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“A Declaration of Dependence” by Gary S. Smolker

Talent Call

It is up to us citizens to take the lead in resolving polarizing problems that leaders of our various institutions and organizations have identified.

Black Talent Matters

Whether I agree with the following propositions doesn’t matter.

Whether you agree with the following propositions does matter.

  1. Talent does matter.
  2. We will not be able to move forward in the United States until we rectify the bad past.
  3. Indifference is horrible.
  4. Once a person is indifferent that person can’t empathize.
  5. Indifference will block you (and the rest of our country) from having empathy.
  6. The “Black People” in America need a “make-up”gift because America can never make-up for the fact that having black slaves was once legal and once existed in America.
  7. If you are a “black person” in America you are entitled to squeal for the rest of time because [of course] nothing can make up for what has happened to black people in America.
  8. Saving black people by acknowledging many are talented and therefore demanding they should win an Academy Award trivializes the real issue.
  9. The essence of an “Academy Award” should not be watered down.
  10. Creating a special “Black Talent Matters” make-up gift Academy Award would signify that winning an Academy Award is of no significance.

The solution to all of the above:

  • The Academy of Motion Pictures should have a new “Academy Award Category.”
  • The new category should be called “Black Talent Matters.”
  • Each year each and every Academy member should win an “Academy Award” and should nominate a “black person” in each category of award to win the “Black Talent Matters Academy Award.”
  • If a black person is not nominated to win an Academy Award for any category of awards in a particular year, the eight black people who received the most “Black Talent Matters Academy Award” votes should be nominated for that award — and then Academy members at large [in a run-off election] should choose who will win that award.
  • Insignificance is horrible.  Being insignificant is horrible.  Let’s not make anyone feel insignificant.
  • Let’s not stop with creating a black person must win an “Academy Award”, let’s make everyone a winner.

Since the Board of Directors of the Academy of Motion Pictures (or whatever it is called) have not taken that action yet, please send me your nomination for each category.

After the Academy of Motion Pictures announces it Academy Award winners, I will publish which black person received the most votes in each category.

The Welfare System

How do you suggest we reform the “Welfare System?”

My modest proposal:

Men who can prove they have lived full time with their children and the woman who gave birth to those children for three years should thereafter be paid a yearly sum for each subsequent year they live full time with that woman, but only if

  1. That woman has no more than three children, and
  2. Only if that woman does not buy new clothes for herself more than six times per year.

My reasoning:

  • Children need a “father” who lives with them.
  • Women buy clothes for a lift.
  • Women constantly need a lift.
  • If men want to be paid by the government for “living with a woman” they better keep her fulfilled, happy, so she won’t need to buy so many clothes.
  • Nobody wants to be around an unhappy woman.
  • Government is like a bad parent because it is doing things and because it has done things you would not do to your kids or for your kids unless you are an “all fun” “no discipline” “irresponsible” “Disneyland Dad.”
  • “Disneyland Dads” set their children up for a false sense of the world.

Look For Solutions

Ask not what your country can do for you.

Ask what you can do for your country.

Here are two things you can do for your country immediately:

  1. Send your nominations for who should win the “Black Talent Academy” award for each category of awards granted by the Academy of Motions pictures to me at and send another copy to the Board of Directors of the Academy of Motion Pictures.
  2. I am not Thomas Jefferson.  Therefore, send me (via email) your proposals for provisions to include in the “Declaration of Dependence” — writing “The Declaration of Dependence” will be better if it is the product of our joint collaborative effort.
  3. Let me, and the readers of my blog, know what you think about “Affirmative Action.”

Thank you.

In good humor, I remain very truly yours,

Gary S. Smolker, Publisher
Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange Blog

The two photographs below were taken today (January 26, 2016) at the Starbucks Coffee Shop located in the City of Van Nuys, California, USA located at the corner of Burbank Blvd. and Tilden Avenue.



The photograph below was taken a few weeks before, at Christmas time, in the parking lot.


Copyright © 2016 Gary S. Smolker, All Rights Reserved