, the aristocracy, royalty and the Church.

That remained the case until Europe’s Age of Reason where in England and other Protestant countries chocolate (and coffee) houses sprang up as meeting places and eventually clubs for nascent political parties.

The idea that coffee/hot cocoa deserves to be drunk in stylish surroundings is not new.

The original trendy cafe – in which coffee and pastry were paired for the first time – [Cafe Procope] opened its doors in Paris in 1675 on rue de Tournon.  A few years later it moved to the rue des Fosses Saint-Germain (today’s rue de l’Ancienne Comedie, where the establishment now the oldest continually functioning cafe in the world, can still be found at number 13.

When the Revolution brought down the Catholic and royal establishment in France, coffee and tea, – the favored hot drinks of the philosophes and salons of the Enlightenment – replaced drunk chocolate.

Tea, of course, is most enjoyable if one drinks their tea while eating a treat such as short cake with dark chocolate, or plain German dark chocolate or plain Belgium white chocolate or Dutch milk chocolate.

One must have chocolate with their tea.

That is to say, tea is most enjoyable with chocolate — one must eat chocolate while sipping their tea.

[Aside: If you are interested in biscuits, check out]

At the end of the Age of Reason, the marquis de Sade, was a staunch “chocoholic” in spite of his wildly anti-establishment prose and actions.

The history of chocolate began thousands of years ago when unknown Mexican Indian (a member of the first civilization of the Americas – the Olmec – which existed from 1500 to 400 BC) first turned cacao beans into the “Food of the Gods”, chocolate.  This happened more than 3,000 years ago.

Among the Aztecs, cacao beans were used as money as well as foodstuff; chocolate was the beverage of choice of Aztec nobles and before them the Maya elite and later of the Jesuit clerics that came after Cortes’ conquest of Mexico.


Where and How the Tree that Bears Cacao Beans Grows

The tree that bears cacao beans/seeds is difficult to grow.

With few exceptions it refuses to bear fruit outside a band of 20 degrees north and 20 degrees south of the Equator.

It will not grow if temperatures fall below 60° F or 16° C and it demands year round moisture.


The flowers produced on the cacao tree are pollinated exclusively by midges.

The ideal breeding ground for midges is the litter and mess natural to the rain forest floor.

Unless flowers on a cacao tree are pollinated they will not produce a pod containing cacao beans.

Growing cacao trees in well groomed plantations is counterproductive.

For that reason, the yield of cacao beans in huge modern well groomed neatly manicured cacao plantations from hundreds of flowering flowers on a single cacao tree is a disappointing one to three percent.

From Pollinated Flowers on a Cacao Tree to Hundreds of Thousands of Cacao Beans

Once pollinated, each flower on a cacao tree produces a large pod containing 40 to 50 cacao beans/seeds.

The pods take five months to ripen.

From Cacao Bean to Chocolate

Once a pod on a cacao tree is opened and its seeds/beans are extracted four steps must be taken to produce cacao nibs which are then ground into chocolate.

These are (1) fermentation, (2) drying, (3) roasting, and (4) winnowing.

During the first day of fermentation all sorts of chemical processes take place which rise the temperature of the beans; during fermentation, the adhering pulp becomes liquid and drains away.

Most importantly the seeds briefly germinate and soon thereafter are killed by the high temperature and increased acidity caused by fermentation of the seeds and pulp.

This must take place because ungerminated seeds/beans do not give a chocolate flavor to the finished product.

By the third day, the temperature of the mass of cacao beans stays between 45°C (113°F) and 50°C (122°F).  The mass of fermenting beans must stay at this temperature for several days after germination, for if it does not the “chocolate” will not taste like chocolate.

Once fermentation is completed, the cacao beans are dried.  Traditionally the cacao beans are dried on mats or trays left in the sun for one to two weeks, depending on the weather.

During the drying process the enzymatic action initiated by the fermentation process continues, and the beans lose more than half their weight.

After the beans are dry they are roasted for 70 to 115 minutes at temperatures of 99° – 104°C (210° – 219°F) for chocolate and 116° – 121°C (240° – 250°F) for cocoa powder.  This is absolutely necessary for development of flavor and aroma.

Due to chemical changes and loss of moisture during roasting, the nib becomes a darker brown in color, more friable, and less astringent.

After roasting, during the final step (winnowing), the thin shell is peeled off or otherwise removed.  The resulting nibs can then be ground into chocolate or cocoa powder.


Over half the weight of the cured, dried roasted nib is made up of fat.

The exact percentage of fat depends on the variety of cacao and growing conditions.

Besides fat, each cacao bean contains less than 10% by weight of protein and starch.

The remaining portion of the cacao bean (which contains hundreds of identified compounds) that provokes the many varied responses to chocolate.

Caffeine and theobromine make up 1 to 2 percent by weight of the cacao.

Fat obtained from the nibs by a mechanical process is called “cacao butter” or “cocoa butter.”

In addition to being used in the production of high-grade chocolate, cacao butter in used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

The cacao solids which are left after cacao butter is extracted are “cocoa.”

Chocolate connoisseurs are concerned with the percentage of cacao solids in the chocolate the consume.

“Junk chocolate” has only 15% cacao solids.

Really fine chocolate has up to 70% cacao solids.

The remaining composition being sugar, milk solids, and solid vegetable fat.

The valuable cacao butter is taken out and sold elsewhere.

Aside: A natural preference for sweetness is not acquired but built in: even newborns suck faster on sweetened liquids.]

Toasted Marshmallow Hot Chocolate Is A Wonderful Double Chocolate Cocoa Concoction

I love the Toasted Marshmallow Hot Chocolate served at my local IHOP Store in Encino, California at 5635 Ventura Blvd., Encino, CA 91436.

Below is a picture of Maria Sanchez enjoying a Toasted Marshmallow Hot Chocolate and another one of me enjoying a Toasted Marshmallow Hot Chocolate with Maria on New Year’s Day, January 1, 2016 at the Encino IHOP store.






Have you ever had toasted marshmallow hot chocolate?

If not, try it some time.

Men: Try having a huge cup of toasted marshmallow hot chocolate with a woman and find out what a pleasurable conversation you will have.

You and she will be smiling while you are drinking your huge cups of toasted marshmallow hot chocolate, and doing so will become a pleasant memory.

It ancient Maya civilization, after Maya kings and high nobles died, they were buried in tombs with chocolate drink to accompany them on their journey to the next world.

Copyright © 2015 and 2016 by Gary S. Smolker, All Rights Reserved

The Perfect Picture of Love In Action on Christmas Eve, A Tzaddik’s View of Christ’s Kingdom on Earth – by Gary S. Smolker

December 25, 2015


On Christmas eve, last night (December 24, 2015), I saw a picture of Christ’s Kingdom on Earth:

I saw a young exhausted man (Aki Nicholas Gibson) sleeping on a couch with his head in his wife’s (Holly R. Gibson’s) lap.

Holly was stoking Aki’s head, while Aki was sleeping.

I saw that scene in the living room of my friend Richard C. Gibson’s house, about an hour after we finished having Christmas dinner.

Attending this Christmas Dinner were Aki, Richard, me and nine important women in Aki’s life.

To me that was the perfect picture of love in action.

Aki is the Vice President of Enterprise Architecture at The Karais Group in Austin Texas.

The Karais Group is a professional services firm specializing in patient advocacy, health care navigation (comparison shopping for patients, i.e., finding different prices hospitals etc. charge for the same procedures and exact services) and medical bill mediation.

The Karais Group helps patients navigate medical care in a knowledgeable professional manner to reduce their health care costs and medical bills.

Aki’s wife Holly is the Director of “Woman Who Code, Austin.”

“Women Who Code, Austin” teaches women computer programming then helps them get jobs as programmers.

Aki and Holly came from Austin, Texas to be at this Christmas Eve Dinner which took place in Woodland Hills, California; Aki’s aunt Vernon flew in from New York to be at the dinner.

Below is a photograph of Aki surrounded by family and friends, sitting on a couch, before we all move to the dinning room to enjoy a Christmas Eve Dinner together.



Gary S. Smolker

Copyright © 2015 by Gary S. Smolker

“Creativity, Progress, Political Correctness, Different Ways of Thinking About Progress, and the Goals of Conservative Muslims Reflected in the Paris Massacres on November 13, 2015” – by Gary S. Smolker

What Are the Truths About the Paris Massacre Last Week?

According to one of my friends, conservative Muslims are called strict Islamists by people who are either too afraid to call them what they are or too ignorant to know what conservative Muslims believe.

According to him, Conservative Muslims believe men and women should be separated, women should not perform in public, nor should women wear the kind of clothes the “Good Lovelies” wore during their performances at the concert I attended on November 14, 2015.

They believe women are inferior to men.

They strongly believe that women should not be independent.

Conservative Muslims do not believe in “affirmative action”, women’s rights, women liberation, etc. etc.

Conservative Muslims believe they are superior to all people who are not conservative Muslims.

They believe they are superior to all people who wholeheartedly follow their interpretation of Sharia Law.

Conservative Muslims also believe that the harsh penalties and punishments set forth in the Koran are reasonable and should be followed

According to that friend, the reason the so-called Muslim/ISIS terrorists randomly shot people in the audience at the concert hall in Paris, tried to bomb the soccer stadium and randomly shot couples in Paris who were out for the night is that they consider it is their duty to rid the earth of people like the people who were in those places at those times.

They have NO tolerance for people who don’t behave in a POLITICALLY CORRECT WAY; they have no tolerance for people who don’t strictly follow their interpretation of rules set follow in the Koran; they have no tolerance for people who have a different interpretation of what the Koran commands people to do then they do.

Look at recent movies which portray politically correct behavior under Sharia Law in rural communities in Muslim countries.

Recent Movies Which Portray Politically Correct Muslim Behavior

“Rock the Kasbah”

The recently released Bill Murray movie “Rock the Kasbah” is about a young unmarried young Muslim woman living with her family in a small village in Afghanistan.

In “Rock the Kasbah” Bill Murray is an entertainment talent manager.

While in Afghanistan promoting one of his clients, who is a singer, Bill Murray accidentally discovers this young woman.

She has a beautiful voice.

Thereafter, Bill Murray talks this young Muslim woman into entering and into singing on a nationally broadcast singing contest.

When her father and other people who live in her village learn that she has sung in a singing contest they “disown” her.

I saw this movie recently (in November, 2015) at a local theater in Sherman Oaks, California.

“He Named Me Malala”

“He Named Me Malala” is a documentary.

It is the true story of a young woman who at age 15 (Malala Yousafzai) was shot in the head by a Taliban assassin while riding home in a school bus in Pakistan’s Swat Valley.

The Taliban attempted to assassinate Malala because Malala was an outspoken champion of the idea that girls should be given an education.

The Taliban targeted Malala for assassination because Malala wanted to learn how to read and publicly said she wanted other girls to learn how to read.

The movie makes it clear that the Taliban, following strict conservative Muslim/Islamic law, is vehemently against women being taught to read.

Malala was targeted by Taliban militants for her outspokenness in support of girls’ education.

Malala has an astounding eloquence and boldness.

Even when Malala was eleven years old she was attracting the attention of international reporters because of her outspoken advocacy.

During the course of the movie, the film shows various village schools in the Swat Valley where girls are taught to read had been bombed, had been completely destroyed by the Taliban.

Malala and her father Ziauddin Yousafzai spoke after the showing of “He Named Me Malala” which I attended.

Malala told the people in attendance: When you tell your story it is a healing, it is a rehabilitation.

Malala and her father then thanked Academy Award winning filmmaker Davis Guggenheim for making the documentary we had just watched. 

I saw the international premiere of this documentary in September at the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival.


This is an Indian film about the plight of women in rural villages in India.

Lena Yadav, the filmmaker, stated at the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival that the story told in this movie is based on true events.

According to Yadav: 80% of the women in India don’t know what an orgasm is; they are sexual slaves.

The village elders and all the local men in the village where the story told in this movie takes place repeatedly tell each other: Don’t get an educated wife, they have books riding their minds.

The story in this movie revolves around the life of a young girl who is forced to marry a young boy she doesn’t want to marry.

Her young husband brutalizes her, steals from his mother, drinks excessively and is a lazy oaf.

Watching her son brutalize his child bride disgusts her.

She then begins to thirst for more than what life has given women in her village.

The men laze around and talk to each other while the women do all the work in the village..

As the story in the movie progresses, she questions the status quo in her village, the rules of conduct in her village which favors men, sends child brides to abusive husbands and ostracizes women for being educated and opinionated – and begins to have a series of lengthy conversations with female friends – outside the hearing of men in the village – about “how women should value themselves” and what stops them from doing so.

According to the film maker the life of women portrayed in this movie is the typical life of all women in rural Muslim and Hindu villages in the countryside and in strict religious communities in big cities in India.

I saw the world premier of this movie in September at the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival.


“Maintenant ils peuvent venir” (“Let Them Come”)

This French/Algerian movie is about the dark decade in Algeria in which strict Islamists tried to take over Algeria, and 200,000 died in the ensuing conflict.

It is set in Algeria in the late 1980s.

In one scene a Muslim man is told by his strict Islamist father-in-law that the marriage between he and his wife (his marriage to the daughter of the father-in-law) is not valid because he is not a strict Islamist.  He is an infidel because he is hot a strict Islamist.

The father-in-law has taken his daughter away; he has married her to a strict Islamist; and now lives with the second man.

That man already had a wife.

That man now has two wives.

His daughter is now that man’s second wife.

This film is a family chronicle which begins shortly before the man characters get married to each other in an arranged marriage, and follows that marriage and the man and woman who got married from that time forward.

I saw the world premier of this film in September at the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival.

Progress, Creativity, Political Correctness and Different Ways of Thinking

If we are going to solve the problems that are rampant on our planet, we need to have creative people with creative ideas.

Yet we continue to close down creative people, with invalidations that ever more imperiously impose from without, an institutional mentality that squashes [young] people in a way that forces them to give up the expression of their souls and, instead to worry about winning the approval of  authority figures, the approval of grown-ups, college administrators, the federal government, all sorts of protesters who don’t feel welcome in society and all sorts of other bosses and audiences.

This violation of self is insulting and injures who we are deep in our hearts.

In hopelessness and despair some people become tormented, depressed or suicidal.

In such a society everyone is forced to worry about what everyone else thinks about them, which is the route to vapid mediocrity.

Truly creative people think differently.

Seeing the Big Picture

“Free speech” is under attack in the United States: Forty percent of Millennials in the United States are okay with limiting free speech if it is racist.

“Freedom of Religious Choice” is under attack in the United States: The Mormon Church (the Church of the Later Day Saints) recently adopted a same-sex marriage policy barring children of married same-sex couples from being baptized [hence forth they will not be allowed to become members of the Church] until they are adults, until they are 18 years old.

In order to become members of the Church children of same sex couples are now required to leave their parents’ home and to disavow same-sex marriage and co-habitation.

At the street level, on my recent travels in different parts of the United States, I have read bumper stickers which state:

  1. CHOICE.  What a beautiful right.
  2. Democracy is not a spectator sport.
  3. Freedom of religion means any religion.
  4. Compassion is the radicalization of our time.
  5. Don’t believe anything until it has been officially denied.
  6. I will believe corporations are people when Texas executes one.
  7. You don’t have to burn books to destroy culture.  Just get people to stop reading them.

Those bumper stickers are a sign of the way some (I don’t know how many) people are thinking in the United States.

Responding to Our Ever-Evolving World

The history of the human race is violent.

Only by striving to understand the behavior of people throughout history and in remote places can we hope to understand from where we have come and how much of the past lives unrecognized with us.

What is happening in the world today is culturally contextual, historically contextual, in our faces every day and very dramatic.

In a recent article by Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown University law professor, in Foreign Policy she states:

“The Paris attacks were not surprising.  Occasional terrorist attacks in the West are virtually inevitable; … we’ll see more attacks in coming decades, not fewer.  We need to stop viewing terrorism as shocking and aberrational, and instead recognize it as an ongoing problem that needs to be managed, rather than defeated.”

In a recent article by Charles Gave, written for a French paper in September, 2015,  Mr. Gave explains that nobody can understand the disaster that is unfolding if he knows nothing of history, past events that shaped the world today.

Mr. Gave explains:

For the past 50 years, money has flowed in a torrent from Saudi Arabia to the rest of the Middle East, Africa, South Asia and Europe to build Wahhabi mosques: “schools” where the only things taught – and only to boys – are the Koran and religious extremism.

The goal of this project is to “purify” the Middle East and eventually the rest of the world to an “original” form of Islam.

According to Mr. Gave:

  • First: The West must clearly identify the enemy which is not the Muslim religion,but the Wahhabi sect.  And it must immediately break off relationships with the states such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, which are exporting this virulent form of extremism.
  • Second: We will have to stop accepting political donations from these countries to finance our electoral campaigns.
  • Third: We will have to stop selling those countries warplanes, helicopters, missiles, radars, tanks and other weaponry.  One does not prosper by selling weapons to one’s enemies.  As Lenin said:“The capitalists will sell us rope with which we will hang them.”

There Is No Such Thing As Zero Risk

How are you going to change what you are doing now?

How are you going to change what you will be doing in the future?

Consider the impact of the confluence of highly impactful forces in the news every day (geopolitical, sociopolitical, economic, cultural, historical, local political, local social, global financial forces, local financial forces).

Many political “experts” will tell you that U.S. foreign policy is responsible for the rise of ISIS, and for the rise of terrorist attacks:

  • There were no terrorists threats against U.S. citizens from the Middle East when Saddam Hussain was running Iraq  and when Omar Qaddafi was running Libya.
  • The consequence of the United States destabilizing countries in the Middle East has been the reign of terrorist terror we are now experiencing.

Other political “experts” will tell you that the current surge of terrorist attacks is the result of Saudi Arabia and Qatar funding fundamental extremist Muslim clergy and funding their schools which teach boys the Koran and extremism.

Consider the impact of all of the above forces on you personally, including the impact of such forces (a) on your current investment strategies, (b) on your current investments, (c) on your current travel plans,(d) on your current career plans, (e) on your current retirement plans, and (e) on all your other current strategies and goals.

For further input on all of the above topics see the post titled “We Need to Rethink What Security Means” posted on the Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog on November 30, 2015 at

Good luck.


Copyright © Gary S. Smolker, All Rights Reserved


“We Have to Rethink What Security Means” – by Gary S. Smolker

The Fight Against ISIS Is A Fight Against Political Correctness

ISIS is composed of people who follow the teachings of strict conservative Islam, an ultra-puritanical form of Islam.

They follow an interpretation of religious laws in the Koran that translates into institutionalized outrage and expression of anger, sexual slavery of women, an obsessive hatred of imagery, representation (and therefore of art and music) and also of the body, nakedness and freedom.

ISIS has published manuals explaining that it is in their religious laws to have sex with prepubescent girl slaves, to stone women for offense against Sharia law and to kill infidels and heretics.

Those rules are approved and followed by the vast majority of Muslims who live on the periphery of the society of intellectuals and officials in Muslim countries.

Depictions of how those beliefs are lived out in Muslim societies are presented in stories told in a multitude of films released in 2015, such as:

  1. The American film “He Named Me Malala.
  2. The Indian film “Parched.”
  3. The French/Algerian film “Maintenant ils peuvent venir (Let Them Come).”
  4. The French/Belgium film “Les Cowboys.”

Malala Yousafzai’s book “I Am Malala”, published by Little Brown & Company in 2013, describes what women face in countries where attacks on women are condoned.

To conservative Muslims, gay Paris is a whorehouse.

To conservative Muslims the United States is an ever more outrageous place because in the United States it is strikingly obvious that women are getting ahead, women are educated, women do not view themselves as domesticated slaves, women do not kowtow to men, women are independent thinkers, women expose their bodies in public, momen are demanding, and women have power.

In America:

  • 37% of women graduate from college vs. 31% of men.
  • 38% of women earn more than their husband, up from 24% in 1987.
  • Since 1973, real female incomes are up 34%, and real male incomes are down 5%.
  • 21% of non-working dads aged 35-44 cite child care as the primary reason, up from 2% 20 years ago.
  • There are more women voters in the United States than male voters.
  • Women freely express that they want power, money, a husband, and children.
  • Women in the United States have multiple sex partners without being getting pregnant.
  • In America it is accepted that women in America have sex with multiple sexual partners when they are not married, and sometimes while they are married.
  • Women sit on the California Supreme Court.
  • Women sit on the United States Supreme Court.
  • A woman is the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board.
  • Women run giant corporations in the United States such as General Motors and IBM.
  • Hillary Clinton is campaigning to become President of the United States.
  • America promises to provide the opportunity to succeed on the basis of ability to “everyone.”
  • Religious tolerance is a core American value.

In strict Muslim households women have no human rights, women are their husbands’ sexual slaves.

To people who have been educated to think that women are inferiors and should have no rights the status of women in America is an outrage, an insult to their religion.

Conservative Muslim religious leaders and political leaders get their people so excited with rage about the status of women and sex in everyday life in America the vast majority of Muslims all over the Muslim World call America the “Great Satan.”

The broadcast of facts about every day life in America to the general Muslim public by television, movies, videos, YouTube, the Internet, and social media seriously threatens and erodes the power of conservative Muslim religious leaders and dictators who run Muslim countries.

The fact that American women freely express that they want power, money, a husband and children is unbearably outrageous to conservative Muslims.

The facts that American women have the ability to have multiple sex partners, are independent thinkers, make demands, are independent and have power is outrageous to conservative Muslims.

Conservative Muslim leaders are afraid if Muslim women find out about the status of women in America and in other of the Western countries the vast majority of women in Muslim countries will want to become like American women.

Conservative Muslim religious leaders have good reason to be afraid of that because people “learn” about the life of women in the West.

How People Form Their Identities

People try to behave like people they want to emulate.

Stories provide the crucial means by which individuals, especially males, form their identities in imitation of heroic predecessors and in opposition to hereditary enemies.

Stories, by implication, indicate to individuals their role in society and how they are supposed to act.

Dictators, Kings, Military Leaders and Religious Leaders Have Good Reason to Not Want “Their” People to Watch Western Films

Film tells important stories, spark imagination, connects communities and enable filmmakers – writers, directors, actors, etc. – to express themselves.

For example, the recently released film”Suffragette” tells the story of the effort women had to go through in Great Britain in order to “get” the right to vote.

In the movie, the women who led the effort to get a law passed giving women the “right” to vote were literally and figuratively “terrorists.”

In this movie they smashed windows, blew up mail boxes, set fire to the Prime Minister’s home while it was under construction and one woman threw herself in front of a galloping horse the King of England was riding in a race at Derby.  The King was thrown from the race horse he was riding;, she was run over by the King’s horse and died.

The Inherent Dialect of Violence

In order to understand the violent acts carried out by ISIS in Paris on Friday, November 13, 2015, consider the political, economic and social context of who the “shooters” in Paris on Friday night (November 13, 2015) were and who the people they shot were.

The Muslim/ISIS terrorists in the recent Paris attacks were basically French citizens growing up in the Muslim ghettos in France where youth unemployment is forty to fifty percent.

Like conservative Muslims everywhere, members of ISIS are offended by (and very angry at) non-believers who do not live according to conservative Muslim rules.

The Muslim terrorists externalized their anger, which is what all conservative Muslims are taught to do.

Some of the people the terrorists shot were attending a rock concert others were eating and drinking in a bar or cafe.

Killing people who disagree with their way of life is the way conservative Muslims externalize their anger.

That is how the members of ISIS and members other conservative Muslim groups have been taught [emotionally educated and socially programmed] to react to the very real programmed injury they feel when someone disagrees with their religious belief and/or acts in a prohibited way.

Conservative Muslims do not want to be assimilated.

They do not want to be a peaceful integral part of a culturally diversified society.

ISIS has 100,000 battle-hardened soldiers.

ISIS and other conservative Islamist groups attack and kill us – people who do not behave the way they think all people should – because that is what they exist to do.

Nicolas Henin ( a French citizen whom ISIS held for 10 months) has written in an story about ISIS published on November 16, 2015:

“Everything convinces them they are on the right path and specifically, that there is a kind of apocalyptic process underway that will lead to a confrontation between an army of Muslims from all over the world and others, the crusaders, the Romans.  They see everything as moving us down that road.  Consequently, everything is a blessing from Allah.”

Cultural Attitude About Violence and Its Place in Human Affairs

Muslim society greatly values fighting.

Their warrior-prophet-leader Mohamed is their model for behavior.

The life of Mohamed is the model from which Muslim society’s cultural attitude about violence and its place in human affairs comes from.

Muslim History

Muslim history, from the time of Mohamed forward, is a history of violence and factional conflict.

Muslims have always lived in a tempestuous land of never-ending conflict and violence.

Muslims have a continuous history of experience with war and strife and a continuous history of living under the domination of leaders who have inhibited the evolution of communal and individual liberties and the kinds of community institutions which have given vitality to hundreds of towns, states, countries and communities elsewhere.

For further information on the history of the people who have lived in Muslim countries read “Jerusalem” by Simon Sebag Montefiore and”Lawrence in Arabia” by Scott Anderson.

For further information on modern-day conservative Muslim mindset read “I Am Malala” by Malala Yousafzai.


  • What happened in Paris on Friday, November 13, 2015, has to be seen through the lens of a way of life.
  • ISIS and other strict Islamist groups are intent upon establishing a caliphate.
  • William James was right: As you think, so shall you be.

Apocalyptic Violence

According to Machiavelli:

Men do injury through either fear or hate. – Machiavelli, “The Prince”, chapter 7

Such injury produces fear; fears seeks for defense; for defense partisans are obtained; from partisans rise parties in states; from parties their ruin. – Machiavelli, “Discourses on the First Decade of Titus, Livius”, book 1, chapter 7

According to psychologists, social workers, criminologists and top national security experts: Extremism and violence appeal most to “disaffected people” who feel alienated.  They don’t love themselves.  They don’t love anyone.  They are angry.

They seek revenge for being miserable.

Killing other people is their way to get revenge.

That is why they kill people.

They don’t care if they are killed for expressing their anger.

The Judaeo-Christian Rule “Love Thy Neighbor As Yourself” does not apply to them because they do not love themselves.

Things to Consider Regarding Absorbing The Current Flood of Muslim Immigrants

How will you decide where you are going to put them?

Where can you put them?

How will you vet them, school them and feed them?

How will you integrate then into “your” society?

How will you monitor them?

What will you do with them if they don’t fit in?

Deciding what to do and how to do it takes effort – takes planning, manpower, time and money.

There are easier ways for a terrorist to gain entry to the United States than to seek admission as a refugee.

The current Syrian refugee screening process in the United States takes three years.

A recent article from the Cato Institute concludes that Syrian refugees to be admitted in the United States pose no significant threat to the United States: “Few ISIS soldiers or other terrorists are going to spend at least three years in a refugee camp for a 0.042 percent chance of entering the United States when almost any other option to do so is easier, cheaper, and quicker.”

By the way, under current rules, regulations and laws, visitors to the United States from 39 different countries do not need a Visa to come to the United States legally.

The Scapegoating Process to Find Someone or Some Group to Blame for the Hard Blows of Fortune

Many Americans are unset, fretful and fearful about the way things have been going in the United States.

Their accumulated grievances find expression in presidential candidate Donald Trump’s outbursts.

Donald Trump is doing a masterful job of exploiting the climate of fear in the United States.

In his political campaign, Donald Trump is acting as lightning rod.

Donald Trump says what many people in the United States want to hear by expressing their points of view, by expressing their anger, by expressing their anxieties, fears, frustrations and by going along with their desire to blame someone else for the hard blows of fortune in their lives.

Compare what Donald Trump has said and how Donald Trump has behaved during the Republican Party’s primary election contest, with the following statement made by Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States: Nothing gives one person so great an advantage over another, as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances.”

The Unraveling of the Social Fabric of the United States

The United States has its own form of political correctness – mostly on college campuses.

According to one survey, 40% of Millennials  are willing to limit free speech if it is racist.

On many college campuses it is understood that there is to be no speech that might offend anyone for any reason or make anyone who is a woman, or a member of a so-called underrepresented minority feel unwelcome.

Currently student protestors at Princeton University demand that  the administration acknowledge the “toxic legacy” of Woodrow Wilson, who served as university president and New Jersey governor before being elected President of the United States.  Woodrow Wilson was an unapologetic racist.  He believed black Americans were not worthy of full citizenship and admired the Ku Klux Klan for the role it had in terrorizing African Americans to restrict their political power.

The protestors’ top goal is to convince the university to rename the Woodrow Wilson School of Public Policy and International Affairs and the residential complex known as the Wilson College.

By the way, George Washington managed many slaves at Mount Vernon.

I do not know of anybody who has suggested that the capital of the United States (Washington, D.C.) be named.

However, I do know that as a result of  “political correctness” top comedians refuse to perform on college campuses in the United States.

People in the United States are living in an age of hyper vigilance about offending anyone.

At one extreme,

  • Eskimos are complaining that one of the Kardashians wore a “sexy Eskimo” costume on Halloween.
  • Anyone who offends anyone else is now called a “bigot.”

In my opinion political correctness is destroying the creativity of our children.

Political correctness destroys the essence of joyous creativity in them.  It suppresses them, it shuts them down.  It is devastating.

Political correct concerns has effected”retail.”

  • Recently, Nordstrom’s stopped selling a Hanukkah sweater angering some customers who saw it as playing on cliches about Jewish women.
  • Recently, Bloomingdales’s apologized for a catalog ad critics said made light of date rape.
  • Recently, Walmart’s took heat over a Halloween costume of an Israeli soldier.

It is one thing to want to get along with other people.  It is another thing to tell other people how to behave.

It is an entirely different thing to try to control how people think, to control what religion people choose to practice, and/or to control the cultural composition of the population of a country.

Immigrants and Refugees

Consider the social, political and cultural implications of proposals (a) to put even more special limitations on the immigration of Syrian immigrants to the United States, (b) to register Muslims in the United States, and (c) the proposal to build a wall in the United States on the border between the United States and Mexico to keep people from Mexico, Central America and South America from entering the United States.

Consider the economic and cultural impact of low fertility rates in highly industrialized countries which need immigrant workers to keep their economic engines running.

Ask yourself: “Who does work and what kind of work do they do in the United States?”

Then look at the rest of the world: Consider Germany’s demand for labor, demand for “new labor sources” to keep its economic engine running.

Germany within a few years could be 20 percent Muslim, which would represent a demographic shift which would forever change the face of Germany.

We Have to Rethink What Security Means

Europe’s political and business leaders regard migration as critical to the Continent’s aging demographics.

But, as we have seen, this strategy threatens long-term social harmony and political stability in those traditionally homogeneous countries.

But consider the experience in the United States with refugees (starting with the Pilgrims).  The quality of assimilation in the United States has been very high.

  • Today, the United States houses 20% of the world’s migrants but has only 5% of the world’s population.
  • Up to now, the United States has been able to assimilate diverse minorities.
  • Up to now, the United States has been able to not “radicalize” those minorities.

Facing a Demographic Implosion – Demographics Is Destiny

Whether people like immigrants or not, people in affluent highly industrialized societies have no choice but to accept immigrants and immigration or to forego their social security payments and witness their “welfare states” collapse because an influx of immigrant workers is necessary to keep the economic engines in their countries running.

The birthrate in almost all industrial countries is lower than replacement.

In the near future the percentage of older people who don’t work will exceed the population of working people.

Population trends will  shape policy.

Nowhere is this clearer than in China’s recent suspending its “one child” policy.

By 2050, according to United Nations projections, the number of countries with below-replacement level fertility rates is expected to nearly double, to 139 countries, accounting for 75% of the world’s population at that time.

There is a coming tsunami of senior citizens with a smaller work force, greater pension obligations and slower (or no) economic growth.

Most affluent countries and those on the way to prosperity, all face the same basic dilemma: an aging population and a shrinking workforce.

Under such circumstances countries are being “forced” to either restore fertility rates to sustainable levels or to welcome masses of people from those parts of the world that still produce a demographic surplus.

Immigrants and their children have allowed the U.S. and Australia to stay close to the replacement rate, and have kept Canada from imploding.


Copyright © Gary S. Smolker, All Rights Reserved

Poetic Soulful Gracefulness Practices of Graceful People, Being In Tune with Nature and As One with the Poetic Panache of the Dance of Nature and My Love Affair with Passionately Expressive Signs which Make Me Smile and Give Me Joy – by Gary Smolker

Poetic Soulful Gracefulness

I appreciate human gracefulness.

I also appreciate the poetic beauty of nature.

Below are stories of human gracefulness and photos of nature’s beauty (the dance of nature) I recently experienced.

I took the photos below of the fall change of colors of the leaves of trees from green to yellow, orange and red during a recent long weekend (October 16 through October 19, 2015) I spent in the Eastern Sierra in Northern California.

They are photos of romantic and enchanting spots I visited in the Eastern Sierra during change of the color of leaves from green to yellow, orange and red as the days get shorter and colder.

The series of three e-mail letters below (a call for help and the answer to that call) were exchanged on October 9, 2015.

I extracted/deleted the personal phone numbers of the correspondents in those emails.

Tami, the person who called out for help, lives in Los Angeles.

Sidney, who answered Tami’s call for help, lives in Boston, Massachusetts.

I live and “work” in Los Angeles, California.

The letters below demonstrate that there is beauty in the human spirit, the correspondents are some of the many caring people in the world, despite news reports to the contrary, “people are beautiful.”


Call for Help Letter No. One


Meet Tami.
I am sending Tami this note so that she can contact you directly by email with a brief overview of the situation of her daughter Sabrina’s boyfriend Chris.
Sabrina is taking care of Chris.
Tami is concerned.
Chris has excruciating pain in nerves behind his eyes.  He can see if the light is slowly increased from total darkness with 20:20 vision but when there is light needs eye drops every six minutes.
About 1.5 months ago, Chris began to have excruciating pain in his ears whenever there was sound, even the sound of chewing his food.  He wears ear plugs and gun range ear muffs to block out sound.
Chris has had a neurologist.  The neurologist has told Chris that he (the neurologist) can’t diagnose what is wrong.
Chris has had a pain manager doctor.  Chris’ pain management doctor has notified Chris that he (the pain management doctor) will stop treating Chris in 30 days.
Chris’ bun/cretin level is 4.  Tami understands this means Chris has kidney problems.
Chris and Sabrina have been boyfriend and girlfriend for 7 years.
They are both 25 years old.
Sabrina is spending full time taking care of Chris.
Tami (Sabrina’s mother) is a good women.
Help Tami/Sabrina/Chris if you can.

Cry for Help Letter No. 2

Hello Sidney,

I am a paralegal that works in the same office where Gary leases an office.  He tells me you are a brilliant individual.  Gary has heard what is happening in my life with my 25 year old daughter, and her boyfriend Chris.  I’m not sure how you can help.  But if you can help, or know someone that can help, I will accept any help I can get at this point.  This is a very sad situation where a 25 year old male who was perfectly healthy last Christmas (as I spent last Christmas with them), and was in his 3rd year of chiropractic college, went from a normal person to a non-functioning human being with extreme nerve pain in his eyes and now has such severe hearing pain that he has to eat soft foods or even baby foods because he cannot stand the sound of the chewing in his head.

If you can offer any insight, please let me know.  Please reply to this email or call me at PHONE NUMBER DELETED BY GSS.    Again, I’m not sure why Gary thought you might be able to help.


Prompt Unstinting Help

Hi Tamara,

It is probably a good idea for Chris to be seen by a neuro-ophthalmologist, which is a specialist who deals with the neurology of the eye.

UCLA Medical Center is nationally ranked in the specialties of (1) Adult Ear, Nose and Throat, (2) Adult Ophthalmology and (3) Adult Neurology.

See the U.S. News Rankings below.

Does Chris have medical insurance that can cover the cost of a diagnostic work-up?

You can search the UCLA Medical Center web site for (a) a neuro-ophthalmologist and for (b) an otologist (ear doctor).  When you have come up with some doctors who seem very qualified, we can brainstorm the choices.  If you are having any difficulty accessing the specialists, let me know and we can talk by cell as we simultaneously access the UCLA website. Please feel free to contact me at any time by cell phone.

Talk soon,



U.S. News Rankings — deleted by GSS

Cucumber Salad with Smashed Garlic and Ginger

On Thursday, October 8, 2015, while I was reading Yotam Ottolenghi’s book “PLENTY – Vibrant Vegetable Recipes from London’s Ottolenghi” and looking at the pictures at Toast Cafe on Ventura Blvd, in Sherman Oaks, California I showed the owner a picture of the Cucumber Salad (picture below).

The owner of “Toast Cafe” proved to me that he is a beautiful person, by what he did after he looked at that picture.


 While looking at the above picture, he called over his chief chef to look at the book with me.
While she was looking at the above picture, he  told me and her that she would prepare any dish shown in that book for me.
The Toast Cafe serves Kosher food and provides its guests with a sink in the dinning area, near the kitchen, to to wash their hands in order to a observe a religious ceremony of washing their hands before eating bread.
Below is a picture of the sink which is against the west wall of the dinning room, just before the entry to the kitchen.


My Love Affair with Coffee Shops, Life, Lively People and Lively Places

I love life, lively people, lively places and coffee shops full of life owned by people who express their love of life with the signs they post.

I love the way enthusiastic people who own coffee shops I have visited have expressed themselves through the signs they have posted in their cafes.

Below are photos of signs in my favorite coffee shop, in San Francisco, taken by me.






Below are a photos of signs posted in a coffee shop I took in a cafe I visited in June Lake, California on October 20, 2015.

The City of June Lake is in the Eastern Sierra.




Below is a photo I took of a magnet I saw on a coffee machine in a coffee shop I was in the day before.  That coffee shop is located in Lee Vining, California.

The City of Lee Vining is in the Eastern Sierra.


The Eastern Sierra Is Lively Exciting Place

I invite you to enjoy the following signs I saw during my long weekend (October 16 – October 19 2014) while in the Eastern Sierra.




Observing the Dance of Nature

I found peace of mind last weekend (October 16 through October 19, 2015) by looking at the fall colors of trees growing along the side of streams in California’s Eastern Sierra and by looking at the sky, clouds and a mountain reflected in a still pool of water in the high sierra.

Below is a picture of one of those streams.


Below is another picture of that stream.



The reason we see fall colors is part of an annual cycle that begins in spring and summer, when green chlorophyll pigments are active in cells that make food for the tree to grow.  It’s during this time that leaves also contain lesser amounts of yellow, orange and red pigments that are masked by the chlorophyll.  The appearance of fall colors is actually the disappearance of green chlorophyll.

Below is a picture of trees whose leaves have changed color from green to yellow, orange and red.


I hope you enjoy looking at mountains and trees from the bridge I was on while taking the picture below, while I was hiking around one of the many lakes at Mammoth Lakes, California.

Imagine what it was like for me to be on a bridge, in the City of Mammoth Lake, away from urban distraction, away from the frustrations I feel whenever I find myself caught in a traffic jam going to my office in Encino, California in the morning.

Below is a picture I took while on a bridge which crosses over the still waters of a lake in the City of Mammoth Lake on October 19, 2015.


You too can personally experience a momentous wonderment while looking at mountains and trees reflected in the still water while looking at the still lake while you are looking out from a perch on this bridge to the horizon.

When I took the above photo, yesterday (October 19, 2015), it was a clear day, the visibility was about 20 miles.

A few days before I took the following two pictures of sky, clouds and mountain reflected in the still waters of a pond in another part of the Eastern Sierra.



The sky and clouds in the sky you see in the above photos are reflected in still waters of a pond in that peaceful place.

The change of color of leaves in the fall color season goes on and on and on in the Eastern Sierra.

The trees peak in color change at different times depending on the elevation.

The Eastern Sierra has varied elevations – from approximately 5,000 to 10,000 feet.

The intensity of a leaf’s color is determined by the air’s temperature and moisture and amount of daylight.

The trees peak in color at different times.

I was truly be at one with nature during the change of color of the leaves of trees while l was in the Eastern Sierra for a long weekend, October 16 through October 19, 2015.

By the way, the High Sierra is rated No. 2 for Fall Colors in the U.S.A.

The Nature of Being Human and How to Succeed in the Dynamic Human Marketplace (Part Two – Why Do We Do Anything? and the Sexual Strategies Women Pursue) – by Gary S. Smolker

For readers’ convenience the material which follows is a portion (approximately 1/7th) of a combination book report and movie review previously published/posted on this blog.

That entire article/post can be found at, posted on August 2, 2015.

Why Do We Do Anything?

According to Steven Quartz and Anette Asp (the authors of “Cool”) our brain has three behavior control systems:

  1. A survival oriented behavior control system
  2. A habit oriented behavior control system, and
  3. A goal oriented behavior control system.

Until I read “Cool”, I didn’t realize that evolution had rigged my brain to be biased to instant gratification; or that when there is a conflict between my brain’s survival instinct (survival behavior control system) with my brain’s goal oriented behavior control system my brain’s survival control system (seeking instant gratification) wins.

That explains how the survival behavior control system in our brain results in many of us becoming overweight – Most of us prefer sweet deserts over celery stalks (because of our survival control system), because our brain justifies a second trip to the desert bar by taking note of the possibility of a famine in the future.Most of us  do not consciously realize that is the reason we prefer sweet deserts over celery stalks.

Grocery Cart Choice Architecture

According to Quartz and Asp: Two-thirds of the items in the typical shopper’s cart aren’t planned purchases.

There is a biological logic to that phenomena.

Unplanned purchases appear in the typical shopper’s cart because the human brain is a computational system which tells us for the purpose of survival it is more important to eat things with a lot of calories “while the getting is good” than to put off eating them for another time.

The sweet and fatty goods we reflexively put in our grocery cart taste good because evolution has shaped our brain to align our eating preferences with the evolutionary beneficial goal of survival by making us want to eat sweet and fatty foods.

That is why our “taste” for sweet foods and fatty foods has such a strong sway over us.

Take away:

  1. The reason why you consume sweet and fatty foods is that you have an evolutionary driven biological instinct to survive.
  2. The survival control behavior system in your brain thinks eating sweets and fatty foods will increase your chance of survival.

BEWARE: Although “fat” is the “metabolic dollar in the bank” stored for future energy needs, crucial for survival during times of food storage, the fat you eat will be the fat you will wear no matter the source.

“Good fat” like olive oil is no more attractively worn around a person’s waistline than “bad fat” from lard.

Impulse Buying

In “Cool”, Quartz and Asp explain:

  1. We buy items in a grocery store on impulse that will increase our pleasure short-term  (which is a survival oriented behavior) even if doing so will decrease our chances of meeting long-term goals.
  2. Our brain prefers “survival” (instant gratification) over long-term goals.

The physical presence of a good (such as a bag of potato chips or Cheetos) triggers programmed responses, such as the impulse to reach for the bag of potato chips or Cheetos  automatically.

Reaching for a bag of potato chips or Cheetos is the result of a survival process that launches motor behaviors to contact the bags of potato chips and Cheetos.

The Shopping Cart of Dieters

According to Quartz and Asp: “A striking example of this can be found in the shopping carts of dieters, which are likely to be filed with more calorically dense items and fewer fruits and vegetables than those of non-dieters – the very food choices that sabotage diets.  Here’s what’s happened: The dieter’s hypothalamus senses a caloric deficit.  That can only mean one thing: ‘You are starving!’ The right course of action is to adjust the Survival  value system, upping the value of calorically dense foods while lowering the value of calorically sparse foods.  These altered values create cravings for foods such as potato chips, bread, pies, ice cream, and other calorie-rich fare.  Without being aware of what the hypothalamus is up to, the dieter finds a cart full of the wrong foods.”


After I read the above quote in “Cool” I asked a friend of mine who is a exercise physiologist if the above quote made sense to her.

In reply, she told me:  ”

  • “Right after the Northridge Earthquake I had an irrepressible and irresistible urge to eat Hostess Cupcakes and Hostess Twinkies.
  • “I hadn’t eaten Hostess cupcakes or Hostess Twinkies or thought of eating them in over twenty years.
  • “But, after the earthquake, I realized I could die at any moment and with that in mind I went out and got myself lots of Hostess cupcakes and Twinkies and ate all of them.
  • “I have not eaten Hostess cupcakes or Hostess Twinkies since them.
  • “I hadn’t thought of them since then, until You [I] asked if that quote made sense.

Sex and Sexual Strategies Women Pursue

According to Quartz and Asp: Two forms of behavior are intimately connected to survival (our own and that of our genes): food and sex.

In “Cool”, Quartz and Asp ask: Why would a shrewd politician risk a successful career for a brief tryst?

They provide the following explanation: 

‘While we are not enslaved by our Survival system, its pull is strong and its myopia great, and we inevitably fall back into Survival patterns despite concerted efforts to avoid them.”

According to Quartz and Asp a human being’s survival instinct, biology and evolution has shaped human (men’s and woman’s) sexual activities and strategies.

Women choose men with a certain type of face (a rugged face) as a one night stand sexual partner and a woman’s evaluation of male job applicants is controlled by the type of face a man has and where that woman is in her cycle.

Female preferences for male faces are not fixed but fluctuate across a woman’s cycle and according to their own relationship status

Women’s preferences shift towards the more masculine (rugged faces) when they are in the follicular phase of their cycle, when conception is most likely.

This shift in preferences towards more-masculine faces also coincides with the frequency of short-term mating and extra-partner affairs.  Sexual affairs are 2.5 times more likely when a woman is ovulating.

What women wear to attract men’s sexual attention (how much skin they show and how tight their clothes are) shifts according to where a woman is in her cycle.

Women going to a club during this phase wear shorter skirts and show more skin than they doing during other parts of their cycle.  Women are three times more likely to wear pink or red when they are ovulating.

When presented with photographs of women taken across their cycle, independent judges are able to reliably identify when a woman is ovulating based on assessing when the women are trying to look most attractive.

According to Quartz and Asp:

These shifts in how women evaluate male faces impact more than just mating strategies.  In one study, women were given resumes of various male job applicants that included the man’s picture (the faces had independently been rated in terms of masculinity).  They were asked to assign the candidates to various job positions, which differed in terms of salary, perks, office size, and so on.  The assigned positions shifted across the women’s cycle.  In particular, they assigned more high-status positions to highly masculine faces when they were near ovulation or ovulating.

In “Cool” the authors  ask you to imagine looking at the faces of Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic and Daniel Craig in his role as James Bond.  Or, if you prefer, to think of Orlando Bloom and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Craig and Schwarzenegger have much more masculine rugged faces than do DiCaprio and Bloom.

In “Cool” the authors then tell you

  • which “kind of face” people typically think is more trustworthy,
  • which face type heterosexual women typically judge (cuter vs. rugged) as being better potential long term partners and/or to be a better potential short-term hookups,
  • what women want sexually and how they behave sexually during different times in their cycle.

According to the authors, “… what we look for in a partner[‘s face] depends on the kind of relationship we are after, and especially the duration.”


The casting director of “Trainwreck” deserves to receive an academy award for casting men with the face types the authors of “Cool” tell us women are likely to pick for short-term hookups as the actors to play the parts of the men with whom the star of this movie (a younger sister) has short-term hookups.

In the opening scene of “Trainwreck”, a father asks his two very young daughters to repeat after him: “Monogamy doesn’t work.”

The rest of the movie is about the youngest daughter’s “sex life.”

This movie makes fun of traditional concepts of the relationship of men with women and of women with men.

In “Trainwreck” the main character is a younger sister who is an aggressive sex driven woman — she has one-night-stand-sex with many different men throughout the movie.

Eventually, the main character (the younger sister) falls in love with a man who has the face type the authors of “Cool” tell us women judge to be a better potential long term partner.

Copyright © 2015 Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved


The Nature of Being Human and How to Succeed in the Dynamic Human Marketplace (Part One – Human Nature; Can and Should Women Have Sex Like A Man?; Economic Life and, Social Image) – by Gary S. Smolker

For the readers convenience the material which follows is a portion (approximately 1/7th) of a combination book report and movie review previously published/posted on this blog.

That entire article can be found at, posted on August 2, 2015.


The book “Cool” and the movie “Trainwreck” are about the same topics: human nature, human tendencies, human motivations, why we think the way we do, why we do what we do, why things happen to us they way they do and the forces causing  society to be visibly changing in front of our eyes.

Among other things, “Cool” is about money, power, sex, instant gratification, relationships, food, diets, dieting, dieters, vanity, why we consume what we consume, what our pattern of consumption reveals and conveys about ourselves, the dramatic changes in society that have occurred in the past thirty years including the sex life of women, dramatic changes in the status of women, the dramatic changes in women’s participation in society, the evolving status, the self-image women have of themselves and what a man should do to if he wants to get the favorable attention of a woman.

The story told in the movie “Trainwreck” illustrates many of the points made in the book “Cool” and vice versa.

“Cool” is a must read for anyone who wants to understand the nature of being human or who seeks guidance on how to succeed in the dynamic human marketplace.

Any one who wants to sell anything to younger people should read “Cool.”

The authors of “Cool” discuss how young people decide what to buy.

The authors of “Cool” report:

  • “Today, young people believe that their musical taste is the best indicator of their identity…” 
  • There is a deep consensus among young people about what various kinds of music reveal about fans’ personalities, values, ethics and even social class.
  • The authors of “Cool” point out there are about 25 million songs for sale today and more than one thousand distinct musical genres.
  • Just before the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee of the United States Senate held hearings on offensive content in records in response to Tipper Gore’s campaign and proposal to have music rating labels, requiring albums bearing warnings to be be placed under store counters, forbidding  such works to be broadcast, and asking music companies to reassess their contracts with musicians who produced explicit music (rating categories to be based on sex, masturbation, violence, the occult, and drug and alcohol use content), none other than Donny Osmond made the point on Nightline that a sticker would make an album cool and kids would want it that much more.  He even said he might have to add some suggestive lyrics to his own songs to avoid a dreaded G rating that would doom sales.
  • Madonna, whose album in 1984 Like A Virgin sealed her global recognition has gone on to become the best selling solo artist of all times, to appear on Time’s 2010 list of “The 25 Most Powerful Women of the Past Century, and was the highest-paid musician of 2013, earning $125 million.
  • Even as early as her 1984 “Like A Virgin” performance, Madonna parodied the social commodification and fetishizing of female virginity.

Can and Should A Woman Have Sex Like A Man?

“Cool” contains a very interesting discussion of sex therapist Ian Kerner’s 2009  article titled “Can You (and Should You) Have Sex Like a Man?”:

Writing on “Today’s” health blog, he warned that the female orgasm releases oxytocin, a hormone that predisposes women to attachment, and when attachment is not forthcoming ‘orgasm becomes a regretful reminder of the hollowness of the sex that preceded it.’

Suggesting an even worse picture of the dire emotional consequences of casual sex, the University of Southern California professor Ruth White adds that while a woman’s brain releases oxytocin, men’s brain release testosterone, which ‘drives them off  to find some other women with whom to spread their biological material.’

Quartz and Asp point out that the authors (Kerner and White) get the biological facts wrong.  They leave out the fact that male orgasm likewise releases oxytocin – indeed oxytocin appears to play a central role in male monogamy.

They also point to a study which reported that men and women college students report identical rates of casual sex, and that women were not more motivated by the thought that hookups might result in long-term relationships, indicating casual sex has equal appeal for both sexes.  They found no negative effects on well-being.

The movie “Trainwreck” takes the path cut by Madonna in “Like A Virgin” one step further by showing what would happen if women were able to turn-the-tables on men in their sexual relationships with men.

By the way, in the United States, the last forty years have seen the most dramatic and most rapid transformation of gender relations in the United State’s history.

The movie “Trainwreck” takes the path cut by Madonna in “Like A Virgin” one step further by showing what would happen if women were able to turn-the-tables on men in their sexual relationships with men.



The authors of “Cool”  (Steven Quartz and Anette) discuss what they found from studying brain activity scans.

They also talk about biological and evolutionary forces that cause us to do what we do.

They talk about food – why we eat what we eat; they talk about dieting – why and how the human brain works against dieting.

In addition to talking about food, they talk about sex, they talk directly about how women choose their sexual partners, how women evaluate men.

They also talk about personal, cultural, and group identities and why those identities are so important to us.

They talk about having street creed and securing the trust of other people.

They talk about how the three “identities” (our personal identity, group identity and cultural identity) impact our behavior, including what we buy and sell and how we act.

They talk about what our actions signal to others.

They talk about status (swagger and star presence), social identity, and social norms.

They talk about why social hierarchies exist.

They discuss how your pattern of consumption conveys who you are to yourself and to others.

They discuss how and why material objects are symbols with meanings that communicate values, identities, aspirations and even fears.

They even discuss Margaret Thatcher’s remark that there is no such thing as society.

They tie all of the above to (a) what we consume, (b) why we consume what we consume, (c) how we interact with (i) other people, (ii) society, and (iii) the world we live in.

They also discuss the “real reason” people work.

Economic Life and Social Image

According to Quartz and Asp our economic life isn’t about just the bare necessities.

If it were, we’d stop working as soon as we had food and shelter – just like every other animal.

According to Quartz and Asp after people obtain bare necessities what people really work to obtain is recognition from others – to be viewed favorably.

Why does that happen?

According to Quartz and Asp:

  1. Human beings are social animals.
  2. Your brain keeps track of your social image – your perception of how other people evaluate you.
  3. It’s doing it all the time, usually outside your awareness.
  4. You and me and all other human beings are exquisitely sensitive to the approval and disapproval of others.
  5. When you see a product your brain computes how much it will likely enhance or hurt your social image.

TAKE AWAY: In an economy of abundance people invest great personal meaning in their purchasing decisions.

I don’t know to what degree people invest a great personal meaning in their purchasing decisions.

Many people don’t have time to go shopping, they are too busy working and/or they have to struggle to pay for and sometimes can not pay for their bare necessities.

I expect whether or not people invest great personal meaning in their purchasing decisions depends upon a person’s personal situation and personality, including their age, their health, their maturity, their wealth, the groups they belong to (if any), their success in whatever they are doing, their self-esteem, their education, their experience, their job, their satisfaction with whom they are, etc.

Brain Based Quest for Esteem

Quartz and Asp are convinced we have a brain based quest for esteem.

Status seeking is not artificial.

Status seeking is not imposed by an unjust and crass society.

Status seeking is a natural element of being human.

Products Have a Social Life

According to Quart’s and Asp’s point of view, products are valued for their imaged effect on social image.

The impact of products on social identity (personal identity, group identity and cultural identity) is discussed in the following sections titled “There’s A Big Symbolic Difference Between Riding A Harley and Riding A Ducati,” “Our Social Life Is Rife with Displays of Our Value As A Social Partner,” “Communication Involves More Than The Words You Speak”,  “Car Culture and Social Identity”, “What Is Your Favorite Book?” and “Signaling Your Social Identity to Others.”

Copyright © 2015 by Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved


Masculinity, Donald Trump, Cultural Cachet, Cultural Biology, Freedom of Speech, Vigorous Political Debate, Automaton Feminized Political Candidates, the Feminization & Neutering of the American Male, the Proposed Iran Nuclear Deal and Why Trump is Winning- by Gary S. Smolker

The Great King David was an extraordinary warrior, an accomplished musician, a skilled author, a man of great wisdom, and a dutiful Sheppard over his father’s flocks.

He was also courageous, passionate and flawed.

Few men in the Bible are as recognized for their manly qualities as he.

As he lay dying, he called his son Solomon to his bedside and gave him final instructions: “I am about to go the way of all the earth.  So be strong and show yourself a man.”

Feminized American Male Political Candidates and Politicians vs. The Pistol Packing Face Slapping Tough Guy From An Old Movie Political Candidate

The United States is at a decisive moment.

The American public is fed up listening to male political candidates who come across as feminized politically correct whimps and robots.

The majority of the American public is fed up with American political candidates who appear to be professional handholders and toadies.

The majority of the American public is fed up with politicians who act like, speak like and walk like a sheep.

The majority of the American public is fed up with politicians who project “a member of the flock” personality .

When robot politicians speak, the public readily feels their lack of authenticity and their smugness and shallowness.

Donald Trump is not one of the unmanly men seeking to become president of the United Sates.

Donald Trump is given to bold talk, bolder strategies, and has an authentic confrontational style.

His confrontational style ranges from brusque to insulting.

On top of that:

  1. Donald Trump is disdainful and hostile towards the status quo.
  2. His “in-your-face” style, take-no-prisoner-tactics and reputation engender strong feelings.
  3. He loves to come on as gangbusters.
  4. People get the feeling that Donald Trump is cut from a different cloth than other politicians; they get the feeling he is cut from the same plain course, ordinary cloth that they are cut from.
  5. “Hostile” people see themselves when they listen to him speak out against the status quo.
  6. Donald Trump is very effective and very successful in relating to people fed up with the status quo.
  7. Other people don’t like anything about Donald Trump but enjoy listening to him and like what he is saying.
  8. Donald Trump’s take-no-prisoners tactics are very appealing to many people.
  9. Many people believe rules and regulations promulgated by the government and the government’s management of many aspects of everyone’s lives has gone too far – the government and its rules regulations and policies desperately need to be cleaned up and cleared out and that Donald Trump is just the bulldozer for the job.

Cultural Biology

Americans, and people all over the world, are raised on a cultural diet of movies portraying manly heroes, i.e. Selma, Mandela – the Long Walk to Freedom, and American Sniper.

The men in those movies were not whimps.

The heroes in Selma and Mandela- the Long Walk to Freedom were hostile and outspoken against the status quo.

The Rebel Instinct

We all have a rebel instinct that makes us instinctively resent being subordinated.

Why Trump Is Winning [updated on August 30, 2015]

Donald Trump has made himself impossible to look away from; everyone wants to know what Donald Trump will say next and Donald Trump’s fans are legion.

GOP Aristocrats have made it clear that Donald Trump is too hot for them (leaders of the Republican Party) and for the Republican party itself, to handle.

That thrills the rebel instinct in everyone who is not a GOP Aristocrat.

Donald Trump talks about things that are on everybody’s mind either before he talking about such things or after he starts talking.

Donald Trump promotes himself and has cleverly undermined his competition, i.e.

  • by saying Jeb Bush is low energy;
  • by saying all the other candidates are puppets controlled by major donors to their campaigns;
  • by saying he is not beholden to anybody because he is not accepting major donations from major contributors;
  • by saying he is against political correctness;
  • by saying Washington doesn’t work because politicians are (incompetent) don’t know how to get anything of consequence in the real world done.

Donald Trump is in touch with the populist economic and political logic deeply ingrained in the American people and the everyday frustrations of average Americans and the hidden currents of American culture.

People understand what Donald Trump says and care about the things he talks about.

Donald Trump knows what people want.

People want what Donald Trump says he will deliver, “Make America Great Again.”

It is obvious that Donald Trump is a high energy person.

During his campaign Donald Trump has struck a posture of being uncompromising fuck-the-world of business as usual in politics who gets things done in the real world.

Donald Trump has completely out-maneuvered his competition.

Compared to his competition, Donald Trump is always thinking three steps ahead.

This is very appealing to many people.

The Liminal Contours of Human Perception

The human ear does not act as a microphone.

Instead it is an adaptive organ which natural selection has determined should (1) hear and interpret language and (2) provide an early warning system against enormous carnivorous cats.  It is only as good as it needs to be to achieve those goals and no better.

The strongest human instinct is to survive.

Americans do have brains and use their brains.

Their brains have neurons.

Neurons are the basic building blocks of the brain.

Mirror neurons cause humans to “experience” what they are seeing.

For example, if someone who agrees with what Donald Trump is saying or admires Donald Trump for speaking out in plain English in a “manly fashion” when watching/hearing Donald Trump “slay holy cows”  right and left that person will likely (if their mirror neurons are activated and firing) imagine themselves saying it.

Donald Trump appears to have no “off-switch.”

Donald Trump appears to be having a great time, doing “battle” with anyone who gets in his way.

Unlike other candidates Donald Trump does not a “flip-flop” and doesn’t seem to mind insulting other people.

He appears to relish his pugnacious take no prisoners reputation.

People imagine they are like Donald Trump when Donald Trump talks straight and acts tough.

Think of what you experience when you look at a person eating an apple – if you are like many other people you will be able to taste a little bit of that apple in your own mouth.

Mirror neurons cause most people watching other people having sexual intercourse to experience the same pleasure.

That is why Donald Trump is currently leading the polls of Republican candidates for President.

Donald Trump Gives People Pleasure

Watching other people have sexual intercourse on film (pornography) gives many people pleasure.

So much so that pornography is responsible for about thirty percent of the content on the Internet.

In the United States, pornography is about a $15 billion a year business.

I assume Donald Trump’s popularity as a political candidate is the result of the same mirror neuron effect that directly causes so many people to enjoy watching pornography.

Watching Donald Trump campaign for the Republican Party candidate to be the next president of the United States is the best entertainment on TV.

Donald Trump is giving all of us a masterful class in effective communications.

Anger in the United States

Lots of people in the United States, not only Republicans, are angry about many things.

They feel helpless.

They are hostile to the status quo.

For example, many parents, grandparents (including myself) and teachers are mad that standardized testing and rote memory have taken over our public schools.

Below is a copy of part of a note I sent my eldest daughter several minutes ago:

The world of standardized testing and rote memorization has taken over our schools.  Teachers are hamstrung by the battery of No. 2 pencil test and the requirement that they have every student “pass” forced on them.

As a result students are no longer “taught” how to write cursive.  Instead, they are forced to memorize facts.

The most intelligent kids are bored to death.

Smart kids spend their time in the typical public school being prepared to be drone workers. 

The smart kids are not being engaged in learning, they are not having their curiosity stimulated, they are not being exposed to things that will make them “wonder.”

They are being turned off by school instead of having their enormous founts of intellectual energy unlocked.

Smart kids are not being taught to take the risk of being alive.

Only people who take the risks of being alive – who take the risk of failing – cause great things to happen.

The idea that everyone is a winner is ridiculous.

There is such a thing as post trauma success syndrome:

  1. People who fail learn from their mistakes which makes them a better person.
  2. People who fail increase their tolerance for failure which enables them to take the risks that make new and better things happen. 

If everyone is tricked into thinking they are a winner they will never have their tolerance for failure increased.

The idea that it is more important to “help” the special needs child than the gifted child is also ridiculous.

Our public school systems

  1. Are destructive of our kid’s curiosity;
  2. Do not support opportunity for our children to wonder;
  3. Do not introduce kids to things to wonder about, or increase our kids capacity to wonder. 

By destroying our kids innate capacity for wonder our school systems are destroying the possibility for bright future; “wonder” is the most pregnant human facility for in it are born our art, our science and our religion.

I agree with Neil Armstrong’s statement: “Mystery creates wonder and wonder is the basis of man’s desire to understand.” – Neil Armstrong.

Unless our schools make our kids think, make our kids “wonder”, and introduce our kids to “mysteries” that make our kids think up questions they want to find answers to we are in big trouble.

Donald Trump definitely makes people wonder.

Additionally, Donald Trump makes people feel they are speaking out when he speaks out.

While Donald Trump is addressing facts and issues and things which some people agree with that piss other people off the people who agree with Donald Trump vicariously feel like they are doing that too.

The more some people criticize Donald Trump for being “a bad boy,” the more other people like him and the more “free publicity” he gets.

Donald Trump’s Well Deserved Notoriety and the Early Rolling Stones’ Publicity Campaigns

Many people think Donald Trump is a moron.  He is not a moron.

Donald Trump’s current “thumb in your eye bad boy campaign” to be the Republican candidate for president of the United States mirrors the early (1963) public relations campaigns and crusade to obtain publicity followed by the Rolling Stones before they were well known.

To many, Donald Trump is as mesmerizing as Mick Jagger.

By the way, Mick Jagger and Donald Trump are both a genius, both are a quick study who has successfully climbed a steep learning curve.

Arousing People

GETTING BACK TO WHAT CAUSES PLEASURE: Neuroscientists have determined that it is not merely the suggestion of sex shown in movies/pictures/images that arouses people.

A section of a person’s brain that provides the intense pleasure associated with having sex is “tricked” into believing he or she is having sex in the moment they watch other people having sexual intercourse.

Our mirror neurons fire [are activated] just as easily when we see an action on a screen as when we see it in real life.

We most positively react [via the firing of our mirror neurons] to people doing what we would like to be doing.

We positively react to people who are acting the way we think people should act.

We relate most positively to people we sense would understand and relate to us, to people we think will protect us.

That is the reason Donald Trump is surging ahead in the polls.

Unflagging Energy

Both Mick Jagger and Donald Trump have unflagging energy.

They are extraordinarily mesmerizing and aggressive.

They both have high energy and real world understanding of people.

They take everything to the next level.

They don’t play nice mannered music.

They are slyly subversive and massively appealing.

They have turned the “fame equation” on its head by becoming famous by not sitting up straight, by not behaving themselves and by not being nice.

They know exactly the impact they will have on other people.

In Donald Trump’s case he may be more famous for being infamous – his thumb in the eye political campaign – than for anything else.

They know exactly what they are doing – creating a buzz around them.

They both purposefully became famous by intentionally making you feel like they were putting their “thumbs in your eyes.”

They are a testament to the power of male self-confidence.

Donald the Bulldozer Trump stands out in the politically correct feminized world those of us living in the United States are currently living in.


Feminism and political correctness have emasculated (neutered) men.

Manhood is suffering today.

To be a man you have to do man things.

Many people are asking these days, “Where are all the real men?”

Call to Action

This Is A Wake Up Call:  America needs more real men because nothing great will ever be achieved without great men.

“Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small ones.” – Theodore Roosevelt

“A woman simply is, but a man must become.  Masculinity is risky and elusive…and it is confirmed only by other men.”  – Camile Paglia

“Masculinity is not something given to you, but something you gain.  And you gain it by winning small battles with honor.”  – Norman Mailer

“Show me the man you honor, and I will know what kind of man you are, for it shows me what your ideal of manhood is and what kind of man you long to be.”  – Thomas Carlyle

“Nothing great will ever be achieved without great men, and men are great only if they are determined to be so.  For glory gives herself only to those who have always dreamed of her.”  – Charles de Gaulle

Thought for the Day

“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” – Mark Twain

When U.S. President Obama and U.S. Presidential Political Candidate Hilary Clinton and the establishment of Republican political candidates criticize Hucklebee (spelling ?) for saying the proposed Iran Nuclear Deal is leading Israel to the oven — by saying ‘there is no place for rhetoric like that in politics’ — and no one stands up to defend Hucklebe’s right and ‘duty’ and ‘responsibility’ as a responsible citizen and political candidate to say that — its time for the rest of us to PUKE and to kiss our asses good bye.

You either believe in “free speech” or you don’t.

You either believe in vigorous political debate or your don’t.

If Hucklebe’s critics are the people who are going to lead the United States in the future we are in big trouble.

Hilary and Obama, wake up, context is everything, there is a time and a place for everything.  You don’t pass the “smell test.”

There are many reasons to vote for Trump and many reasons not to vote for Trump.

There are many reasons to vote for Hilary and many reasons not to vote for Hilary.

In the last analysis who you vote for depends entirely upon your imagination.

My Predictions

  1. Neither Hillary Clinton, nor Barack Obama, nor the Republican establishment will be able to neuter former Arkansas governor Huckabee or Donald Trump.
  2. Hopefully the former Arkansas governor will never be incorporated into a New York Times crossword puzzle, because if he were 50 thousand man hours will be lost to employers the following morning due to the tremendous amount of time  crossword puzzle solvers will spend trying to figure out how to spell Huckabee’s (spelling?) name .

Gary S. Smolker




Copyright © 2015 Gary S. Smolker