

The above photo is a picture of my friend Jason Fane with Les Steiner at Jason’s New Year’s Eve Party on December 31, 2015 at Jason’s apartment on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.


The above photograph is a photograph of a section on a twelve foot high sculpture that was mounted above the fireplace in my condominium in Playa del Rey, California.


The above photograph is a photograph of a note attached to a pair of socks a friend gave me.  The note states, Life is too short to live a life with only black and white socks.  That note is on a shelf in one of the nine bookcases in my apartment in Sherman Oaks/Van Nuys, California.


The above photograph is a photograph of tulips in a flower pot on top of one of the bookcases in the living room of my apartment in Sherman Oaks/Van Nuys, California.  The books on the shelf in the bookcase below the tulips are: “Born to Run” by Christopher McDougall, “Natural Born Heroes” by Christopher McDougall, “Eye of the Beholder” by Laura J. Snyder, “Soul of the Age”, by Jonathan Bate, “The Age of Insight” by Eric R. Kandel, “The House of Wisdom” by Jim Al-Khalili, “Mansfield’s Book of Manly Men” by Stephen Mansfield, “Why A Man Should Be Well-Dressed” by Adolf Loos, “The Book of Symbols – Reflections on Archetypal Images” by Editor-in-Chief Ami Ronnberg and Editor Kathleen Martin culled from a collection of 17,000 photographic images of the Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism, “Mona Lisa to Marge – How the World’s Greatest Artworks Entered Popular Culture” by Francesca Bonazzoli and Michele Robecchi, and “An Empire of their Own – How the Jews Invented Hollywood” by Neal Gabler.


The above photograph is a photograph of me enjoying Baklava and Turkish Coffee at a Bosnian Cafe in West Los Angeles, California.


The above photograph is a photograph of a sign in Lady Chocolatt, a cafe in West Los Angeles, California.



I am a very curious person.

I invite you to benefit from my curiosity by reading this blog.

I am guided by the following statements in selecting what to share with you in this blog.

  • “We see nothing truly till we understand it.” – John Constable
  • “In the field of observation, chance favors only the prepared mind.” – Louis Pasteur
  • “To understand anything you have to look at it from many vantage points, seeing all its contradictory points. – Samuel Johnson
  • “Only someone who is well prepared has the opportunity to improvise.” – Ingmar Bergman
  • “Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart….Who looks inside awakens.” – Carl Jung
  • “It is the responsibility of writers to give a just and lively image of human nature.  It is the responsibility of grown-ups to learn how life is lived in worlds distant from their own.” – Steven Pinker
  • “If you don’t know anyone who disagrees with you – that is a measure of how far out of touch you have become with the real world.  You don’t understand your own isolation and insularity.” – Gary Smolker

In  “The Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog”, I report on how the world is transforming around us and our reactions to that transformation.

I also discuss and report on people have transformed the world, on movies, on ideas that have transformed the world, on current opinions, current information, current events, the relentless pursuit if new information and changing new discoveries into useful information and on places, persons and experiences I think are worth learning about.

The purpose of my blog is to foster thought, stimulate imagination, provide information, provide ideas, and to encourage discussion of the complex and challenging issues facing people.

Reading my blog out to expand people’s minds, broaden their horizons and take people out of the everyday.

QUESTION: What are the character traits of the people for whom this blog is published?

This blog is published for people, like myself, who want to be more self-aware, be more knowledgeable, want to understand how and why the world is transforming around us and also want to exchange ideas and information.

This blog is written for people who are focused on doing things, who have a tremendous amount of follow-through, know how to sell a story and are creative in making things happen and closing deals.

Such people are always curious, always learning something new, are comfortable with becoming a new person, are constantly reinventing themselves, are open to learning and are constantly seeking to learn more; they want new things to think about and want to become more and better informed.

They understand there are advantages and disadvantages in everything we do, that everything involves a trade-off.

Photo on 8-26-15 at 4.06 AM

Above and below are photographs of me taken at 4:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 26, 2015 in my living room.

I was at work while it was completely dark outside.

Photo on 8-26-15 at 4.08 AM

I love movies.

On the wall behind me in my living room are posters for  three movies: KILL BILL, PINEAPPLE EXPRESS, SPIDER MAN.

I also try to figure out and think about the message the people who have made a film are trying to get across to the people who watch their film.

I like to watch film that are about real issues.

I love to read books that shed light on real issues.

I like to think about and discover the “reason” behind real issues.

I want to understand human behavior.

I watch movies and read books to help me better understand human nature.

I want to have a constant pulse on what is going on.

I am whole heartedly focused on personal growth.

Below is a photograph of a pair of socks on a shelf in one of the nine bookcases in my home library.

The handwritten note on the sock states: Life is too short to live a life with only black and white socks.

I totally subscribe to that sentiment, all agree whole-heartedly with that statement.


I want to know if other people think about things the same way I do.

If they don’t think the way I do about something, I want to understand why.

I realize it is one thing to discover the facts. It is another thing to understand the facts.

I publish this blog to raise my own consciousness, to raise other people’s consciousness and to engage in a reciprocal process of sharing information worth sharing.

Wherever you are in the world, you are invited to correspond directly with me by email.

My email address is gsmolker@aol.com.

  • [A] If you are interested in better understanding the course and paths of social, political and economic events that are shaping the business, political, legal and social environment this blog is published for you.

  • [B] If you want to make an impact on the world by sharing your experiences, by being inspirational and by advancing civilization this blog is published for you.

  • [C] If you want to know how other people think and why other people think the way they do this blog is published for you.

  • [D] If you desire to be exposed to other people’s thinking, ideas, perspectives, opinions, this blog is published for you.

  • [E] If you desire to be exposed to other people’s real life experiences this blog is published for you.

  1. I want to be engaged in an intense conversation with people (a) who are animated with a sense of fun and the anticipation of discovery, (b) who have an insatiably curious approach to life and an unrelenting quest for continuous learning, (c) who are committed to test knowledge through experience. and (e) are willing to learn from mistakes.
  2. I spend a considerable amount of time engaged in intense conversation with people who recognize and appreciate the interconnection of all things and phenomena.

Past Posts on This Blog

  1. Previous posts contain reviews and comments on popular movies such as Django Unchained, Lincoln, 12 Years A Slave, The Butler, Mandela – Long Walk to Freedom, Belle, The Reluctant Fundamentalist, Midnight’s Children, This Is My Land, Hannah Arendt, Can A Song Save Your Life?, Argo, Silver Linings Playbook, The Book Thief, Dallas Buyers Club, American Hustle, Black and White, A Little Chaos, The Theory of Everything, Ruth & Alex, The Great Beauty, Top Five, Pawn Sacrifice, Interstellar, The Judge, Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks, The Imitation Game, Woman in Gold, Trainwreck, Our Brand is Crisis, Being AP, He Named Me Malala, Where to Invade Next, In the Shadow of Women, The Intern,Whiskey Tango Fox Trot.

  2. Previous posts discuss world famous chefs and businessmen such as Grant Achatz and Isadore Sharp and how they got to be the “best” at what they do.

  3. Previous posts (a) discuss how to judge the quality and distinction of a film, (b) report on the early work and debuting works by gifted new film directors, (c) discuss and highlight the work of established master film makers, and discuss political campaigns, politics, political candidates and political campaigning.

  4. Previous posts also discuss quintessential experiences I have had in New York City, in New Orleans, in Chicago, in Toronto, in Paris, in Prague, in London, Moscow, Vienna, Rome, Cairo, Alexandria, Istanbul, in the Eastern Sierra, in the Smoky Mountains and immediate environs, and in Eastern Washington/Palouse Washington and immediate environs.

  5. In previous posts I also discuss the history of chocolate, the properties of chocolate, where to get the best chocolate, caffeine, coffee and the best coffee shops in the world – the best coffee shops I have been to.

  6. In previous post also discuss interesting and breath taking things to see in Los Angeles and in other parts of the world.

  7. Below is a sign I saw posted in June Lake, California.

  8. IMG_1386
  9. Below is a sign I saw posted in Eastern Washington.

  10. IMG_8103
  11. Below is a picture of a sign I saw while I was sightseeing around Ouray, Colorado on October 1, 2016.
  12. img_0004
  13. Below is a picture of a sign I saw at the entrance to a Laser Light Show Trance Dance I attended on October 8, 2016 in Canoga Park, California.
  14. img_0104
  15. Previous posts discuss what I have learned through my own personal experience with respect to down to earth challenges such as (a) losing weight, (b) coping with the glut of available information regarding health and wellness, (c) dealing with standard practices of the medical profession, (d) changing diet and lifestyle instead of taking pills to prevent heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and cognitive impairment, (e) getting along with other people, (f) being in love, (g) what makes relationships work, (h) understanding how other people think, (i) understanding what makes other people tick, (j) learning through life experiences, (k) learning through talking to other people, and (l) learning  through reading.

  16. I share the best ideas I come across.

My Aspiration

  1. I seek to be part of the process by which great books, great films, new discoveries, information and great ideas expose people to useful valuable new ideas and ways of thinking.

My Philosophy:

People can share and augment each other’s understanding.

There is a communication in which intellectual compatibility turns into emotional fusion.

Life should be led with fun, passion, joy and a sense of style.

Ideas are the ultimate creator of wealth.

If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.

Happiness happens when your life is filled with projects that are meaningful to you, manageable, socially connected and involve a higher ratio of positive to negative emotions.

Everyone’s behavior is always based on a point of view.

We become what we love.




According to WordPress, in 2014 people in 108 different countries viewed the Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog.


New postings on this blog are posted irregularly.

Once a post is posted it is often revised.

It might take a long time (i.e. more than one month) for any post to become completely finished.

I post each post when I believe I have said enough about what I have written about but as time passes I often think of more I want to say and consequently I often update and/or revise each of my posts as time goes by.

Because I am not the kind of man who can stand still and be satisfied, and because I feel the need to keep building and improving, I often update and or revise each one of my posts after they have been originally posted on my blog.

I appreciate the following statement attributed to wine maker Ernest Gallo, “My first grade teacher told me I was the dumbest student she ever had.  She did me a favor.  If she had told me I was very smart, I wouldn’t have tried to improve.”

I also appreciate the following statement attributed to singer Lady Gaga, “When you make music or write or create, it’s really your job to have mind-blowing, irresponsible, condomless sex with whatever idea it is you’re writing about at the time.”

I also appreciate the following statement attributed to Twitter CEO Dick Costolo, “Managing by trying to be liked is the path to ruin.”

To See A Partial List of Prior Postings click on “Archives” and then click on the posting(s) you wish to read.

I need to update the archives in that there are now more than 100 posts on my blog.

Previous posts on my blog discuss and comment on ideas presented in non-fiction books such as Seth Godin’s “All Marketeers Are Liars”; Stan Slap’s “Bury My Heart in Conference Room B”; Peter Thiel’s “Zero to One”; Sheena Iyengar’s “The Art of Choosing”; Michael J. Gelb’s “How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci; Brian R. Little’s “Me, Myself, and Us”; Fred Davis’ “Fashion, Culture and Identity”; Debra N. Mancoff’s “Fashion Muse – The Inspiration Behind Iconic Design”, Harold Evans’ “They Made America”; General Stanley McChrystal’s “My Share of the Task, A Memoir”;  Jose Ortega y Gasset’s “The Dehumanization of Art”;  Malcolm Gladwell’s “Outliers – The Story of Success”; Ren Koolhaas’ “Delirious New York”; Donald L. Miller’s “Supreme City”; Jean Claude Gautrand’s “Paris ~ Portrait of a City”; David McCullough’s “The Greater Journey – Americans in Paris”, Joan DeJean’s “The Essence of Style – How the French Invented High Fashion, Fine Food, Chic Cafes, Style, Sophistication, and Glamour”; Anne Berest, Audrey Diwan, Caroline de Maigret and Sophie Mas’ “How to be Parisian Wherever You are; Paul Veyne’s “Bread and Circuses – Historical Sociology and Political Pluralism”, Fernand Braudel’s “Afterthoughs on Material Civilization and Capitalism”, Ping Fu’s “Bend, Not Break”; Tom Rath’s “Eat Move Sleep”; William Davis’ “Wheat Belly”; John McDougall’s “The Starch Solution”; David Perlmutter’s “Grain Brain”; Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.’s “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease”; Dean Ornish’s “the Spectrum”; Christopher McDougall’s “Born to Run”; John J. Ratye’s “Spark”; Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass”, Pierre Bourdieu’s “Distinction – A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste”, Jacques Barzun’s “The Culture We Deserve”, Elias Canetti’s “Crowds and Power”; Carroll Quigley’s “The Evolution of Civilizations”; Jon Meacham’s “American Lion”; Scott Anderson’s “Lawrence in Arabia”; Simon Sebag Montefiore’s “Jerusalem”,;Randy Pausch’s “The Last Lecture”; Kelly Williams Brown’s “Adulting – How To Become A Grown-Up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps”; Amelia Morris’ “Bon Appetempt – A Coming of Age Story (with Recipes!); Richard Louv’s “Last Child in the Woods”; Anne Sinclair’s “My Grandfather’s Gallery”; Dianna Vreeland’s “The Eye Has to Travel”; Debra N. Mancoff’s “Fashion Muse”; Eric Boman’s “Rare Bird of Fashion – The Irreverent Iris Apfel”; Mathew Pearl’s “The Last Bookaneer”; David Brooks’ “The Road to Character”; Annette Simmons’ “Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins”; Stephen Apkon’s “The Age of Image”; Francesca Bonazzoli and Michele Robecchi’s “Mona Lisa to Marge” “The Book of Symbols” edited by Ami Ronnberg and Kathleen Martin; “Cool” by Steven Quartz and Anette Asp; “Originals” by Adam Grant; “Sapiens” by Yuval Noah Harari; “From Silk to Silicon” by Jeffrey Garten; “Creativity, Inc.” by Ed Catmull; “Smarter, Faster, Better” by Charles Duhigg; “The Kingdom of Speech: by Tom Wolfe;. “The Gene – An Intimate History” by Siddhartha Mukherjee; “The Rise of the Rocket Girls” by Nathalia Holt.

Happy reading and best wishes,

Gary S. Smolker, Publisher of the Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog, http://www.garysmolker.wordpress.com

Copyright © 2014, 2015 and 2016 by Gary S. Smolker

  1. Good job Gary! I sent this to my daughter who is a Realtor in Ventura and to my architect friend here in Santa Barbara because I thought you covered the book “All Marketers Are Liars” extremely well and that they could get some great sales tips from your blog. I know I did!

    But, I don’t know how you find the time to do all the writing you do Gary. When do you eat, sleep or work?

    Thanks for your blog!

    Your pal,

  2. Hi Gary! I think this blog is refreshing all the way down to the jazzy uplifting music. Runway Magazine supports you and wish you the best of luck with it…:)

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  3. Hi Gary, You and Judi shared a table with us at a night club on Bourbon St. during your trip to NOLA. Then we ran into Judi in a cemetery and you on the street after you had bought your shirt to get into Commanders Palace. I’m from Boise ID and we talked about food here. You really should give it a try. I recommend Red Feather – it’s mostly local food and they even have a worm farm in the cellar where they recycle food and use the compost to grow more food. Both Melissa and I enjoyed talking with you and Judi. Hope you’re doing well. Fun travels….

    • Susan, Thank you for your comment. I think the reason New Orleans has so many great restaurants is because it has so many great restaurants. New Orleans is an example of the systemic effects of having productive creative people (such as chefs) and business enterprises (restaurants) in close proximity to one another. Great restaurants bring in tourists who want to eat at great restaurants which creates a bigger demand for great restaurants. The impact of productive peers is that everyone becomes more productive. Innovations spread from one person to another person across streets, and so on and so forth. It is a virtuous cycle. Judi and I enjoyed talking to you and Melissa and we are doing well. Gary

  4. Mike McGuinness

    Hi – might I suggest checking out the following books by Gary Taubes:
    1. “Good Calories, Bad Calories – Fats, Carbs and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health”
    2. “Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It”
    Since eliminating sugar insofar as possible (no milk – contains sucrose; no fruit – contains sugars) and limiting net carbs to 20/day, I essentially have eliminated my use of insulin (except when I “cheat” and eat Christmas cookies) and have not gained back the 40lbs I lost when changing my lifestyle two + years ago. Lipid profiles are fabulous and I mainly keep an eye on triglycerides (<50) at last check.
    Best to all…

    Mike McGuinness, CIH

    PS – I'm not sure that this is the proper place for this post relative to the diet thread Gary is reporting on…

  5. Hi Gary,
    Here’s a short version to a long answer about the state of farming in the USA. Some of what I’m saying here I will soon post on your Blog about the book report on The Omnivore’s Dilemma.
    The small one crop farmer isn’t making it, so one by one they are bought out by the corporations who take advantage of laws that were intended to help the small independent farmer. In previous centuries the farmer grew several crops at once while using agrarian principles and empirical knowledge that evolved over thousands of years, ie. letting the ground stay fallow every 7th year, so that the soil can be enriched by the absorption of the colloidal minerals that are transferred to the vegetables and fruits we eat. But when synthetic fertilizer was introduced in the 1920’s, farming dramatically changed. As Michael Pollan states in his book The Omnivore’s Dilemma, “Growing corn, which from a biological perspective had always been a process of capturing sunlight to turn in into food, has in no small measure become a process of converting fossil fuels into food.” The inventor of synthetic fertilizer, Fritz Haber, was awarded the Nobel Peace prize in 1920 for “improving the standards of agriculture and well being of mankind.” Synthetic fertilizer is made by combining nitrogen and hydrogen under intense heat and pressure in the presence of a catalyst. Huge amounts of electricity are needed and the hydrogen is supplied by oil, coal, or natural gas. As Pollan wrote “Liberated from the old biological constraints, the farm could now be managed on industrial principles, as a factory transforming inputs of raw material –chemical fertilizer–into outputs of corn.” Corn uses 50% of the synthetic fertilizer produced. The game of producing massive amounts of corn at the taxpayers expense was on. The underpinnings of BIG CORPORATE agriculture is the bottom line, where profits often supersedes the health of the people it serves. As the public became more aware of the depleted nutrients that we received from the vegetables and fruits we eat, the nutritional supplement business started to flourish in the 1990’s.
    The next ugly shift in the food we eat came in 1994 with the emergence of the Genetically Modified Organism (GMO). The promise of higher yield and crops engineered to be resistant to herbicides was met with resistance in over 60 countries, including all of the European Union, Japan, and Australia. But not the US. I would imagine that Big Business had their say in this acceptance. It should be of no surprise to see that Monsanto is buying up many of those small farms going under – the very same farms that were forced to buy Monsanto’s seeds every year (GMO corn doesn’t provide seeds, unlike natural corn) which put the farmer further into debt. The farmers were doomed like landed fish, it was just a matter of time before their farming days were over, and with it another brain drain on the proper way to farm. The Monopoly food game is rigged by giants such as Dupont and Monsanto, with of course, a complicit government. It’s alarming that there’s little public uproar when former VP and attorney for Monsanto, Michael Taylor was appointed Deputy Commissioner of Foods, a newly created job in the FDA. When there’s a conflict of interest, the public is the guinea pig.
    The tentacles of corn fan out deep into the fabric of the food industry. This includes the numerous corn based products, corn sweeteners, corn oil, starch,etc, used in processed foods and drinks. Corn has become the staple for the fast food beef industry. Corn sweetener is one of the main components in soft drinks like Coca Cola. So it’s easy to see how many businesses benefit from a low corn price, especially when the Government underwrites it with taxpayer money that subsidizes the farmer for his bumper crop of corn.
    The side effects of jumping with both feet into the GMO pool are starting to be noticed in the increased rate of miscarriages and gastrointestinal diseases. Corn is our #1 vegetable, so it should be the 1st place to look at when there’s a dramatic rise in a health problem. Will Michael Taylor turn over every stone to expose what is necessary for the public to know.
    In India, over 250,000 farmers have committed suicide because of Monsanto’s costly seeds and pesticides, not to mention the meager results that failed to meet the promises of Monsanto.
    The shift that went against the grain of common sense has begun. Can we turn it around? Maybe we can start by changing our buying habits.
    Since we are being treated like cattle eating from the same trough, it’s time to lift our heads up and ask the grocer what foods are GMO produced and stay away from them. Why not even ask the grocer why they don’t have a section in the produce section marked GMO or non GMO? Maybe, they’ll start listening if enough people mention that they are concerned about the health issues that GMO’s may contribute too.
    Stop eating FAST FOOD. It’s crap and we know it. But now their meat is corn fed beef, not grass fed. The rumen (stomach) of cattle is designed to process grass not corn, especially GMO corn.
    Keep you head up and make a difference.

  6. Stephen Bottfeld

    Hi Gary,

    Reading your blog reminded me that my own loss of 60 lbs over a 14 month period eliminated my sleep apnea, reduced my COPD to almost normallevels and led to the elimination of cancer in my kidney.

    People don’t seem to recognize the impact of excessive weight on diseases. They think diabetes and maybe heart problems. They don’t realize the impact excess weight has on ALL body functions and elements … and that includes brain activity as well!

    Keep on writing!!


    • And note all the over weight people consume lots of “diet” foods and drinks. these contain diuretics. diuretics effect the thyroid and cause weight gain because the thyroid controls metabolism.

      Effects of diuretics on thyroid function of guinea pigs.
      Chow SY, Tao PL.
      Uptake of radioiodide by the isolated thyroid and serum concentrations of thyroxine (T4) and tri-iodothyronine (T3) were determined in guinea pigs pretreated with ethacrynic acid (20 mg/kg), furosemide (40 mg/kg) or hydrochlorothiazide (40 mg/kg). It was found that both ethacrynic acid and furosemide suppressed the 131I uptake by the isolated thyroid tissues. In addition, thyroid weight and serum T3 concentration were lower in ethacrynic acid-treated animals. It seems that some diuretics, particularly ethacrynic acid, depressed the function of thyroidal follicular cells.

      Stop eating diet foods and drinks
      Drink more water and you will consume less real food.
      Hunger is really thirst. Drink water when you think you are hungry.

      • According to Dr. Mark Hyman:

        Diet drinks are not good substitutes for sugar-sweetened drinks. They increase cravings, weight gain, and type 2 diabetes and they are addictive.

        The direct and indirect costs of diabetes in America in 2007 amounted to $174 billion. The cost of obesity is also significant, and amounts to $113 billion every year. From 2000 to 2010, these two conditions have already cost us a total of $3 trillion.

        By 2020, there will be fewer than 20 million deaths worldwide from infectious disease, but more than 50 million deaths chronic preventable lifestyle diseases – heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. These are all fueled by the same preventable risk factors: high blood pressure, overweight, physical inactivity, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and smoking.

        But strikingly, 95 percent of private and public efforts and finding focus almost exclusively on combating communicable or infectious disease.

    • Steve,

      I read in “The Daniel Plan” (a book published in 2014, written by Rick Warren, D. Min., Daniel Amen, M.D. and Mark Hyman, M.D.):

      One in two Americans suffer from some chronic disease. Heart disease; diabetes; cancer; dementia; autoimmune diseases; allergies, acid reflux; irritable bowels; neurological problems; depression; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; thyroid, hormonal, and menstrual problems; skin problems including eczema, psoriasis, acne, and more. We spend almost $3 trillion a year on our health care system, and almost 80 percent of that is for chronic lifestyle preventable and reversible disease.

      I would like people to think through their myriad lifestyle choices. Your posted comment will help them do that.

      Please ask any cartoonist to draw a cartoon for me to use, FREE OF CHARGE, in which a physician says “Only you can end illness.”

      Check out my post entitled “Footnote No. 2 in A Mentor’s Journal – High Powered Time Starved Woman Working While She Hurriedly East Breakfast” – about a heart attack about to happen.

      Best regards,


  7. I am a 73 year old female who exercises as much as my body allows. I have moderate heart disease with a 320 Calcium Scoring. and am currently choosing the No wheat, no sugar and no meat and and avoiding oils. I appreciate your sharing such a wealth of information and your many insights about all the conflicts of the professionals regarding heart disease. Your decision to go on the Prevent and Reverse program was encouraging to me as I just have a hard time eating so much saturated fat. I am wondering if you supplement with Omega 3 and eat walnuts and almonds. How strict of a program should one have who has a score of 311. Can you reverse the plaque with adding almond milk, and occasionally eating fish, or do you have to be very strict to reverse the plaque build up.

    Also, I am interested if you have any comments, books to share about bio-identical hormones and if they would help to lower the plaque in the arteries. It seems the right doses of the bio=identical hormones help a host of problems, (bones, heart, brain, sleep) Looking forward to your reply.

    • Thank you for your note.

      I will try to prepare a worthy answer.

      I am in no position to give you medical advice.

      I can’t tell you what to do or what not to do.

      However, I will start or keep the ball rolling with the following six comments:

      1] My first off-hand comment is, I question the use of the word “milk” in the expression “almond milk.”

      2] My second off-hand comment is that in my own life for my own reasons, I don’t eat “nuts” or “seeds” as a result of what John A. McDougall, MD says about “nuts” and “seeds” in his book “The Starch Solution.”

      3] My third off-hand comment is that each individual is unique and lives in unique circumstances and conditions – what works for one individual might not work for another individual because of the uniquesness of each individual and/or because of the uniqueness of each individual’s circumstances and condition.

      4] Each thing an individual does can have a mutlitude of effects, primary effects, dominant effects and secondary effects.

      5] It is important to have a clear goal For example my primary goal is to maintain my mental acuity. I would rather die early and be as sharp as a tack when I die then to live a long life but not be able to think straight, not be able to know who I am, not be able to know who my loved ones are, and not to be able to interact with people in a thoughful and meaningful way.

      6] I would like to be given enough meaningful information from my doctors to be able to make an informed intelligent decision. For example: If I was told to take a “pill” in order to prolong my life by an MD, I would like that MD to tell me how much longer I will be expected to live if I take that pill than if I don’t take that pill. I would also like to be told what kind of effect might that pill might have on my mental acuity and on my sex life. Additionally, I would like to be given a copy of the full report of scientific data upon which my MD’s recommendation to take a given pill is being given.

  8. With holidays approaching people are searching for healthy, unique holiday gifts. Often sending candy. This year I am proud to introduce you to Mrs. Moskowitz’s Munchies, an award winning healthy nut and dried fruit snack in a variety of packaging choices.Munchies will show your friends a thoughtful statement of individuality and good taste.
    Please look at http://www.mrsmoskowitzsmunchies.com and email Susan with any questions or special requests. Please allow time for holiday shipping.

  9. I keep reading that statins “may” have the benificial effect of stablizing plaque.

    Do you know of a study that proves that statins stabilize plaque.?

    Have a great day.

    • There is a study of statin plus time-released niacin, a drug called Advicor, which demonstrated a significant reduction in the size of “plaque” deposits in arteries. After about 7 years of study, the control group with statin had a 35% reduction in CVAs. (Cardiovascular accidents ). The control group with statin plus time-release niacin had a 65% reduction. The study concluded that the drug dissolved liquid lipids and hardened the outer “skin” of the plaque deposit which was the cause of the cva reduction. Of course, the study was funded by the company that makes advicor. My understanding is that calcified plaque deposits are plaques that have been breached releasing the liquid and semi-solid contents into the blood causing transient ischemic events. The transient fluids temporarily block arteries giving a pain that subsides and disappears. This info was provided to me by a cardiac nurse

      • Advicor was approved in 2001. Like all drug trials, if you study the facts, the Advicor trial was/is suspect. The drug companies know what the results are before they start the trial. The numbers always sound great. The “35%” reduction sounds really great, but was does it really mean. Its usually means something like three people out of hundreds that were taking the drug had a cardiac event. Four people who didn’ t take the drug had an event. So 35% more had an event. But that is ONLY ONE PERSON!
        The study hides that five people had serious adverse side effects. So the real results (NNT) you will have to treat hundreds of people for multiple years to prevent one event.

        December 08, 2010
        Washington, DC – Abbott subsidiary Kos Pharmaceuticals will pay more than $41 million “to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from conduct relating to its drugs Advicor [extended-release niacin/lovastatin) and Niaspan [extended-release niacin],” including allegations that it offered illegal kickbacks to physicians prescribing the drugs, the US Department of Justice (DoJ) announced yesterday.
        The settlement resolves allegations that Kos offered and paid money, travel costs, grants, honoraria, and “other valuable goods and services” to doctors, physician groups, and other health professionals in order to get them to use or promote Niaspan and Advicor. The DoJ had also alleged that Kos pushed Advicor as first-line therapy for mixed dyslipidemia, an off-label use of the product that was also not covered by Medicaid programs.

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  14. I know you were talking about Human Behavior but I can only think of the block buster movies coming.

    In this time, as with every year, after the summer solstice we gently slide towards the end of the year until we hit daylight savings then we start the actual run for the end of the year.
    The holiday season looms big in the distance but it seems to some closer and closer every year. The holiday season filled with toys and gifts as well as bitter, bitter disappointments.
    The disappointments I speak of are more from the movies. The block buster season is upon us now, as well as film, music. The big drop date for albums was November, 20, 2015 that is until Adele had a new one coming November 20, 2015 and the other artist freaked out and changed their date to the week earlier. No one wanted to compete with Adele.
    It is a quick side note, but I used the term Artist rather loosely when I looked up the people who moved their date, Justin Bieber and few others on that list I would gladly discuss with anyone about art and artists.
    Back to the movies… I recently went to the new James Bond movie and something occurred to me right away. 1- great opening! Nothing needs to be said. No doubt about it, best Bond opening. 2- The rest of the movie though have kind of lost the Bondequeness of the day.
    I started drifting into, what happened to the playfulness of the Bond characters? Where are the gadgets? Huh? Where? The original Bond movies, the was always the Bond Girl enemy with the ridiculously funny names. Where is Pussy Galore? or Octapussy? Xenia Onatopp, plenty O’Toole, and of course, Dr. Polly Goodhead. These were all strong women types, and not the 98 pound girls we see now. They were women. Reassured, scientist business owners, and some of them were evil of course.
    Even the evil villains are gone. No one wants to steal the moon and make earth pay them for it, no one. Now its all about the I’m too evil for this shirt, too evil for these slacks. I’m evil because I have money and I want more? I’m evil because I sell arms to other countries? Don’t we do that now?
    The gadgets were that part of the movie you looked forward to. “I have a pen that spits rattle snake venom”… nothing. That one I made up. How about the guy who threw his hat and killed people with it? Or the car that was wild with gadgets or the suit that does something, or the toothpaste that implants a listening devices in some ones head… Ok I made that one up too. But you know what I mean. Some cell phone that shoots bullets, but only two so use it wisely? Me again.
    So you get my point. The blockbuster season is here my friends. We have Star Wars Coming, Mocking Jay Part 2, The 33, plus stuff that is trying to be a new Holiday Classics and somewhere soon, Moby Dick. I hope this year we won’t be disappointed.
    Enjoy James Bond Spectre, it is fun but somehow missing something for me. It must need more gadgets. Gotta be the gadgets.

    • KIM, I agree with you:

      Where are the badass women in the latest James Bond movie?

      Relatedly, in western society as a whole, where are the badass men?

      Men in the United States today wear ear rings, ear studs and nose studs.

      What is going on?

      Do “rich” “educated” career oriented women want to have babies today?

      According to an article I recently read: Dylan Lauren, candy entrepreneur and daughter of famed fashion designer Ralph Lauren, hired another woman to carry her baby owing to her (businesswoman’s) busy work schedule.

      “Social surrogacy” is as old as the Old Testament.

      In ancient times there was a substantial risk that a woman would die while giving child birth.

      “Arguably” that is why Abraham made his wife Sarah’s maid Hagar pregnant.

      Hagar gave birth to Ishmael.

      Thereafter, neither Hagar nor Ishmael were treated well or kindly by Sarah or Abraham.

      Could that be a source of Arab hatred of the Jews?

      The Arabs believe themselves to descend from Ishmael, the son of Abraham and Hagar.

      Getting back to today. The risk of death during childbirth is very low.

      On the legal side, in the United States about half the states have laws governing surrogate parenting arrangements, with a good number banning it when money is involved and the rest permitting it with various degrees of regulation.

      As a result of the legalization of “social surrogacy” and modern technology, today procreation decision making is a big deal in the United States.

      Social surrogacy — be it done to preserve the intended mother’s slim physique, complicated work schedule or for some other reason — is widespread ongoing and controversial.

      There is now a “reproductive liberty movement” which celebrates procreative autonomy vested in both the intended mother as well as the gestational carrier. Both the mother to be and the surrogate carrying the baby are believed to have engaged in an activity that expresses their reproductive decision making.

      There is another new development; Many woman are “too posh to push.”

      To preserve their figures and their anatomy, when those women do give birth, they have a c-section followed by a tummy tuck.

      Women now have action heroes in business and on the silver screen.

      There are many beyond badass business women today. A woman runs IBM. A woman runs General Motors. A Woman runs HP. A woman runs e-Bay.

      There are strong physical intelligent female action heroes on the silver screen – guns blazing, sword-swinging highly intelligent lethal ladies.

      I’m talking about Sigourney Weaver in “Alien”; Pam Grier in “Jackie Brown”, “”Foxy Brown”, and “Coffy”; Uma Thurman in “Kill Bill” [Volume 1 and 2]; Anne Parillaud in “Le Femme Nikita”; Linda Hamilton in “Terminator 2: Judgment Day”; Sharon Stone in “The Quick and the Dead”; Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu in “Charlie’s Angeles”; Zhang Ziyi in “Couching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” and in “House of Flying Daggers”; Angelina Jolie in “Tomb Raider”; Gina Carano in “Haywire”; Milla Jovovich in “Resident Evil”; and Charlize Theron in “Mad Max: Fury Road.”

      Here is one reviewer’s description of “Coffy”: “They call her ‘Coffy’ and she’ll cream you!” promised the tagline for Jack Hill’s blaxploitation landmark, which launched Pam Grier to cult-movie stardom as “the baddest one-chick hit squad that ever hit town!” After her little sister is turned into a vegetable by drug abuse, Grier’s tough as nails night-shift nurse Coffy takes on her sister’s dealers with her feminine wiles – and a loaded shotgun. Although the film brazenly hijacks two movements and languages of empowerment – woman’s liberation and black power – while fetishizing sex and violence, Grier is such a forceful presence that she bulldozes right through the assorted gender and racial stereotypes; as Fariha Roisin said of the film, “It’s powerful to see a black woman be powerful, in her own right, for her own self.”

      Many women today do not want to have children.

      Many women today are “harvesting” their “eggs” and freezing their eggs. They do not want to have children “yet” but want to be able to have children later after they have succeeded in a career. They plan to keep their eggs frozen until then.

  15. Dear Gary,
    Yes, I know now that more and more women decide to have a surrogate mother carrying their babies. Some really don’t feel that being pregnant is actually such a nice story… as opposed to the ones who consider carrying another life as an achievement, an accomplishment, even a tradition, and certainly a special time resulting from an act of love.
    At the contrary. Some women nowadays want a child, but don’t have the time or don’t want to stop working. Having a very busy schedule, being quite successful, they don’t wish to stop their business success story in its tracks with a pregnancy.
    I Also have recently discover that other women could simply refuse to carry their own baby for just a vanity reason. It becomes a convenient way to rather have someone else doing it for them. This way, women can keep their own body intact, during and after the pregnancy. They are afraid of being sick, to put on weight, keep the weight after, and they don’t want to take the risk of having their body deformed and don’t want the challenge to go back to their normal figure after 9 months. This is a new trend. Controversial I am sure….
    And it makes me extremely curious to know the exact laws defining what is legal and what is not? Gary? Do you know anything about it?
    Also, how much money do you need to get a surrogate mother?
    But, judgment apart, we live in a time of freedom of choice, and money can buy you so much, I am sure that it will become soon a quiet available and fashionable trend for human reproduction!
    Putting feelings aside, this is a very interesting subject for me, as I can help both sides involved in this new Surrogating choice or liberty.
    As you know I am a certified hypnotherapist, and dealing with emotional issues arising for such a decision, not a small one I would assume, must be intense. On both sides, and for the husbands as well probably. And I am so open to look into alleviating the mind hardship and challenges of such a complex situation. Including the transpsiring of other people’s negative judgment. I am sure these people need help and support in keeping up with their choice and living with it. It does address the many twists and reactions of the mind!
    Very interesting.
    You probably remember that I have already certified in dealing with gender issues. This would be another subject for me to be passionate about and i would love to use my hypnotherapy services as a healing power. Reaching to many scripts, here… Recognize and accept who you are, and the reasons of your choices, your behavior. Motivations, confidence, health, Image, love, self love… It is the idea of mastering your own desires for a better and healthier life, changing to a direction that you have chosen, not holding back but moving forward to a positive and greater future. A one you have chosen.
    My entousiastic self is there already!!!
    I hope you are doing well,
    I have been shaken by the recent dramatic events that have taken place in Paris,
    All my family and friends are safe.
    I thanked them for not being at the wrong place at the wrong moment.
    To hear from you soon,

    • Elizabeth and anyone else would like to comment on the following, please do.

      (1) Someone wrote to me that the title “WOMBS FOR RENT” is ‘objectifying’ and ‘judgmental’;
      (2) Another person wrote to me that the title “WOMBS FOR RENT” is ‘pejorative.”
      (3) No one answered my request to comment on the biblical facts that (a) Abraham impregnated his wife’s maid Hagar because Abraham and his wife Sarah thought Sarah was barren; Hagar bore a son, Ishmael; Ishmael is Abraham’s son.
      (b) As a young child (baby) Moses was put adrift in a basket in the Nile because Moses’ parents refused to follow Pharaoh’s order that all new born Jewish sons be killed.
      (c) Moses was plucked out of the Nile by a member of Pharaoh’s household and grew up in and became a member of Pharaoh’s household.

      Please answer and/or comment on the following questions.

      (1) What is ‘pejorative’ about the title “WOMBS FOR RENT”?
      (2) What is objectifying about the title “WOMBS FOR RENT”?
      (3) What is the action implication and/or moral lesson of the story of baby Moses being set adrift in the Nile rather than being killed as a new born child of a Jew and then being adopted by and becoming a part of Pharaoh’s household?
      (4) What is the action implication and/or moral lesson of Abraham impregnating his wife’s maid Hagar, who bore his son Ishmael?
      (5) Is one of the chief differences between on one hand the members of ISIS and their Islamist culture and on the other hand Western culture that ISIS believes in and has institutionalized sexual slavery, i.e., in so called radical conservative strict Islamic culture women are men’s sexual slaves and in Western culture women are not men’s sexual slaves?
      (6) What can we do to make the human community come together?

      REGARDING ISIS AND RECENT EVENTS IN PARIS, please comment on the following thoughts currently being published in the general public media and being broadcast in ongoing debates and discussions and also in commentary on and in response to the currently on-going political campaigns in the United States.

      (7) ISIS is completely opposed to assimilation or integration.
      (8) Extreme radical Islam is a way of life, an absolutism.
      (9) FUNDAMENTALLY the West is at war with a series of Islamic ideas including ideas about the place of women in society, an ingrained way of living. The West is not fundamentally at war with an army.
      (10) How can one change the ingrained way of life (a) of the majority of Muslims living in a country or (b) of the majority of Muslims living in a region or (c) of over 1 billion Muslims worldwide?
      (11) How can one change the mind set of 700 million to 1 billion Muslims?


      (12) Where does or should political correctness enter this discussion?

  16. It was a pleasure meeting you on Sunday morning at IHOP. Michael always loved and admired your father, I only had the pleasure of meeting him once unfortunately. Can’t wait till I get my eyes on your blogs. Chocolate, movies, and better living… Doesn’t get any better. Btw, this week Ralph’s super markets have a beautifully written article on the history of chocolate, its benefits and a few recipes.
    Looking fwd to reading your blogs.

    Mojy Banayan

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