LION KING – a movie and value review by Gary Smolker


The new Disney movie “Lion King” is about bullying, a weak man, and a strong woman.

It is subtly a feminist diatribe.

My Favorite Character

My favorite character is a warthog.

Throughout the story the warthog is easy going, doesn’t care about anything, UNTIL hungry hyenas start talking about him.

The hungry hyenas loudly tell each other – in his presence – that he is fat and would make a juicy delicious meal.

His response, is to say he can’t stand being made fun of by anyone.

While this conversation is going on, the Lion King is being attacked by an overwhelming number of hyenas.

The provoked warthog responds to being called “fat” by attacking the hyenas talking about him.

After killing them the warthog goes attacks the hyenas attacking the lion king.

The warthog’s attack is so fierce that all surviving hyenas beat a hasty retreat, saving the outnumbered lion king.

The Lion King is saved by the warthog.

The Lion King Is A Weak Man

Until the very end of the movie, until the final scenes of the movie, the Lion King runs away from his problems.


Feminist believe: “Women have to scrounge around the edges for our share, and let the men think they’re so far above us, we’re just happy to be along for the ride. It won’t always be that way, but it’s the way it is now.”

That isn’t their psychology education talking.

That is their common sense talking.

That is the conclusion they come to from living in this world.

That conclusion, that world view, is supported by Disney’s newly released movie LION KING.

In the new Disney movie, women just hang around until a female lioness, Nala, takes control of a horrible situation.

A Strong Woman

The strongest, bravest, most noble character in the movie is Nala.

Throughout the movie, Nala knows she is part of something bigger.

Nala is raised to know she is destined to be the queen; she will become the queen when her fellow cub, the lion cub Simba, becomes the new king.

Dramatic Tension

After Simba’s father dies – he was murdered by his brother evil brother SCAR – the dead king’s evil brother SCAR becomes king.

Through mismanagement the lands ruled by SCAR goes to ruin.

Dramatic Tension Builds

Nala realizes the end is near for everyone if SCAR remains in control.

Nala stops hanging around with the other lioness, she goes out to find help, she goes out from her den to find someone to overthrow SCAR.

Nala travels far away from her home, travels far away from the den where she hung out with all the other females in her tribe.

Nala finds Simba living haphazardly in a paradise far far away.

Nala convinces Samba to come back home to claim his kingship.


The “Lion King” postures as being about the circle of life, teaching the audience the meaning of life and death.

“Lion King” is actually a politically correct feminist movie about how men need a smart woman; it is about how weak and silly men are.


If you speak Swahili you know Simba is a boy’s name that means “Lion.”

“A Boy Named Sue”

“A Boy Named Sue” is a Johnny Cash song about a boy whose father named him Sue.

The father named his son Sue so that he would grow up strong.

The father knew a boy named Sue would be picked on, would learn to fight to survive, and because of being ceaselessly picked on would become strong, smart and sensitive.

If you are a Johnny Cash fan, you know the “Lion King” isn’t Johnny Cash signing “A Boy Named Sue.”

Being Politically Correct

Names are important.

At a deeply linguistic intellectual level, “Lion King” teaches us a Swahili name “SIMBA.”

CONCLUSION: If a girl is named Simba it is for no other reason than her parents don’t know Swahili or her parents are idiots.


Copyright © 2019 by Gary Smolker, All Rights Reserved


About Gary S. Smolker

PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY: No enterprise can exist for itself alone. Every successful enterprise ministers to some great need, it performs some great service, not for itself, but for others. Otherwise, it ceases to be profitable and ceases to exist. Imagination, open mindedness and flexibility are the most important factors in unlocking potential. Those who embrace innovation, improvisation, continuous learning, time management, are action oriented, high energy, passionate, creative, purposeful and intense individuals are best equipped to succeed. We all have ideas and the ability to make progress by sharing information and our ideas and also by changing our ideas when appropriate. We should always be on the lookout for teaching and mentoring moments. We hold time like water in our hands; however tightly we clench our fingers, it drips away. But, if it falls on a seed, a seed may grow to become something that will have a positive social impact. PERSONAL INTERESTS: I have a passion to learn, to innovate, to lead, to mentor and to teach. I seek to write things worth reading and want to do things worth writing about. I enjoy (a) driving a fast car, (b) having intense conversations (c) teaching/mentoring, (d) reading and (e) being involved in productive activity. PERSONAL: I believe in cultivating and backing passionate people, innovation, and old fashioned good ideas. I love making human connections and spreading good ideas. I am strongly motivated to achieve in situations in which independence of thought and action are called for. PERSONAL GOALS: I want to live life vibrantly, to be as sharp as a tack until my last breath and to change the world by being me. My personal goal is to be fully engaged in life, to lead by example, to set high standards and to continue to amass firsthand experience and knowledge in all that interests me. PERSONALITY: I love fun and mischief. I relish absurdity. I have an irreverent, facetious and satiric disposition. I dread boredom. I have spent a lifetime reading. I have no bias against people who have lived successful and/or complicated lives. I write to release tension, to get things off my chest. SOCIAL MEDIA: I post articles on the "Gary S. Smolker Idea Exchange" blog at, and "Dude's Guide to Women's Shoes" at I also post images and comments on Instagram @garyspassion. CONTACT INFORMATION: Gary Smolker, Smolker Law Firm, 16055 Ventura Blvd., Ste 525, Encino, California, 91436-2609, USA. Phone 1-818-788-7290, e-mail

Posted on July 28, 2019, in Lion King and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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