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Animal Spirit, Ambition, Drive, Chutzpah, Passion, Persistence, Smart Thinking and Good Timing and Good Luck – by Gary Smolker


Fundamental success, unless your are born rich and/or are connected, comes from pursuing high ambitions, having hustle, being creative, having chutzpah, persistence, drive, stamina, passion, practicing smart thinking, having good luck, being patient, and good timing.

Animal Spirit

Everyone has Animal Spirit.

Whether people acknowledge their Animal Spirit, let it free, or suppress it will make a difference in the life they lead, the adventures they have, how they face the unknown, and will determine how they treat opportunities.

Whether an opportunity will be passionately seized and turned into a success or be put on the back burner and turn into a failure or will not become part of your life depends on whether you throttle your animal spirit.

It Is Best to Adapt to Reality on the Ground

Everybody is re-engineering their life as a result of the pandemic.

It is best to adapt to reality on the ground.

Animal Spirit matters.

Artistic temperament matters.

Taste matters.

Refinement matters.

Personality matters.

The whole picture has to be right.

Success comes down to being ready to seize rare moments of opportunity.

Lessons Learned

Success comes down to rare moments of opportunity.

Gather the right people and resources then commit.

Be open, alert and ready to seize opportunity.

Make decisions when you are ready.

Information is the most important asset in business.

The Right People

The right people never get complacent.

The right people never stop learning.

The right people are receptive to new ideas provided they are thoughtful.

The right people are bold.

They have the confidence and courage to act when the moment seems right.

The right people accept risk where others are cautious and take action when everyone else is frozen, but they do so smartly.

The right people thoughtfully match their passion with their ambition.

Dudes Guide to Women’s Shoes

I am co-publishing Dudes Guide to Women’s Shoes with a friend who is passionate about shoes.

DGTWS is a feel good publication.

DGTWS is publicizing feel good fun fashion.

DGTWS is a source of uplifting shoe fashion information and photographs.

Check out DGTWS shoe fashion picks of the weeks during the past eight weeks of the pandemic.

Below are screen shots of favorite shoe picks published in Dudes Guide to Women’s Shoes in the past few weeks.

Gary Smolker, Co-publisher and Fashion Blogger
Dudes Guide to Women’s Shoes
Copyright (c) 2020 By Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved

Reality On The Ground – by Gary Smolker



Lost In A World that Doesn’t Exist



Can’t Touch This


Elegant Positive Attitude Is A Little Thing that Makes A Big Difference


There Are Some Days I Think I Am Going to Die from An Overdose of Satisfaction



Copyright © 2020 by Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved